T: Earl of Northesks Strathspey
R: strathspey
Q: "Slow"
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.9 #17
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
N: In other collections as "Niel Gow's Lamentation for Dr. James Moray of Abercairney".
N: The "Do." in the directions probably stands for "Ditto".
M: C|
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/DftY/1803/Bland_Weller/17_Earl_of_Northesks_Strathspey.abc 2025-01-19 090506 UT
K: G
B,2 |\
G,3B,D3G E2G2D2 FG | A^GAB cBA=G {F}E4 E2G2 |\
G,3B,D2G2 E2G2D2 ge | d3B dcBA G4 G2 :|
e2 |\
d2ef g2d2 e2d2b2B2 | Tc2ac TB2gB A4 A3B |\
G,3B,D2G2 E2G2D2 ge | d3B dcBA G6 ||
e2 |\
Td2ef g2d2 e2d2g2B2 | (TcBc)a (TBAB)g A6 Bc |\
{e}d2cB {d}c2BA {c}B2AG {B}A2GF | G2FE DEDB, G,6 |]
%%begintext align
%% The 1st Lady leads down the middle & up again with the 2d Gent: .|
%% the 1st Gent: Do. with 2d Lady :|
%% Cross over :|.
%% hands 6 round :|: