T: Bony Smith's Quadrille
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "Advanced Square Dance Figuress of the West and Southwest" p.48
R: jig
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The notation has a second time signature of 2/4, and each triplet is marked with a "3".
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/ViolaRuth/AmericanSD.abc 2024-12-18 181435 UT
K: C
g |\
"C"geg age | ccc G2c | "G7"Bcd A2B | "C"[cG]BA G2g |
geg age | ccc G2c | "G7"Bcd A2B | "C"[c3E3] [c3E3] :|
|:"C"G[cE][cE] [cE][cE][cE] | G[cE][cE] cBA | "G7"G[BG][BG] [BG][BG][BG] | G[BG][BG] BAG |
"C"G[cE][cE] [cE][cE][cE] | G[cE][cE] [cE]BA | "G7"[e3c3E3] A2B | "C"[c3E3] [c2E2] :|
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Don't You Want To Go To Heaven, Uncle Joe?
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "Advanced Square Dances of the West and Southwest" p.127
N: This is a variant of the Scottish "Miss McLeod's Reel"
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: G
|: "G"GABc dBGA | B2(BA) B2A2 | "G"GABc dBGB |"D7"A2(AB) A2z2 |
"G"GABc dBGA | B2(BA) B2d2 | "C"e3d efgd | "G"B2A2 "G"G2z2 :|
|: "G"G2g2 efgd | "G"B2(BA) B2A2 | "G"G2g2 efge |"D7"a3b a4 |
"G"G2g2 efge | "G"B2(BA) B2d2 | "C"e3d efgd | "G"B2A2 "G"G4 :|
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Durangs Hornpipe (OLD WAY)
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
|: "C"MC2E2 MC2E2 | Ac2A GFED | MC2E2 MC2E2 | "G7"D3D D4 |
"C"MC2E2 MC2E2 | "F"Ac2A GFED | "G7" eg2e ged2 | "C"[c4E4-] [c4E4] :|
|: "C"eg2e dccc | "F"Ac2A GFED | "G7"MF2F2 ME2E2 | D3E D4 |
"C"eg2e dccc | "F"Ac2A GFED | "G7" eg2e ged2 | "C"[c4E4-] [c4E4] :|
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Eighth Of January
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
|: "C"[e2e2](ef) e2e2 | "F"dedc A2((3ABc) | "G7"d2(de) d2(AB) | "C"cAGE C4 :|
"C"G2(GA) G2(EF) | GAGE "G7"D2(EF) | "C"G2(GA) G2(EF) | "G7"GFED "C"C2(EF) |
G2(GA) G2(EF) | GAGE "G7"D2(EF) | "C"G2(GA) G2(EF) | "G7"GFED "C"C4 |]
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Peek-A-Boo Waltz
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
N: A version of the Scandinavian "Svenskarnas valz" (or "Svensk Annas vals")
R: waltz
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
K: G
("G"d2 b2 a2) | (g2 f2 e2 ) | (d2 B2 e2) | d4 Md-Md | ("C"e2 c'2 b2) |
("D"a2 e2 f2) | "G"g6- | g4 || "DANCE"(Bc) | ("G"d2 b2 a2) | (g2 f2 e2) | (d2 B2 e2) |
d4 (Bc) | (d2 b2 a2) | (g2 f2 g2) | "D"a3 (gab) | a4 (Bc) | ("G"d2 b2 a2) |
(g2 f2 e2) | (d2 B2 e2) | d4 (Md-Md) | ("C"e2 c'2 b2) | ("D"a2 e2) Mf-Mf- | g4 ||
"CHORUS"(Bc) |\
(d4 g2) | (d4 Md2) | ("C"e4 c'2) | (e4 g2) | "D7"f3 (efg) | ("D7"b4 a2) | G6- | G4 |]
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Ragtime Annie
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "Advanced Square Dances of the West and Southwest" p.138
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: D
"(Rocking bow)"((3DEF) |\
"D"[AF][AF][BF][BF] [AF][AF]"D7"[BF][BF] |\
[AF][AF][BF][BF] [A2F2]((3DEF) |\
[AF][AF][BF][BF] [AF][AF]"D7"[BF][BF] |
"A"[AF][c2G2][cG] [c2G2][c2G2] |\
[AG][BG][cG][AG] [BG][cG][AG][BG] |\
[cG][A2G2][BG] c3B |\
[AF]Bcd egfe |
[1 "D"dcdB "A"A2 :|[2 "D"d6 |: (fg) |\
"D"a6 (fd) | [A6F6] (fg) | a4 g4 | [B6G6] "G"(ef) |
gfef gfef | gfed c4 | [cG][cG][cG][cG] [BG][BG][BG][BG] |\
"D"[A6F6] (fg) | a6 (fd) |
[A6F6] (fg) | a4 g4 | "G"[B8G8] | bb2b b2g2 |\
"D"f[a2d2]a a2a2 | "A"ABcd egfe | "D"[d4F4] [d2F2] |]
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Waggoner
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
|: "C"C2(EF) G2(AB) | cBAB cBc2 | "G7"D3D D2d2 | dcBc dcBA |
"C"C2(EF) G2(AB) | cBAB cdef | "G7"g3^f gag=f | "C"e2Mc2 Mc2 :|
|: (gf) |\
"C"e2c2 c2c2 | cdef gage | "G7"d2G2 G2G2 | GABc d2(gf) |
"C"e2c2 c2c2 | cdef g2e2 | "G7"a3g abag | "C"e2c2 c2 :|
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Bony Smith's Quadrille
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "Advanced Square Dance Figuress of the West and Southwest" p.48
R: jig
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The notation has a second time signature of 2/4, and each triplet is marked with a "3".
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: C
g |\
"C"geg age | ccc G2c | "G7"Bcd A2B | "C"[cG]BA G2g |
geg age | ccc G2c | "G7"Bcd A2B | "C"[c3E3] [c3E3] :|
|:"C"G[cE][cE] [cE][cE][cE] | G[cE][cE] cBA | "G7"G[BG][BG] [BG][BG][BG] | G[BG][BG] BAG |
"C"G[cE][cE] [cE][cE][cE] | G[cE][cE] [cE]BA | "G7"[e3c3E3] A2B | "C"[c3E3] [c2E2] :|
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Don't You Want To Go To Heaven, Uncle Joe?
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "Advanced Square Dances of the West and Southwest" p.127
N: This is a variant of the Scottish "Miss McLeod's Reel"
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: G
|: "G"GABc dBGA | B2(BA) B2A2 | "G"GABc dBGB |"D7"A2(AB) A2z2 |
"G"GABc dBGA | B2(BA) B2d2 | "C"e3d efgd | "G"B2A2 "G"G2z2 :|
|: "G"G2g2 efgd | "G"B2(BA) B2A2 | "G"G2g2 efge |"D7"a3b a4 |
"G"G2g2 efge | "G"B2(BA) B2d2 | "C"e3d efgd | "G"B2A2 "G"G4 :|
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Durangs Hornpipe (OLD WAY)
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
|: "C"MC2E2 MC2E2 | Ac2A GFED | MC2E2 MC2E2 | "G7"D3D D4 |
"C"MC2E2 MC2E2 | "F"Ac2A GFED | "G7" eg2e ged2 | "C"[c4E4-] [c4E4] :|
|: "C"eg2e dccc | "F"Ac2A GFED | "G7"MF2F2 ME2E2 | D3E D4 |
"C"eg2e dccc | "F"Ac2A GFED | "G7" eg2e ged2 | "C"[c4E4-] [c4E4] :|
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Eighth Of January
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
|: "C"[e2e2](ef) e2e2 | "F"dedc A2((3ABc) | "G7"d2(de) d2(AB) | "C"cAGE C4 :|
"C"G2(GA) G2(EF) | GAGE "G7"D2(EF) | "C"G2(GA) G2(EF) | "G7"GFED "C"C2(EF) |
G2(GA) G2(EF) | GAGE "G7"D2(EF) | "C"G2(GA) G2(EF) | "G7"GFED "C"C4 |]
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Ragtime Annie
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "Advanced Square Dances of the West and Southwest" p.138
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: D
"(Rocking bow)"((3DEF) |\
"D"[AF][AF][BF][BF] [AF][AF]"D7"[BF][BF] |\
[AF][AF][BF][BF] [A2F2]((3DEF) |\
[AF][AF][BF][BF] [AF][AF]"D7"[BF][BF] |
"A"[AF][c2G2][cG] [c2G2][c2G2] |\
[AG][BG][cG][AG] [BG][cG][AG][BG] |\
[cG][A2G2][BG] c3B |\
[AF]Bcd egfe |
[1 "D"dcdB "A"A2 :|[2 "D"d6 |: (fg) |\
"D"a6 (fd) | [A6F6] (fg) | a4 g4 | [B6G6] "G"(ef) |
gfef gfef | gfed c4 | [cG][cG][cG][cG] [BG][BG][BG][BG] |\
"D"[A6F6] (fg) | a6 (fd) |
[A6F6] (fg) | a4 g4 | "G"[B8G8] | bb2b b2g2 |\
"D"f[a2d2]a a2a2 | "A"ABcd egfe | "D"[d4F4] [d2F2] |]
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Waggoner
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
R: reel
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
|: "C"C2(EF) G2(AB) | cBAB cBc2 | "G7"D3D D2d2 | dcBc dcBA |
"C"C2(EF) G2(AB) | cBAB cdef | "G7"g3^f gag=f | "C"e2Mc2 Mc2 :|
|: (gf) |\
"C"e2c2 c2c2 | cdef gage | "G7"d2G2 G2G2 | GABc d2(gf) |
"C"e2c2 c2c2 | cdef g2e2 | "G7"a3g abag | "C"e2c2 c2 :|
%%sep 2 1 500
T: Peek-A-Boo Waltz
S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest"
N: A version of the Scandinavian "Svenskarnas valz" (or "Svensk Annas vals")
R: waltz
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
K: G
("G"d2 b2 a2) | (g2 f2 e2 ) | (d2 B2 e2) | d4 Md-Md | ("C"e2 c'2 b2) |
("D"a2 e2 f2) | "G"g6- | g4 || "DANCE"(Bc) | ("G"d2 b2 a2) | (g2 f2 e2) | (d2 B2 e2) |
d4 (Bc) | (d2 b2 a2) | (g2 f2 g2) | "D"a3 (gab) | a4 (Bc) | ("G"d2 b2 a2) |
(g2 f2 e2) | (d2 B2 e2) | d4 (Md-Md) | ("C"e2 c'2 b2) | ("D"a2 e2) Mf-Mf- | g4 ||
"CHORUS"(Bc) |\
(d4 g2) | (d4 Md2) | ("C"e4 c'2) | (e4 g2) | "D7"f3 (efg) | ("D7"b4 a2) | G6- | G4 |]