T: Twenty Four Country Dances (for the Year 1802)
%C: Mr Gray
N: Publisher: Charles & Samuel Thompson, London, 1802
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/DftY/1802_Thompson.abc 2024-12-18 181058 UT
%%sep 3 3 400
%%center THOMPSON's Twenty four COUNTRY DANCES
%%center (for the Year 1802)
%%center With Figures to each as they are Performed at
%%center Court, Bath, & all Publick Assemblys
%%center -------- L O N D O N --------
%%center Printed & Sold at the Publishers Warehouse No 75 S.t Pauls Church Yard
N: File names and X: numbers have 3 digits: 2 for the page and 1 for the tune number.
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Sir David Hunter Blairs Fancy
N: has "or Reel" as handwritten insert above title
%R: reel
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.1 #1
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
N: There's an odd squiggle above the final f that's not a common ornament symbol.
K: F
fcde | cdcd | cfa2 | cfa2 |\
b2ga | gaga | {a2}gfef | gec2 :|
afTf2 | cfAc | FAcf | egTg2 |\
afTf2 | cfAc | FAcf | gef2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Right hands across Left hands back
%% again lead down the middle up again
%% and turn your partenr [sic]
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Lady Mary Ramsey
%R: strathspey
M: C|
L: 1/16
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.1 #2
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
N: Rhythm fixed by adding an initial rest and fixing the E/E/EE2 ornaments.
K: D
z2 |\
D6d2 AF3F3B | AF3B3G AF3Fd3 |\
D6 B2 AF3FA3 | BD3A3F EEE2E2 :|
de |\
f2d2df3 e2c2ce3 | d2B2Bd3 A2F2F2de |\
f2d2df3 e2c2cA3 | B2d2A2F2 EEE2E2 ||
de |\
f2d2df3 e2c2ce3 | d2B2Bd3 A2F2FA3 |\
df3ce3 Bd3AB3 | Fd3A3F EEE2E2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Cast of two couple up again lead down the
%% middle up again sett and turn corners lead
%% out sides with your partner
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Parisots Hornpipe
%R: hornpipe, reel
M: C|
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.2 #1
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: G
BA |\
GFGA BABG | cdBc A2dc |\
BdGB AcFc | GBdg G2 |]
AG |\
FGEF D2cB | ABGA F2ed |cBed cBed | cBcA G"^D.C."F |]
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Change sides and back again lead down
%% the middle up again and allemande
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Weald of Sussex
%R: hornpipe
M: C|
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.2 #2
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
N: The slurs are rather poorly printed, and should probably be ignored.
K: D
A>BA>F d>ed>A | B>cd>B A>BA>F |\
A>BA>F d>fd>A | B>cd>B A4 :|
(a/b/a f)f (a/b/a f)f | (g/a/g) e/g/e (f/a/f) ez |\
(a/b/a) ff (a/b/a) ff | (e/g/e) (c/e/c) d4 :|
A>Bc>d c>de>d | c>BA>G F>ED2 |\
f>ga>b b>ag>f | e>fg>a f2 d2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Change sides and back again lead down
%% the middle up again and swing corners
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Kentish Volunteers
%R: reel
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.3 #1
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: G
FGAd | BGGB | AFFA | GFE2 |\
FGAd | BGGB | ceAc | d2D2 :|
fddf | eca2 | dBBd | cAf2 |\
BGGB | AFd2 | ceAc | d2D2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Hand round three on the laydes Side
%% The Same on the Gentleman lead down
%% the Middle up again & turn your Partners
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Union
%R: slip-jig
M: 9/8
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.3 #2
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: G
GAG B2c dBG | ABA c2d e2g |\
GAG B2c dBG | e2e eag f2g :|
gfg gfg afd | gfg agf {f}e2d |\
gfg gfg agf | gfe dcB {B}A2G :|
BGB BGB cAc | def gdB {B}A2G :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Change Sides & back again lead down the middle
%% up again & Swing corners.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Lady Charlotte Campble's Reel
%R: reel
M: C|
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.4 #1
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: Bb
F |\
B3f dBfd | edcB AFcA |\
B2bf dBfd | AGcA dBB :|\
z |\
f2db g2Ee | c2Aa f2Dd |
B2Gg edcB | AF ec dBB2 |\
fdba gfed | cAag fedc |\
BGgf edcB | AF ec dBB |]
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% First Lady sett to the Second Gen.t turn the Third
%% The Gen.t do the Same, lead down the Middle up
%% again to the top & cast off.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Carrick Castle
%R: slip-jig
M: 9/8
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.4 #2
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
N: The B in bar 4 might be a c.
K: G
dBG GAG BAG | dBG GBG efg |\
dBG GBG BAG | ecA ABA cde :|
def gag fed | g2B BcB dcB |\
def gag fed | a2A AcB cBA :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Hands across & back again Lead down
%% the Middle up again & Allemande.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Snug Moorings
%R: waltz
M: 3/8
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.5 #1
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
N: This page doesn't actually have a page number, so it could be wrong.
K: C
(cG).G | (ec).c | f/e/d/e/f/d/ | (BG).G |\
(cG)G | ec (d/c/) | (BG).G | c3 :|
c2g/e/ | (ef).f | B2(f/d/) | ^deg |\
c'2g/e/ | Bce | dB/A/B/G/ | c3 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Turn Three with the first Lady the same with
%% the first Gen.t lead down the Middle up
%% again & Allemande.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Mrs Billingtons Fancy
%R: reel
M: C|
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.5 #2
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
N: This page doesn't actually have a page number, so it could be wrong.
K: C
c/c/c ec Ac fa | gedc BdBG |\
c/c/c ec AcGc | dcde c/c/cc2 :|
g/g/g ag agec | d/d/d de cA G2 |\
A/A/A cA GA ca | ge de c/c/cc2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Change sides & back again, lead down the
%% Middle up again & Poussette.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Farmer Clarkes Frolic
%R: reel
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.6 #1
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: F
c2 (f/e/f/g/) | afaf | bg2f | ec2e |\
f2 (f/e/f/g/) | af2d | cbag | f2f2 H:|
afca | gecg | fd=Bf | {f}e2dc |\
afc'a | gecg | fdc=B | "_ D.C."c4 |]
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Swing your Partner with your Right Hand
%% and turn the Sides with your left then with
%% your Right and your Partner with your left lead
%% down the Middle up again & turn your Partner.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Plowing Match
%R: jig
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.6 #2
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: G
g2b g2b | afd def | gfe dcB | AFD D3 |\
GBG EcA | FdB Gce | dcB AGF | G3 G3 :|
g3 bge | afd def | g3 bge | fdB B3 |\
ceg Bdg | ceg Bdg | Aag fef | g3 G3 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Hands across Quite round back again
%% Lead down the Middle up again and
%% Hands Six Round.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Nic Harrisons delight
%R: slip-jig
M: 9/8
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.7 #1
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
N: The B pickup note makes the rhythm not quite work between the strains.
K: D
B |\
AFD dcd Bcd | egf efd cdB |\
AFD dcd efg | afd cBc d3 :|
afd dcd afd | ecA AcA ecA |\
afd bge afd | Bgf edc d3 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Whole Figure with the top Couple lead down
%% the middle up again and Allemand
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Catton guil
%R: march, reel
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.7 #2
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: D
|: f2f2 |\
d4 efge | dcBA f2f2 |\
a2a2 gfge | d4 H:|\
|: e2A2 |\
g2e2 f2a2 | f2d2 e2A2 |\
f2d2 ^gfge | "^ D.C."a4 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Hands across half round and back again
%% lead down the middle up again Right
%% and left
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Trip to Cromer
%R: reel
M: C|
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.8 #1
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: A
e2ae cecA | dfdB GBGE |\
e2(ae) f2(af) | (ec)(Be) (cA)A2 :|
Aece deBe | ceAc BGE2 |\
agae fgaf | ecBe (cA)A2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Half right and left and back again
%% lead down the middle one Cu: and
%% poussette
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Tom Towells Fancy
%R: jig
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.8 #2
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: A
aec aec | fdB fdB | ecA ecA | BGE E3 |\
aec afd | ecA fga | edc BAG | A3 A3 :|
BdB GBG | cec Ace | fed cBA | BGE E3 |\
Ace Adf | Bdg aec | Bdc BAG | A3 A3 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Change sides and back again lead down the
%% middle up again, Hands four round at top
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Rose in June
%R: waltz
M: 3/8
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.9 #1
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
N: rest added at start of 2nd strain to fix the rhythms.
K: D
A |\
dAA | fdd | age | e>fg |\
afd | d>cd | ecA | A2A |\
dAA | e>fg | fad | ede |
ddd | faf | ddd | d2 H:|\
|: z |\
fff | ecA | {Bc}dB^G | Ace |\
fff | ecA | {Bc}dB^G | "_ D.C."A2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% First Cu: Lead down through the Second Cu:
%% to the top and Hands four Round lead down
%% the Middle and Swing Corners.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Heigh Ho
%R: reel
M: C|
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.9 #2
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: D
fgaf edda | bged cAA2 |\
fgaf gbeg | fedc d2d2 :|
ecAg fafd | ecAg fga2 |\
bgeb afda | gedc d2d2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Whole figure with the top Cu: lead down
%% the Middle up again and turn your
%% Partner.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Honest Ben
%R: jig
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.10 #1
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
N: The f in bar 3 has a dot, which was dropped to fix the rhythm.
K: D
f2a dcd | Bcd ecA |\
f2a (^g/a/b).g | aec A3 :|
g2e g2e | afd cBA |\
Bcd egf | edc d3 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Hands across back again lead down the
%% middle up again and allemance
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Fye my Dear Fye
%R: waltz
M: 3/8
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.10 #2
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: G
gdb | gdb | eee | e2f | gG/A/B/c/ | dBG |\
ADD | D2f | gdg | ece | dBd | cAc |
BdG | AGF | GGG | G3 :||: ddd | eee |\
ccc | ddd | BBB | cAG | FD/E/F/D/ | G3 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Change sides and back again lead down the
%% middle up again and allemande
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Honey Moon
%R: march, reel
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.11 #1
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
N: The 3rd strain has initial repeat but no final repeat; not fixed.
N: There are two "D.C." notations. Does this mean an ABACA repeat pattern?
K: C
cc |\
g2 c'c | {c}BA/G/ eg | fc B/A/B/G/ | c2 H:|\
|: de |\
de f/e/f/d/ | ec de | fef^f | g2 "_D.C.":|
|: ce |\
dc =Bc | G2 ag | fedc | =B2 ce |\
dG df | ec c'^f | g2 c'^f | g2 "_D.C."y|]
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Half right & left & back again lead down the
%% Middle up again Allemande & Swing corners.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Bucks Motto
%R: slip-jig
M: 9/8
L: 1/8
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.11 #2
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: C
cgf edc dBG | ABc dec BAG |\
cgf edc dBG | Afe dcB c3 :|
GEC cGE AFD | dBG GBd fed |\
(g2a) (g2a) (ge).c | cfe dcB c3 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Swing your Partner with your right hand
%% quite Round, the second Cu: do the same, lead
%% down the Middle, & Allemande.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Joke
%R: reel
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.12 #1
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
K: F
cAFf dB2d | cAFA GD2A/B/ |\
cAFf dB2d | cAGc AFF2 :|
fcac fcac | ecgc ecgc |\
Acfa gecB | AGFE F2F2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Hands across & back again, Lead
%% down the Middle up again, & turn
%% your partner.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: La Pipe de Tabac
%R: hornpipe
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1802", London 1802, p.12 #2
F: http://folkopedia.efdss.org/images/4/41/Thompson_24_1802.PDF
N: The f in bar 2 is crossed out with a handritten 'x'.
N: The start of the 2nd strain has A>FA>B handwritten below the G>AB>c notes.
K: G
G>AB>c |\
d2gf e2c2 | (ed)d2 dcAc | B2d2 A2BA |\
G2D2 G>AB>c | d2g2 e3c | (ed)d2 dcA>c | B2d2 A>GA>B | G4 :|
|: G>AB>c |\
c2A2 G2B2 | A>FD2 F>GA>B | c2A2 G2B2 |\
d4 G>AB>c | d2g2 e3c | (ed)d2 dcA>c | B2d2 A>GA>B | G4 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Change Sides & back again, right hands across half
%% round & back again, lead down the Middle up again, &
%% turn Corners.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -