T: Arkansas Traveler
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.45
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: "Rolling"
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
%Q: 1/4= "134-132 M.M."
F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/ViolaRuth/AdvancedSD.abc	 2024-12-18 173332 UT
K: D
H[D4D4] |: "D"vDEFD B,2B,2 | "Rock"A,A,A,A, D2D2 | "A7"vEEEE F2F2 | vEFED B,2A,2 |
"D"vDEFD B,2B,2 | vA,A,A,A, D2D2 | "A7"vdcdA vBdAG |[1 "D"vFDEC D4 :|[2 "D"FDEC D2 ||
|: (ufg | "D"va)gfa gfeg | "A7"vfedf "A"e(cA2) | "A7"dcdf e2 ((3ABc | "A"vd)cdf "A7"e2(fg |
"D"a)gfa gfeg | "G"vfedf e(cA2) | "D"vdcdA vBdAG |[1 "D"vFDEC D2 :|[2 "D"FDEC D4 |]
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Bake Them Hoe-Cakes Brown
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.73
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: A
|: "A"[c2E2][c2E2] [c2E2][c2E2] | "D"[d2F2][d2F2] [d2F2][d2F2] |\
"A"[c2E2][c2E2] [c2E2][c2F2] | "E"[B8G8] |\
"A"[c2E2][c2E2] [c2E2][c2E2] | "D"[d2F2][d2F2] [f2d2][f2d2] |\
"E7"[e2c2][e2c2] [d2F2][B2G2] | "A"[A8E8] :|
|: "A"[cE]"Rocking bow"[cE][cE][cE] [cE][cE][cE][cE] | "D"[dF][dF][dF][dF] [dF][dF][dF][dF] |\
"A"[cE][cE][cE][cE] [cE][cE][cE][cE] | "E"[B8G8] |\
"A"[cE][cE][cE][cE] [cE][cE][cE][cE] | "D"[dF][dF][dF][dF] [fd][fd][fd][fd] |\
"E7"[ec][ec][ec][ec] [d2F2][B2G2] | "A"[A8E8] :|
|: "A"EEcc EEcc | "D"FFdd FFdd |\
"A"EEcc EEcc | "E"[B8G8] |\
"A"EEcc EEcc | "D"FFdd f3f |\
"E7"e2e2 d2B2 | "A"[A8E8] :|
|: "A"v[c3E3][cE] [c2E2][c2E2] | "D"[d3F3][dF] [d2F2][d2F2] |\
"A"[c3E3][cE] [c2E2][c2E2] | "E"[B8G8] |\
"A"[c3E3][cE] [c2E2][c2E2] | "D"[d2F2][d2F2] [f3d3][fd] |\
"E7"[e3c][ec] d2[B2G2] | "A"[A8E8] :|
|: "A"vME2c2 ME2c2 | "D"vF2d2 F2d2 |\
"A"vE2c2 E2c2 | "E"[B8G8] |\
"A"vE2c2 E2c2 | "D"F2d2 f3f |\
"E7"e2e2 d2B2 | "A"[A8E8] :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Bill Vance
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.69
R: jig
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: G
|: "G"edB edB | G2G B2B | "C"AGE AGE | "G"D3- D2C |
B,DG GFG | "C"EEE A2G | "D7"FEF DEF |1 "G"G3- G2G :|2 "G"G3- G3 ||
|: [D2B,2][DB,] DEF | "C"E2E A2G | "D7"F2F FED | "G"G2G GAB |
D2D DEG | "C"E2E A2G | "D7"FEF DEF |1 "G"G3- G2d :|2 "G"G3- G3 |]
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Blackberry Quadrille
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.61
R: jig
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: G
|: "G"ud2d ed^c | d2B G2B | "D7"A2F D2D | "G"(B2A) G2(B/c/) |\
d2d ed^c | (d2B) G2B | "D7"A2A DEF |1 "G"G3- G3 :|2 "G"G3- G2 ||
|: "G"(B/c/) | d2d e2d | B2d b2b | "D7"c'2d def |\
"G"g2a b2(B/c/) | d2d e2d | B2d b2b | "D7"c'2d def |1 "G"g3- g2 :|2 "G"g3- g3 |]
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Blacksmith's Quadrille
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.27
R: jig
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Q: 3/8= "132-134 M.M."
K: D
|: "D"[AF][AF][AF] [BG][BG][BG] | [AF][AF][AF] f2(f/g/) |\
"A7"[ac][ac][ac] "A"[ec][ec][ec] | "A7"[ac][ac][ac] "D"[f3d3] |
[AF][AF][AF] [BG][BG][BG] | [AF][AF][AF] f2(f/g/) |\
"A"[ac][ac][ac] e(f/e/) |1 "D"[d3F3] [d3F3] :|2 "D"[d3F3] [d2F2] [K:=c] ||
|: [K:G] (e/f/) |\
"G"g3- g(fe) | d3- dcB | "D7"ABc ABc | f2e "G"d2(e/f/) |
g3- g(fe) | d3- dcB | "D7"ABc def |1 "G"g3- g2 :|2 "G"Mg3 Mg3 |]
W:       Call for Star in the Center, Sides Divide
W:       Head Couples Star while the Sides divide;
W:       Right and Left Through the center and sides.
W:       Left-Hand Swing the Corners of the ring,
W:       Swing your own with a Two-Hand Swing,
W:       Swing and whirl that pretty little thing.
W:       Head Coples Star while the Sides divide;
W:       Rithe and Left Through the center and sides.
W:       Left-Hand Swing the Corners of the ring, and
W:       Promenade that pretty little thing that's
W:       Slim around the waist and pretty in the face,
W:       Take your Honey back to place, and
W:       Square your sets with a smile on your face.
W:    Repeat the call three times more with the Head Couples forming the Star while the Side Couples
W: separate; then four times with the Side Couples forming the Star while the Head Couples separate,
W: changing the wording of the call to conform. Eight changes in all %%endtext
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Blacksmith's Quadrille
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.27
R: jig
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: D
|: "D"[AF][AF][AF] [BG][BG][BG] | [AF][AF][AF] f2(f/g/) |\
"A7"[ac][ac][ac] "A"[ec][ec][ec] | "A7"[ac][ac][ac] "D"[f3d3] |
[AF][AF][AF] [BG][BG][BG] | [AF][AF][AF] f2(f/g/) |\
"A"[ac][ac][ac] e(f/e/) |1 "D"[d3F3] [d3F3] :|2 "D"[d3F3] [d2F2] [K:=c] ||
|: [K:G] (e/f/) |\
"G"g3- g(fe) | d3- dcB | "D7"ABc ABc | f2e "G"d2(e/f/) |
g3- g(fe) | d3- dcB | "D7"ABc def |1 "G"g3- g2 :|2 "G"Mg3 Mg3 |]
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Bony Smith's Quadrille
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "Advanced Square Dance Figuress of the West and Southwest" p.48
R: jig
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The notation has a second time signature of 2/4, and each triplet is marked with a "3".
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: C
g |\
"C"geg age | ccc G2c | "G7"Bcd A2B | "C"[cG]BA G2g |
   geg age | ccc G2c | "G7"Bcd A2B | "C"[c3E3] [c3E3] :|
|:"C"G[cE][cE] [cE][cE][cE] | G[cE][cE]    cBA | "G7"G[BG][BG] [BG][BG][BG] | G[BG][BG] BAG |
  "C"G[cE][cE] [cE][cE][cE] | G[cE][cE] [cE]BA | "G7"[e3c3E3] A2B | "C"[c3E3] [c2E2] :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Canyon Quadrille
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.34
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
(cd) |\
"C"e3^d e3=d | c3B (cB)c2 | "F"d3e f3d | A6 ((3ABc) |\
"G"d3d d3c | "G7"B6 {cB}A2 | "G"G2G2 "G7"A2G2 | "C"E6 (cd) |
e3^d e3=d | c3B (cB)c2 | "F"d3e f2d2 | A6 ((3ABc) |\
"G"d3d d3c | "G7"B6 {cB}A2 | "G"G2G2 "G7"A2B2 | "C"c6 (EF) ||
G2G2 A2G2 | E6 (EF) | G2G2 A2G2 |"G7"F6 (Bc) |\
"G"d3d d2c2 | "G7"B6 {cB}A2 | "G"G2G2 "G7"A2G2 | "C"E6 (EF) |
G3G A2G2 | E6 ({F}ED) | C2C2 D2E2 | "F"F6 (Bc) |\
"G"d3d d2c2 | "G7"B6 ({c}BA) | "G"G2G2 "G7"A2B2 | "C"c6 |]
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Chadham County Breakdown
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.121
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
|: "C"ve3g gage | g4- g4 | ee2g edcB | "F"[A8F8] |
"G7"GABG ABGA | BGAB AB3 | "C"cBcG AGEG | [c8E8] :|
|: "C"CB,CD EGAB | [c8E8] | eef2 edcB | "F"[A8F8] |
"G7"GABG ABGA | BGAB A2B2 | "C"cBcG AG(uEG) | v[c8E8] :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Chinese Breakdown
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.24
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
((3vGAB |\
"C"c2)GG AAEF | G6 (vAB | c2)GG AAEE | "G"F2 F4 (vBc |\
d)cde d2(dc) | BABc B2(BA) | GGGG A2G2 | "C"E6 ((3GAB |
c2)GG AAEF | G2 G4 ({G}ED) | vC2C2 D2E2 | "F"F6 (Bc) |\
"G"d^cde d2(d=c) | BABc B2({c}BA) | GGGG A2B2 | "C"c6 :|
|: (ef |\
g2) g4 (fe) | c6 (ef) | g2g2 f2d2 | "F"A6 (de) |\
"G"fefg fedc | BABc B2({c}BA) | G2G2 A2G2 | "C"E6 (ef |
g2) g4 (fe) | c6 (ef) | g2g2 f2d2 | "F"A6  (Bc) |\
"G"d^cde d2(d=c) | BABc B2({c}BA) | GGGG A2B2 | "C"c6 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Cripple Creek
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.29
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Added missing "A" chords in 1st ending and last bar.
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
|: "A"cBcA BBAB | cBc2 E4 | cBcA BBAF |[1 "E"EAAB "A"A4 :|[2 "E"EAAB "A"A2 ||
((3efg) | "A"agae fecA | "D"dddf "A"e2(cA) | "D"dddf "A"ecBA | "D"dddf "A"e2((3efg) | agae fecA |
"D"dddf "A"e4 | cBcA BBAF | "E"EAAB "A"A2 || ((3efg) | "A"agae fecA | "D"dddf "A"e2((3efg) |
agae fecA | "D"dddf "A"e2((3efg) | agae fecA | "D"dddf "A"e4 | cBcA BAFE | "E"EAAB "A"A4 |]
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Don't You Want To Go To Heaven, Uncle Joe?
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "Advanced Square Dances of the West and Southwest" p.127
N: This is a variant of the Scottish "Miss McLeod's Reel"
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: G
|: "G"GABc dBGA |    B2(BA) B2A2 | "G"GABc dBGB |"D7"A2(AB)  A2z2  |
   "G"GABc dBGA |    B2(BA) B2d2 | "C"e3d  efgd | "G"B2A2 "G"G2z2 :|
|: "G"G2g2 efgd | "G"B2(BA) B2A2 | "G"G2g2 efge |"D7"a3b     a4    |
   "G"G2g2 efge | "G"B2(BA) B2d2 | "C"e3d  efgd | "G"B2A2 "G"G4   :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Durangs Hornpipe (OLD WAY)
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
|: "C"MC2E2 MC2E2 |    Ac2A GFED |     MC2E2 MC2E2 | "G7"D3D     D4     |
   "C"MC2E2 MC2E2 | "F"Ac2A GFED | "G7" eg2e  ged2 | "C"[c4E4-] [c4E4] :|
|: "C"eg2e   dccc | "F"Ac2A GFED | "G7"MF2F2 ME2E2 |     D3E     D4     |
   "C"eg2e   dccc | "F"Ac2A GFED | "G7" eg2e  ged2 | "C"[c4E4-] [c4E4] :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Durang's Hornpipe
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.37
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
|: "C"MC2E2 MC2E2 | (Ac2)A GFED | MC2E2 MC2E2 | "G7"D3D D4 |
"C"MC2E2 MC2E2 | (Ac2)A GFED | "G7"eg2e ged2 | "C"[c4-E4-] [c4E4] :|
|: (veg2)e dccc | "F"(vAc2)A GFED | "G"MF2F2 ME2E2 | D3E D4 |
"C"(veg2)e dccc | "F"(vAc2)A GFED | "G7"(veg2)e ged2 | "C"[c4-E4-] [c4E4] :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Eighth Of January
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
|: "C"[e2e2](ef) e2e2 | "F"dedc A2((3ABc) | "G7"d2(de) d2(AB) | "C"cAGE C4 :|
"C"G2(GA) G2(EF) | GAGE "G7"D2(EF) | "C"G2(GA) G2(EF) | "G7"GFED "C"C2(EF) |
   G2(GA) G2(EF) | GAGE "G7"D2(EF) | "C"G2(GA) G2(EF) | "G7"GFED "C"C4 |]
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Fall of Paris
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.58
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: G
G2 |\
"G"u[BG][BG][BG][BG] [BG][BG][BG][BG] | d3B B3A | [BG][BG][BG][BG] [BG][BG][BG][BG] | "D"A3[GB,] "G"[G3B,3]A |
[BG][BG][BG][BG] [BG][BG][BG][BG] | d3B B3B | "D7"ABAG E2F2 |1 "G"G4 G2 :|2 "G"G4 G4 ||
|: "G"g2f2 g2e2 | (d2B2) G4 | gggg a2b2 | "C"e3e e2(fg) |
"D7"a2b2 a3g | "G"dcBA G3G | "D7"[BG][BG][BG][BG] E2F2 |1 "G"[G4B,4] [GB,](def) :|2 "G"[G4B,4] [G2B,2] |]
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Flop-Eared Mule
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.87
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Fixed weird endings by merging them.
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: G
|: "G"dedB dedB | dedB G2G2 | "D7"FGAB cBcA | "G"GABc d2d2 |
"G"dedB dedB | dedB G2G2 | "D7"FGAB cAFD | "G"MG2MG2 MG2z2 :|
|: {f}"G".[b2d2].[b2d2] M[g2B2]M[g2B2] | dedB MG2MG2 | "D7"FGAB cBcA | "G"GABc Md2Md2 |
"G"{f}[b2d2][b2d2] M[g2B2]M[g2B2] | dedB MG2MG2 | "D7"FGAB cAFD | "G"G2G2 G2z2 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Galloping Horses
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.83
R: jig
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Fixed weird endings by merging them.
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: D
z | "D"DFA DFA | "G"DGB DGB | "D"DFA DFA | "A"A,CE EFE |
    "D"DFA DFA | "G"DGB uMB2- MB | "A"A2d cBA | "D"d3- d2 :|
|: e | "D"fed AFA | "G"BFB "D"u(A2Mf) | "A7"gfe ABc | "D"dcB uMA2- MA |
       "D"fed AFA | "G"BFB "D"(A2MA) | "A7"gfe ABc | "D"Md3- Md2 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Golden Slippers    [G]
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.109
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: G
(GA) |\
"G"B2B2 BAGA | B2B2 B2(GA) |\
B2B2 c2B2 | B2"D7"A2 A2(FG |\
A2)A2 AGFG |
A2A2 A2(FG | A)Acc BBAA |\
[1 "G"A2[G4B,4] :|\
[2 "G"A2 G6 ||\
"G"D6 (GA) |
B2A2 GD3 |\
"C"[E6C6] (GA) | "D7"c2B2 AG3 |\
F3E F2G2 | A3^G A2((3DEF |\
"G"G3)F G2A2 | B8 |
[D6B,6] (GA) | B2A2 GD3 |\
"C"[E6C6] (AB) | c2B2 A2G2 |\
"D7"F3E F2G2 | A3A c3c |\
B3c B2A2 | "G"G6 |]
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Half Way
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.91
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
z2 |\
"C"uC2[EC][EC] [EC][EC][EC][EC] | "F"uA,[FA,][FA,] [FA,][FA,][FA,][FA,] |\
"G"G2[B2G2] [B2G2](Bc) | "G7"vdcBA GFED |
"A"uMC2[EC][EC] [EC][EC][EC][EC] | "F"uA,[FA,][FA,] [FA,][FA,][FA,][FA,] |\
"G"G2(Bc) d2B2 | "C"[c6E6] :|
|: d2 |\
"C"[e3c3][ec] [e2c2][e2c2] | d2c2 A2G2 |\
"G"g3g "G7"g2^fg | agec A2G2 |
"C"[e3c3][ec] [e2c2][e2c2] | d2c2 A2G2 |\
"G"g2^fg "G7"a2g2 | "C"c6 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Haste To The Wedding
O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.116
R: jig
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: D
(FG) |\
"D"AFA Afe | "G"dcd fdB | "D"AFA AGF | "A7"EFE E2(F/G/) |
"D"AFA Afe | "G"dcd fdB | "A7"AFA Afe | "D"d3- d2 :|
|: (f/g/) |\
afa afa | afa bgg | "G"geg geg | geg afg |
"D"a3 f3 | "G"ede fdB | "A7"AFA Afe | "D"d3- d2 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Jumping Cactus
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.96
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: G
|: "G"[bd][bd][bd][bd] [b2d2][a2c2] | [gB][gB][gB][gB] [g2B2][f2A2] |\
"C"[ec][ec][ec][ec] [e2c2][d2F2] | "D7"c2B2 A4 |
[ac][ac][ac][ac] [a2c2][g2B2] | [f6d6] (fe) | d2d2 e2f2 | "G"[g4-B4-] [g4B4] :|
|: "G"MG2MA2 MB2Mc2 | "(D)"[d6F6] (Bc) | "G"d2(Bc) d2B2 | "D"[A6F6] AA |
MD2MF2 MA2MB2 | "D7"[e6c6] d2 | f3e d2(ef) | "G"g2g2 g2z2 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Mississippi Sawyer
O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.64
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: D
(vfg |\
"D"a2)(a^g) a2ag | a2a2 bagf |\
"A7"g2(gf) g2(gf) | g2g2 agfe |
"D"f2(fe) f2(fe) | "G"defg a2a2 |\
"A7"f2f2 (efe2) | "D"Md4- Md2 :|
|: ((3vABc |\
"Rocking bow"[dF])[dF][fd][fd] [dF][dF][fd][fd] | defg agfe |\
"A7"[cE][cE][ec][ec] [cE][cE][ec][ec] | cdef (gf)e2 |
"D"[dF][dF][fd][fd] [dF][dF][fd][fd] | defg a2a2 |\
"A7"f2f2 efe2 | "D"d4- ud2 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Old Kentucky
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.40
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: D
(dB) |\
"D"A2F2 FEDF | A2F2 F2(dB) | A2F2 FEDF | "A7"G2[A2E2] [A2E2](dB) |
"D"A2F2 FEDF | "G"A2d2 fgfe | "A7"d2[A2F2] ABAG |[1 "D"F2D2 D2 :|[2 "D"F2D2 D4 ||
|: "D"Ad2f eeff | d2f2 [A4F4] | Ad2f fefg | "A7"a3e e4 |
"D"f3a abaf | "G"d2e2 f3e | "D"d2A2 "A7"ABAG | "D"F2[D2A,2] [D4A,4] :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Old Missouri
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.124
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: D
((3vABc |\
"D"d2)A2 F2A2 | vd2uMD2- MD2 ((3vABc | d2)A2 F2A2 | "A7"vB2uME2- ME2 ((3vABc |
"D"d2)A2 F2A2 | "G"B2g2 f2e2 | "A"cBcB "A7"A2f2 | "D"f2d2 d2 :|
|: (fg) | "D"a2f2 g2e2 | f2Md2- Md2((fg) | a2)f2 g2a2 | "A7"b3Me- Me2((fg) |
"D"a2)f2 g2e2 | fdef e2c2 | "A"d2B2 "A7"A2f2 | "D"f2d2 d2 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Ragtime Annie
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "Advanced Square Dances of the West and Southwest" p.138
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: D
"(Rocking bow)"((3DEF) |\
"D"[AF][AF][BF][BF] [AF][AF]"D7"[BF][BF] |\
[AF][AF][BF][BF] [A2F2]((3DEF) |\
[AF][AF][BF][BF] [AF][AF]"D7"[BF][BF] |
"A"[AF][c2G2][cG] [c2G2][c2G2] |\
[AG][BG][cG][AG] [BG][cG][AG][BG] |\
[cG][A2G2][BG] c3B |\
[AF]Bcd egfe |
[1 "D"dcdB "A"A2 :|[2 "D"d6 |: (fg) |\
"D"a6 (fd) | [A6F6] (fg) | a4 g4 | [B6G6] "G"(ef) |
gfef gfef | gfed c4 | [cG][cG][cG][cG] [BG][BG][BG][BG] |\
"D"[A6F6] (fg) | a6 (fd) |
[A6F6] (fg) | a4 g4 | "G"[B8G8] | bb2b b2g2 |\
"D"f[a2d2]a a2a2 | "A"ABcd egfe | "D"[d4F4] [d2F2] |]
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Run, Johnny, Run
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.104
R: jig
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: G
z |\
"G"D[GB,][GB,] [GB,][GB,][BG] | [GB,][GB,][GB,] [GB,][GB,][BG] |\
"G"[GB,][GB,][GB,] [GB,][GB,][BG] | [GB,][GB,][GB,] [GB,][GB,][BG] |\
"D7"ADD DEF | "G"G3 G2 :|
|: (B/c/) |\
"G"ddB ddB | GGG G2(B/c/) | "C"eee eec | "D7"AAA A2(B/c/) |
"G"ddB ddB | GGG G2B | "D7"ADD DEF | "G"G3 G2 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Ruth's Quadrille
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.100
N: Did Ruth compose this tune?
R: jig
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: A
((3e/f/g/) |\
"A"a2c cBA | cBA E2((3e/f/g/) | a2c cBA | "E7"cBA B2((3e/f/g) |
"A"a2c cBA | cBA E2(A/B/) | "E7"c2c BcB | "A"A3- A2 :|
|: z |\
"A"[ec][ec][ec] [ec][ec][ec] | vfec e3 | [ec][ec][ec] [ec][ec][ec] | "E7"fec B3 |
"A"[ec][ec][ec] [ec][ec][ec] | fec e2((3e/f/g/) | "E7"a2c c2c | BcB "A"A2 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Sally Johnson
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.54
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: G
((3EFvG |\
"G"B3)uB vAAGG | vDGBd e(ufg2) | B3B AAGG | "D7"DEGB A2MG-uMG |
"G"vB3B AAGG | DGBd e(fg2) | "D"gedB AGED | DEGB "A"AMG-MG ||
"G"vg2(ga) b2(ba) | "Em"gagd (veug3) | "G"g2(ga) b2(ba) | "Em"gagd veud3 |
"G"g2(ga) b2(ba) | "Em"gagd veug3 | "G"B2({c}BA) G2D2 | "D7"EGGB "G"(vAG)uG2 ||
"Rocking bow"v[DB,][DB,][DB,][DB,] [DA,][DA,][DG,][DG,] | v[DB,][DB,]DD (EFG2) |\
"Rocking bow"v[DB,][DB,][DB,][DB,] [DA,][DA,][DG,][DG,] | "D"BcB(^G A4 ) |
"Rocking bow"v[DB,][DB,][DB,][DB,] [DA,][DA,][DG,][DG,] | v[DB,][DB,]DD (uEFG2) |\
"D7"vgedB AGED | DEGB vA"G"uG3 ||
"Em"uB2({c}uBA) vGEFG | Bdef g4 | B2({c}BA) GEFG | "D7"EGG(uA "G"G4) |
"Em"B2({c}BA) GEFG | Bdef g4 | B2({c}BA) GEFG | "D7"EGGvA "G"uG2 |]
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Sally, There's A Bug On Me
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.113
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Added "obvious" g-sharps in bar 15.
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: D
|: "D"A3d fgfe | d2F2 A3d | "A"c2E2 G3B | "D"A2D2 F4 |
   "D"A3d fgfe | d2F2 A3d | "A"Mc2MA2 MB2Mc2 | "D"d4 d4 :|
|: "A"[e3c3]f [e3c3]f | [e3c3]a [e4c4] | "E"b2ba f2f^g | "A"a2c2 e4 |
   "A"[e3c3]f [e3c3]f | [e3c3]a [e4c4] | "E"b2ba f2^g2 | "A"a4 a4 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Waggoner
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
|: "C"C2(EF) G2(AB) | cBAB cBc2 | "G7"D3D D2d2 | dcBc dcBA |
   "C"C2(EF) G2(AB) | cBAB cdef | "G7"g3^f gag=f | "C"e2Mc2 Mc2 :|
|: (gf) |\
  "C"e2c2 c2c2 | cdef gage | "G7"d2G2 G2G2 | GABc d2(gf) |
  "C"e2c2 c2c2 | cdef g2e2 | "G7"a3g abag | "C"e2c2 c2 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Waggoner
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.77
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Incorrect note lengths in endings fixed; endings merged.
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
z2 | "C"C2(EF) G2(AB) | cBAB c(Bc2) | "G7"D3D D2d2 |
dcBc dcBA | "C"C2(EF) G2(AB) | cBAB cdef |
"G7"g3^f gag=f | "C"e2c2 c2 |: (gf) | "C"e2c2 c2c2 |
cdef gage | "G7"d2G2 G2G2 | GABc d2(gf) |
"C"e2c2 c2c2 | cdef g2e2 | "G7"a3g abag | "C"e2c2 c2 :|
%%sep 1 1 500

T: Walking Up Town
%O: from Viola Ruth
B: Lee Owens "Advanced Square Dance Figures of the West and Southwest" p.134
N: Added "obvious" G7 chord in bar 15.
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
"C"(GuF) |\
vE2G2 c2f2 | e3^d e(=duc2) | "F"A2^GA d(cuA2) | "C"G6 (uGF) |
vE2G2 c2f2 | ve3^d e(=dc2) | "D7"vd^cde v^fdef | "G"vg6 (uGF) |
"C"vE2G2 c2f2 | e3^d e(=dc2) | "F"A^GA2 d(cuA2) | "C"G6 (GF) |
E2G2 c2f2 | "A7"e3^d e(=dc2) | "D7"dedc "G7"BGAB | "C"vc6 z2 ||
vg^fg^g a(gue2) | c4 e4 | "F"A^GA2 d(cuA2) | "C"G6 z2 |
vg^fg^g a(gue2) | c4 e4 | "D7"d^cde ^fdef | "G"vg4- g4 |
vg^fg^g a(gue2) | c4 e4 | "F"A^GA2 d(cuA2) | "C"vG6 (uGF) |
vE2G2 c2f2 |"A7"e3^d e(=duc2) | "D7"vdedc "G"BGAB | "C"vc6 |]

[get.cgi V=1/1 B=0 scale=0.55 512x512 ]
Tune-99288-AdvancedSD.abc 20254 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-99288-AdvancedSD.txt 20254 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-99288-get.log 20116 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.