T: lady Harriot Leslies Waltz
R: waltz
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.2 #3
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 3/8
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Missing beat in first part's last bar; fixed with pickup rest.
N: The final repeat implies playing the 3rd part 4 times, but this doesn't seem to fit the dance.
F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/DftY/1803/Bland_Weller/03_Lady_Harriot_Leslies_Waltz.abc 2025-01-19 091601 UT
K: Bb
z2 |\
d2B2B2 | e2c2c2 | A2F2F2 | f2d2d2 |\
d2BcdB | e2c2c2 | A2FGAF | B4 :|
|: !p!f2 |\
ed c2c2 | c4 e2 | def2f2 | def2f2 |\
edc2c2 | c4 e2 | defedc | B4 :|
|: f2 |\
f2d2f2 | g2a2b2 | f2fgfe | d4 !f!(3FGA |\
B2B2 (3FGA | B2B2 (3FGA |[1 BABGAB | c4 :|[2 BABFGA | B4 :|
%%begintext align
%% Set & hands across .|
%% back again :|
%% down the middle up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%% Swing Corners .:|:.