2025-01-19 09:15:40 9531 sess.cgi on minya from V=1 Vtest=1 B=0
Brown-Soffe collection
List files with: Session lister —- Collection lister —- Tune lister

This is a mirror of the Brown-Soffe Tune Book project. See https://www.eatmt.org.uk/goffe-tune-book/ for information on the original manuscript, variously dated to 1785, 1835, etc.

.. Found 77 tune files in "/music/book/Brown_Soffe"
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get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
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abc gif png pdf svg [lnk] [No title for "0101_Malbrook_La_1.abc/misc"]
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1   top
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C   top
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abc gif png pdf svg D 32 2 Capacheen BrownGoffMS 012 [No title for "Capacheen_BrownGoffMS_012-D-32-2.abc/jig"]
D   top
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abc gif png pdf svg G 48 2 Dublin Volunteers March BrownGoffMS 013 [No title for "Dublin_Volunteers_March_BrownGoffMS_013-G-48-2.abc/jig"]
abc gif png pdf svg G 48 3 Dublin Volunteers March BrownGoffMS 013 [No title for "Dublin_Volunteers_March_BrownGoffMS_013-G-48-3.abc/jig"]
H   top
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abc gif png pdf svg jpg D 28 4 Handels Clarinet BrownGoffMS 052 2V [No title for "Handels_Clarinet_BrownGoffMS_052-2V-D-28-4.abc/march"]
L   top
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abc gif png pdf svg G 24 3 Lady Longfords Keel [No title for "Lady_Longfords_Keel-G-24-3.abc/march"]
M   top
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abc gif png pdf svg D 38 2 Malbrook BrownGoffMS 011 [No title for "Malbrook_BrownGoffMS_011-D-38-2.abc/jig"]
abc gif png pdf svg G 16 2 Money Musk [No title for "Money_Musk-G-16-2.abc/reel"]
O   top
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abc gif png pdf svg F 24 6 Opera dance 2V [No title for "Opera_dance-2V-F-24-6.abc/march"]
X   top
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abc gif png pdf svg X0601-Lady Longfords Keel 601:Lady Longfords Keel
601:Lady Longfords Keel
abc gif png pdf svg [lnk] [No title for "X0601-Lady_Longfords_Keel.abc/src"]
abc gif png pdf svg X0602-2-Money Musk 602:Money Musk
602:Money Musk
abc gif png pdf svg [lnk] [No title for "X0602-2-Money_Musk.abc/src"]
abc gif png pdf svg [lnk] [No title for "X0801-Opera_dance.abc/march"]
abc gif png pdf svg [lnk] [No title for "X0801-Opera_dance.abc/src"]
Y   top
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abc gif png pdf svg D 36 2 Ye Social Powre BrownGoffMS 051 [No title for "Ye_Social_Powre_BrownGoffMS_051-D-36-2.abc/jig"]

B: Bar count for once through the tune.
Class: The tune's classification (rhythm, dance, origin, etc.).
date: The earliest reported date for a tune. This is generally not very reliable, of course.
img: Source files of the type(s) shown. Image files are often formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
src: Source files of the type(s) shown. Source files are usually formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
info: Assorted information about the file, depending on what has been implemented and supplied. Currently only shows the date of (earliest known) publication.
K: The tune's initial or main key.
st: Staff count for this version of the tune.
Name: is taken from the file name, with underscores replaced by spaces. If a link, points to a directory with several versions of the tune. Bold names or titles mean that the tune is in the session's "first binder", and has been played more often than the tunes in a normal font.
Titles: is a list of the titles found in the file. Duplicate titles are only shown once. For tunes that don't have a T: title, the first P: value is shown.
w: Words (lyrics) line count for this version of the tune.

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