%%bgcolor white
%%scale 1.0
%%pageheight 21.0cm
%%pagewidth 29.7cm
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%%rightmargin 1.0cm
%%topmargin 2.0cm
%%titlefont Times-Roman 24
%%subtitlefont Times-Roman 18
%%composerfont Times-Italic 10
%%titleformat T, C-1 O1
%%tempofont Times-Roman 9
%%textfont Times-Roman 10
%%dblrepbar :||:
%%header East Anglian Traditional Music Trust
%%headerfont Times-Roman 11
%%footer $F --:- © EATMT $d -:-- printed $D
%%footerfont Times-Roman 11
%%writefields P 0
T:Money Musk
R:fhp 16=4*2+4*2
C:Trad. ed. PJHeadford
O:UK, Norfolk, Cawston and Norwich
S:NWHCM : 1942 105.2 – Norfolk Museums Service SCN0944
N:page 6 tune 2 of MS
F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/Brown_Soffe/X0602-2-Money_Musk.abc 2025-01-31 182119 UT
%%MIDI program 75
g | dGBG dGBe | eGBG ((3ABA) ce | eGBG ((3Bcd) dg | ecAd BG G :||: d |
g2dg Bgeg | gdcg BgA2 | gdfg egcg | ecAd BG G :||: XXX
%%begintext align
%%The original author has a habit of writing noteheads slightly high.
%%All notes above the stave are uncertain, but ledger lines are usually distinct.
%%The MS has no figure 3 on either of the two triplets.