T: 24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes & Reels
C: Bland & Weller, eds. 1803
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes & Reels", 1803, London
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/DftY/1803/Bland_Weller/alltunes.abc 2025-01-19 090022 UT
%%center 24
%%center Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes & Reels,
%%center with their proper Figures,
%%center for the German Flute or Violin,
%%center As Performed at Court & all
%%center 1803
%%center London Printed & Sold at Bland & Wellers Music Warehouse
%%center No. 23 Oxford Street
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Tarry awhile
R: jig
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.1 #1
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The 2nd part has initial repeat, but no final repeat.
N: The "Do." in the directions probably stands for "Ditto".
N: Often played AABA.
K: C
c>dc G2E | G2G G2e | f>gf edc | e3 d3 |\
c>dc G2E | G2G Gce | bec d2e | c3 C2 :|
|: f |\
e2g gfe | fga def | edc {d}cBc | {^c}d2B G2f |\
e2g gfe | fga def | edc {d}cBc | e3 d2 |]
%%begintext align
%% Set & turn hands 3 with the 2d Lady
%% Do. with 2d Gent :
%% down the middle up again & Allemand .
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Hamburg Waltz
R: waltz
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.1 #2
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 3/8
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
K: A
E |\
AGABc2 | cBcde2 | fefga2 | e4cA |\
d2fdB2 | c2ecA2 | B2dBG2 | A4 :|
E2dBdB | E2cAcA | E2BGBG | AGABA2 |\
E2dBdB | E2cAcA | E2BGBG | A4 :|
%%begintext align
%% Set & hands across, back again
%% down the middle up again &
%% Allemand .
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Lady Harriot Leslies Waltz
R: waltz
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.2 #3
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 3/8
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Missing beat in first part's last bar; fixed with pickup rest.
N: The final repeat implies playing the 3rd part 4 times, but this doesn't seem to fit the dance.
K: Bb
z2 |\
d2B2B2 | e2c2c2 | A2F2F2 | f2d2d2 |\
d2BcdB | e2c2c2 | A2FGAF | B4 :|
|: !p!f2 |\
ed c2c2 | c4 e2 | def2f2 | def2f2 |\
edc2c2 | c4 e2 | defedc | B4 :|
|: f2 |\
f2d2f2 | g2a2b2 | f2fgfe | d4 !f!(3FGA |\
B2B2 (3FGA | B2B2 (3FGA |[1 BABGAB | c4 :|[2 BABFGA | B4 :|
%%begintext align
%% Set & hands across .|
%% back again :|
%% down the middle up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%% Swing Corners .:|:.
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Miss Louisa Johnstones Fancy
R: reel
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.2 #4
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The "Do." in the directions probably stands for "Ditto".
K: G
{Bc}d4 c2B2 | gabg d2B2 | Tc3de2e2 | (e4 d4) |\
({Bc}d4 c2)B2 | gabg d2c2 | (BABc) B2A2 | (A4 G4) :|
.B2(Bc) B2d2 | .c2(cd) c2d2 | .B2(B2d2B2) | (B2A2).A2.c2 |\
.B2(Bc) B2d2 | .c2(cd) c2A2 | (BA).B.c B2A2 | A4 G4 :|
Tg2bg Tf2af | Te2ge d2B2 | c3de2e2 | (e4d4) |\
Tg2bg Tf2af | e2ge d2c2 | BABc B2A2 | (A4 G4) :|
%%begintext align
%% Set & hands 3 round on the Ladies side .|
%% Do. on the Gents :|
%% Lead down the middle & up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%% hands 4 at the bottom .:|:
%% Right & left at top .
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Trip to Weymouth
R: reel
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.3 #5
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: C
L: 1/8
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
K: Bb
fgab fdcB | AcTc2 ecTc2 |\
fgab fdcB | AcTc2 dBTB2 :|
DFBd Tc>Bce | dfTf2 bfTf2 |\
[1 DFBd cBce | d<fc<f dBTB2 :|\
[2 (g<e)(f<d) (e<c)(d<B) | A<cF<e dBB2 |]
%%begintext align
%% Set & half right & left .|
%% back again :|
%% Down the middle up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Garnerins Waltz
R: waltz
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.3 #6
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 3/8
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Third part has final repeat but no initial repeat; added.
K: Bb
F2 |\
B4d2 | f4d2 | g2gab2 | f4d2 |\
e2gec2 | A2cAF2 | B2d2f2 | B4 :|
|: !f!F2 |\
FAcecA | FBdfdB | FAcecA | B2d2f2 |\
FAcecA | FBdfdB | FAcecA | B4 :|[K:Eb]
|: !p!de |\
B2B2B2 | B4G2 | F2(AF)(AF) | EGBege |\
B2B2B2 | B4G2 | A2F2D2 | E4 :|
%%begintext align
%% Set & hands across .|
%% back again :|
%% lead down the middle, up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%% Swing Corners .:|:. .
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Fairies Revels
R: jig
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.4 #7
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
K: G
g |\
dBG G2B | AFD D2g | dBG G2B | cde efg |
dBG G2B | AFD D2D | EFG FGE | D3 D2 :||: c2 |
Bcd d2c/B/ | cde e2c/B/ | ABc c2B/A/ | Bcd d2g |
dBG G2B | AFD D2D | EFG FEF | G3 G2 :|
%%begintext align
%% Cast off Couples & up again .|
%% Change Sides & back again :|
%% down the middle up again :|.
%% hands 6 round .
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Parachute
R: waltz
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.4 #8
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 3/8
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Third part has initial repeat but no final repeat. Added final repeat to match the dance.
N: But AABA may have been what was intended.
K: A
a4e2 | c2ecA2 | B2BdcB | A2E2E2 |\
a4e2 | c2ecA2 | B2(Bd)(cB) | A4z2 :|
.d2(Bd)(Bd) | .c2(Ac)(Ac) | B2g2g2 | a4ec |\
.d2(Bd)(Bd) | .c2(Ac)(Ac) | B2g2g2 | a4z2 :|
%%begintext align
%% Set & half right & left .|
%% back again :|
%% down the middle up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Tars of the victory
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.5 #9
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
%%begintext align
%% -- Missing --
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: King Street Assembly
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.5 #10
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
%%begintext align
%% -- Missing --
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Lord Collingwood
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.6 #11
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
%%begintext align
%% -- Missing --
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Mr. Robertson's Reel
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.6 #12
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
%%begintext align
%% -- Missing --
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Madame Ricamiers Waltz
R: waltz
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.7 #13
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 3/8
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
K: F
{e}f2f2a2 | {e}f2f2a2 | g2gfga | b2g2g2 |\
{e}f2f2a2 | {e}f2f2a2 | gagfed | c4 z2 :|
c4 Ac | f2c2c2 | {c}B2G2 GB | A2F2F2 |\
c4 Ac | f2c2c2 | B2G2 EG | F4 z2 :|
!p!A2(AGAB) | c2A2A2 | B2(BABc) | d2B2B2 |\
egbgec | fefcAF | EGBGFE | F4 :|
%%begintext align
%% Set & hands across back again :|
%% lead down the middle, up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%% Swing Corners .
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Aerial Flight
R: reel
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.7 #14
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: C
L: 1/8
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
K: C
g | {f}e2dc GBce | fdec fdec | {f}e2dc GBcd | egde c/c/c c :|
|: f | ecce fddf | ecgc (B/c/d) BG | ecce fdgf | ecdB c2-c :|
%%begintext align
%% Set & Change Sides, .|
%% back again - Cross over two Couple :|.
%% right and left :|:
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Eclipse
C: Compos'd by Mr. W. Ware
R: reel, march
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.8 #15
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: 2nd part has extra 8th-note in repeat; fixed by shortening last note.
K: Bb
F |\
B>cBd | BFFD | B>cBd | cAFA |\
B>cBd | BFFD | GBAc | Bd B :|
|: d |\
e>fge dfBd | c>dcB | AGFA |\
B>cBd | BFFD | GBAc | Bd B :|
%%begintext align
%% Set & half right & left .|
%% back again :|
%% down the middle :|.
%% Poussette :|:
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Mrs Hamiltons of Wishaws Strathspey
R: strathspey
Q: "Slow"
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.8 #16
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: C
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Bar 8 is missing a beat; fixed by making it like the last bar.
K: A
E2 |\
A2A2A2A2 A3GE2G2 | A2A2c2A2 [B6E6]c2 |\
A2A2A2F2 G3AB2c2 | F3B AGFE A4 A2 :|
|: fg |\
a3e agfb a3fe2c2 | A2A2c2e2 f2B2B2 fg |\
a3e agfb a3fe2c2 | E2E2E2 FG A4 A2 ||
fg |\
a3e agfb a3fe2c2 | A2A2c2e2 f2B2B2 cd |\
c2e2e2a2 | f2d2d2b2 | E2E2 E2FG A4 A2 :|
%%begintext align
%% The first Lady Set to 2d Gent: & turn .|
%% the first Gent: set to the 2d Lady & turn :|
%% down the middle up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Earl of Northesks Strathspey
R: strathspey
Q: "Slow"
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.9 #17
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
N: In other collections as "Niel Gow's Lamentation for Dr. James Moray of Abercairney".
N: The "Do." in the directions probably stands for "Ditto".
M: C|
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
K: G
B,2 |\
G,3B,D3G E2G2D2 FG | A^GAB cBA=G {F}E4 E2G2 |\
G,3B,D2G2 E2G2D2 ge | d3B dcBA G4 G2 :|
e2 |\
d2ef g2d2 e2d2b2B2 | Tc2ac TB2gB A4 A3B |\
G,3B,D2G2 E2G2D2 ge | d3B dcBA G6 ||
e2 |\
Td2ef g2d2 e2d2g2B2 | (TcBc)a (TBAB)g A6 Bc |\
{e}d2cB {d}c2BA {c}B2AG {B}A2GF | G2FE DEDB, G,6 |]
%%begintext align
%% The 1st Lady leads down the middle & up again with the 2d Gent: .|
%% the 1st Gent: Do. with 2d Lady :|
%% Cross over :|.
%% hands 6 round :|:
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Mr John Shaw Stewards Strathspey
R: strathspey
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.9 #18
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: C
L: 1/8
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
K: Gm
G |\
DGG>c {Bc}d2Tc>B | AFcF dFcF |\
DGG>c d>efd | c<A fA G2G :|
A |\
Ggg>a {ga}b2ag | fcac fcaf |\
dgg>a {ga}b2ag | fd cA G3 ||
A |\
Ggga {ga}b2ag | fcfg a>gfa |\
gafg dfcf | AFcA {A}G2G |]
%%begintext align
%% Set & change Sides .|
%% back again .|
%% Down the middle & up again :|.
%% Right & left at top :|:
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Earl of Eglintons Strathspey
R: strathspey
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.10 #19
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: C
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
K: D
E2 |\
D2A2A3F D2d2f3e | dB3A3G B2E2E2F2 | D2A2A3F D2d2f3d | B3cd3e {de}f2d2d2 :|
g2 |\
f3de3f g3ef3d | BA3g3f g2e2e3g | Tf3d c2A2 (BABc) d3B | A3ce3g f2d2d2 ||
g2 |\
f3dB2d2 Ad3A2F2 | GB3A2F2 B2E2E3F | D3FE3G F3AG3B | Ad3ce3 d2D2-D2 |]
%%begintext align
%% Set & hands across .|
%% back again :|
%% down the middle & up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The Gooseberry Bush or Epping Forest
R: slip-jig
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.10 #20
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 9/8
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The 2nd part has initial repeat but no final repeat.
K: Gm
D2 |\
G4G2 (B/c/d3)G2 d2B2G2 | F4F2 (A/B/c3)F2 c2A2F2 |\
G4G2 (B/c/d3)G2 d2B2G2 | F2D2F2 D3CB,A, G,4 :|
|: d2 |\
g2d2g2 g/a/b3a2 g2d2g2 | f2c2f2 f/g/a3g2 f2c2f2 |\
g2d2g2 (g/a/b3)g2 g2d2g2 | f2d2f2 c2A2F2 G4 ||
d2 |\
g2d2g2 (g/a/b3)a2 g2d2g2 | f2c2f2 (f/g/a3)g2 f2c2f2 |\
(g/a/b3)a2 g2d2g2 f2c2f2 | (f/g/a3)d2 c2A2^F2 G4 |]
%%begintext align
%% Half right & left .|
%% back again :|
%% Down the middle up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Trip to Paris
R: jig
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.11 #21
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 6/8
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
K: D
FG |\
A6 (Bcd2B2) | A4G2 F2G2A2 | B2c2d2 A2G2F2 | G2E2E2 E4FG |\
A6 (Bcd2B2) | {B}A4G2 F2G2A2 | (B/c/d3)B2 (c/d/e3)c2 | d2D2D2 D4 :|
|: fe |\
d2c2d2 d2e2f2 | e2c2A2 A2B2c2 | d2c2B2 A2G2F2 | G2E2E2 E4fg |\
a2g2f2 b2g2f2 | e2f2d2 c2B2A2 | (B/c/d3)B2 (c/d/e3c2) | d2D2D2 D4 :|
%%begintext align
%% Set & hands across .|
%% back again :|
%% down the middle up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: This is not my ain House
R: strathspey
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.11 #22
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: C
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
K: D
G2 |\
FA3 D2a2 (g2f2e2d2) | (Bcd2) A2F2 B2E2E3G |\
(FA3) D2a2 {g}f4 e2d2 | (Bc)d2 A3F A2D2D2 :|
G2 |\
(FGA2) D2A2 (FGA2) B3A | (FGA2) D2f2 e2E2E2G2 |\
(FGA2) D2A2 (FGA2) TB3A | (Bcd2) (cde2) d2D2D2 ||
G2 |\
(FGA2) D3A (FGA2) TB3A | (FGA2) D2f2 e2 E4 fg |\
af3ge3 fd3ec3 | d3BA2F2 A2D2D2 |]
%%begintext align
%% Cast off 2 Couple .|
%% up again :|
%% down the middle up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%% Turn Corners .:|:.
%% lead outsides ::|::
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Miss Barbara Parkers Fancy
R: strathspey
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.12 #23
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: C
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
K: E
EF |\
G3AG2E2 G2B2B2e2 | f3g agfe {d}c6 {^d}e2 |\
G3AG2E2 G2B2B2 {fg}a2 | g3e (gfe)d (d4 e2) :|
|: (3(edc) |\
BBB2 B3G B2G2B2e2 | ccc2 {b}a2gf e2d2Tc2B2 |\
BBB2 B2G2 B2G2B2{^d}e2 | g3e gfed (d4 e2) :|
%%begintext align
%% Set & Change Sides .|
%% back again :|
%% lead down the middle up again :|.
%% Allemand :|:
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: The General Election
R: march, reel
B: Bland & Weller, eds. "24 Favorite Country Dances, Hornpipes and Reels", 1803, London p.12 #24
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/24_Favorite_Country_Dances,_Hornpipes_and_Reels_(Various)
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Missing half-beat in the last bar, fixed.
N: The "Do." in the directions probably stands for "Ditto".
K: E
g2g2 e2fg | a2a2 f4 | b2b2 g2ab | agfe d2B2 |\
g2g2 e2fg | a2a2 f4 | b2g2e2 fg | fe^dc B4 :|
c2c2c2 ec | B2G2 G4 | A2A2 F2GA | G2E2 E4 |\
c2c2 c2ec | B2G2G2c2 | B2G2 BAGF | E4 E4 :|
!p!(G6 F2) | F2E2 E4 | B6 A2 | A2G2 G4 |\
F6 E2 | D2(B,2C2D2) | (E2G2)B2 zD | (D4 E2)z2 :|
%%begintext align
%% Hands 3 round on the Lady's side .|
%% Do. on the Gents: :|
%% down the middle up again :|
%% Allemand :|:
%% Swing Corners .:|:.