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Gow's Complete Repository
Gow's Complete Repository
Transcribed by John Chambers, Dec. 2020 - Jan. 2021.

The single-tune files are listed below. If you just want a copy of the transcriptions, here are the ABC files:
If this is confusing, read the Tune Files section below to get an idea of how this is all organized. (The music books the Gows left us are impressively complex with very confusing terminology.)
If you'd like to see the originals, here are the IMSLP photo-copies:
Vol. 1-4 , Vol.1 , Vol. 2 , Vol. 3 , Vol. 4

Directory listing tools: tune list - session list - collection list - tool.

Niel Gow & Sons published 4 volumes of their tune collection called "Complete Repository". The books' actual titles were slightly different in each of them, and contained the usual lengthy list of dance types arranged for a list of musical instruments. The tunes were originally published in small booklets every few years, from 1799 to 1817. These were combined into the 4 "Complete Collection" books with about 40 pages and 90-115 tunes each. They included a bass line "accompaniment" with all the tunes, and variations for some of them. They eventually merged these into one large publication, which was then republished (with slight editing) until about 1839. It is an important collection in the history of Scottish (and British Isles) music. Many of the tunes are regularly played today, by musicians who aren't always aware of their Scottish roots.

Many of the tunes were written by the Gows, or by friends and colleagues. They include a composer's name for about 20% of the tunes, but only credit a few of the accompaniments' composers. The most notable case of this is in the old tune, Todlen Hame, whose accompaniment they attribute to "the Immortal HAYDN".

I looked around for these books online for some years, and then in late 2020, I discovered that photocopies had become available on several sites, including imslp.org and the National Library of Scotland (nls.uk). So I downloaded them and started a project of transcribing a page or two every few days when I had the time.

A major problem with this collection is that the terminology was quite inconsistent from one publication to the next. The 4 main publications were variously called Parts, Volumes, or Editions, and all those terms were used with several other meanings. There were also a number of other books published with subsets of this collection, often undated, and with inconsistent book (and tune) names. A lot of people have been trying to make sense of it all, including when each tune was published, and what that book(let) was called. See the Transcription Notes for explanations that have been added as the project went on and interesting and/or unusual notation features were discovered.

Tune Files
Below this are the ABC transcriptions of the tunes, one per file. The filenames are of the form VPPN_Tune_Title.abc, where V is the volume number [1-4], PP is the page number [1-38], and N is the tune's number on the page [1-4], and Tune_Title is the title, without punctuation and with '_' for spaces. Some of the tunes are transcribed in two ways, for ABC's version 1 and 2 "standards". ABC1 is still in use by a lot of software, and it doesn't include multiple voices on a staff, crescendo and diminuendo symbols, and a few other things. These have file names ending in .abc1.abc and .abc2.abc, and also use '-' or '=' after the VPPN prefix instead of '_', to make life easier for the software folks. Aldavaloch is the first tune like this. And note that initial articles in titles are lower case, which is also done to make some software simpler.
.|||||. Found 554 tune files in "/music/book/Gow/CR"
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - C - c - d - e - n - p - s - v
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get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 0000 Title 1000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Parts 1 - 4)
1   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 1000 Title 1000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (First Part)
abc gif png pdf svg 1011 the Highland Watch 1011:the Highland Watch, now the 42.d Reg.t or Royal Highlanders
abc gif png pdf svg 1019 [No title for "1019_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 1021 Struan Robertsons Rant 1021:Struan Robertson's Rant. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1022 Lewis Gordon 1022:Lewis Gordon.
abc gif png pdf svg 1023 South and North or Both sides of the Tweed 1023:South and North, or Both sides of the Tweed. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1031-Aldavaloch or oer the moor amang the heather-abc1 1031:Aldavaloch or o'er the moor amang the heather.
abc gif png pdf svg 1031=Aldavaloch or oer the moor amang the heather-abc2 1031:Aldavaloch or o'er the moor amang the heather.
abc gif png pdf svg 1032 Caracks Rant 1032:Carrack's Rant. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1041 Lord Eglintouns auld man 1041:Lord Eglintoun's auld man. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1042-Is your Graith in order-abc1 1042:Is your Graith in order, or the whipman's Rant. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1042=Is your Graith in order-abc2 1042:Is your Graith in order, or the whipman's Rant. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1043-MacPhersons Lament-abc1 1043:MacPhersons' Lament
abc gif png pdf svg 1043=MacPhersons Lament-abc2 1043:MacPhersons' Lament
abc gif png pdf svg 1051-Watsons Scotch Measure-abc1 1051:Watson's Scotch Measure
abc gif png pdf svg 1051=Watsons Scotch Measure-abc2 1051:Watson's Scotch Measure
abc gif png pdf svg 1052-Miss Admiral Gordons Strathspey-abc1 1052:Miss Admiral Gordon's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1052=Miss Admiral Gordons Strathspey-abc2 1052:Miss Admiral Gordon's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1061 Port a Bhodich or the Carles Rant 1061:Port a' Bhodich or the Carles Rant
abc gif png pdf svg 1062-Tibby Fowler o the Glen-abc1 1062:Tibby Fowler o' the Glen. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1062=Tibby Fowler o the Glen-abc2 1062:Tibby Fowler o' the Glen. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1071-Lord Banffs Strathspey-abc1 1071:Lord Banff's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1071=Lord Banffs Strathspey-abc2 1071:Lord Banff's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1072-the Original Sett of Killecrankie-abc1 1072:the Original Sett of Killecrankie
abc gif png pdf svg 1072=the Original Sett of Killecrankie.abc2 1072:the Original Sett of Killecrankie
abc gif png pdf svg 1073-the Lassie with the yellow Coattie-abc1 1073:the Lassie with the yellow Coattie. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1073=the Lassie with the yellow Coattie-abc2 1073:the Lassie with the yellow Coattie. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1080 [No title for "1080_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 1081 the Braes of Tullymet 1081:the Braes of Tullymet. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1082 Coll McBains Reel 1082:Col.l McBain's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1083 Lord Kellys Strathspey 1083:Lord Kelly's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1091 Captain Keelers Reel 1091:Captain Keelers Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1092 Marquis of Huntlys Strathspey 1092:Marquis of Huntly's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1093 Sir Ronald McDonalds Reel 1093:Sir Ronald McDonalds Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1101 Pitty Coat loose 1101:Pitty Coat loose. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 1102 the Bobers o Brechin 1102:the Bobers o' Brechin. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1103 Monny Mush 1103:Monny Musk. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1111 Thro the wood of Favie 1111:Thro' the wood of Favie. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1112 Don Side 1112:Don Side. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1121 Green Grows the Rashes 1121:Green Grows the Rashes. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1122 Duke of Gordons birth day 1122:Duke of Gordon's birth day. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1123 Cadgers of the Canongate 1123:Cadgers of the Canongate. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1124 Whistle oer the leave ot 1124:Whistle o'er the leave o't. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1131 Mary Gray 1131:Mary Gray. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1132-Dumfries House-abc1 1132:Dumfries House. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1132=Dumfries House-abc2 1132:Dumfries House. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1141 the Lassie wi the yellow Coattie 1141:the Lassie wi' the yellow Coattie, a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1142 Sodger Laddie 1142:Sodger Laddie. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 1143 the Auld wife ayont the Fire 1143:the Auld wife ayont the Fire. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1151 the Campbells are Coming 1151:the Campbells are Coming. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 1152 Duke of Perths Reel 1152:Duke of Perth's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1153-Delvin Side-abc1 1153:Delvin Side. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1153=Delvin Side-abc2 1153:Delvin Side. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1161 Miss Flora McDonalds Reel 1161:Miss Flora McDonald's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1162 Bog an Lochan or Athole Cummers 1162:Bog an Lochan, or Athole Cummers. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1171 Sweet Molly 1171:Sweet Molly. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1172 I hae a wife o my ain 1172:I hae a wife o' my ain
abc gif png pdf svg 1173 Lord Kilmaurs Reel 1173:Lord Kilmaurs Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1181 Moll in the Wadd 1181:Moll in the Wadd. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 1182 Roary Macnab 1182:Roary Macnab. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1183-Rothemurchues Rant-abc1 1183:Rothemurchue's Rant. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1183=Rothemurchues Rant-abc2 1183:Rothemurchue's Rant. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1191 the Merry Lads of Ayr 1191:the Merry Lads of Ayr. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1192 Welcome to your feet again 1922:Welcome to your feet again. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1193 Fight about the Fire Side 1193:Fight about the Fire Side. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1201 Ill make you fain to follow 1201:I'll make you fain to follow. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 1202 the Braes of Auchtertyre 1202:the Braes of Auchtertyre. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1211 Lady Homes Jig 1211:Lady Home's Jig
abc gif png pdf svg 1212 the Highland man kissd his Mother 1212:the Highland man kiss'd his Mother.
abc gif png pdf svg 1213 Bung your Eye 1213:Bung your Eye. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 1221 What The D..l ails you 1221:What The D..l ails you. a Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1222 Brose and Butter 1222:Brose and Butter
abc gif png pdf svg 1223 Bonny Annie 1223:Bonny Annie. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1224 Mackenzies Rant 1224:Mackenzie's Rant. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1231 the Ranting Highland-Man 1231:the Ranting Highland-Man. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1232 Lord Alexr Gordons Strathspey 1232:Lord Alex.r Gordon's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1233 Because he was a bonny Lad 1233:Because he was a bonny Lad &c. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1241-the Marquis of Huntlys Farewell-abc1 1241:the Marquis of Huntlys Farewell. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1241=the Marquis of Huntlys Farewell-abc2 1241:the Marquis of Huntlys Farewell. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1242 Greigs Pipes 1242:Greigs_Pipes. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1243 Gordon Castle 1243:Gordon Castle. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1251 Fill the Stoup 1251:Fill the Stoup. a Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1252 Lady Nelly Wemyes Jig 1252:Lady Nelly Wemye's Jig
abc gif png pdf svg 1253 the Reel of Tulloch 1253:the Reel of Tulloch
abc gif png pdf svg 1261-Borlams Strathspey-abc1 1261:Borlams Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1261=Borlams Strathspey-abc2 1261:Borlams Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1261 Borlams Strathspey 1261:Borlams Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1262 Birks of Abergeldy 1262:Birks of Abergeldy. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1263 John Roy Stewart 1263:John Roy Stewart. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1271-the Braes of Balqudder-abc1 1271:the Braes of Balqudder. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1271=the Braes of Balqudder-abc2 1271:the Braes of Balqudder. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1272 Dainty Davie 1272:Dainty Davie. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1281 Earl of Marshall 1281:Earl of Marshall. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1282 Johnny McGill 1282:Johnny McGill. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 1283 Ill gang nae mair to yon town 1283:I'll gang nae mair to yon town. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1284 Let us to the Aird 1284:Let us to the Aird. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1291 the Whigs of Fife 1291:the Whigs of Fife. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1292 Wood and Married and a 1292:Woo'd and Married and a'
abc gif png pdf svg 1293 Lennoxs Love to Blantyre 1293:Lennox's Love to Blantyre. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1301 Miss Ann AEmelia Stuarts Strathspey 1301:Miss Ann \AEmelia Stuart's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1302 the Cameronian Rant 1302:the Cameronian Rant. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1303 Miss Murray of Auchtertyres Strathspey 1303:Miss Murray of Auchtertyre's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1311 Lady Harriot Hope 1311:Lady Harriot Hope. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1312 Mrs Garden of Troups Strathspey 1312:Mrs Garden of Troup's Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1313 Athole House 1313:Athole House. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1321 Brechin Castle 1321:Brechin Castle. a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1322 Miss Vearie Hay 1322:Miss Vearie Hay. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1323 Drown Drought 1323:Drown Drought. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 1324 Isle of Sky 1324:Isle of Sky, a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1331 the Ruffians Rant 1331:the Ruffians Rant. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1332 Back of the Change House 1332:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1341 Duncan Davidson 1341:Duncan Davidson. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1342 Jenny Dang the Weaver 1342:Jenny Dang the Weaver. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1343 Strathglass House 1343:Strathglass House. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1351 My wife is a wanton wee thing 1351:My wife is a wanton wee thing
abc gif png pdf svg 1352 the Lasses of Stewarton 1352:the Lasses of Stewarton. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1361 Andrew Carr 1361:Andrew Carr. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 1362 Jennys Bawbee 1362:Jennys Bawbee. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1363 Humours of Dublin 1363:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 1371 Tail Todle 1371:Tail Todle. a Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1372 North Bridge of Edinburgh 1372:North Bridge of Edinburgh. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1373 Boganuadh or the New Bob 1373:the Boganuadh. or the New Bob. a Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1381 Brisk Bob 1381:Brisk Bob. a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1382 Sleepy Maggy 1382:Sleepy Maggy. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 1383-the Old Country Bumpkin-abc1 1383:the Old Country Bumpkin
abc gif png pdf svg 1383=the Old Country Bumpkin-abc2 1383:the Old Country Bumpkin
2   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 2000 Title 2000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Second Part)
abc gif png pdf svg 2011-Hei Tuti Teti-abc1 2011:Hei Tuti Teti
abc gif png pdf svg 2011=Hei Tuti Teti-abc2 2011:Hei Tuti Teti
abc gif png pdf svg 2012 Honest Duncan 2012:Honest Duncan, a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2021-Johnny in the Nether Mains-abc1 2021:Johnny in the Nether Mains
abc gif png pdf svg 2021=Johnny in the Nether Mains-abc2 2021:Johnny in the Nether Mains
abc gif png pdf svg 2022-Saw ye Johnny Coming-abc1 2022:Saw ye Johnny Coming
abc gif png pdf svg 2022=Saw ye Johnny Coming-abc2 2022:Saw ye Johnny Coming
abc gif png pdf svg 2023-Lamentation for McGrigor of Roro-abc1 2023:MacGriogair a Ruaro
2023:Lamentation for McGrigor of Roro
abc gif png pdf svg 2023=Lamentation for McGrigor of Roro-abc2 2023:MacGriogair a Ruaro
2023:Lamentation for McGrigor of Roro
abc gif png pdf svg 2024 the Original Highland Laddie 2024:the Original Highland Laddie
2024:the Quick Step of the Galland 42d Regiment
abc gif png pdf svg 2031 Lord Aboyne 2031:Lord Aboyne
abc gif png pdf svg 2032 McLauchlanes Scotish Measure 2032:McLauchlanes Scotish Measure
abc gif png pdf svg 2039 [No title for "2039_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 2041 Gin a body meet a body 2041:Gin a body meet a body. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2042 Miss Gibsons Jig 2042:Miss Gibsons Jig
abc gif png pdf svg 2043 a Cold Frosty Morning 2043:a Cold Frosty Morning
abc gif png pdf svg 2044 the Blue Ribbon Scotish Measure 2044:the Blue Ribbon Scotish Measure
abc gif png pdf svg 2051 Sweet is the Lass that dwells among Heather 2051:Sweet is the Lass that dwells among Heather. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2052 Joy gae wi my Love 2052:Joy gae wi my Love
abc gif png pdf svg 2053 the Highlanders Farewell to Ireland 2053:the Highlanders Farewell to Ireland. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2061 Fingals Cave 2061:Fingal's Cave. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2062 Auld wife ayont the Fire 2062:Auld wife ayont the Fire. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2063 Lassie Ill come near you 2063:Lassie I'll come near you. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2071 the Princess Royal 2071:the Princess Royal
abc gif png pdf svg 2072 Widow are ye waking 2072:Widow are ye waking
abc gif png pdf svg 2081 Kitty Tyrrel 2081:Kitty Tyrrel
abc gif png pdf svg 2082 the Royal Recovery 2082:the Royal Recovery. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2083 New Market or John Patersons Mare goes Foremost 2083:New Market, or John Paterson's Mare goes Foremost.
abc gif png pdf svg 2090 [No title for "2090_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 2101 Coolun 2101:Coolun
abc gif png pdf svg 2102 Isle of Sky 2102:Isle of Sky. Scotish Measure.
abc gif png pdf svg 2103-Hes Dear to me tho hes far frae me.abc1 2103:He's Dear to me tho' he's far frae me.
abc gif png pdf svg 2103=Hes Dear to me tho hes far frae me.abc2 2103:He's Dear to me tho' he's far frae me.
abc gif png pdf svg 2111-Hey Jenny come down to Jock.abc1 2111:Hey Jenny come down to Jock
abc gif png pdf svg 2111=Hey Jenny come down to Jock.abc2 2111:Hey Jenny come down to Jock
abc gif png pdf svg 2112-Old Dumbarton Drums Scotish Measure.abc1 2112:Old Dumbarton Drum's Scotish Measure
abc gif png pdf svg 2112=Old Dumbarton Drums Scotish Measure.abc2 2112:Old Dumbarton Drum's Scotish Measure
abc gif png pdf svg 2113 Ailen a Roon 2113:Ailen a Roon
abc gif png pdf svg 2114-Auld Springs Tunes gees nae Price.abc1 2114:Auld Springs (Tunes) gees nae Price
abc gif png pdf svg 2114=Auld Springs Tunes gees nae Price.abc2 2114:Auld Springs (Tunes) gees nae Price
abc gif png pdf svg 2121 the Maid that tends the Goats 2121:the Maid that tends the Goats
abc gif png pdf svg 2122 the Humours of Glen 2122:the Humours of Glen
abc gif png pdf svg 2123-Hes aye Kissing me.abc1 2123:He's aye Kissing me.
abc gif png pdf svg 2123=Hes aye Kissing me.abc2 2123:He's aye Kissing me.
abc gif png pdf svg 2130 [No title for "2130_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 2131 Niel Gows Wife 2131:Niel Gows Wife. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2132 John Cheap the Chapman 2132:John Cheap the Chapman, a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2133 the Craig of Barns 2133:the Craig of Barns. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2139 [No title for "2139_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 2141 Sir John Lockhart Rosss Reel 2141:Sir John Lockhart Ross's Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2142 My Mithers aye glowren oer me 2142:My Mither's aye glowren o'er me. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2143 Lady Wallace 2143:Lady Wallace. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2144 Honble Capn Maitlands Strathspey 2144:Hon.ble Cap.n Maitland's Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2151 Torry Burn 2151:Torry Burn. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2152 the Parson in Boots 2152:the Parson in Boots. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2153 the Old man will never die 2153:the Old man will never die. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2161 Open the Door to three 2161:Open the Door to three. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2162 New Christmas or Bass Reel 2162:New Christmas. or Bass Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2163 the Pipers Maggot 2163:the Pipers Maggot. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2164 the Perrie Werrie 2164:the Perrie Werrie. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2171 Merrily Danced the Quakers Wife 2171:Merrily Danced the Quakers Wife. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2172 Sucky bids me 2172:Sucky bids me. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2173 the Malt-man 2173:the Malt-man. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2181 the Braes of Athol 2181:the Braes of Athol. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2182 New Claret 2182:New Claret. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2183 Kincaldrums Reel 2183:Kincaldrum's Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2191 the White Cockade 2191:the White Cockade. Strathspey Time.
abc gif png pdf svg 2192 If I had a bonny Lass little sleep woud sair me 2192:If I had a bonny Lass little sleep wou'd sair. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2193 Hey to the Camp 2193:Hey to the Camp. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2201 Browns Reel 2201:Browns Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2202 Mc Vicars Strathspey 2202:Mc Vicars Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2203 the Chace 2203:the Chace. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2211 Go to the Devil and shake yourself 2211:Go to the Devil & shake yourself. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2212 Oer Bogie wi my Love 2212:O'er Bogie wi' my Love. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2213 Gowd in Goupins 2213:Gowd in Goupins. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2221 Sandy is my Darling 2221:Sandy is my Darling. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2222 O as I was kissd yestreen 2222:O as I was kiss'd yestreen. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2223 Rise ye Lazy Lubber 2223:Rise ye Lazy Lubber. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2224-Bobin John.abc1 2224:Bobin John
abc gif png pdf svg 2224=Bobin John.abc2 2224:Bobin John
abc gif png pdf svg 2231-Donald Quaich.abc1 2231:Donald Quaich. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2231=Donald Quaich.abc2 2231:Donald Quaich. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2232 I love my love for she loves me 2232:I love my love for she love's me. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2233 the Drummer 2233:the Drummer. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2241 Niel Gows Strathspey 2241:Niel_Gows_Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2242 the High Road to Linton 2242:the High Road to Linton, a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2243 the Bog of Gight 2243:the_Bog_of_Gight. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2244 the Masons Apron 2244:the_Masons_Apron, a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2251 the Miller of Drone 2251:the_Miller_of_Drone, a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2252 Keep the Country Bonny Lassie 2252:Keep the Country Bonny Lassie. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2261 Cut and Dry 2261:Cut & Dry, a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2262 Lick the Ladle Sandy 2262:Lick the Ladle Sandy, a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2263 Allan Ramsay 2263:Allan Ramsay, a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2264 Cuttymun and Treeladle 2264:Cuttymun & Treeladle,* a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2271 the Far awa Wedding 2271:the Far awa' Wedding, a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2272 the Haggies o Dunbar 2272:the Haggies o' Dunbar. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2273 the High way to Dublin 2273:the High way to Dublin. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2281 Balendalochs Dream 2281:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2282 the Humours of Kelkenny 2282:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
abc gif png pdf svg 2283 the Carle he came oer the Craft wee his beard new shaven 2283:the Carle he came o'er the Craft, wee his beard new shaven. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2291 Willie Winkies Testament 2291:Willie Winkie's Testament. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2292 Thro the Wood she ran 2292:Thro' the Wood she ran. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2293 New years day 2293:New year's day
abc gif png pdf svg 2294-Capt Kennedys Reel.abc1 2294:Capt Kennedy's Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2294=Capt Kennedys Reel.abc2 2294:Capt Kennedy's Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2301 Cary Owen 2301:Cary Owen. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2302 Lady Dumfriess Reel 2302:Lady Dumfries's Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2303 Go to Berwick Johnny 2303:Go to Berwick Johnny. Jig Time.
abc gif png pdf svg 2311 Lady Charlotte Campbells Medley the Reel 2311:Lady Charlotte Campbell's Medley. the Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2312 the Strathspey 2312:the Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2313 Miss Gibsons or the Cumberland Reel 2313:Miss Gibson.s (or the Cumberland) Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2314 Ms McDonald of Claranalds Strathspey 2314:Ms McDonald of Claranald's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2321 Sally Kelly 2321:Sally Kelly. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2322 Sanders Brane 2322:Sanders Brane. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2323 the Weapon Shaw 2323:the Weapon Shaw. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2324 Sailors Wife 2324:Sailors Wife. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2331 Ratha Fair 2331:Ratha Fair. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2332 Bargenny Bowling Green 2332:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2341 the Geen Tree 2341:the Geen Tree. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2342-the Rocks of Cashel.abc1 2342:the Rocks of Cashel. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2342=the Rocks of Cashel.abc2 2342:the Rocks of Cashel. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2343 I winna gae do bed untill Im Married 2343:I winna gae do bed, untill I'm Married. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2351 Hey to Cupar 2351:Hey to Cupar. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2352 the Braes of Marr 2352:the Braes of Marr. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2353 the Chorus Jig 2353:the Chorus Jig
abc gif png pdf svg 2361 Steer the Gill 2361:Steer the Gill. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2362 the Marquis of Huntlys Highland Fling 2362:the Marquis of Huntlys Highland Fling (a Strathspey)
abc gif png pdf svg 2363 Lady Mackintoshs Reel 2363:Lady Mackintosh's Reel
2363:For a' that and a' that
abc gif png pdf svg 2364 the Duke of Cumberlands Strathspey 2364:the Duke of Cumberland's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2371 the Auld Stewarts back again 2371:the Auld Stewart's back again. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2372 Kiss me fast my Minnies coming 2372:Kiss me fast my Minnie's coming. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2373 the Swallow 2373:the Swallow. a Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2374 Look before you 2374:Look before you. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 2381 Look Behind You 2381:Look Behind You. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2382 the Banks of Allan 2382:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 2383 Thro the warld woud I gae we the Lad I Like 2383:Thro' the warl'd wou'd I gae we the Lad I Like. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2384 Good Night and Joy be wi ye a 2384:Good Night and Joy be wi' ye a'
3   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 3000 Title 3000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Third Part)
abc gif png pdf svg 3011-Drunk at Night and Dry in the Morning-abc1 3011:Drunk at Night and Dry in the Morning
abc gif png pdf svg 3011=Drunk at Night and Dry in the Morning-abc2 3011:Drunk at Night and Dry in the Morning
abc gif png pdf svg 3012 [No title for "3012_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 3019 [No title for "3019_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 3021 Prince Charles Farewell to Scotland 3021:Prince Charles Farewell to Scotland
abc gif png pdf svg 3022 Sherriff Muir 3022:Sherriff Muir
abc gif png pdf svg 3023 Lord Buchan 3023:Lort Buchan
abc gif png pdf svg 3031-Oer the Muir to Ketty.abc1 3031:Oer the Muir to Ketty. A Scotch Measure.
abc gif png pdf svg 3031=Oer the Muir to Ketty.abc2 3031:Oer the Muir to Ketty. A Scotch Measure.
abc gif png pdf svg 3032-the Highland President.abc1 3032:the Highland President
abc gif png pdf svg 3032=the Highland President.abc2 3032:the Highland President
abc gif png pdf svg 3041 Up in the Morning Early 3041:Up in the Morning Early
abc gif png pdf svg 3042 the Marriage Know 3042:the Marriage Knot
abc gif png pdf svg 3043-Thers nae luck about the House.abc1 3043:Ther's nae luck about the House. Or For a' that and a' that.
abc gif png pdf svg 3043=Thers nae luck about the House.abc2 3043:Ther's nae luck about the House. Or For a' that and a' that.
abc gif png pdf svg 3051 Nancy Dawson or Scotish Perrigordien 3051:Nancy Dawson. Or Scotish Perrigordien
abc gif png pdf svg 3052 When the King came oer the Boyne water 3052:When the King came o'er the (Boyne) water
abc gif png pdf svg 3053-Bonny Charlie.abc1 3053:Bonny Charlie
abc gif png pdf svg 3053=Bonny Charlie.abc2 3053:Bonny Charlie
abc gif png pdf svg 3061-Birnham Wood.abc1 3061:Birnham Wood
abc gif png pdf svg 3061=Birnham Wood.abc2 3061:Birnham Wood
abc gif png pdf svg 3062 the Bonny Highland Laddie or Cairney Mount 3062:the Bonny Highland Laddie (or Cairney Mount)
abc gif png pdf svg 3063-Sleepy Bodie.abc1 3063:Sleepy Bodie
abc gif png pdf svg 3063=Sleepy Bodie.abc2 3063:Sleepy Bodie
abc gif png pdf svg 3071 Mrs Gordon of Bellies Strathspey 3071:Mrs Gordon of Bellies Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3081-the Miller of Dee.abc1 3081:the Miller of Dee
abc gif png pdf svg 3081=the Miller of Dee.abc2 3081:the Miller of Dee
abc gif png pdf svg 3082-Sleep on till day.abc1 3082:Sleep on till day.
abc gif png pdf svg 3082=Sleep on till day.abc2 3082:Sleep on till day.
abc gif png pdf svg 3083-the Fallen Hero Nelson.abc1 3083:the Fallen Hero. (Nelson.)
abc gif png pdf svg 3083=the Fallen Hero Nelson.abc2 3083:the Fallen Hero. (Nelson.)
abc gif png pdf svg 3091-Mr Marshalls Comppliments to Niel Gow.abc1 3091:Mr Marshall's Comp.s to Niel Gow
3091:Mr Marshall's Compliments to Niel Gow
abc gif png pdf svg 3091=Mr Marshalls Comppliments to Niel Gow.abc2 3091:Mr Marshall's Comp.ts to Niel Gow
3091:Mr Marshall's Compliments to Niel Gow
abc gif png pdf svg 3092-Shes fair and Fause.abc1 3092:She's fair and Fause
abc gif png pdf svg 3092=Shes fair and Fause.abc2 3092:She's fair and Fause
abc gif png pdf svg 3092 Shes fair and Fause 3092:She's fair and Fause
abc gif png pdf svg 3093-Put the Gown upon the Bishop.abc1 3093:Put the Gown upon the Bishop
abc gif png pdf svg 3093=Put the Gown upon the Bishop.abc2 3093:Put the Gown upon the Bishop
abc gif png pdf svg 3101 a Skye Air 3101:a Skye Air
abc gif png pdf svg 3102 the Original Sett of the Braes of Marr 3102:the Original Sett of the Braes of Marr
abc gif png pdf svg 3111-Dunira Lodge.abc1 3111:Dunira Lodge
abc gif png pdf svg 3111=Dunira Lodge.abc2 3111:Dunira Lodge
abc gif png pdf svg 3112 Weer no very fou but weer gayly yet 3112:We'er no very fou but we'er gayly yet
3112:or the Laird of Skenes Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 3113-the Weary Pund O Tow.abc1 3113:the Weary Pund O' Tow
abc gif png pdf svg 3113=the Weary Pund O Tow.abc2 3113:the Weary Pund O' Tow
abc gif png pdf svg 3121 Whistle and Ill come to you my lad 3121:Whistle and I'll come to you my lad
abc gif png pdf svg 3122-My only Joe and dearie.abc1 3122:My only Joe and dearie
abc gif png pdf svg 3122=My only Joe and dearie.abc2 3122:My only Joe and dearie
abc gif png pdf svg 3123-Peggy Bawn.abc1 3123:Peggy Bawn
abc gif png pdf svg 3123=Peggy Bawn.abc2 3123:Peggy Bawn
abc gif png pdf svg 3131-Cauld Kail in Aberdeen.abc1 3131:Cauld Kail in Aberdeen
abc gif png pdf svg 3131=Cauld Kail in Aberdeen.abc2 3131:Cauld Kail in Aberdeen
abc gif png pdf svg 3132-the Original Lango Lee.abc1 3132:the Original Lango Lee
abc gif png pdf svg 3132=the Original Lango Lee.abc2 3132:the Original Lango Lee
abc gif png pdf svg 3133-Jockey was the Blythest Lad in a our Town.abc1 3133:Jockey was the Blythest Lad in a' our Town
abc gif png pdf svg 3133=Jockey was the Blythest Lad in a our Town.abc2 3133:Jockey was the Blythest Lad in a' our Town
abc gif png pdf svg 3134-Kindness for ever Mair.abc1 3134:Kindness for ever Mair
abc gif png pdf svg 3134=Kindness for ever Mair.abc2 3134:Kindness for ever Mair
abc gif png pdf svg 3141-O Let me in this ae Night.abc1 3141:O Let me in this ae Night.
abc gif png pdf svg 3141=O Let me in this ae Night.abc2 3141:O Let me in this ae Night.
abc gif png pdf svg 3142-the Lone Vale.abc1 3142:the Lone Vale
abc gif png pdf svg 3142=the Lone Vale.abc2 3142:the Lone Vale
abc gif png pdf svg 3143 Heres a Health to them thats awa 3143:Here's a Health to them that's awa'
abc gif png pdf svg 3151- [No title for "3151-.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 3151-Lord Seaforths Strathspey.abc1 3151:Lord Seaforths Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3151= [No title for "3151=.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 3151=Lord Seaforths Strathspey.abc2 3151:Lord Seaforths Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3152 Oer the Moor amang the Heather 3152:Oer the Moor amang the Heather. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3153-Johnny Pringle.abc1 3153:Johnny Pringle. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3153=Johnny Pringle.abc2 3153:Johnny Pringle. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3161 Miss Frasers Reel 3161:Miss Frasers Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3162 the Laird of Mackintoshs Strathspey 3162:the Laird of Mackintoshs Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3163 Miss Ramsays Reel 3163:Miss Ramsays Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3171-Jacks Alive.abc1 3171:Jack's Alive. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3171=Jacks Alive.abc2 3171:Jack's Alive. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3172 Love in a Village 3172:Love in a Village. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3173-Barley Cakes.abc1 3173:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3173=Barley Cakes.abc2 3173:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3181 Ambelree 3181:Ambelree. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3182-St Patricks Day in the Morning.abc1 3182:St Patricks Day in the Morning. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3182=St Patricks Day in the Morning.abc2 3182:St Patricks Day in the Morning. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3183 Jockey Latin 3183:Jockey Latin. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3191 the Duchess of Gordon 3191:the Duchess of Gordon. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3192 an Honorable Peace 3192:an Honorable Peace. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3193 Lady Douglas of Bothwell 3193:Lady Douglas of Bothwell. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3201 Lord Binings Reel 3201:Lord Binings Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3202 Willie Duncan 3202:Willie Duncan. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3203 the Spell 3203:the Spell. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3204-the Irish Wedding.abc1 3204:the Irish Wedding. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3204=the Irish Wedding.abc2 3204:the Irish Wedding. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3211 the Bonny Lass of Fisherrow 3211:the Bonny Lass of Fisherrow. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3212 Peggies Wedding 3212:Peggie's Wedding. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3221 General McKays Reel 3221:General McKays Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3222-the Maids of Isla.abc1 3222:the Maids of Isla. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3222=the Maids of Isla.abc2 3222:the Maids of Isla. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3223 O Shes Comical 3223:O'She's Comical. a Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3231 Mrs Christies Strathspey 3231:Mrs Christie's Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3232 the Mullin du or Black Mill 3232:the Mullin du. or Black Mill. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3233 Miss Elphinstones Strathspey 3233:Miss Elphinstones Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3241 Ain Kind Dearie 3241:Ain Kind Dearie. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3242 Largo Law 3242:Largo Law. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3243 Comely Garden 3243:Comely Garden. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3244 Hay my Nanny 3244:Hay my Nanny. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3251 the Fyket 3251:the Fyket. a Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3252 the Bride is a Bonny thing 3252:the Bride is a Bonny thing. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3259 [No title for "3259_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 3261 Captain Ross 3261:Captain Ross. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3262 Guzzle Together 3262:Guzzle Together. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3263 Up and war them a Willie 3263:Up and war them a' Willie. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3269 [No title for "3269_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 3271-the Cushion Dance.abc1 3271:the Cushion Dance. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3271=the Cushion Dance.abc2 3271:the Cushion Dance. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3272 Captain Macduffs Reel 3272:Captain Macduff's Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3273 the Feet Washing 3273:the Feet Washing. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3281 Mrs General Campbells Reel 3281:Mrs General Campbell's Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3282 Donald Dows Strathspey 3282:Donald Dow's Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3283 the Glasgow Lasses 3283:the Glasgow Lasses. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3291 Lady Jardines Strathspey 3291:Lady Jardine's Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3292 Miss Grant of Grant 3292:Miss Grant of Grant. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3301 the Duchess of Manchesters Strathspey 3301:the Duchess of Manchester's Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3302 the Parks of Fochabers 3302:the Parks of Fochabers. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3303 the Short Apron 3303:the Short Apron. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3311 the Highland Skip 3311:the_Highland_Skip. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3312 Willies awa 3312:Willie's awa'. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3313 Miss Whitefoords Reel 3313:Miss Whitefoords Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3321 the Doctor 3321:the Doctor. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3322 Lady Betty Boyles Reel 3322:Lady Betty Boyles Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3323-Murphy Delaney.abc1 3323:Murphy Delaney. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3323=Murphy Delaney.abc2 3323:Murphy Delaney. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3324 Miss Hopkins Reel 3324:Miss Hopkins Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3331 Ben Lomond 3331:Ben Lomond. a Strathepey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3332 the Boatman of Pitnacree 3332:the_Boatman_of_Pitnacree. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3333 Bennevis 3333:Bennevis. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3341 Lord Kinnairds Reel 3341:Lord Kinnaird's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3342 Roaring Jelly 3342:Roaring Jelly. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 3343 Pretty Pegg 3343:Pretty Pegg
abc gif png pdf svg 3344 Marchmont House 3344:Marchmont House.
abc gif png pdf svg 3351 Lord McDonalds Old Reel 3351:Lord McDonald's Old Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3361 Dalry House 3361:Dalry House. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3362 Peas Strae 3362:Peas Strae. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3363 Sir Archd Dunbar 3363:Sir Arch.d Dunbar. a Strathspey.
3363:Sir Archibald Dunbar
abc gif png pdf svg 3371 Glen Lyons Reel 3371:Glen Lyons Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3372 Corimonies Rant 3372:Corimonies Rant. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 3373 Black but Comely 3373:Black but Comely. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3381 Mellonies Jig 3381:Mellonies Jig
abc gif png pdf svg 3382 Honble Mrs Graham of Balgowans 3382:Hon.ble Mrs Graham of Balgowan's
abc gif png pdf svg 3383 the Hay Makers 3383:the Hay Makers.
4   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 4000 Title 4000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Fourth Part)
abc gif png pdf svg 4011 Charlie hes my Darling-Original Set 4011:Charlie he's my Darling. Original Set.
abc gif png pdf svg 4012-Charlie hes my Darling-Modern Set-abc1 4012:Charlie he's my Darling. Modern Set.
abc gif png pdf svg 4012=Charlie hes my Darling-Modern Set-abc2 4012:Charlie he's my Darling. Modern Set.
abc gif png pdf svg 4019--abc1 [No title for "4019--abc1.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 4019=-abc2 [No title for "4019=-abc2.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 4019 [No title for "4019_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 4021-the Days o Yore.abc1 4021:the Days o' Yore
abc gif png pdf svg 4021=the Days o Yore.abc2 4021:the Days o' Yore
abc gif png pdf svg 4022 the Highland Brigade at Waterloo 4022:the Highland Brigade at Waterloo
abc gif png pdf svg 4031 [No title for "4031_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 4041-Lamentation for the Fallen Heroes of Waterloo.abc1 4041:Lamentation for the Fallen Heroes of Waterloo
abc gif png pdf svg 4041=Lamentation for the Fallen Heroes of Waterloo.abc2 4041:Lamentation for the Fallen Heroes of Waterloo
abc gif png pdf svg 4042-Kenmures on an awa Willie.abc1 4042:Kenmure's on an' awa Willie
abc gif png pdf svg 4042=Kenmures on an awa Willie.abc2 4042:Kenmure's on an' awa Willie
abc gif png pdf svg 4043-the Marchioness Cornwalliss Strathspey.abc1 4043:the Marchioness Cornwallis's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4043=the Marchioness Cornwalliss Strathspey.abc2 4043:the Marchioness Cornwallis's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4051 Miss Forbes Farewell 4051:Miss Forbes' Farewell
abc gif png pdf svg 4052-Kind Robin loes Me.abc1 4052:Kind Robin lo'es Me
abc gif png pdf svg 4052=Kind Robin loes Me.abc2 4052:Kind Robin lo'es Me
abc gif png pdf svg 4061 the Royal Highlanders welcome from Waterloo 4061:the Royal Highlanders welcome from Waterloo
abc gif png pdf svg 4062 Therell neer be peace till Jamie come hame 4062:There'll ne'er be peace till Jamie come hame.
abc gif png pdf svg 4062 Therell neer be peace till Jamie come Home 4062:There'll ne'er be peace till Jamie come Home.
abc gif png pdf svg 4071 Green Sleeves 4071:Green Sleeves
abc gif png pdf svg 4081-Weel may the Boatie row.abc1 4081:Weel may the Boatie row
abc gif png pdf svg 4081=Weel may the Boatie row.abc2 4081:Weel may the Boatie row
abc gif png pdf svg 4082-Steer her up an had her gaun.abc1 4082:Steer her up an' had her gaun
abc gif png pdf svg 4082=Steer her up an had her gaun.abc2 4082:Steer her up an' had her gaun
abc gif png pdf svg 4101-the Island of Mull.abc1 4101:the Island of Mull
abc gif png pdf svg 4101=the Island of Mull.abc2 4101:the Island of Mull
abc gif png pdf svg 4102-Block Jock.abc1 4102:Black Jock
abc gif png pdf svg 4102=Block Jock.abc2 4102:Black Jock
abc gif png pdf svg 4111-Johnnny Faa the Gypsie Laddie.abc1 4111:Johnnny Faa. the Gypsie Laddie.
abc gif png pdf svg 4111=Johnnny Faa the Gypsie Laddie.abc2 4111:Johnnny Faa. the Gypsie Laddie.
abc gif png pdf svg 4112 the Highland Secretary 4112:the Highland Secretary
abc gif png pdf svg 4121-Thro the wood Laddie.abc1 4121:Thro' the wood Laddie. Original Set.
abc gif png pdf svg 4121=Thro the wood Laddie.abc2 4121:Thro' the wood Laddie. Original Set.
abc gif png pdf svg 4122 Fy let us a to the Wedding 4122:Fy let us a' to the Wedding
abc gif png pdf svg 4131 the Lass of Livingston 4131:the Lass of Livingston.
abc gif png pdf svg 4141 Gudewife of Peebles 4141:Gudewife of Peebles
abc gif png pdf svg 4142 Tak your auld Cloak about ye 4142:Tak' your auld Cloak about ye
abc gif png pdf svg 4143 Anwick Lodge 4143:Anwick Lodge
abc gif png pdf svg 4151-Lady Montgomerie-abc1 4151:Lady Montgomerie
abc gif png pdf svg 4151=Lady Montgomerie-abc2 4151:Lady Montgomerie
abc gif png pdf svg 4152-the Shepherds Son-abc1 4161:the Shepherd's Son
abc gif png pdf svg 4152=the Shepherds Son-abc2 4152:the Shepherd's Son
abc gif png pdf svg 4161-the Flowers of Edinburgh-abc1 4161:the Flowers (Magistrates) of Edinburgh
abc gif png pdf svg 4161=the Flowers of Edinburgh-abc2 4161:the Flowers (Magistrates) of Edinburgh
abc gif png pdf svg 4162-Miss McLeods Favorite-abc1 4162:Miss McLeod's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4162=Miss McLeods Favorite-abc2 4162:Miss McLeod's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4163-the Honble Mrs Leslie Cuming-abc1 4163:the Hon.ble Mrs Leslie Cuming
abc gif png pdf svg 4163=the Honble Mrs Leslie Cuming-abc2 4163:the Hon.ble Mrs Leslie Cuming
abc gif png pdf svg 4171-Wandering Willie-abc1 4171:Wandering Willie
abc gif png pdf svg 4171=Wandering Willie-abc2 4171:Wandering Willie
abc gif png pdf svg 4172-the Rock and wee pickle Tow-abc1 4172:the Rock and wee pickle Tow
abc gif png pdf svg 4172=the Rock and wee pickle Tow-abc2 4172:the Rock and wee pickle Tow
abc gif png pdf svg 4181 Captn Simon Fraser of Knockys Favorite 4181:Capt.n Simon Fraser of Knocky's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4182-Duncan Gray-abc1 4182:Duncan Gray
abc gif png pdf svg 4182=Duncan Gray-abc2 4182:Duncan Gray
abc gif png pdf svg 4191 Todlen Hame 4191:Todlen Hame
abc gif png pdf svg 4201-Rasay House-abc1 4201:Rasay House
abc gif png pdf svg 4201=Rasay House-abc2 4201:Rasay House
abc gif png pdf svg 4202 Mrs Gordons Favorite 4202:Mrs Gordon's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4203-Carle an the King come-abc1 4203:Carle an' the King come.
abc gif png pdf svg 4203=Carle an the King come-abc2 4203:Carle an' the King come.
abc gif png pdf svg 4210 [No title for "4210_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 4211-the Marquis of Hastings-abc1 4211:the Marquis of Hastings. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 4211=the Marquis of Hastings-abc2 4211:the Marquis of Hastings. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 4212 Lady Matilda Bruces Reel 4212:Lady Matilda Bruce's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4221-the New Water Kettle-abc1 4221:the New Water Kettle. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 4221=the New Water Kettle-abc2 4221:the New Water Kettle. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 4222 the Lass of Ballantrae 4222:the Lass of Ballantrae. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 4223 Go to Berwick Johnny 4223:Go to Berwick Johnny. Jig time.
abc gif png pdf svg 4231 Banff Castle 4231:Banff Castle. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 4232-Lady Binnings Strathspey-abc1 4232:Lady Binning's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4232=Lady Binnings Strathspey-abc2 4232:Lady Binning's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4241 the Stewarts Rant 4241:the Stewarts Rant. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 4242-Teviot Bridge-abc1 4242:Teviot Bridge. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 4242=Teviot Bridge-abc2 4242:Teviot Bridge. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 4243 Mr Compton of Carham-Halls Reel 4243:Mr Compton of Carham-Hall's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4251 Panmure House 4251:Panmure House. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 4252 the Marquis of Tullybardines Reel 4252:the Marquis of Tullybardine's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4261 Highland Whisky 4261:Highland Whisky. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 4262 Miss Stewart of Fasnacloichs Reel 4262:Miss Stewart of Fasnacloich's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4263 Mrs Grant of Lagans Strathspey 4263:Mrs Grant of Lagan's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4271-Miss Wedderburns Reel-abc1 4271:Miss Wedderburn's Reel.
4271:or Burn of Carnie.
abc gif png pdf svg 4271=Miss Wedderburns Reel-abc2 4271:Miss Wedderburn's Reel.
4271:or Burn of Carnie.
abc gif png pdf svg 4272 the Banks of Spey 4272:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4281 the Bridge of Perth 4281:the Bridge of Perth. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 4282 Craig Ellachie Bridge 4282:Craig Ellachie Bridge. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 4291 Charlie Stuart 4291:Charlie Stuart. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 4292 Hamilton Races 4292:Hamilton Races. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 4293 Theres nae luck about the House 4293:There's nae luck about the House. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 4301 Miss Hopes Strathspey 4301:Miss Hope's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4302 Johnny made a Wedding ot 4302:Johnny made a Wedding o't. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 4303 Drumlanrig Castle 4303:Dumlanrig Castle. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 4304 Johnnys friends are neer pleased 4304:Johnny's friends are ne'er pleased. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 4311 Ayrshire Lasses 4311:Ayrshire Lasses. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 4312 the Argyll Bowling Green 4312:the Argyll Bowling Green. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 4321 Glenbuckets Breeks 4321:Glenbucket's Breeks. a Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 4322 Kiss me Sweetly 4322:Kiss me Sweetly. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 4323-Orange and Blue-abc1 4323:Orange and Blue. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 4323=Orange and Blue-abc2 4323:Orange and Blue. a Jig.
abc gif png pdf svg 4331 Castle Campbell 4331:Castle Campbell. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 4332- [No title for "4332-.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 4332= [No title for "4332=.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 4332 Appin House 4332:Apppin House
abc gif png pdf svg 4341 Highland Laddie 4341:Highland Laddie
abc gif png pdf svg 4342 Ca the Wethers to the Hill 4342:Ca' the Wethers to the Hill
abc gif png pdf svg 4343 the Bridge of Garry 4343:the Bridge of Garry
abc gif png pdf svg 4344 Charles Street Bath 4344:Charles Street Bath
abc gif png pdf svg 4351 Gille Callum 4351:Gille Callum
abc gif png pdf svg 4352 Blair Drummond 4352:Blair Drummond
abc gif png pdf svg 4361-Rasays Favorite-abc1 4361:Rasays Favorite. very old.
abc gif png pdf svg 4361=Rasays Favorite-abc2 4361:Rasays Favorite. very old.
abc gif png pdf svg 4362 Miss Erskine of Alvas 4362:Miss Erskine of Alvas
abc gif png pdf svg 4363 Tha biodag aig Mac Thomais 4363:Tha biodag aig Mac Thomais. "Mc Homas (Thomson) has a Dirk."
abc gif png pdf svg 4371 McFarlanes Rant 4371:McFarlane's Rant
abc gif png pdf svg 4372 Lady Elinora Homes Reel 4372:Lady Elinora Homes Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4373 Earl of Kinnoulls Reel 4373:Earl of Kinnoull's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4374 Dalkeith House 4374:Dalkeith House
abc gif png pdf svg 4381 Cheap Meal 4381:Cheap Meal.
4381:or Good Harvest.
abc gif png pdf svg 4382 Elsie Marly 4382:Elsie Marly.
4382:Country Bumpkin.
C   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg CR-abc1 1000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Parts 1 - 4)
1000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (First Part)
1011:The Highland Watch, now the 42.d Reg.t or Royal Highlanders
1021:Struan Robertson's Rant. a Strathspey.
1022:Lewis Gordon.
1023:South and North, or Both sides of the Tweed. a Strathspey.
1031:Aldavaloch or o'er the moor amang the heather.
1032:Carrack's Rant. a Strathspey.
1041:Lord Eglintoun's auld man. a Strathspey.
1042:Is your Graith in order, or the whipman's Rant. a Strathspey.
1043:MacPhersons' Lament
1051:Watson's Scotch Measure
1052:Miss Admiral Gordon's Strathspey
1061:Port a' Bhodich or the Carles Rant
1062:Tibby Fowler o' the Glen. a Strathspey.
1071:Lord Banff's Strathspey
1072:The Original Sett of Killecrankie
1073:The Lassie with the yellow Coattie. a Strathspey.
1081:The Braes of Tullymet. a Strathspey.
1082:Col.l McBain's Reel
1083:Lord Kelly's Strathspey
1091:Captain Keelers Reel
1092:Marquis of Huntly's Strathspey
1093:Sir Ronald McDonalds Reel
1101:Pitty Coat loose. a Jig.
1102:The Bobers o' Brechin. a Reel.
1103:Monny Musk. a Strathspey.
1111:Thro' the wood of Favie. a Reel.
1112:Don Side. a Strathspey.
1121:Green Grows the Rashes. a Reel.
1122:Duke of Gordon's birth day. a Strathspey.
1123:Cadgers of the Canongate. a Reel.
1124:Whistle o'er the leave o't. a Strathspey.
1131:Mary Gray. a Reel.
1132:Dumfries House. a Reel.
1141:The Lassie wi' the yellow Coattie, a Reel.
1142:Sodger Laddie. a Jig.
1143:The Auld wife ayont the Fire. a Reel.
1151:The Campbells are Coming. a Jig.
1152:Duke of Perth's Reel
1153:Delvin Side. a Strathspey.
1161:Miss Flora McDonald's Reel
1162:Bog an Lochan, or Athole Cummers. a Strathspey.
1171:Sweet Molly. a Reel.
1172:I hae a wife o' my ain
1173:Lord Kilmaurs Reel
1181:Moll in the Wadd. a Jig.
1182:Roary Macnab. a Reel.
1183:Rothemurchue's Rant. a Strathspey.
1191:The Merry Lads of Ayr. a Reel.
1922:Welcome to your feet again. a Reel.
1193:Fight about the Fire Side. a Reel.
1201:I'll make you fain to follow. a Jig.
1202:The Braes of Auchtertyre. a Reel.
1211:Lady Home's Jig
1212:The Highland man kiss'd his Mother.
1213:Bung your Eye. a Jig.
1221:What The D..l ails you. a Reel
1222:Brose and Butter
1223:Bonny Annie. a Reel.
1224:Mackenzie's Rant. a Strathspey.
1231:The Ranting Highland-Man. a Reel.
1232:Lord Alex.r Gordon's Strathspey
1233:Because he was a bonny Lad &c. a Reel.
1241:The Marquis of Huntlys Farewell. a Strathspey.
1242:Greigs_Pipes. a Reel.
1243:Gordon Castle. a Reel.
1251:Fill the Stoup. a Reel
1252:Lady Nelly Wemye's Jig
1253:The Reel of Tulloch
1261:Borlams Strathspey
1262:Birks of Abergeldy. a Reel.
1263:John Roy Stewart. a Strathspey.
1271:The Braes of Balqudder. a Reel.
1272:Dainty Davie. a Strathspey.
1281:Earl of Marshall. a Reel.
1282:Johnny McGill. a Jig.
1283:I'll gang nae mair to yon town. a Reel.
1284:Let us to the Aird. a Strathspey.
1291:The Whigs of Fife. a Reel.
1292:Woo'd and Married and a'
1293:Lennox's Love to Blantyre. a Reel.
1301:Miss Ann \AEmelia Stuart's Strathspey
1302:The Cameronian Rant. a Reel.
1303:Miss Murray of Auchtertyre's Strathspey
1311:Lady Harriot Hope. a Reel.
1312:Mrs Garden of Troup's Strathspey.
1313:Athole House. a Reel.
1321:Brechin Castle. a Strathspey
1322:Miss Vearie Hay. a Reel.
1323:Drown Drought. a Jig.
1324:Isle of Sky, a Reel.
1331:The Ruffians Rant. a Strathspey.
1332:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
1341:Duncan Davidson. a Strathspey.
1342:Jenny Dang the Weaver. a Reel.
1343:Strathglass House. a Strathspey.
1351:My wife is a wanton wee thing
1352:The Lasses of Stewarton. a Reel.
1361:Andrew Carr. a Jig.
1362:Jennys Bawbee. a Reel.
1363:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
1371:Tail Todle. a Reel
1372:North Bridge of Edinburgh. a Strathspey.
1373:The Boganuadh. or the New Bob. a Reel
1381:Brisk Bob. a Strathspey
1382:Sleepy Maggy. a Reel.
1383:The Old Country Bumpkin
2000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Second Part)
2011:Hei Tuti Teti
2012:Honest Duncan, a Strathspey
2021:Johnny in the Nether Mains
2022:Saw ye Johnny Coming
2023:MacGriogair a Ruaro
2023:Lamentation for McGrigor of Roro
2024:The Original Highland Laddie
2024:The Quick Step of the Galland 42d Regiment
2031:Lord Aboyne
2032:McLauchlanes Scotish Measure
2041:Gin a body meet a body. a Strathspey.
2042:Miss Gibsons Jig
2043:A Cold Frosty Morning
2044:The Blue Ribbon Scotish Measure
2051:Sweet is the Lass that dwells among Heather. a Strathspey.
2052:Joy gae wi my Love
2053:The Highlanders Farewell to Ireland. a Strathspey.
2061:Fingal's Cave. a Strathspey.
2062:Auld wife ayont the Fire. a Strathspey.
2063:Lassie I'll come near you. a Strathspey.
2071:The Princess Royal
2072:Widow are ye waking
2081:Kitty Tyrrel
2082:The Royal Recovery. a Strathspey.
2083:New Market, or John Paterson's Mare goes Foremost.
2102:Isle of Sky. Scotish Measure.
2103:He's Dear to me tho' he's far frae me.
2111:Hey Jenny come down to Jock
2112:Old Dumbarton Drum's Scotish Measure
2113:Ailen a Roon
2114:Auld Springs (Tunes) gees nae Price
2121:The Maid that tends the Goats
2122:The Humours of Glen
2123:He's aye Kissing me.
2131:Niel Gows Wife. a Strathspey.
2132:John Cheap the Chapman, a Reel.
2133:The Craig of Barns. a Strathspey.
2141:Sir John Lockhart Ross's Reel.
2142:My Mither's aye glowren o'er me. a Jig.
2143:Lady Wallace. a Reel.
2144:Hon.ble Cap.n Maitland's Strathspey.
2151:Torry Burn. a Reel.
2152:The Parson in Boots. a Jig.
2153:The Old man will never die. a Reel.
2161:Open the Door to three. a Jig.
2162:New Christmas. or Bass Reel.
2163:The Pipers Maggot. a Jig.
2164:The Perrie Werrie. a Reel.
2171:Merrily Danced the Quakers Wife. a Jig.
2172:Sucky bids me. a Reel.
2173:The Malt-man. a Jig.
2181:The Braes of Athol. a Reel.
2182:New Claret. a Jig.
2183:Kincaldrum's Reel.
2191:The White Cockade. Strathspey Time.
2192:If I had a bonny Lass little sleep wou'd sair. a Reel.
2193:Hey to the Camp. a Jig.
2201:Browns Reel
2202:Mc Vicars Strathspey
2203:The Chace. a Reel.
2211:Go to the Devil & shake yourself. a Jig.
2212:O'er Bogie wi' my Love. a Reel.
2213:Gowd in Goupins. a Jig.
2221:Sandy is my Darling. a Reel.
2222:O as I was kiss'd yestreen. a Jig.
2223:Rise ye Lazy Lubber. a Reel.
2224:Bobin John
2231:Donald Quaich. a Reel.
2232:I love my love for she love's me. a Jig.
2233:The Drummer. a Reel.
2242:The High Road to Linton, a Reel.
2243:The_Bog_of_Gight. a Strathspey.
2244:The_Masons_Apron, a Reel.
2251:The_Miller_of_Drone, a Strathspey.
2252:Keep the Country Bonny Lassie. a Reel.
2261:Cut & Dry, a Strathspey.
2262:Lick the Ladle Sandy, a Reel.
2263:Allan Ramsay, a Jig.
2264:Cuttymun & Treeladle,* a Reel.
2271:The Far awa' Wedding, a Jig.
2272:The Haggies o' Dunbar. a Reel.
2273:The High way to Dublin. a Jig.
2281:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
2282:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
2283:The Carle he came o'er the Craft, wee his beard new shaven. a Reel.
2291:Willie Winkie's Testament. a Strathspey.
2292:Thro' the Wood she ran. a Reel.
2293:New year's day
2294:Capt Kennedy's Reel.
2301:Cary Owen. a Jig.
2302:Lady Dumfries's Reel.
2303:Go to Berwick Johnny. Jig Time.
2311:Lady Charlotte Campbell's Medley. the Reel.
2312:The Strathspey
2313:Miss Gibson.s (or the Cumberland) Reel
2314:Ms McDonald of Claranald's Strathspey
2321:Sally Kelly. a Reel.
2322:Sanders Brane. a Strathspey.
2323:The Weapon Shaw. a Reel.
2324:Sailors Wife. a Jig.
2331:Ratha Fair. a Reel.
2332:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
2341:The Geen Tree. a Reel.
2342:The Rocks of Cashel. a Strathspey.
2343:I winna gae do bed, untill I'm Married. a Reel.
2351:Hey to Cupar. a Jig.
2352:The Braes of Marr. a Reel.
2353:The Chorus Jig
2361:Steer the Gill. a Reel.
2362:The Marquis of Huntlys Highland Fling (a Strathspey)
2363:Lady Mackintosh's Reel
2363:For a' that and a' that
2364:The Duke of Cumberland's Strathspey
2371:The Auld Stewart's back again. a Reel.
2372:Kiss me fast my Minnie's coming. a Jig.
2373:The Swallow. a Reel
2374:Look before you. a Strathspey.
2381:Look Behind You. a Reel.
2382:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
2383:Thro' the warl'd wou'd I gae we the Lad I Like. a Reel.
2384:Good Night and Joy be wi' ye a'
3000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Third Part)
3011:Drunk at Night and Dry in the Morning
3021:Prince Charles Farewell to Scotland
3022:Sherriff Muir
3023:Lort Buchan
3031:Oer the Muir to Ketty. A Scotch Measure.
3032:The Highland President
3041:Up in the Morning Early
3042:The Marriage Knot
3043:Ther's nae luck about the House. Or For a' that and a' that.
3051:Nancy Dawson. Or Scotish Perrigordien
3052:When the King came o'er the (Boyne) water
3053:Bonny Charlie
3061:Birnham Wood
3062:The Bonny Highland Laddie (or Cairney Mount)
3063:Sleepy Bodie
3071:Mrs Gordon of Bellies Strathspey
3081:The Miller of Dee
3082:Sleep on till day.
3083:The Fallen Hero. (Nelson.)
3091:Mr Marshall's Comp.s to Niel Gow
3091:Mr Marshall's Compliments to Niel Gow
3092:She's fair and Fause
3093:Put the Gown upon the Bishop
3101:A Skye Air
3102:The Original Sett of the Braes of Marr
3111:Dunira Lodge
3112:We'er no very fou but we'er gayly yet
3112:Or the Laird of Skenes Favorite
3113:The Weary Pund O' Tow
3121:Whistle and I'll come to you my lad
3122:My only Joe and dearie
3123:Peggy Bawn
3131:Cauld Kail in Aberdeen
3132:The Original Lango Lee
3133:Jockey was the Blythest Lad in a' our Town
3134:Kindness for ever Mair
3141:O Let me in this ae Night.
3142:The Lone Vale
3143:Here's a Health to them that's awa'
3151:Lord Seaforths Strathspey
3152:Oer the Moor amang the Heather. a Reel.
3153:Johnny Pringle. a Strathspey.
3161:Miss Frasers Reel
3162:The Laird of Mackintoshs Strathspey
3163:Miss Ramsays Reel
3171:Jack's Alive. a Jig.
3172:Love in a Village. a Reel.
3173:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
3181:Ambelree. a Reel.
3182:St Patricks Day in the Morning. a Jig.
3183:Jockey Latin. a Reel.
3191:The Duchess of Gordon. a Strathspey.
3192:An Honorable Peace. a Reel.
3193:Lady Douglas of Bothwell. a Jig.
3201:Lord Binings Reel.
3202:Willie Duncan. a Strathspey.
3203:The Spell. a Reel.
3204:The Irish Wedding. a Jig.
3211:The Bonny Lass of Fisherrow. a Reel.
3212:Peggie's Wedding. a Jig.
3221:General McKays Reel.
3222:The Maids of Isla. a Strathspey.
3223:O'She's Comical. a Reel
3231:Mrs Christie's Strathspey.
3232:The Mullin du. or Black Mill. a Reel.
3233:Miss Elphinstones Strathspey.
3241:Ain Kind Dearie. a Reel.
3242:Largo Law. a Strathspey.
3243:Comely Garden. a Reel.
3244:Hay my Nanny. a Jig.
3251:The Fyket. a Reel
3252:The Bride is a Bonny thing. a Jig.
3261:Captain Ross. a Reel.
3262:Guzzle Together. a Jig.
3263:Up and war them a' Willie. a Reel.
3271:The Cushion Dance. a Jig.
3272:Captain Macduff's Reel.
3273:The Feet Washing. a Jig.
3281:Mrs General Campbell's Reel.
3282:Donald Dow's Strathspey.
3283:The Glasgow Lasses. a Reel.
3291:Lady Jardine's Strathspey.
3292:Miss Grant of Grant. a Reel.
3301:The Duchess of Manchester's Strathspey.
3302:The Parks of Fochabers. a Reel.
3303:The Short Apron. a Jig.
3311:The_Highland_Skip. a Reel.
3312:Willie's awa'. a Strathspey.
3313:Miss Whitefoords Reel
3321:The Doctor. a Strathspey.
3322:Lady Betty Boyles Reel
3323:Murphy Delaney. a Jig.
3324:Miss Hopkins Reel.
3331:Ben Lomond. a Strathepey.
3332:The_Boatman_of_Pitnacree. a Reel.
3333:Bennevis. a Strathspey.
3341:Lord Kinnaird's Reel
3342:Roaring Jelly. a Jig.
3343:Pretty Pegg
3344:Marchmont House.
3351:Lord McDonald's Old Reel.
3361:Dalry House. a Strathspey.
3362:Peas Strae. a Reel.
3363:Sir Arch.d Dunbar. a Strathspey.
3363:Sir Archibald Dunbar
3371:Glen Lyons Reel.
3372:Corimonies Rant. a Strathspey.
3373:Black but Comely. a Reel.
3381:Mellonies Jig
3382:Hon.ble Mrs Graham of Balgowan's
3383:The Hay Makers.
4000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Fourth Part)
4011:Charlie he's my Darling. Original Set.
4012:Charlie he's my Darling. Modern Set.
4021:The Days o' Yore
4022:The Highland Brigade at Waterloo
4041:Lamentation for the Fallen Heroes of Waterloo
4042:Kenmure's on an' awa Willie
4043:The Marchioness Cornwallis's Strathspey
4051:Miss Forbes' Farewell
4052:Kind Robin lo'es Me
4061:The Royal Highlanders welcome from Waterloo
4062:There'll ne'er be peace till Jamie come Home.
4062:There'll ne'er be peace till Jamie come hame.
4071:Green Sleeves
4081:Weel may the Boatie row
4082:Steer her up an' had her gaun
4101:The Island of Mull
4102:Black Jock
4111:Johnnny Faa. the Gypsie Laddie.
4112:The Highland Secretary
4121:Thro' the wood Laddie. Original Set.
4122:Fy let us a' to the Wedding
4131:The Lass of Livingston.
4141:Gudewife of Peebles
4142:Tak' your auld Cloak about ye
4143:Anwick Lodge
4151:Lady Montgomerie
4161:The Shepherd's Son
4161:The Flowers (Magistrates) of Edinburgh
4162:Miss McLeod's Favorite
4163:The Hon.ble Mrs Leslie Cuming
4171:Wandering Willie
4172:The Rock and wee pickle Tow
4181:Capt.n Simon Fraser of Knocky's Favorite
4182:Duncan Gray
4191:Todlen Hame
4201:Rasay House
4202:Mrs Gordon's Favorite
4203:Carle an' the King come.
4211:The Marquis of Hastings. a Strathspey.
4212:Lady Matilda Bruce's Reel
4221:The New Water Kettle. a Jig.
4222:The Lass of Ballantrae. a Reel.
4223:Go to Berwick Johnny. Jig time.
4231:Banff Castle. a Reel.
4232:Lady Binning's Strathspey
4241:The Stewarts Rant. a Reel.
4242:Teviot Bridge. a Jig.
4243:Mr Compton of Carham-Hall's Reel
4251:Panmure House. a Strathspey.
4252:The Marquis of Tullybardine's Reel
4261:Highland Whisky. a Strathspey.
4262:Miss Stewart of Fasnacloich's Reel
4263:Mrs Grant of Lagan's Strathspey
4271:Miss Wedderburn's Reel.
4271:Or Burn of Carnie.
4272:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
4281:The Bridge of Perth. a Reel.
4282:Craig Ellachie Bridge. a Strathspey.
4291:Charlie Stuart. a Reel.
4292:Hamilton Races. a Jig.
4293:There's nae luck about the House. a Reel.
4301:Miss Hope's Strathspey
4302:Johnny made a Wedding o't. a Reel.
4303:Dumlanrig Castle. a Strathspey.
4304:Johnny's friends are ne'er pleased. a Reel.
4311:Ayrshire Lasses. a Strathspey.
4312:The Argyll Bowling Green. a Reel.
4321:Glenbucket's Breeks. a Strathspey.
4322:Kiss me Sweetly. a Reel.
4323:Orange and Blue. a Jig.
4331:Castle Campbell. a Reel.
4332:Apppin House
4341:Highland Laddie
4342:Ca' the Wethers to the Hill
4343:The Bridge of Garry
4344:Charles Street Bath
4351:Gille Callum
4352:Blair Drummond
4361:Rasays Favorite. very old.
4362:Miss Erskine of Alvas
4363:Tha biodag aig Mac Thomais. "Mc Homas (Thomson) has a Dirk."
4371:McFarlane's Rant
4372:Lady Elinora Homes Reel
4373:Earl of Kinnoull's Reel
4374:Dalkeith House
4381:Cheap Meal.
4381:Or Good Harvest.
4382:Elsie Marly.
4382:Country Bumpkin.
abc gif png pdf svg CR-abc2 1000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Parts 1 - 4)
1000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (First Part)
1011:The Highland Watch, now the 42.d Reg.t or Royal Highlanders
1021:Struan Robertson's Rant. a Strathspey.
1022:Lewis Gordon.
1023:South and North, or Both sides of the Tweed. a Strathspey.
1031:Aldavaloch or o'er the moor amang the heather.
1032:Carrack's Rant. a Strathspey.
1041:Lord Eglintoun's auld man. a Strathspey.
1042:Is your Graith in order, or the whipman's Rant. a Strathspey.
1043:MacPhersons' Lament
1051:Watson's Scotch Measure
1052:Miss Admiral Gordon's Strathspey
1061:Port a' Bhodich or the Carles Rant
1062:Tibby Fowler o' the Glen. a Strathspey.
1071:Lord Banff's Strathspey
1072:The Original Sett of Killecrankie
1073:The Lassie with the yellow Coattie. a Strathspey.
1081:The Braes of Tullymet. a Strathspey.
1082:Col.l McBain's Reel
1083:Lord Kelly's Strathspey
1091:Captain Keelers Reel
1092:Marquis of Huntly's Strathspey
1093:Sir Ronald McDonalds Reel
1101:Pitty Coat loose. a Jig.
1102:The Bobers o' Brechin. a Reel.
1103:Monny Musk. a Strathspey.
1111:Thro' the wood of Favie. a Reel.
1112:Don Side. a Strathspey.
1121:Green Grows the Rashes. a Reel.
1122:Duke of Gordon's birth day. a Strathspey.
1123:Cadgers of the Canongate. a Reel.
1124:Whistle o'er the leave o't. a Strathspey.
1131:Mary Gray. a Reel.
1132:Dumfries House. a Reel.
1141:The Lassie wi' the yellow Coattie, a Reel.
1142:Sodger Laddie. a Jig.
1143:The Auld wife ayont the Fire. a Reel.
1151:The Campbells are Coming. a Jig.
1152:Duke of Perth's Reel
1153:Delvin Side. a Strathspey.
1161:Miss Flora McDonald's Reel
1162:Bog an Lochan, or Athole Cummers. a Strathspey.
1171:Sweet Molly. a Reel.
1172:I hae a wife o' my ain
1173:Lord Kilmaurs Reel
1181:Moll in the Wadd. a Jig.
1182:Roary Macnab. a Reel.
1183:Rothemurchue's Rant. a Strathspey.
1191:The Merry Lads of Ayr. a Reel.
1922:Welcome to your feet again. a Reel.
1193:Fight about the Fire Side. a Reel.
1201:I'll make you fain to follow. a Jig.
1202:The Braes of Auchtertyre. a Reel.
1211:Lady Home's Jig
1212:The Highland man kiss'd his Mother.
1213:Bung your Eye. a Jig.
1221:What The D..l ails you. a Reel
1222:Brose and Butter
1223:Bonny Annie. a Reel.
1224:Mackenzie's Rant. a Strathspey.
1231:The Ranting Highland-Man. a Reel.
1232:Lord Alex.r Gordon's Strathspey
1233:Because he was a bonny Lad &c. a Reel.
1241:The Marquis of Huntlys Farewell. a Strathspey.
1242:Greigs_Pipes. a Reel.
1243:Gordon Castle. a Reel.
1251:Fill the Stoup. a Reel
1252:Lady Nelly Wemye's Jig
1253:The Reel of Tulloch
1261:Borlams Strathspey
1262:Birks of Abergeldy. a Reel.
1263:John Roy Stewart. a Strathspey.
1271:The Braes of Balqudder. a Reel.
1272:Dainty Davie. a Strathspey.
1281:Earl of Marshall. a Reel.
1282:Johnny McGill. a Jig.
1283:I'll gang nae mair to yon town. a Reel.
1284:Let us to the Aird. a Strathspey.
1291:The Whigs of Fife. a Reel.
1292:Woo'd and Married and a'
1293:Lennox's Love to Blantyre. a Reel.
1301:Miss Ann \AEmelia Stuart's Strathspey
1302:The Cameronian Rant. a Reel.
1303:Miss Murray of Auchtertyre's Strathspey
1311:Lady Harriot Hope. a Reel.
1312:Mrs Garden of Troup's Strathspey.
1313:Athole House. a Reel.
1321:Brechin Castle. a Strathspey
1322:Miss Vearie Hay. a Reel.
1323:Drown Drought. a Jig.
1324:Isle of Sky, a Reel.
1331:The Ruffians Rant. a Strathspey.
1332:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
1341:Duncan Davidson. a Strathspey.
1342:Jenny Dang the Weaver. a Reel.
1343:Strathglass House. a Strathspey.
1351:My wife is a wanton wee thing
1352:The Lasses of Stewarton. a Reel.
1361:Andrew Carr. a Jig.
1362:Jennys Bawbee. a Reel.
1363:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
1371:Tail Todle. a Reel
1372:North Bridge of Edinburgh. a Strathspey.
1373:The Boganuadh. or the New Bob. a Reel
1381:Brisk Bob. a Strathspey
1382:Sleepy Maggy. a Reel.
1383:The Old Country Bumpkin
2000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Second Part)
2011:Hei Tuti Teti
2012:Honest Duncan, a Strathspey
2021:Johnny in the Nether Mains
2022:Saw ye Johnny Coming
2023:MacGriogair a Ruaro
2023:Lamentation for McGrigor of Roro
2024:The Original Highland Laddie
2024:The Quick Step of the Galland 42d Regiment
2031:Lord Aboyne
2032:McLauchlanes Scotish Measure
2041:Gin a body meet a body. a Strathspey.
2042:Miss Gibsons Jig
2043:A Cold Frosty Morning
2044:The Blue Ribbon Scotish Measure
2051:Sweet is the Lass that dwells among Heather. a Strathspey.
2052:Joy gae wi my Love
2053:The Highlanders Farewell to Ireland. a Strathspey.
2061:Fingal's Cave. a Strathspey.
2062:Auld wife ayont the Fire. a Strathspey.
2063:Lassie I'll come near you. a Strathspey.
2071:The Princess Royal
2072:Widow are ye waking
2081:Kitty Tyrrel
2082:The Royal Recovery. a Strathspey.
2083:New Market, or John Paterson's Mare goes Foremost.
2102:Isle of Sky. Scotish Measure.
2103:He's Dear to me tho' he's far frae me.
2111:Hey Jenny come down to Jock
2112:Old Dumbarton Drum's Scotish Measure
2113:Ailen a Roon
2114:Auld Springs (Tunes) gees nae Price
2121:The Maid that tends the Goats
2122:The Humours of Glen
2123:He's aye Kissing me.
2131:Niel Gows Wife. a Strathspey.
2132:John Cheap the Chapman, a Reel.
2133:The Craig of Barns. a Strathspey.
2141:Sir John Lockhart Ross's Reel.
2142:My Mither's aye glowren o'er me. a Jig.
2143:Lady Wallace. a Reel.
2144:Hon.ble Cap.n Maitland's Strathspey.
2151:Torry Burn. a Reel.
2152:The Parson in Boots. a Jig.
2153:The Old man will never die. a Reel.
2161:Open the Door to three. a Jig.
2162:New Christmas. or Bass Reel.
2163:The Pipers Maggot. a Jig.
2164:The Perrie Werrie. a Reel.
2171:Merrily Danced the Quakers Wife. a Jig.
2172:Sucky bids me. a Reel.
2173:The Malt-man. a Jig.
2181:The Braes of Athol. a Reel.
2182:New Claret. a Jig.
2183:Kincaldrum's Reel.
2191:The White Cockade. Strathspey Time.
2192:If I had a bonny Lass little sleep wou'd sair. a Reel.
2193:Hey to the Camp. a Jig.
2201:Browns Reel
2202:Mc Vicars Strathspey
2203:The Chace. a Reel.
2211:Go to the Devil & shake yourself. a Jig.
2212:O'er Bogie wi' my Love. a Reel.
2213:Gowd in Goupins. a Jig.
2221:Sandy is my Darling. a Reel.
2222:O as I was kiss'd yestreen. a Jig.
2223:Rise ye Lazy Lubber. a Reel.
2224:Bobin John
2231:Donald Quaich. a Reel.
2232:I love my love for she love's me. a Jig.
2233:The Drummer. a Reel.
2242:The High Road to Linton, a Reel.
2243:The_Bog_of_Gight. a Strathspey.
2244:The_Masons_Apron, a Reel.
2251:The_Miller_of_Drone, a Strathspey.
2252:Keep the Country Bonny Lassie. a Reel.
2261:Cut & Dry, a Strathspey.
2262:Lick the Ladle Sandy, a Reel.
2263:Allan Ramsay, a Jig.
2264:Cuttymun & Treeladle,* a Reel.
2271:The Far awa' Wedding, a Jig.
2272:The Haggies o' Dunbar. a Reel.
2273:The High way to Dublin. a Jig.
2281:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
2282:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
2283:The Carle he came o'er the Craft, wee his beard new shaven. a Reel.
2291:Willie Winkie's Testament. a Strathspey.
2292:Thro' the Wood she ran. a Reel.
2293:New year's day
2294:Capt Kennedy's Reel.
2301:Cary Owen. a Jig.
2302:Lady Dumfries's Reel.
2303:Go to Berwick Johnny. Jig Time.
2311:Lady Charlotte Campbell's Medley. the Reel.
2312:The Strathspey
2313:Miss Gibson.s (or the Cumberland) Reel
2314:Ms McDonald of Claranald's Strathspey
2321:Sally Kelly. a Reel.
2322:Sanders Brane. a Strathspey.
2323:The Weapon Shaw. a Reel.
2324:Sailors Wife. a Jig.
2331:Ratha Fair. a Reel.
2332:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
2341:The Geen Tree. a Reel.
2342:The Rocks of Cashel. a Strathspey.
2343:I winna gae do bed, untill I'm Married. a Reel.
2351:Hey to Cupar. a Jig.
2352:The Braes of Marr. a Reel.
2353:The Chorus Jig
2361:Steer the Gill. a Reel.
2362:The Marquis of Huntlys Highland Fling (a Strathspey)
2363:Lady Mackintosh's Reel
2363:For a' that and a' that
2364:The Duke of Cumberland's Strathspey
2371:The Auld Stewart's back again. a Reel.
2372:Kiss me fast my Minnie's coming. a Jig.
2373:The Swallow. a Reel
2374:Look before you. a Strathspey.
2381:Look Behind You. a Reel.
2382:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
2383:Thro' the warl'd wou'd I gae we the Lad I Like. a Reel.
2384:Good Night and Joy be wi' ye a'
3000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Third Part)
3011:Drunk at Night and Dry in the Morning
3021:Prince Charles Farewell to Scotland
3022:Sherriff Muir
3023:Lort Buchan
3031:Oer the Muir to Ketty. A Scotch Measure.
3032:The Highland President
3041:Up in the Morning Early
3042:The Marriage Knot
3043:Ther's nae luck about the House. Or For a' that and a' that.
3051:Nancy Dawson. Or Scotish Perrigordien
3052:When the King came o'er the (Boyne) water
3053:Bonny Charlie
3061:Birnham Wood
3062:The Bonny Highland Laddie (or Cairney Mount)
3063:Sleepy Bodie
3071:Mrs Gordon of Bellies Strathspey
3081:The Miller of Dee
3082:Sleep on till day.
3083:The Fallen Hero. (Nelson.)
3091:Mr Marshall's Comp.ts to Niel Gow
3091:Mr Marshall's Compliments to Niel Gow
3092:She's fair and Fause
3093:Put the Gown upon the Bishop
3101:A Skye Air
3102:The Original Sett of the Braes of Marr
3111:Dunira Lodge
3112:We'er no very fou but we'er gayly yet
3112:Or the Laird of Skenes Favorite
3113:The Weary Pund O' Tow
3121:Whistle and I'll come to you my lad
3122:My only Joe and dearie
3123:Peggy Bawn
3131:Cauld Kail in Aberdeen
3132:The Original Lango Lee
3133:Jockey was the Blythest Lad in a' our Town
3134:Kindness for ever Mair
3141:O Let me in this ae Night.
3142:The Lone Vale
3143:Here's a Health to them that's awa'
3151:Lord Seaforths Strathspey
3152:Oer the Moor amang the Heather. a Reel.
3153:Johnny Pringle. a Strathspey.
3161:Miss Frasers Reel
3162:The Laird of Mackintoshs Strathspey
3163:Miss Ramsays Reel
3171:Jack's Alive. a Jig.
3172:Love in a Village. a Reel.
3173:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
3181:Ambelree. a Reel.
3182:St Patricks Day in the Morning. a Jig.
3183:Jockey Latin. a Reel.
3191:The Duchess of Gordon. a Strathspey.
3192:An Honorable Peace. a Reel.
3193:Lady Douglas of Bothwell. a Jig.
3201:Lord Binings Reel.
3202:Willie Duncan. a Strathspey.
3203:The Spell. a Reel.
3204:The Irish Wedding. a Jig.
3211:The Bonny Lass of Fisherrow. a Reel.
3212:Peggie's Wedding. a Jig.
3221:General McKays Reel.
3222:The Maids of Isla. a Strathspey.
3223:O'She's Comical. a Reel
3231:Mrs Christie's Strathspey.
3232:The Mullin du. or Black Mill. a Reel.
3233:Miss Elphinstones Strathspey.
3241:Ain Kind Dearie. a Reel.
3242:Largo Law. a Strathspey.
3243:Comely Garden. a Reel.
3244:Hay my Nanny. a Jig.
3251:The Fyket. a Reel
3252:The Bride is a Bonny thing. a Jig.
3261:Captain Ross. a Reel.
3262:Guzzle Together. a Jig.
3263:Up and war them a' Willie. a Reel.
3271:The Cushion Dance. a Jig.
3272:Captain Macduff's Reel.
3273:The Feet Washing. a Jig.
3281:Mrs General Campbell's Reel.
3282:Donald Dow's Strathspey.
3283:The Glasgow Lasses. a Reel.
3291:Lady Jardine's Strathspey.
3292:Miss Grant of Grant. a Reel.
3301:The Duchess of Manchester's Strathspey.
3302:The Parks of Fochabers. a Reel.
3303:The Short Apron. a Jig.
3311:The_Highland_Skip. a Reel.
3312:Willie's awa'. a Strathspey.
3313:Miss Whitefoords Reel
3321:The Doctor. a Strathspey.
3322:Lady Betty Boyles Reel
3323:Murphy Delaney. a Jig.
3324:Miss Hopkins Reel.
3331:Ben Lomond. a Strathepey.
3332:The_Boatman_of_Pitnacree. a Reel.
3333:Bennevis. a Strathspey.
3341:Lord Kinnaird's Reel
3342:Roaring Jelly. a Jig.
3343:Pretty Pegg
3344:Marchmont House.
3351:Lord McDonald's Old Reel.
3361:Dalry House. a Strathspey.
3362:Peas Strae. a Reel.
3363:Sir Arch.d Dunbar. a Strathspey.
3363:Sir Archibald Dunbar
3371:Glen Lyons Reel.
3372:Corimonies Rant. a Strathspey.
3373:Black but Comely. a Reel.
3381:Mellonies Jig
3382:Hon.ble Mrs Graham of Balgowan's
3383:The Hay Makers.
4000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Fourth Part)
4011:Charlie he's my Darling. Original Set.
4012:Charlie he's my Darling. Modern Set.
4021:The Days o' Yore
4022:The Highland Brigade at Waterloo
4041:Lamentation for the Fallen Heroes of Waterloo
4042:Kenmure's on an' awa Willie
4043:The Marchioness Cornwallis's Strathspey
4051:Miss Forbes' Farewell
4052:Kind Robin lo'es Me
4061:The Royal Highlanders welcome from Waterloo
4062:There'll ne'er be peace till Jamie come Home.
4062:There'll ne'er be peace till Jamie come hame.
4071:Green Sleeves
4081:Weel may the Boatie row
4082:Steer her up an' had her gaun
4101:The Island of Mull
4102:Black Jock
4111:Johnnny Faa. the Gypsie Laddie.
4112:The Highland Secretary
4121:Thro' the wood Laddie. Original Set.
4122:Fy let us a' to the Wedding
4131:The Lass of Livingston.
4141:Gudewife of Peebles
4142:Tak' your auld Cloak about ye
4143:Anwick Lodge
4151:Lady Montgomerie
4152:The Shepherd's Son
4161:The Flowers (Magistrates) of Edinburgh
4162:Miss McLeod's Favorite
4163:The Hon.ble Mrs Leslie Cuming
4171:Wandering Willie
4172:The Rock and wee pickle Tow
4181:Capt.n Simon Fraser of Knocky's Favorite
4182:Duncan Gray
4191:Todlen Hame
4201:Rasay House
4202:Mrs Gordon's Favorite
4203:Carle an' the King come.
4211:The Marquis of Hastings. a Strathspey.
4212:Lady Matilda Bruce's Reel
4221:The New Water Kettle. a Jig.
4222:The Lass of Ballantrae. a Reel.
4223:Go to Berwick Johnny. Jig time.
4231:Banff Castle. a Reel.
4232:Lady Binning's Strathspey
4241:The Stewarts Rant. a Reel.
4242:Teviot Bridge. a Jig.
4243:Mr Compton of Carham-Hall's Reel
4251:Panmure House. a Strathspey.
4252:The Marquis of Tullybardine's Reel
4261:Highland Whisky. a Strathspey.
4262:Miss Stewart of Fasnacloich's Reel
4263:Mrs Grant of Lagan's Strathspey
4271:Miss Wedderburn's Reel.
4271:Or Burn of Carnie.
4272:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
4281:The Bridge of Perth. a Reel.
4282:Craig Ellachie Bridge. a Strathspey.
4291:Charlie Stuart. a Reel.
4292:Hamilton Races. a Jig.
4293:There's nae luck about the House. a Reel.
4301:Miss Hope's Strathspey
4302:Johnny made a Wedding o't. a Reel.
4303:Dumlanrig Castle. a Strathspey.
4304:Johnny's friends are ne'er pleased. a Reel.
4311:Ayrshire Lasses. a Strathspey.
4312:The Argyll Bowling Green. a Reel.
4321:Glenbucket's Breeks. a Strathspey.
4322:Kiss me Sweetly. a Reel.
4323:Orange and Blue. a Jig.
4331:Castle Campbell. a Reel.
4332:Apppin House
4341:Highland Laddie
4342:Ca' the Wethers to the Hill
4343:The Bridge of Garry
4344:Charles Street Bath
4351:Gille Callum
4352:Blair Drummond
4361:Rasays Favorite. very old.
4362:Miss Erskine of Alvas
4363:Tha biodag aig Mac Thomais. "Mc Homas (Thomson) has a Dirk."
4371:McFarlane's Rant
4372:Lady Elinora Homes Reel
4373:Earl of Kinnoull's Reel
4374:Dalkeith House
4381:Cheap Meal.
4381:Or Good Harvest.
4382:Elsie Marly.
4382:Country Bumpkin.
abc gif png pdf svg CR1-abc1 1000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (First Part)
1011:the Highland Watch, now the 42.d Reg.t or Royal Highlanders
1021:Struan Robertson's Rant. a Strathspey.
1022:Lewis Gordon.
1023:South and North, or Both sides of the Tweed. a Strathspey.
1031:Aldavaloch or o'er the moor amang the heather.
1032:Carrack's Rant. a Strathspey.
1041:Lord Eglintoun's auld man. a Strathspey.
1042:Is your Graith in order, or the whipman's Rant. a Strathspey.
1043:MacPhersons' Lament
1051:Watson's Scotch Measure
1052:Miss Admiral Gordon's Strathspey
1061:Port a' Bhodich or the Carles Rant
1062:Tibby Fowler o' the Glen. a Strathspey.
1071:Lord Banff's Strathspey
1072:the Original Sett of Killecrankie
1073:the Lassie with the yellow Coattie. a Strathspey.
1081:the Braes of Tullymet. a Strathspey.
1082:Col.l McBain's Reel
1083:Lord Kelly's Strathspey
1091:Captain Keelers Reel
1092:Marquis of Huntly's Strathspey
1093:Sir Ronald McDonalds Reel
1101:Pitty Coat loose. a Jig.
1102:the Bobers o' Brechin. a Reel.
1103:Monny Musk. a Strathspey.
1111:Thro' the wood of Favie. a Reel.
1112:Don Side. a Strathspey.
1121:Green Grows the Rashes. a Reel.
1122:Duke of Gordon's birth day. a Strathspey.
1123:Cadgers of the Canongate. a Reel.
1124:Whistle o'er the leave o't. a Strathspey.
1131:Mary Gray. a Reel.
1132:Dumfries House. a Reel.
1141:the Lassie wi' the yellow Coattie, a Reel.
1142:Sodger Laddie. a Jig.
1143:the Auld wife ayont the Fire. a Reel.
1151:the Campbells are Coming. a Jig.
1152:Duke of Perth's Reel
1153:Delvin Side. a Strathspey.
1161:Miss Flora McDonald's Reel
1162:Bog an Lochan, or Athole Cummers. a Strathspey.
1171:Sweet Molly. a Reel.
1172:I hae a wife o' my ain
1173:Lord Kilmaurs Reel
1181:Moll in the Wadd. a Jig.
1182:Roary Macnab. a Reel.
1183:Rothemurchue's Rant. a Strathspey.
1191:the Merry Lads of Ayr. a Reel.
1922:Welcome to your feet again. a Reel.
1193:Fight about the Fire Side. a Reel.
1201:I'll make you fain to follow. a Jig.
1202:the Braes of Auchtertyre. a Reel.
1211:Lady Home's Jig
1212:the Highland man kiss'd his Mother.
1213:Bung your Eye. a Jig.
1221:What The D..l ails you. a Reel
1222:Brose and Butter
1223:Bonny Annie. a Reel.
1224:Mackenzie's Rant. a Strathspey.
1231:the Ranting Highland-Man. a Reel.
1232:Lord Alex.r Gordon's Strathspey
1233:Because he was a bonny Lad &c. a Reel.
1241:the Marquis of Huntlys Farewell. a Strathspey.
1242:Greigs_Pipes. a Reel.
1243:Gordon Castle. a Reel.
1251:Fill the Stoup. a Reel
1252:Lady Nelly Wemye's Jig
1253:the Reel of Tulloch
1261:Borlams Strathspey
1262:Birks of Abergeldy. a Reel.
1263:John Roy Stewart. a Strathspey.
1271:the Braes of Balqudder. a Reel.
1272:Dainty Davie. a Strathspey.
1281:Earl of Marshall. a Reel.
1282:Johnny McGill. a Jig.
1283:I'll gang nae mair to yon town. a Reel.
1284:Let us to the Aird. a Strathspey.
1291:the Whigs of Fife. a Reel.
1292:Woo'd and Married and a'
1293:Lennox's Love to Blantyre. a Reel.
1301:Miss Ann \AEmelia Stuart's Strathspey
1302:the Cameronian Rant. a Reel.
1303:Miss Murray of Auchtertyre's Strathspey
1311:Lady Harriot Hope. a Reel.
1312:Mrs Garden of Troup's Strathspey.
1313:Athole House. a Reel.
1321:Brechin Castle. a Strathspey
1322:Miss Vearie Hay. a Reel.
1323:Drown Drought. a Jig.
1324:Isle of Sky, a Reel.
1331:the Ruffians Rant. a Strathspey.
1332:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
1341:Duncan Davidson. a Strathspey.
1342:Jenny Dang the Weaver. a Reel.
1343:Strathglass House. a Strathspey.
1351:My wife is a wanton wee thing
1352:the Lasses of Stewarton. a Reel.
1361:Andrew Carr. a Jig.
1362:Jennys Bawbee. a Reel.
1363:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
1371:Tail Todle. a Reel
1372:North Bridge of Edinburgh. a Strathspey.
1373:the Boganuadh. or the New Bob. a Reel
1381:Brisk Bob. a Strathspey
1382:Sleepy Maggy. a Reel.
1383:the Old Country Bumpkin
abc gif png pdf svg CR1-abc2 1000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (First Part)
1011:the Highland Watch, now the 42.d Reg.t or Royal Highlanders
1021:Struan Robertson's Rant. a Strathspey.
1022:Lewis Gordon.
1023:South and North, or Both sides of the Tweed. a Strathspey.
1031:Aldavaloch or o'er the moor amang the heather.
1032:Carrack's Rant. a Strathspey.
1041:Lord Eglintoun's auld man. a Strathspey.
1042:Is your Graith in order, or the whipman's Rant. a Strathspey.
1043:MacPhersons' Lament
1051:Watson's Scotch Measure
1052:Miss Admiral Gordon's Strathspey
1061:Port a' Bhodich or the Carles Rant
1062:Tibby Fowler o' the Glen. a Strathspey.
1071:Lord Banff's Strathspey
1072:the Original Sett of Killecrankie
1073:the Lassie with the yellow Coattie. a Strathspey.
1081:the Braes of Tullymet. a Strathspey.
1082:Col.l McBain's Reel
1083:Lord Kelly's Strathspey
1091:Captain Keelers Reel
1092:Marquis of Huntly's Strathspey
1093:Sir Ronald McDonalds Reel
1101:Pitty Coat loose. a Jig.
1102:the Bobers o' Brechin. a Reel.
1103:Monny Musk. a Strathspey.
1111:Thro' the wood of Favie. a Reel.
1112:Don Side. a Strathspey.
1121:Green Grows the Rashes. a Reel.
1122:Duke of Gordon's birth day. a Strathspey.
1123:Cadgers of the Canongate. a Reel.
1124:Whistle o'er the leave o't. a Strathspey.
1131:Mary Gray. a Reel.
1132:Dumfries House. a Reel.
1141:the Lassie wi' the yellow Coattie, a Reel.
1142:Sodger Laddie. a Jig.
1143:the Auld wife ayont the Fire. a Reel.
1151:the Campbells are Coming. a Jig.
1152:Duke of Perth's Reel
1153:Delvin Side. a Strathspey.
1161:Miss Flora McDonald's Reel
1162:Bog an Lochan, or Athole Cummers. a Strathspey.
1171:Sweet Molly. a Reel.
1172:I hae a wife o' my ain
1173:Lord Kilmaurs Reel
1181:Moll in the Wadd. a Jig.
1182:Roary Macnab. a Reel.
1183:Rothemurchue's Rant. a Strathspey.
1191:the Merry Lads of Ayr. a Reel.
1922:Welcome to your feet again. a Reel.
1193:Fight about the Fire Side. a Reel.
1201:I'll make you fain to follow. a Jig.
1202:the Braes of Auchtertyre. a Reel.
1211:Lady Home's Jig
1212:the Highland man kiss'd his Mother.
1213:Bung your Eye. a Jig.
1221:What The D..l ails you. a Reel
1222:Brose and Butter
1223:Bonny Annie. a Reel.
1224:Mackenzie's Rant. a Strathspey.
1231:the Ranting Highland-Man. a Reel.
1232:Lord Alex.r Gordon's Strathspey
1233:Because he was a bonny Lad &c. a Reel.
1241:the Marquis of Huntlys Farewell. a Strathspey.
1242:Greigs_Pipes. a Reel.
1243:Gordon Castle. a Reel.
1251:Fill the Stoup. a Reel
1252:Lady Nelly Wemye's Jig
1253:the Reel of Tulloch
1261:Borlams Strathspey
1262:Birks of Abergeldy. a Reel.
1263:John Roy Stewart. a Strathspey.
1271:the Braes of Balqudder. a Reel.
1272:Dainty Davie. a Strathspey.
1281:Earl of Marshall. a Reel.
1282:Johnny McGill. a Jig.
1283:I'll gang nae mair to yon town. a Reel.
1284:Let us to the Aird. a Strathspey.
1291:the Whigs of Fife. a Reel.
1292:Woo'd and Married and a'
1293:Lennox's Love to Blantyre. a Reel.
1301:Miss Ann \AEmelia Stuart's Strathspey
1302:the Cameronian Rant. a Reel.
1303:Miss Murray of Auchtertyre's Strathspey
1311:Lady Harriot Hope. a Reel.
1312:Mrs Garden of Troup's Strathspey.
1313:Athole House. a Reel.
1321:Brechin Castle. a Strathspey
1322:Miss Vearie Hay. a Reel.
1323:Drown Drought. a Jig.
1324:Isle of Sky, a Reel.
1331:the Ruffians Rant. a Strathspey.
1332:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
1341:Duncan Davidson. a Strathspey.
1342:Jenny Dang the Weaver. a Reel.
1343:Strathglass House. a Strathspey.
1351:My wife is a wanton wee thing
1352:the Lasses of Stewarton. a Reel.
1361:Andrew Carr. a Jig.
1362:Jennys Bawbee. a Reel.
1363:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
1371:Tail Todle. a Reel
1372:North Bridge of Edinburgh. a Strathspey.
1373:the Boganuadh. or the New Bob. a Reel
1381:Brisk Bob. a Strathspey
1382:Sleepy Maggy. a Reel.
1383:the Old Country Bumpkin
abc gif png pdf svg CR2-abc1 2000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Second Part)
2011:Hei Tuti Teti
2012:Honest Duncan, a Strathspey
2021:Johnny in the Nether Mains
2022:Saw ye Johnny Coming
2023:MacGriogair a Ruaro
2023:Lamentation for McGrigor of Roro
2024:the Original Highland Laddie
2024:the Quick Step of the Galland 42d Regiment
2031:Lord Aboyne
2032:McLauchlanes Scotish Measure
2041:Gin a body meet a body. a Strathspey.
2042:Miss Gibsons Jig
2043:a Cold Frosty Morning
2044:the Blue Ribbon Scotish Measure
2051:Sweet is the Lass that dwells among Heather. a Strathspey.
2052:Joy gae wi my Love
2053:the Highlanders Farewell to Ireland. a Strathspey.
2061:Fingal's Cave. a Strathspey.
2062:Auld wife ayont the Fire. a Strathspey.
2063:Lassie I'll come near you. a Strathspey.
2071:the Princess Royal
2072:Widow are ye waking
2081:Kitty Tyrrel
2082:the Royal Recovery. a Strathspey.
2083:New Market, or John Paterson's Mare goes Foremost.
2102:Isle of Sky. Scotish Measure.
2103:He's Dear to me tho' he's far frae me.
2111:Hey Jenny come down to Jock
2112:Old Dumbarton Drum's Scotish Measure
2113:Ailen a Roon
2114:Auld Springs (Tunes) gees nae Price
2121:the Maid that tends the Goats
2122:the Humours of Glen
2123:He's aye Kissing me.
2131:Niel Gows Wife. a Strathspey.
2132:John Cheap the Chapman, a Reel.
2133:the Craig of Barns. a Strathspey.
2141:Sir John Lockhart Ross's Reel.
2142:My Mither's aye glowren o'er me. a Jig.
2143:Lady Wallace. a Reel.
2144:Hon.ble Cap.n Maitland's Strathspey.
2151:Torry Burn. a Reel.
2152:the Parson in Boots. a Jig.
2153:the Old man will never die. a Reel.
2161:Open the Door to three. a Jig.
2162:New Christmas. or Bass Reel.
2163:the Pipers Maggot. a Jig.
2164:the Perrie Werrie. a Reel.
2171:Merrily Danced the Quakers Wife. a Jig.
2172:Sucky bids me. a Reel.
2173:the Malt-man. a Jig.
2181:the Braes of Athol. a Reel.
2182:New Claret. a Jig.
2183:Kincaldrum's Reel.
2191:the White Cockade. Strathspey Time.
2192:If I had a bonny Lass little sleep wou'd sair. a Reel.
2193:Hey to the Camp. a Jig.
2201:Browns Reel
2202:Mc Vicars Strathspey
2203:the Chace. a Reel.
2211:Go to the Devil & shake yourself. a Jig.
2212:O'er Bogie wi' my Love. a Reel.
2213:Gowd in Goupins. a Jig.
2221:Sandy is my Darling. a Reel.
2222:O as I was kiss'd yestreen. a Jig.
2223:Rise ye Lazy Lubber. a Reel.
2224:Bobin John
2231:Donald Quaich. a Reel.
2232:I love my love for she love's me. a Jig.
2233:the Drummer. a Reel.
2242:the High Road to Linton, a Reel.
2243:the_Bog_of_Gight. a Strathspey.
2244:the_Masons_Apron, a Reel.
2251:the_Miller_of_Drone, a Strathspey.
2252:Keep the Country Bonny Lassie. a Reel.
2261:Cut & Dry, a Strathspey.
2262:Lick the Ladle Sandy, a Reel.
2263:Allan Ramsay, a Jig.
2264:Cuttymun & Treeladle,* a Reel.
2271:the Far awa' Wedding, a Jig.
2272:the Haggies o' Dunbar. a Reel.
2273:the High way to Dublin. a Jig.
2281:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
2282:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
2283:the Carle he came o'er the Craft, wee his beard new shaven. a Reel.
2291:Willie Winkie's Testament. a Strathspey.
2292:Thro' the Wood she ran. a Reel.
2293:New year's day
2294:Capt Kennedy's Reel.
2301:Cary Owen. a Jig.
2302:Lady Dumfries's Reel.
2303:Go to Berwick Johnny. Jig Time.
2311:Lady Charlotte Campbell's Medley. the Reel.
2312:the Strathspey
2313:Miss Gibson.s (or the Cumberland) Reel
2314:Ms McDonald of Claranald's Strathspey
2321:Sally Kelly. a Reel.
2322:Sanders Brane. a Strathspey.
2323:the Weapon Shaw. a Reel.
2324:Sailors Wife. a Jig.
2331:Ratha Fair. a Reel.
2332:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
2341:the Geen Tree. a Reel.
2342:the Rocks of Cashel. a Strathspey.
2343:I winna gae do bed, untill I'm Married. a Reel.
2351:Hey to Cupar. a Jig.
2352:the Braes of Marr. a Reel.
2353:the Chorus Jig
2361:Steer the Gill. a Reel.
2362:the Marquis of Huntlys Highland Fling (a Strathspey)
2363:Lady Mackintosh's Reel
2363:For a' that and a' that
2364:the Duke of Cumberland's Strathspey
2371:the Auld Stewart's back again. a Reel.
2372:Kiss me fast my Minnie's coming. a Jig.
2373:the Swallow. a Reel
2374:Look before you. a Strathspey.
2381:Look Behind You. a Reel.
2382:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
2383:Thro' the warl'd wou'd I gae we the Lad I Like. a Reel.
2384:Good Night and Joy be wi' ye a'
abc gif png pdf svg CR2-abc2 2000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Second Part)
2011:Hei Tuti Teti
2012:Honest Duncan, a Strathspey
2021:Johnny in the Nether Mains
2022:Saw ye Johnny Coming
2023:MacGriogair a Ruaro
2023:Lamentation for McGrigor of Roro
2024:the Original Highland Laddie
2024:the Quick Step of the Galland 42d Regiment
2031:Lord Aboyne
2032:McLauchlanes Scotish Measure
2041:Gin a body meet a body. a Strathspey.
2042:Miss Gibsons Jig
2043:a Cold Frosty Morning
2044:the Blue Ribbon Scotish Measure
2051:Sweet is the Lass that dwells among Heather. a Strathspey.
2052:Joy gae wi my Love
2053:the Highlanders Farewell to Ireland. a Strathspey.
2061:Fingal's Cave. a Strathspey.
2062:Auld wife ayont the Fire. a Strathspey.
2063:Lassie I'll come near you. a Strathspey.
2071:the Princess Royal
2072:Widow are ye waking
2081:Kitty Tyrrel
2082:the Royal Recovery. a Strathspey.
2083:New Market, or John Paterson's Mare goes Foremost.
2102:Isle of Sky. Scotish Measure.
2103:He's Dear to me tho' he's far frae me.
2111:Hey Jenny come down to Jock
2112:Old Dumbarton Drum's Scotish Measure
2113:Ailen a Roon
2114:Auld Springs (Tunes) gees nae Price
2121:the Maid that tends the Goats
2122:the Humours of Glen
2123:He's aye Kissing me.
2131:Niel Gows Wife. a Strathspey.
2132:John Cheap the Chapman, a Reel.
2133:the Craig of Barns. a Strathspey.
2141:Sir John Lockhart Ross's Reel.
2142:My Mither's aye glowren o'er me. a Jig.
2143:Lady Wallace. a Reel.
2144:Hon.ble Cap.n Maitland's Strathspey.
2151:Torry Burn. a Reel.
2152:the Parson in Boots. a Jig.
2153:the Old man will never die. a Reel.
2161:Open the Door to three. a Jig.
2162:New Christmas. or Bass Reel.
2163:the Pipers Maggot. a Jig.
2164:the Perrie Werrie. a Reel.
2171:Merrily Danced the Quakers Wife. a Jig.
2172:Sucky bids me. a Reel.
2173:the Malt-man. a Jig.
2181:the Braes of Athol. a Reel.
2182:New Claret. a Jig.
2183:Kincaldrum's Reel.
2191:the White Cockade. Strathspey Time.
2192:If I had a bonny Lass little sleep wou'd sair. a Reel.
2193:Hey to the Camp. a Jig.
2201:Browns Reel
2202:Mc Vicars Strathspey
2203:the Chace. a Reel.
2211:Go to the Devil & shake yourself. a Jig.
2212:O'er Bogie wi' my Love. a Reel.
2213:Gowd in Goupins. a Jig.
2221:Sandy is my Darling. a Reel.
2222:O as I was kiss'd yestreen. a Jig.
2223:Rise ye Lazy Lubber. a Reel.
2224:Bobin John
2231:Donald Quaich. a Reel.
2232:I love my love for she love's me. a Jig.
2233:the Drummer. a Reel.
2242:the High Road to Linton, a Reel.
2243:the_Bog_of_Gight. a Strathspey.
2244:the_Masons_Apron, a Reel.
2251:the_Miller_of_Drone, a Strathspey.
2252:Keep the Country Bonny Lassie. a Reel.
2261:Cut & Dry, a Strathspey.
2262:Lick the Ladle Sandy, a Reel.
2263:Allan Ramsay, a Jig.
2264:Cuttymun & Treeladle,* a Reel.
2271:the Far awa' Wedding, a Jig.
2272:the Haggies o' Dunbar. a Reel.
2273:the High way to Dublin. a Jig.
2281:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
2282:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
2283:the Carle he came o'er the Craft, wee his beard new shaven. a Reel.
2291:Willie Winkie's Testament. a Strathspey.
2292:Thro' the Wood she ran. a Reel.
2293:New year's day
2294:Capt Kennedy's Reel.
2301:Cary Owen. a Jig.
2302:Lady Dumfries's Reel.
2303:Go to Berwick Johnny. Jig Time.
2311:Lady Charlotte Campbell's Medley. the Reel.
2312:the Strathspey
2313:Miss Gibson.s (or the Cumberland) Reel
2314:Ms McDonald of Claranald's Strathspey
2321:Sally Kelly. a Reel.
2322:Sanders Brane. a Strathspey.
2323:the Weapon Shaw. a Reel.
2324:Sailors Wife. a Jig.
2331:Ratha Fair. a Reel.
2332:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
2341:the Geen Tree. a Reel.
2342:the Rocks of Cashel. a Strathspey.
2343:I winna gae do bed, untill I'm Married. a Reel.
2351:Hey to Cupar. a Jig.
2352:the Braes of Marr. a Reel.
2353:the Chorus Jig
2361:Steer the Gill. a Reel.
2362:the Marquis of Huntlys Highland Fling (a Strathspey)
2363:Lady Mackintosh's Reel
2363:For a' that and a' that
2364:the Duke of Cumberland's Strathspey
2371:the Auld Stewart's back again. a Reel.
2372:Kiss me fast my Minnie's coming. a Jig.
2373:the Swallow. a Reel
2374:Look before you. a Strathspey.
2381:Look Behind You. a Reel.
2382:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
2383:Thro' the warl'd wou'd I gae we the Lad I Like. a Reel.
2384:Good Night and Joy be wi' ye a'
abc gif png pdf svg CR3-abc1 3000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Third Part)
3011:Drunk at Night and Dry in the Morning
3021:Prince Charles Farewell to Scotland
3022:Sherriff Muir
3023:Lort Buchan
3031:Oer the Muir to Ketty. A Scotch Measure.
3032:the Highland President
3041:Up in the Morning Early
3042:the Marriage Knot
3043:Ther's nae luck about the House. Or For a' that and a' that.
3051:Nancy Dawson. Or Scotish Perrigordien
3052:When the King came o'er the (Boyne) water
3053:Bonny Charlie
3061:Birnham Wood
3062:the Bonny Highland Laddie (or Cairney Mount)
3063:Sleepy Bodie
3071:Mrs Gordon of Bellies Strathspey
3081:the Miller of Dee
3082:Sleep on till day.
3083:the Fallen Hero. (Nelson.)
3091:Mr Marshall's Comp.s to Niel Gow
3091:Mr Marshall's Compliments to Niel Gow
3092:She's fair and Fause
3093:Put the Gown upon the Bishop
3101:a Skye Air
3102:the Original Sett of the Braes of Marr
3111:Dunira Lodge
3112:We'er no very fou but we'er gayly yet
3112:or the Laird of Skenes Favorite
3113:the Weary Pund O' Tow
3121:Whistle and I'll come to you my lad
3122:My only Joe and dearie
3123:Peggy Bawn
3131:Cauld Kail in Aberdeen
3132:the Original Lango Lee
3133:Jockey was the Blythest Lad in a' our Town
3134:Kindness for ever Mair
3141:O Let me in this ae Night.
3142:the Lone Vale
3143:Here's a Health to them that's awa'
3151:Lord Seaforths Strathspey
3152:Oer the Moor amang the Heather. a Reel.
3153:Johnny Pringle. a Strathspey.
3161:Miss Frasers Reel
3162:the Laird of Mackintoshs Strathspey
3163:Miss Ramsays Reel
3171:Jack's Alive. a Jig.
3172:Love in a Village. a Reel.
3173:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
3181:Ambelree. a Reel.
3182:St Patricks Day in the Morning. a Jig.
3183:Jockey Latin. a Reel.
3191:the Duchess of Gordon. a Strathspey.
3192:an Honorable Peace. a Reel.
3193:Lady Douglas of Bothwell. a Jig.
3201:Lord Binings Reel.
3202:Willie Duncan. a Strathspey.
3203:the Spell. a Reel.
3204:the Irish Wedding. a Jig.
3211:the Bonny Lass of Fisherrow. a Reel.
3212:Peggie's Wedding. a Jig.
3221:General McKays Reel.
3222:the Maids of Isla. a Strathspey.
3223:O'She's Comical. a Reel
3231:Mrs Christie's Strathspey.
3232:the Mullin du. or Black Mill. a Reel.
3233:Miss Elphinstones Strathspey.
3241:Ain Kind Dearie. a Reel.
3242:Largo Law. a Strathspey.
3243:Comely Garden. a Reel.
3244:Hay my Nanny. a Jig.
3251:the Fyket. a Reel
3252:the Bride is a Bonny thing. a Jig.
3261:Captain Ross. a Reel.
3262:Guzzle Together. a Jig.
3263:Up and war them a' Willie. a Reel.
3271:the Cushion Dance. a Jig.
3272:Captain Macduff's Reel.
3273:the Feet Washing. a Jig.
3281:Mrs General Campbell's Reel.
3282:Donald Dow's Strathspey.
3283:the Glasgow Lasses. a Reel.
3291:Lady Jardine's Strathspey.
3292:Miss Grant of Grant. a Reel.
3301:the Duchess of Manchester's Strathspey.
3302:the Parks of Fochabers. a Reel.
3303:the Short Apron. a Jig.
3311:the_Highland_Skip. a Reel.
3312:Willie's awa'. a Strathspey.
3313:Miss Whitefoords Reel
3321:the Doctor. a Strathspey.
3322:Lady Betty Boyles Reel
3323:Murphy Delaney. a Jig.
3324:Miss Hopkins Reel.
3331:Ben Lomond. a Strathepey.
3332:the_Boatman_of_Pitnacree. a Reel.
3333:Bennevis. a Strathspey.
3341:Lord Kinnaird's Reel
3342:Roaring Jelly. a Jig.
3343:Pretty Pegg
3344:Marchmont House.
3351:Lord McDonald's Old Reel.
3361:Dalry House. a Strathspey.
3362:Peas Strae. a Reel.
3363:Sir Arch.d Dunbar. a Strathspey.
3363:Sir Archibald Dunbar
3371:Glen Lyons Reel.
3372:Corimonies Rant. a Strathspey.
3373:Black but Comely. a Reel.
3381:Mellonies Jig
3382:Hon.ble Mrs Graham of Balgowan's
3383:the Hay Makers.
abc gif png pdf svg CR3-abc2 3000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Third Part)
3011:Drunk at Night and Dry in the Morning
3021:Prince Charles Farewell to Scotland
3022:Sherriff Muir
3023:Lort Buchan
3031:Oer the Muir to Ketty. A Scotch Measure.
3032:the Highland President
3041:Up in the Morning Early
3042:the Marriage Knot
3043:Ther's nae luck about the House. Or For a' that and a' that.
3051:Nancy Dawson. Or Scotish Perrigordien
3052:When the King came o'er the (Boyne) water
3053:Bonny Charlie
3061:Birnham Wood
3062:the Bonny Highland Laddie (or Cairney Mount)
3063:Sleepy Bodie
3071:Mrs Gordon of Bellies Strathspey
3081:the Miller of Dee
3082:Sleep on till day.
3083:the Fallen Hero. (Nelson.)
3091:Mr Marshall's Comp.ts to Niel Gow
3091:Mr Marshall's Compliments to Niel Gow
3092:She's fair and Fause
3093:Put the Gown upon the Bishop
3101:a Skye Air
3102:the Original Sett of the Braes of Marr
3111:Dunira Lodge
3112:We'er no very fou but we'er gayly yet
3112:or the Laird of Skenes Favorite
3113:the Weary Pund O' Tow
3121:Whistle and I'll come to you my lad
3122:My only Joe and dearie
3123:Peggy Bawn
3131:Cauld Kail in Aberdeen
3132:the Original Lango Lee
3133:Jockey was the Blythest Lad in a' our Town
3134:Kindness for ever Mair
3141:O Let me in this ae Night.
3142:the Lone Vale
3143:Here's a Health to them that's awa'
3151:Lord Seaforths Strathspey
3152:Oer the Moor amang the Heather. a Reel.
3153:Johnny Pringle. a Strathspey.
3161:Miss Frasers Reel
3162:the Laird of Mackintoshs Strathspey
3163:Miss Ramsays Reel
3171:Jack's Alive. a Jig.
3172:Love in a Village. a Reel.
3173:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
3181:Ambelree. a Reel.
3182:St Patricks Day in the Morning. a Jig.
3183:Jockey Latin. a Reel.
3191:the Duchess of Gordon. a Strathspey.
3192:an Honorable Peace. a Reel.
3193:Lady Douglas of Bothwell. a Jig.
3201:Lord Binings Reel.
3202:Willie Duncan. a Strathspey.
3203:the Spell. a Reel.
3204:the Irish Wedding. a Jig.
3211:the Bonny Lass of Fisherrow. a Reel.
3212:Peggie's Wedding. a Jig.
3221:General McKays Reel.
3222:the Maids of Isla. a Strathspey.
3223:O'She's Comical. a Reel
3231:Mrs Christie's Strathspey.
3232:the Mullin du. or Black Mill. a Reel.
3233:Miss Elphinstones Strathspey.
3241:Ain Kind Dearie. a Reel.
3242:Largo Law. a Strathspey.
3243:Comely Garden. a Reel.
3244:Hay my Nanny. a Jig.
3251:the Fyket. a Reel
3252:the Bride is a Bonny thing. a Jig.
3261:Captain Ross. a Reel.
3262:Guzzle Together. a Jig.
3263:Up and war them a' Willie. a Reel.
3271:the Cushion Dance. a Jig.
3272:Captain Macduff's Reel.
3273:the Feet Washing. a Jig.
3281:Mrs General Campbell's Reel.
3282:Donald Dow's Strathspey.
3283:the Glasgow Lasses. a Reel.
3291:Lady Jardine's Strathspey.
3292:Miss Grant of Grant. a Reel.
3301:the Duchess of Manchester's Strathspey.
3302:the Parks of Fochabers. a Reel.
3303:the Short Apron. a Jig.
3311:the_Highland_Skip. a Reel.
3312:Willie's awa'. a Strathspey.
3313:Miss Whitefoords Reel
3321:the Doctor. a Strathspey.
3322:Lady Betty Boyles Reel
3323:Murphy Delaney. a Jig.
3324:Miss Hopkins Reel.
3331:Ben Lomond. a Strathepey.
3332:the_Boatman_of_Pitnacree. a Reel.
3333:Bennevis. a Strathspey.
3341:Lord Kinnaird's Reel
3342:Roaring Jelly. a Jig.
3343:Pretty Pegg
3344:Marchmont House.
3351:Lord McDonald's Old Reel.
3361:Dalry House. a Strathspey.
3362:Peas Strae. a Reel.
3363:Sir Arch.d Dunbar. a Strathspey.
3363:Sir Archibald Dunbar
3371:Glen Lyons Reel.
3372:Corimonies Rant. a Strathspey.
3373:Black but Comely. a Reel.
3381:Mellonies Jig
3382:Hon.ble Mrs Graham of Balgowan's
3383:the Hay Makers.
abc gif png pdf svg CR4-abc1 4000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Fourth Part)
4011:Charlie he's my Darling. Original Set.
4012:Charlie he's my Darling. Modern Set.
4021:the Days o' Yore
4022:the Highland Brigade at Waterloo
4041:Lamentation for the Fallen Heroes of Waterloo
4042:Kenmure's on an' awa Willie
4043:the Marchioness Cornwallis's Strathspey
4051:Miss Forbes' Farewell
4052:Kind Robin lo'es Me
4061:the Royal Highlanders welcome from Waterloo
4062:There'll ne'er be peace till Jamie come Home.
4062:There'll ne'er be peace till Jamie come hame.
4071:Green Sleeves
4081:Weel may the Boatie row
4082:Steer her up an' had her gaun
4101:the Island of Mull
4102:Black Jock
4111:Johnnny Faa. the Gypsie Laddie.
4112:the Highland Secretary
4121:Thro' the wood Laddie. Original Set.
4122:Fy let us a' to the Wedding
4131:the Lass of Livingston.
4141:Gudewife of Peebles
4142:Tak' your auld Cloak about ye
4143:Anwick Lodge
4151:Lady Montgomerie
4161:the Shepherd's Son
4161:the Flowers (Magistrates) of Edinburgh
4162:Miss McLeod's Favorite
4163:the Hon.ble Mrs Leslie Cuming
4171:Wandering Willie
4172:the Rock and wee pickle Tow
4181:Capt.n Simon Fraser of Knocky's Favorite
4182:Duncan Gray
4191:Todlen Hame
4201:Rasay House
4202:Mrs Gordon's Favorite
4203:Carle an' the King come.
4211:the Marquis of Hastings. a Strathspey.
4212:Lady Matilda Bruce's Reel
4221:the New Water Kettle. a Jig.
4222:the Lass of Ballantrae. a Reel.
4223:Go to Berwick Johnny. Jig time.
4231:Banff Castle. a Reel.
4232:Lady Binning's Strathspey
4241:the Stewarts Rant. a Reel.
4242:Teviot Bridge. a Jig.
4243:Mr Compton of Carham-Hall's Reel
4251:Panmure House. a Strathspey.
4252:the Marquis of Tullybardine's Reel
4261:Highland Whisky. a Strathspey.
4262:Miss Stewart of Fasnacloich's Reel
4263:Mrs Grant of Lagan's Strathspey
4271:Miss Wedderburn's Reel.
4271:or Burn of Carnie.
4272:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
4281:the Bridge of Perth. a Reel.
4282:Craig Ellachie Bridge. a Strathspey.
4291:Charlie Stuart. a Reel.
4292:Hamilton Races. a Jig.
4293:There's nae luck about the House. a Reel.
4301:Miss Hope's Strathspey
4302:Johnny made a Wedding o't. a Reel.
4303:Dumlanrig Castle. a Strathspey.
4304:Johnny's friends are ne'er pleased. a Reel.
4311:Ayrshire Lasses. a Strathspey.
4312:the Argyll Bowling Green. a Reel.
4321:Glenbucket's Breeks. a Strathspey.
4322:Kiss me Sweetly. a Reel.
4323:Orange and Blue. a Jig.
4331:Castle Campbell. a Reel.
4332:Apppin House
4341:Highland Laddie
4342:Ca' the Wethers to the Hill
4343:the Bridge of Garry
4344:Charles Street Bath
4351:Gille Callum
4352:Blair Drummond
4361:Rasays Favorite. very old.
4362:Miss Erskine of Alvas
4363:Tha biodag aig Mac Thomais. "Mc Homas (Thomson) has a Dirk."
4371:McFarlane's Rant
4372:Lady Elinora Homes Reel
4373:Earl of Kinnoull's Reel
4374:Dalkeith House
4381:Cheap Meal.
4381:or Good Harvest.
4382:Elsie Marly.
4382:Country Bumpkin.
abc gif png pdf svg CR4-abc2 4000:Gow's COMPLETE REPOSITORY (Fourth Part)
4011:Charlie he's my Darling. Original Set.
4012:Charlie he's my Darling. Modern Set.
4021:the Days o' Yore
4022:the Highland Brigade at Waterloo
4041:Lamentation for the Fallen Heroes of Waterloo
4042:Kenmure's on an' awa Willie
4043:the Marchioness Cornwallis's Strathspey
4051:Miss Forbes' Farewell
4052:Kind Robin lo'es Me
4061:the Royal Highlanders welcome from Waterloo
4062:There'll ne'er be peace till Jamie come Home.
4062:There'll ne'er be peace till Jamie come hame.
4071:Green Sleeves
4081:Weel may the Boatie row
4082:Steer her up an' had her gaun
4101:the Island of Mull
4102:Black Jock
4111:Johnnny Faa. the Gypsie Laddie.
4112:the Highland Secretary
4121:Thro' the wood Laddie. Original Set.
4122:Fy let us a' to the Wedding
4131:the Lass of Livingston.
4141:Gudewife of Peebles
4142:Tak' your auld Cloak about ye
4143:Anwick Lodge
4151:Lady Montgomerie
4152:the Shepherd's Son
4161:the Flowers (Magistrates) of Edinburgh
4162:Miss McLeod's Favorite
4163:the Hon.ble Mrs Leslie Cuming
4171:Wandering Willie
4172:the Rock and wee pickle Tow
4181:Capt.n Simon Fraser of Knocky's Favorite
4182:Duncan Gray
4191:Todlen Hame
4201:Rasay House
4202:Mrs Gordon's Favorite
4203:Carle an' the King come.
4211:the Marquis of Hastings. a Strathspey.
4212:Lady Matilda Bruce's Reel
4221:the New Water Kettle. a Jig.
4222:the Lass of Ballantrae. a Reel.
4223:Go to Berwick Johnny. Jig time.
4231:Banff Castle. a Reel.
4232:Lady Binning's Strathspey
4241:the Stewarts Rant. a Reel.
4242:Teviot Bridge. a Jig.
4243:Mr Compton of Carham-Hall's Reel
4251:Panmure House. a Strathspey.
4252:the Marquis of Tullybardine's Reel
4261:Highland Whisky. a Strathspey.
4262:Miss Stewart of Fasnacloich's Reel
4263:Mrs Grant of Lagan's Strathspey
4271:Miss Wedderburn's Reel.
4271:or Burn of Carnie.
4272:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
4281:the Bridge of Perth. a Reel.
4282:Craig Ellachie Bridge. a Strathspey.
4291:Charlie Stuart. a Reel.
4292:Hamilton Races. a Jig.
4293:There's nae luck about the House. a Reel.
4301:Miss Hope's Strathspey
4302:Johnny made a Wedding o't. a Reel.
4303:Dumlanrig Castle. a Strathspey.
4304:Johnny's friends are ne'er pleased. a Reel.
4311:Ayrshire Lasses. a Strathspey.
4312:the Argyll Bowling Green. a Reel.
4321:Glenbucket's Breeks. a Strathspey.
4322:Kiss me Sweetly. a Reel.
4323:Orange and Blue. a Jig.
4331:Castle Campbell. a Reel.
4332:Apppin House
4341:Highland Laddie
4342:Ca' the Wethers to the Hill
4343:the Bridge of Garry
4344:Charles Street Bath
4351:Gille Callum
4352:Blair Drummond
4361:Rasays Favorite. very old.
4362:Miss Erskine of Alvas
4363:Tha biodag aig Mac Thomais. "Mc Homas (Thomson) has a Dirk."
4371:McFarlane's Rant
4372:Lady Elinora Homes Reel
4373:Earl of Kinnoull's Reel
4374:Dalkeith House
4381:Cheap Meal.
4381:or Good Harvest.
4382:Elsie Marly.
4382:Country Bumpkin.
abc gif png pdf svg cresc [No title for "cresc.abc"]
D   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg dim [No title for "dim.abc"]
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get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg endo [No title for "endo.abc"]
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get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg newpage [No title for "newpage.abc"]
P   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg proto 0:__
S   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg sg [No title for "sg.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg slurs [No title for "slurs.abc"]
V   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg v12 [No title for "v12.abc"]

B: Bar count for once through the tune.
Class: The tune's classification (rhythm, dance, origin, etc.).
date: The earliest reported date for a tune. This is generally not very reliable, of course.
img: Source files of the type(s) shown. Image files are often formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
src: Source files of the type(s) shown. Source files are usually formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
info: Assorted information about the file, depending on what has been implemented and supplied. Currently only shows the date of (earliest known) publication.
K: The tune's initial or main key.
st: Staff count for this version of the tune.
Name: is taken from the file name, with underscores replaced by spaces. If a link, points to a directory with several versions of the tune. Bold names or titles mean that the tune is in the session's "first binder", and has been played more often than the tunes in a normal font.
Titles: is a list of the titles found in the file. Duplicate titles are only shown once. For tunes that don't have a T: title, the first P: value is shown.
w: Words (lyrics) line count for this version of the tune.

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