%R: march, reel
B: Elias Howe "The Musician's Companion" 1843 p.93 #1
S: http://imslp.org/wiki/The_Musician's_Companion_(Howe,_Elias)
Z: 2015 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The 2nd strain has final repeat, but no initial repeat; not fixed.
N: The dance description is above the first staff, below the last staff of tune 3 (which starts on p. 92)
N: The long dash in the dance description is a bit odd. Perhaps the preceding figures belong to the previous tune?
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/EliasHowe/MusiciansCompanionP2/20931_Columbian_Sett_tune_4.abc 2025-03-14 212206 UT
K: F
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 name="4"
(A4 c2)c2 | (A4 c2)c2 | (d2B2) (G2c)B | {c}B3A A4 |\
(A4 c2)c2 | (A4 c2)c2 | d2B2 G2E2 | G2F2 F4 H|]
F4 A3A | B2B,2 B,4 | C4 E3E | F3F F4 |\
f3f f2e2 | (e4 d2)d2 | .g2.f2 .e2.d2 | .c2.B2 .A2"^D.C.".G2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - Dance description - - - - - - - - - -
%%begintext align
%% Ladies all chain across the corners,
%% all promenade,
%% -- First two forward and back,
%% swing between the side couples,
%% forward six,
%% turn partners to place,
%% balance four, and turn,
%% next two, &c.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%sep 1 1 300