2025-03-02 21:01:54 54284 sess.cgi on minya from V=1 Vtest=1 B=0
Niel Gow's "Collection(s) of Strathspey Reels, &c."
Gow's Collection(s) of Strathspey Reels, etc.
Transcribed by John Chambers, Dec. 2021 - July 2022.

The single-tune files are listed below. If you just want a copy of the transcriptions, here are the ABC files:
If this is confusing, read the Tune Files section below to get an idea of how this is all organized. (The pile of music books the Gows left us is impressively complex with very confusing terminology.)
If you'd like to see the originals, here are the IMSLP photo-copies.
Directory listing tools: tune list - session list - collection list - tool.

Niel Gow (and family) published 6 volumes of their tune collection called "Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." in the years 1730-1811.. The books' full titles were slightly different in each of them, and contained the usual lengthy list of dance types arranged for a list of musical instruments. The tunes were originally published in small booklets every few years, and then were combined into the "A ___ Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." books, where "..." is blank in the first book's title, then "Second", etc. for the rest. There were about 36 pages and 90-100 tunes in each each book. Each tune included a bass line accompaniment with all the tunes, and variations for a few of them. A few even even had a third (harmony) line. It was an early version of the approach used in their later "Complete Repository" collection. Both collections were important in the history of Scottish (and British Isles) music.

Many of the tunes were written by the Gows, or by friends and colleagues. They include a composer's name for a few of the tunes.

I looked around for these books online for some years, and then in late 2020, I discovered that photocopies the first 3 had become available on several sites, including imslp.org and the National Library of Scotland (nls.uk). So I downloaded them and started a project of transcribing a page or two every few days when I had the time. In March of 2022, I found that they also had the 4th book in the series, so I grabbed a copy and started transcribing it. If anyone finds a photocopy of the 5th (6th?) book, could you send me the URL?

A minor problem with this collection is small spacing between notes in many tunes, to make many tunes fit on a page and minimize the thickness of the books. To simplify proofreading, I've used a rather small scale (0.50), to approximate the books' staff breaks in most tunes. Some of the tunes have wider note spacing, and I've often reformatted them to use fewer staffs in my "proofreading" copies. ABC formatters usually use a large default scale, and staff layout isn't musically meaningful, so you should use whatever layout or scale works best for your purposes, (One of the real advantages of ABC is that people with vision problems can easily reformat the music so they can read it easily.)

A major problem with this collection is that the terminology was quite inconsistent from one publication to the next. The tunes were all published earlier, in small publications of various sorts. They were then published as somewhat larger sets, and later as these 36-page publications that were variously called Parts, Volumes, or Editions, and all those terms were used with several other meanings. There were also a number of other books published with subsets of this collection, often undated, and with inconsistent book (and tune) names. People often confuse these "collections of strathspeys and reels" with the similar "complete (or compleat) repositories" that were started somewhat later. A lot of people have been trying to make sense of it all, including when each tune was published, and what that book(let) was called. See the Transcription Notes for explanations that have been added as the transcription projects went on and interesting and/or unusual notation features were discovered.

Tune Files
Below this are the ABC transcriptions of the tunes, one per file. The single-tune filenames are of the form VPPN_Tune_Title.abc, where V is the volume number [1-4], PP is the page number [1-38], N is the tune's number on the page [1-4], and Tune_Title is the title (without punctuation and with '_' for spaces).

Some of the tunes are transcribed in two ways, for ABC's version 1 and 2 "standards". ABC1 is still in use by a lot of software, and it doesn't include multiple voices on a staff, crescendo and diminuendo symbols, and a few other things. These have file names ending in .abc1.abc and .abc2.abc, and also use '-' or '=' after the VPPN prefix instead of '_', to make life easier for the software folks. These show up in the Name column with .abc1 or .abc2 at the end of the name. Also, initial articles in titles are lower case, which is also done to make some software simpler, since they can just ignore initial lower-case letters for most purposes.

Following the single-tune files, there are blocks for two kinds of collections. The first two have names starting with "CSR-", followed by "-abc1 or "-abc2". These each contain all the tunes in the entire collection, transcribed for ABC1 and ABC2. There are then blocks of tunes for each of the books/volumes in the set. Thes have names like "CSR1-abc1" and CSR1-abc2", with the first digit ranging from 1 to 4. In all of these, the names and their set of links to get the tunes in various formats, are probably positioned halfway down the block's vertical space. These blocks will get taller as the transcription project continues. At the very bottom, there may be a short section of non-tune files, which are mostly used for controlling the formatting or showing comments during transcribing and debugging the whole collection. These should disappear when the project is complete.

.||||. Found 464 tune files in "/music/book/Gow/CSR"
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - C - c - d - e - n - p - s - t - v
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get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 0000 Title 0:Niel Gow's "A Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." (books 1 - 4)
1   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 1000 Title 1000:A Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 1)
abc gif png pdf svg 1011 Dutches of Athols Strathspey 1011:Dutches of Athole's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1012 Gillie Callum da Pheithein 1012:Gillie Callum da pheithein
abc gif png pdf svg 1020 [No title for "1020_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 1031 Mr Graham of Orchills Strathspey 1031:Mr Graham of Orchill's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1032 Earl of Loudouns Strathspey 1032:Earl of Loudoun's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1033 Niel Gows Lamentation for Abercarney 1033:Niel Gows Lamentation for Abercarney
abc gif png pdf svg 1041 Mr John Shaw Stewarts Strathspey 1041:Mr John Shaw Stewart's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1042 the Lees of Luncartie or Lady Bairds Delight 1042:the Lees of Luncartie or Lady Baird's delight
abc gif png pdf svg 1051 the Flaggon 1051:the Flaggon
abc gif png pdf svg 1052 Mrs Murray of Abercarneys Strathspey 1052:Mrs Murray of Abercarney's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1061 Mrs Murray of Abercarneys Reel 1061:Mrs Murray of Abercarney's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1062-Major Graham.abc1 1062:Major Graham
abc gif png pdf svg 1062=Major Graham.abc2 1062:Major Graham
abc gif png pdf svg 1063-Lady Charlotte Murrays Jig.abc1 1063:Lady Charlotte Murray's Jig
abc gif png pdf svg 1063=Lady Charlotte Murrays Jig.abc2 1063:Lady Charlotte Murray's Jig
abc gif png pdf svg 1071 Mrs Minzies of Culdares Strathspey 1071:Mrs Minzies of Culdare's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1072 Miss Robertson of Tullybeltons Reel 1072:Miss Robertson of Tullybelton's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1073 Miss Stewart of Grandtullys Strathspey 1073:Miss Stewart of Grandtully's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1081 Miss Stewarts Reel 1081:Miss Stewart's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1082 Sir James Bairds Strathspey 1082:Sir James Baird's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1091 the Caledonian Hunt 1091:the Caledonian Hunt. Strathspey.
abc gif png pdf svg 1092 Mrs Baird of New Byths Strathspey 1092:Mrs Baird of New Byths Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1093 the Earl of Haddingtons Strathspey 1093:the Earl of Haddington's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1101 the Fife Hunt 1101:the Fife Hunt
abc gif png pdf svg 1102 the Drunken Wives of Fochabers A Strathspey 1102:the Drunken Wives of Fochabers A Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1111 the Ewe wi the Croocked Horn 1111:the Ewe wi' the Croocke'd Horn
abc gif png pdf svg 1112 Delven Side 1112:Elven Side
abc gif png pdf svg 1121 Sir John Whitefoordes Strathspey 1121:Sir John Whitefoorde's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1122 the Countess of Eglintons Strathspey 1122:the Countess of Eglinton's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1123 Sir Alexr Dons Strathspey 1123:Sir Alex.r Don's Strathspey
1123:Sir Alexander Don's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1131 Lady Helonora Homes Reel 1131:Lady Helonora Home's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1132 Couties Wedding Strathspey 1132:Couties Wedding Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1133 Link Him Dodie Strathspey 1133:Link Him Dodie Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1141 Watie Laing or the Lifting of the Linnen Reel 1141:Watie Laing or the Lifting of the Linnen Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1142 Mrs Wright of Latons Strathspey 1142:Mrs Wright of Laton's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1151 Duncan Davidson with Variations 1151:Duncan Davidson with Variations
abc gif png pdf svg 1161 Earl of Eglintons Strathspey 1161:Earl of Eglinton's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1171 Colonel Montgomerys Strathspey 1171:Colonel Montgomery's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1172 the Fir Trea 1172:the Fir Trea
abc gif png pdf svg 1173 Mr Minzies of Culdares Reel 1173:Mr Minzies of Culdare's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1181 Miss Graham of Inchbrakies Strathspey 1181:Miss Graham of Inchbrakie's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1182 Marquis of Tullibardines Giga 1182:Marquis of Tullibardine's Giga
abc gif png pdf svg 1183 Tulloch Gorum 1183:Tulloch Gorum
abc gif png pdf svg 1191 He na Boddachin 1191:He na Boddachin
abc gif png pdf svg 1192 the Duke of Gordons Strathspey 1192:the Duke of Gordon's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1193 Rall na grandach or Miss Lucia Campbells delight 1182:Rall na grandach or Miss Lucia Campbell's delight
abc gif png pdf svg 1201-Lady Cathrine Stewarts Strathspey.abc1 1201:Lady Cathrine Stewart's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1201=Lady Cathrine Stewarts Strathspey.abc2 1201:Lady Cathrine Stewart's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1202 Dunkeld House 1202:Dunkeld House
abc gif png pdf svg 1211 Honble George Baillies Strathspey 1211:Hon.ble George Baillie's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1212 the Wallking of the Plaidding 1212:the Wallking of the Plaidding
abc gif png pdf svg 1213 Nithian a Ghreisich the Suttors Daughter 1213:Nithian a Ghreisich ___ the Suttor's Daughter
abc gif png pdf svg 1221 the Millers Daughters Old Sett 1221:the Millers Daughter's Old Sett.
abc gif png pdf svg 1231 the Dutchess of Buccleughs Strathspey 1231:the Dutchess of Buccleugh's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1232 Siomen Broddie 1232:Siomen Broddie
abc gif png pdf svg 1233 Andrew and his Cuttie Gun 1233:Andrew and his Cuttie Gun
abc gif png pdf svg 1241 the Dutches of Gordons Strathspey 1241:the Dutches of Gordon's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1242 the Right Honble Lord Ballendens Strathspey 1242:the Right Hon.ble Lord Ballenden's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1251 Dunkeld Harmitage Reel 1251:Dunkeld Harmitage Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1252 the Marquis of Lorns Strathspey 1252:the Marquis of Lorn's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1261 Mr Charles Sharp of Hoddons Giga 1261:Mr Charles Sharp of Hoddon's Giga
abc gif png pdf svg 1262 Kilecrankie 1262:Kilecrankie
abc gif png pdf svg 1263 Mr Murray of Abercarneys Strathspey 1263:Mr Murray of Abercarney' Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1271 the Dutches of Hamiltons Strathspey 1271:the Dutches of Hamilton's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1272 Colonel Wemyss Strathspey 1272:Colonel Wemyss Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1273 the Bridge of Balater 1273:the Bridge of Balater
abc gif png pdf svg 1274 Yell yell 1274:Yell yell
abc gif png pdf svg 1280 [No title for "1280_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 1291 Miss Johnston of Hilltons Reel 1291:Miss Johnston of Hillton's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1292 Kilracks Strathspey-scord 1292:Kilrack's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1292 Kilracks Strathspey 1292:Kilrack's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1293 the Fyket Strathspey 1293:the Fyket Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1301 the Countess of Sutherlands Reel 1301:the_Countess_of_Sutherlands_Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1302 Mrs Fleming of Moness Reel 1302:Mrs Fleming of Moness Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 1303 Sir John Stewart of Grandtullys Strathspey 1303:Sir John Stewart of Grandtully's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1311 Mr Robertson of Ludes Strathspey 1311:Mr Robertson of Ludes Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1312 This is not my ain House Strathspey 1312:This is not my ain House Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1321-Duke of Argyles Strathspey-scord.abc1 1321:Duke of Argyle's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1321-Duke of Argyles Strathspey.abc1 1321:Duke of Argyle's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1321=Duke of Argyles Strathspey-scord.abc2 1321:Duke of Argyle's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1321=Duke of Argyles Strathspey.abc2 1321:Duke of Argyle's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1322 Tail Toddle 1322:Tail Toddle
abc gif png pdf svg 1331 the Duke of Atholes Delight 1331:the Duke of Atholes Delight
abc gif png pdf svg 1340 [No title for "1340_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 1351 Stumpie Strathspey 1351:Stumpie Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 1352 Flee over the Water 1352:Flee over the Water
abc gif png pdf svg 1361 Robie donna Gorach Daft Robin 1361:Robie donna gorach. Daft Robin. An Old Highland Song.
abc gif png pdf svg 1362 Gigg 1362:Gigg
2   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 2000 Title 2000:A Second Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 2)
abc gif png pdf svg 2011-Caledonian Hunts Delight.abc1 2011:the Caledonian Hunts Delight. A favorite Air
abc gif png pdf svg 2011=Caledonian Hunts Delight.abc2 2011:the Caledonian Hunts Delight. A favorite Air
abc gif png pdf svg 2012 Sandy oer the Lee or Mr Bairds favourite Reel 2012:Sandy o'er the Lee. or Mr Bairds favourite Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 2013 Garthlands Strathspey 2013:Garthland's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2021 Loch Earn Reel 2021:Loch Earn Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2022 Lady Cunninghams Strathspey 2022:Lady Cunningham's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2023 Perth-Shire Hunt Reel 2023:Perth-Shire Hunt Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2024 Major Robertsons Strathspey 2024:Major Robertson's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2031 Lady Loudons Strathspey 2031:Lady Loudon's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2032 Sir James Bairds Strathspey 2032:Sir James Baird's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2041 Miss Pensy McDonalds Reel 2041:Miss Pensy McDonald's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2042 Lady Bairds Strathspey 2042:Lady Baird's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2043 Jenny Suttons Reel 2043:Jenny Sutton's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2051 Duplin House 2051:Duplin House
abc gif png pdf svg 2052 Mrs Donaldsons Strathspey 2052:Mrs Donaldson's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2053 Miss Johnston of Hilltons Strathspey 2053:Miss Johnston of Hillton's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2061 Forrest or the Dutchess of Hamiltons Delight 2061:Forrest or the Dutchess of Hamilton's Delight
abc gif png pdf svg 2062 Marry Ketty Strathspey 2062:Marry Ketty Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2063 Honble Col Hamiltons Delight or New Bumpkin 2063:Hon.ble Col Hamilton's Delight. or New Bumpkin.
abc gif png pdf svg 2071 Miss Sarah Drummond of Perths Strathspey 2071:Miss Sarah Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2072 Clanrannalds Reel 2072:Clanrannald's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2073 Loch Erroch Side Strathspey 2073:Loch Erroch Side Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2081 New Riggd Ship or Miss Findlays Delight 2081:New Rigg'd Ship. or Miss Findlay's Delight
abc gif png pdf svg 2082 Mr Morthlands favourite Strathspey 2082:Mr Morthland's favourite Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2083 Drummond Castle Jigg 2083:Drummond Castle Jigg
abc gif png pdf svg 2091 Countess of Hadintons Strathspey 2091:Countess of Hadinton's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2092-Miss Graham of Inchbrakies Strathspey or Mrs Duffs Fancy.abc1 2092:Miss Graham of Inchbrakie's Strathspey or Mrs Duffs Fancy
abc gif png pdf svg 2092=Miss Graham of Inchbrakies Strathspey or Mrs Duffs Fancy.abc2 2092:Miss Graham of Inchbrakie's Strathspey or Mrs Duffs Fancy
abc gif png pdf svg 2093 Mrs Baird of Newbyths Strathspey 2093:Mrs Baird of Newbyth's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2101-Watsons Class Strathspey.abc1 2101:Watson's Class Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2101=Watsons Class Strathspey.abc2 2101:Watson's Class Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2102 Earl of Breadalbanes Reel 2102:Earl of Breadalbane's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2103 Stormont Lads Strathspey 2103:Stormont Lads Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2111 Lamberton Races Reel 2111:Lamberton Races Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2112 Wat ye wha I met the streen or Lord Haddos Favourite 2112:Wat ye wha I met the streen or Lord Haddo's Favourite
abc gif png pdf svg 2113 Lady Grace Stewarts Strathspey 2113:Lady Grace Stewart's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2121 Colnl Robertson of Strewans welcome home 2121:Coln.l Robertson of Strewan's welcome home
abc gif png pdf svg 2122 Colnl Robertsons Strathspey 2122:Coln.l Robertson's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2123 Marshalls Strathspey 2123:Marshall's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2131-Niel Gows Compliments returnd to Mr Marshall.abc1 2131:Niel Gows Compliments return'd to Mr Marshall
abc gif png pdf svg 2131=Niel Gows Compliments returnd to Mr Marshall.abc2 2131:Niel Gows Compliments return'd to Mr Marshall
abc gif png pdf svg 2132 Mr Hamilton of Pencaitlands Strathspey 2132:Mr Hamilton of Pencaitland's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2133 Lady Haddos Strathspey 2133:Lady Haddo's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2141 the Cove of Cork or Orchills Favourite 2141:the Cove of Cork. or Orchills Favourite
abc gif png pdf svg 2142 Follow her over the border 2142:Follow her over the border
abc gif png pdf svg 2143 Locheals awa to France 2143:Locheal's awa to France
abc gif png pdf svg 2144 Colonel Thorntons Strathspey 2144:Coln.l Thornton's Strathspey
2144:Colonel Thornton's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2151 Irish Girl 2151:Irish Girl
abc gif png pdf svg 2152 Sir John Hendersons Jigg 2152:Sir John Henderson's Jigg
abc gif png pdf svg 2161-Mount your Baggage With Variations.abc1 2161:Mount your Baggage, With Variations
abc gif png pdf svg 2161=Mount your Baggage With Variations.abc2 2161:Mount your Baggage, With Variations
abc gif png pdf svg 2171 Honble Mrs Drummond of Perths Strathspey 2171:Honble Mrs Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2181 Lord Elchos Favourite 2181:Lord Elcho's Favourite
abc gif png pdf svg 2182 Lord Dounes Strathspey 2182:Lord Doune's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2183 Niel Gows Lament for the Death of his Brother 2183:Niel Gow's Lament for the Death of his Brother
abc gif png pdf svg 2191 Old Simon Brodie Strathspey 2191:Old Simon Brodie Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2192 Miss Erskine of Torrys Strathspey 2192:Miss Erskine of Torry's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2193 Dutchess Slipper Strathspey 2193:Dutchess Slipper Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2201 Mr Cha.s Grahams Welcome home 2201:Mr Cha.s Graham's Welcome home
abc gif png pdf svg 2202 Greigs Strathspey 2202:Greig's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2203 the Dutchess of Athols Delight 2203:the Dutchess of Athol's Delight
abc gif png pdf svg 2211 Mrs Stewart of Allanbanks Strathspey 2211:Mrs Stewart of Allanbank's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2212 Macfarlanes Strathspey 2212:Macfarlane's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2221 Mrs Muir Mackenzies Reel 2221:Mrs Muir Mackenzie's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2222 the Empty Purse 2222:the Empty Purse
abc gif png pdf svg 2223 Lady Margaret Stewarts Reel 2223:Lady Margaret Stewart's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2231 the Cossy Jigg 2231:the Cossy Jigg
abc gif png pdf svg 2232 the Haddington Assembly Jigg 2232:the Haddington Assembly Jigg
abc gif png pdf svg 2241 Hermitage Bridge 2241:Hermitage Bridge
abc gif png pdf svg 2242 Fairly Shot of her 2242:Fairly Shot of her. Jigg.
abc gif png pdf svg 2243 Mrs Macdonald of Clanrannalds Reel 2243:Mrs Macdonald of Clanrannald's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2251 Light and Airy Jigg 2251:Light and Airy Jigg
abc gif png pdf svg 2252 Honb.le Con.l W.m Wemysss Reel 2252:Honb.le Con.l W.m Wemyss's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2253 Mrs Mosmans Strathspey 2253:Mrs Mosman's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2261 Miss Ann Stewart East Craigs Strathspey 2261:Miss Ann Stewart East Craigs Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2262 Miss Ann Stewart East Craigs Reel 2262:Miss Ann Stewart East Craigs Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2263 Mrs Ferguson of Reaths Strathspey 2263:Mrs Ferguson of Reaths Strath'spey
abc gif png pdf svg 2271-Miss Ketty Hall.abc1 2271:Miss Ketty Hall
abc gif png pdf svg 2271=Miss Ketty Hall.abc2 2271:Miss Ketty Hall
abc gif png pdf svg 2281-Callam Brougach Strathspey.abc1 2281:Callam Brougach Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2281=Callam Brougach Strathspey.abc2 2281:Callam Brougach Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2282 Duke of Atholes Strathspey 2232:Duke of Athole's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2291 Hornpipe 2291:Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg 2292 Old Lee Rig or Rose Tree Strathspey 2292:Old Lee Rig or Rose Tree Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 2293 Miss Raes Jigg 2293:Miss Rae's Jigg
abc gif png pdf svg 2301 Mr Dundass McQueens Reel 2301:Mr Dundass McQueen's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2302 Ceann Dubh Dileas 2302:Ceann Dubh Dileas
abc gif png pdf svg 2303-Marchioness of Tweeddales Delight.abc1 2303:Marchioness of Tweeddale's Delight
abc gif png pdf svg 2303=Marchioness of Tweeddales Delight.abc2 2303:Marchioness of Tweeddale's Delight
abc gif png pdf svg 2311 Mr Morthlands Reel 2311:Mr Morthland's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2312 Miss Mary Macdonalds Reel 2312:Miss Mary Macdonald's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2313 Miss Louisa Johnstons Fancy 2313:Miss Louisa Johnston's Fancy
abc gif png pdf svg 2314 Miss Mary Douglass Reel 2314:Miss Mary Douglass's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 2321 the Sows tail etc 2321:the Sow's tail &c.
abc gif png pdf svg 2331 the Lads of Dunse or Sir Alexr Dons Delight 2331:the Lads of Dunse or Sir Alex.r Don's Delight
abc gif png pdf svg 2341 Greenwich Hill 2341:Greenwich Hill
abc gif png pdf svg 2342 the Harriot 2342:the Harriot
abc gif png pdf svg 2343 Royal Circus 2343:Royal Circus
abc gif png pdf svg 2344-les Piadmontese.abc1 2344:les Piadmontese
abc gif png pdf svg 2344=les Piadmontese.abc2 2344:les Piadmontese
abc gif png pdf svg 2351 Capt Macintosh 3351:Capt Macintosh
abc gif png pdf svg 2352 Madam Cassey 2352:Madam Cassey
abc gif png pdf svg 2361 Good Morrow to your Night Cap 2361:Good Morrow to your Night Cap
abc gif png pdf svg 2362 the Nymph 2362:the Nymph
abc gif png pdf svg 2363 la Belle Cathrine 2363:la Belle Cathrine
3   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 3000 Title 3000:A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 3)
abc gif png pdf svg 3011-the Highland Chieftain.abc1 3011:the_Highland_Chieftain
abc gif png pdf svg 3011=the Highland Chieftain.abc2 3011:the_Highland_Chieftain
abc gif png pdf svg 3012 the Parks of Yester 3012:the Parks of Yester
abc gif png pdf svg 3019 [No title for "3019_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 3020 [No title for "3020_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 3021 Lady Charlotte Bruces Favourite 3021:Lady Charlotte Bruce's Favourite
abc gif png pdf svg 3022 Mrs Macdonall Grants Strathspey 3022:Mrs Macdonall Grant's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3031 Lady Madelina Sinclairs Strathspey 3031:Lady Madelina Sinclairs Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3032 Miss Nisbet of Dirletons Reel 3032:Miss Nisbet of Dirleton's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3033 Mr Muir Mackenzies Favourite 3033:Mr Muir Mackenzie's Favourite
abc gif png pdf svg 3041 Miss Sharpes Fancy 3041:Miss Sharpes Fancy
abc gif png pdf svg 3042-Lady Ann Hopes Favourite Strathspey.abc1 3042:Lady Ann Hope's Favourite Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3042=Lady Ann Hopes Favourite Strathspey.abc2 3042:Lady Ann Hope's Favourite Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3043 Lady Ann Hopes Strathspey 3043:Lady Ann Hope's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 2 3051 Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey 3051:Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey [D]
abc gif png pdf svg E 32 2 3051 Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey 3051:Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey [E]
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 2 3052 Earl of Elgins Strathspey 3052:Earl of Elgin's Strathspey (D)
abc gif png pdf svg E 16 2 3052 Earl of Elgins Strathspey 3052:Earl of Elgin's Strathspey [E]
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 2 3053 Miss L Johnstons Compliments to Neil Gow 3053:Miss L Johnston's Compliments to Neil Gow (D)
abc gif png pdf svg E 16 2 3053 Miss L Johnstons Compliments to Neil Gow 3053:Miss L Johnston's Compliments to Neil Gow [E]
abc gif png pdf svg 3061 Hilton Lodge Strathspey 3061:Hilton Lodge. Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3062 Hoddom Castle 3062:Hoddom Castle
abc gif png pdf svg 3063 Lady Grace Douglass Reel 3063:Lady Grace Douglas's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3064 Miss Clementina Loughnans Strathspey 3064:Miss Clementina Loughnan's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3071 Earl of Homes Strathspey 3071:Earl of Home's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3072 Mrs Muir of Caldwalls Strathspey 3072:Mrs Muir of Caldwall's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3081 Mr Bushby Maitlands Reel 3081:Mr Bushby Maitland's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3082 Miss Raes Strathspey 3082:Miss Rae's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3083 Colonel Campbell of Monzies Favourite 3083:Colonel Campbell of Monzie's Favourite
abc gif png pdf svg 3091 the London Highland Society a Strathspey 3091:the London Highland Society a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3092 Lord Macdonalds Reel 3092:Lord Macdonalds Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3101 Honble Mr Ramsay Maules Favourite 3101:Hon.ble Mr Ramsay Maule's Favourite
abc gif png pdf svg 3102 Honble Mr Ramsay Maules Strathspey 3102:Hon.ble Mr Ramsay Maule's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3103 Mrs Ramsay of Barntons Strathspey 3103:Mrs Ramsay of Barnton's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3111 Lady L Ramsays Reel 3111:Lady L Ramsay's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3112-Nathaniel Gows Lament for the Death of his Brother.abc1 3112:Nathaniel Gows Lament for the Death of his Brother
abc gif png pdf svg 3112=Nathaniel Gows Lament for the Death of his Brother.abc2 3112:Nathaniel Gows Lament for the Death of his Brother
abc gif png pdf svg 3121 Lady Dalrymple of North Berwicks Favourite 3121:Lady Dalrymple of North Berwick's Favourite
abc gif png pdf svg 3122 Originall Sett of Oer the Water to Charlie 3122:Originall Sett of O'er the Water to Charlie
abc gif png pdf svg 3123 Dancing Sett or Wishaws Delight 3123:Dancing Sett. or Wishaw's Delight.
abc gif png pdf svg 3131 Roys Wife 3131:Roy's Wife
abc gif png pdf svg 3132 Mr Lumsdeane of Blanernes Strathspey 3132:Mr Lumsdeane of Blanerne's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3133 Mr Duns Frolick a Reel 3133:Mr Dun's Frolick. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3141 Mrs Hamilton of Pincaitlands Strathspey 3141:Mrs Hamilton of Pincaitlands Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3142 the Tweedale Club Strathspey 3143:the Tweedale Club Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3151 Lady Elibanks Favourite Strathspey 3151:Lady Elibanks Favourite Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3152 Honbl Miss Charteris Reel 3152:Hon.bl Miss Charteri's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3153-Lady Shaftsburys Strathspey.abc1 3153:Lady Shaftsbury's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3153=Lady Shaftsburys Strathspey.abc2 3153:Lady Shaftsbury's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3161 Miss H Hunters of Blackness Reel 3161:Miss H Hunter's of Blackness Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3162 Miss Drummond of Perths Strathspey 3162:Miss Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3163 Jenny Nettles a Reel 3163:Jenny Nettles a Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3171 Cameron has got his wife again a Strathspey 3171:Cameron has got his wife again. a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3172 Miss Chalmers Jigg 3172:Miss Chalmers Jigg
abc gif png pdf svg 3173 Miss L Montgomrie of Skermorlie Strathspey 3173:Miss L Montgomrie of Skermorlie Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3181 Mr Hamilton of Wishaws Reel 3181:Mr Hamilton of Wishaw's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3182 Earl of Mortons Jigg 3182:Earl of Morton's Jigg
abc gif png pdf svg 3183 Mrs Dundas of Arnistons Reel 3183:Mrs Dundas of Arniston's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3191-Lady Charlotte Campbells Strathspey.abc1 3191:Lady Charlotte Campbell's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3191=Lady Charlotte Campbells Strathspey.abc2 3191:Lady Charlotte Campbell's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3192 Earl of Lauderdales Reel 3192:Earl of Lauderdales Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3193 Miss Hamilton of Bangowres Strathspey 3193:Miss Hamilton of Bangowre's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3201 Earl of Dalkeiths Reel 3201:Earl of Dalkeiths Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3202 Mrs Hamilton of Wishaws Strathspey 3202:Mrs Hamilton of Wishaw's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3203 Sir John Scotts Favourite 3203:Sir John Scott's Favourite. Irish
3203:Sir John Scott's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 3211 Dunse Dings or Mr Sharps Favourite a Reel 3211:Dunse Ding's. or Mr Sharps Favourite. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3212-Carlione a Favourite Irish Tune.abc1 3212:Carlione a Favourite Irish Tune
abc gif png pdf svg 3212=Carlione a Favourite Irish Tune.abc2 3212:Carlione a Favourite Irish Tune
abc gif png pdf svg 3221 Miss Johnston of Hiltons Fancy 3221:Miss Johnston of Hilton's Fancy
abc gif png pdf svg 3222 the Bottle of Punch 3222:the Bottle of Punch.
abc gif png pdf svg 3223 Athole Brose or Niel Gows Favourite 3223:Athole Brose or Niel Gow's Favourite Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3231 Mrs Weymes of Cuttlehills Strathspey 3231:Mrs Weymes of Cuttlehill's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3232 Honble Captn Elphinstons Strathspey 3232:Honb.le Capt.n Elphinston's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3233 Miss Z Loughnans Strathspey 3233:Miss Z Loughnan's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3241 Miss Campbell of Monzies Reel 3241:Miss Campbell of Monzie's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3242 Mr Ronald Crawfords Strathspey 3242:Mr Ronald Crawford's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3251 Callan Shiargblas 3251:Callan Shiargblas an old Highland Tune
abc gif png pdf svg 3252 Miss Macmurdos Favourite 3252:Miss Macmurdos Favourite a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3253 Mr Baillie of Mellerstons Strathspey 3253:Mr Baillie of Mellerston's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3261 Miss Baird of Saughtonhalls Hornpipe 3261:Miss Baird of Saughtonhall's Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg 3262 Kempshott Hunt 3262:Kempshott Hunt
abc gif png pdf svg 3263 Mrs Houston of Rosehalls Favourite 3263:Mrs Houston of Rosehall's Favourite
abc gif png pdf svg 3271 Lady Mary Hays Scotch Measure 3271:Lady Mary Hay's Scotch Measure
abc gif png pdf svg 3272 Miss Weymes of Weymes a Strathspey 3272:Miss Weymes of Weymes a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3281 Mr Stabilinis Favourite 3281:Mr Stabilini's Favourite
abc gif png pdf svg 3282-Mr Robertson of Ladykirks Strathspey.abc1 3282:Mr Robertson of Ladykirk's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3282=Mr Robertson of Ladykirks Strathspey.abc2 3282:Mr Robertson of Ladykirk's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3283 Mrs Morthlands Reel 3283:Mrs Morthlands Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3291 Miss Margrett Browns Favourite 3291:Miss Margrett Brown's Favourite
abc gif png pdf svg 3292 Miss Cathrine Chalmers Reel 3292:Miss Cathrine Chalmer's. Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3301-Money in both Pockets.abc1 3301:Money in both Pockets
abc gif png pdf svg 3301=Money in both Pockets.abc2 3301:Money in both Pockets
abc gif png pdf svg 3302 the Morgan Rattler 3302:the Morgan Rattler
abc gif png pdf svg 3311 the Lakes of Kellarnie 3311:the Lakes of Kellarnie. Irish.
abc gif png pdf svg 3312 Mr Drummond younger of Perths Strathspey 3312:Mr Drummond younger of Perth's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3313 the Irish Washerwoman 3313:the Irish Washerwoman
abc gif png pdf svg 3321 Miss Eleanora Robertsons Favourite 3321:Miss Eleanora Robertson's Favourite
abc gif png pdf svg 3322 Earl of Hyndfords Reel 3322:Earl of Hyndfords Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 3323-Princess Augusta.abc1 3323:Princess Augusta
abc gif png pdf svg 3323=Princess Augusta.abc2 3323:Princess Augusta
abc gif png pdf svg 3331 Mrs Macleod of Elanreochs Strathspey 3331:Mrs Macleod of Elanreoch's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 3332 Miss Sally Hunter of Thurstons Jigg 3332:Miss Sally Hunter of Thurston's Jigg
abc gif png pdf svg 3333 Miss Grace Hays Delight 3333:Miss Grace Hay's Delight
abc gif png pdf svg 3341 the Bob of Fattercairn 3341:the Bob of Fattercairn. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 3342 the Celebrated German Minuet 3342:the Celebrated German Minuet
abc gif png pdf svg 3351-In the Style of an Opera Dance.abc1 3351:In the Style of an Opera Dance
abc gif png pdf svg 3351=In the Style of an Opera Dance.abc2 3351:In the Style of an Opera Dance
abc gif png pdf svg 3352 the Boolonzie 3352:the Boolonzie
abc gif png pdf svg 3361 John Andersons Auldest Daughter 3361:John Anderson's Auldest Daughter
abc gif png pdf svg 3362 Rattling Roaring Willie 3362:Rattling Roaring Willie. or Mr Robertson of Ladykirks' Delight.
abc gif png pdf svg 3363 Mr Alexander Cunninghams 3363:Mr Alexander Cunninghams. Strathspey
4   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 4000 Title 4000:A Fourth Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 4)
abc gif png pdf svg 4011-Eglintoun Castle.abc1 4011:Eglintoun Castle
abc gif png pdf svg 4011=Eglintoun Castle.abc2 4011:Eglintoun Castle
abc gif png pdf svg 4012 the Countess of Eglintouns Delight 4012:the Countess of Eglintoun's Delight
abc gif png pdf svg 4013 Earl of Eglintouns Reel 4013:Earl of Eglintouns Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4019 notice [No title for "4019_notice.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 4020 [No title for "4020_.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg 4021 the Marquis of Huntlys Snuff Mill or the Royal Gift 4021:the Marquis of Huntlys Snuff Mill or the Royal Gift
abc gif png pdf svg 4022 Miss Davidsons Reel 4022:Miss Davidson's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4023 Countess of Cassillis Strathspey 4023:Countess of Cassilli's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4024 Countess of Cassillis Reel 4024:Countess of Cassilli's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4031 Lord Torphichens Favorite 4031:Lord Torphichen's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4032 Mrs Drummond of Logiealmonds Reel 4032:Mrs Drummond of Logiealmonds Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4033 Lady Mary Murrays Strathspey 4033:Lady Mary Murray's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4041 Captain Byngs Reel 4041:Captain Byng's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4042-Long Life to Step Mothers.abc1 4042:Long Life to Step Mothers
abc gif png pdf svg 4042=Long Life to Step Mothers.abc2 4042:Long Life to Step Mothers
abc gif png pdf svg 4043 Sir Charles Douglasss Strathspey 4043:Sir Charles Douglass's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4044 Miss Hay of Yesters Reel 4044:Miss Hay of Yester's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4051-the Duchess of Buccleughs Favorite.abc1 4051:the Duchess of Buccleughs Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4051=the Duchess of Buccleughs Favorite.abc2 4051:the Duchess of Buccleughs Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4052 the Countess of Dalkeiths Strathspey 4052:the Countess of Dalkeith's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4061 Lady Madelina Sinclairs Birth Day 4061:Lady Madelina Sinclair's Birth Day a Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4062-Lady Downe.abc1 4062:Lady Downe
abc gif png pdf svg 4062=Lady Downe.abc2 4062:Lady Downe
abc gif png pdf svg 4063 Mrs Stewart Nicholsons Strathspey 4063:Mrs Stewart Nicholson's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4064 Arniston House 4064:Arniston House
abc gif png pdf svg 4071 Lady Caroline Montagues Strathspey 4071:Lady Caroline Montague's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4072 Miss Forbess Reel 4072:Miss Forbes's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4081-Miss Oswald of Auchincruive.abc1 4081:Miss Oswald of Auchincruive
abc gif png pdf svg 4081=Miss Oswald of Auchincruive.abc2 4081:Miss Oswald of Auchincruive
abc gif png pdf svg 4082 Lady Charlotte Durhams Strathspey 4082:Lady Charlotte Durham's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4083 Dunfermline Races 4083:Dunfermline Races. a Reel.
abc gif png pdf svg 4091 the Honble Mrs Maule of Panmures Favorite 4091:the Honble Mrs Maule of Panmure's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4092 the Honble Mrs Maule of Panmures Strathspey 4092:the Honble Mrs Maule of Panmure's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4093 Miss Heron of Herons Reel 4093:Miss Heron of Heron's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4101-Savourna Deligh.abc1 4101:Savourna Deligh
abc gif png pdf svg 4101=Savourna Deligh.abc2 4101:Savourna Deligh
abc gif png pdf svg 4102 Lord John Campbells Strathspey 4102:Lord John Campbell's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4111 Cairngoram Mountain 4111:Cairngoram Mountain
abc gif png pdf svg 4112 Mrs Chisholm of Chisholms Strathspey 4122:Mrs Chisholm of Chisholm's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4113 Sir George Mackenzies Reel 4113:Sir George Mackenzie's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4121-Aitken Drum.abc1 4121:Aitken Drum
abc gif png pdf svg 4121=Aitken Drum.abc2 4121:Aitken Drum
abc gif png pdf svg 4121 Aitken Drum 4121:Aitken Drum
abc gif png pdf svg 4122 the Belfast Allmanack 4122:the Belfast Allmanack a Favorite Irish Air
abc gif png pdf svg 4123 Hoop her and gird her 4123:Hoop her and gird her
abc gif png pdf svg 4131-Lady Mary Primroses Favorite a Strathspey.abc1 4131:Lady Mary Primrose's Favorite a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4131=Lady Mary Primroses Favorite a Strathspey.abc2 4131:Lady Mary Primrose's Favorite a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4132 Garscube House a Strathspey 4132:Garscube House a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4141 Black Mary 4141:Black Mary
abc gif png pdf svg 4142-Nathaniel Gows Lament for Mrs Oswald of Auchincruive.abc1 4142:Nathaniel Gow's Lament for Mrs Oswald of Auchincruive
abc gif png pdf svg 4142=Nathaniel Gows Lament for Mrs Oswald of Auchincruive.abc2 4142:Nathaniel Gow's Lament for Mrs Oswald of Auchincruive
abc gif png pdf svg 4143 Mrs Duncans Reel 4143:Mrs Duncan's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4151-the Lassie lost her Silken Snood.abc1 4151:the Lassie lost her Silken Snood
abc gif png pdf svg 4151=the Lassie lost her Silken Snood.abc2 4151:the Lassie lost her Silken Snood
abc gif png pdf svg 4152 Lady Mary Ramsays Strathspey 41152:Lady Mary Ramsays Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4153 Earl of Dalhousies Reel 4153:Earl of Dalhousies Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4161-Norths Milles Macphail Farewell to the Caledonian Hunt.abc1 4161:North's (Milles Macphail) Farewell to the Caledonian Hunt
abc gif png pdf svg 4161=Norths Milles Macphail Farewell to the Caledonian Hunt.abc2 4161:North's (Milles Macphail) Farewell to the Caledonian Hunt
abc gif png pdf svg 4162 Lady Lucy Ramshays Strathspey 4162:Lady Lucy Ramshay's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4163-Miss Maule of Panmures Reel.abc1 4163:Miss Maule of Panmure's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4163=Miss Maule of Panmures Reel.abc2 4163:Miss Maule of Panmure's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4164 Sir George Stewart of Grantleys Strathspey 4164:Sir George Stewart of Grantley's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4171 Yester House a Strathspey 4171:Yester House a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4172 Ossians Hall a Reel 4172:Ossian's Hall a Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4173-Fingalls Lamentations.abc1 4173:Fingalls Lamentations a very Old Galic Air
abc gif png pdf svg 4173=Fingalls Lamentations.abc2 4173:Fingalls Lamentations a very Old Galic Air
abc gif png pdf svg 4181 Colonel Baird 4181:Colonel Baird
abc gif png pdf svg 4182-Mrs Blair of Avontowns Favorite.abc1 4182:Mrs Blair of Avontown's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4182=Mrs Blair of Avontowns Favorite.abc2 4182:Mrs Blair of Avontown's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4183 Lady Charlotte Primrosess Strathspey 4183:Lady Charlotte Primroses's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4191 Lady Mary Stopfords Reel 4191:Lady Mary Stopford's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4192 Niel Gows Fiddle a Strathspey 4192:Niel Gow's Fiddle a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4193 Miss Dundass of Arnistons Reel 4193:Miss Dundass of Arniston's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DDm 64 10 4201 the Honble Mr Maules or the Trip to Dormont 4201:the Hon.ble Mr Maule's Frolick or the Trip to Dormont [D/Dm]
abc gif png pdf svg FFm 64 10 4201 the Honble Mr Maules or the Trip to Dormont 4201:the Hon.ble Mr Maule's Frolick or the Trip to Dormont [F/Fm]
abc gif png pdf svg 4202 the Maid of Isla a Strathspey 4202:the Maid of Isla a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4211 Miss Wardlaws Strathspey 4211:Miss Wardlaw's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4212 Miss Maria Dundasss Reel 4212:Miss Maria Dundass's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4221 the Shepherds Wife 4221:the Shepherds Wife
abc gif png pdf svg 4222-the New Opera Dance or Mrs Lochs Favorite.abc1 4222:the New Opera Dance or Mrs Loch's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4222=the New Opera Dance or Mrs Lochs Favorite.abc2 4222:the New Opera Dance or Mrs Loch's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4223 Miss Rosss Strathspey 4223:Miss Ross's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4224 Miss Sitwells Strathspey 4224:Miss Sitwell's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4231 Captain OKain 4231:Captain O'Kain
abc gif png pdf svg 4232 Lady Hamilton Dalrymples Strathspey 4232:Lady Hamilton Dalrymple's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4241 Sir Watkin William Wynn 4241:Sir Watkin William Wynn.
abc gif png pdf svg 4242-Drum House or Mr Hays Favorite.abc1 4242:Drum House or Mr Hay's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4242=Drum House or Mr Hays Favorite.abc2 4242:Drum House or Mr Hay's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4243 Lord McDonalds Strathspey 4243:Lord McDonald's Strathspey
4243:a Strathspey. Composed by the late Lord McDonald a few days before his Death
abc gif png pdf svg 4251 Mr Frasers Favorite a Strathspey 4251:Mr Frasers' Favorite a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4252 Jarnovichis Hornpipe 4252:Jarnovichi's Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg 4261 Lady Jemima Johnstons Strathspey 4261:Lady Jemima Johnston's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4262 Caper Fey 4262:Caper Fey. Original Set
abc gif png pdf svg 4263 Master Erskines Hornpipe 4263:Master Erskine's Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg 4271 Lord Spencer Chichesters Strathspey 4271:Lord Spencer Chichester's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4272 Lady Jean Montgomries Strathspey 4272:Lady Jean Montgomrie's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4281 Lord Airleys Reel 4281:Lord Airley's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4282-the Ploughman.abc1 4282:the Ploughman
abc gif png pdf svg 4282=the Ploughman.abc2 4282:the Ploughman
abc gif png pdf svg 4283 Perh-Shire Volunteers Strathspey 4283:Perth-Shire Volunteer's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4284 Miss Smyth of Methvens Reel 4284:Miss Smyth of Methven's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4291 Miss Forbes of Pitsligos Strathspey 4291:Miss Forbes of Pitsligo's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4301 Mrs J W Bourkes Reel 4301:Mrs J. W. Bourke's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4302-the Maids of Arrochar.abc1 4302:the Maids of Arrochar
abc gif png pdf svg 4302=the Maids of Arrochar.abc2 4302:the Maids of Arrochar
abc gif png pdf svg 4303-Mrs Crawfords Favorite Strathspey.abc1 4303:Mrs Crawford's Favorite Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4303=Mrs Crawfords Favorite Strathspey.abc2 4303:Mrs Crawford's Favorite Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4304-the Britches Maker.abc1 4304:the Britches Maker
abc gif png pdf svg 4304=the Britches Maker.abc2 4304:the Britches Maker
abc gif png pdf svg 4304 the Britches Maker 4304:the Britches Maker
abc gif png pdf svg 4311 Cheap Mutton a Strathspey 4311:Cheap Mutton a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4312-Lord Montgomeries Strathspey.abc1 4312:Lord Montgomerie's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4312=Lord Montgomeries Strathspey.abc2 4312:Lord Montgomerie's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4313 Miss Colstons Strathspey 4313:Miss Colston's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4321 Major Logans Favorite 4321:Major Logans Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4322 Colonel Hamilton of Pencaitlands welcome home 4322:Colonel Hamilton of Pencaitlands welcome home
abc gif png pdf svg 4331-Master F Sitwells Strathspey.abc1 4331:Master F. Sitwell's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4331=Master F Sitwells Strathspey.abc2 4331:Master F. Sitwell's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4332-the Hon.ble Mrs John Ramsays Reel.abc1 4332:the Hon.ble Mrs John Ramsay's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4332=the Hon.ble Mrs John Ramsays Reel.abc2 4332:the Hon.ble Mrs John Ramsay's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg 4333-Morag.abc1 4333:Morag
abc gif png pdf svg 4333=Morag.abc2 4333:Morag
abc gif png pdf svg 4341 Colonel Byngs Favorite a Strathspey 4341:Colonel Byngs Favorite a Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4342-Lady Harriot Montagues Favorite.abc1 4342:Lady Harriot Montague's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4342=Lady Harriot Montagues Favorite.abc2 4342:Lady Harriot Montague's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4343 Mrs Carmichael of Skirlings Strathspey 4343:Mrs Carmichael of Skirling's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4344-Lady Balhavens Delight.abc1 4344:Lady Balhaven's Delight
abc gif png pdf svg 4344=Lady Balhavens Delight.abc2 4344:Lady Balhaven's Delight
abc gif png pdf svg 4351 the Dutch Skipper 4351:the Dutch Skipper
abc gif png pdf svg 4352-Mrs Kinlochs Favorite.abc1 4352:Mrs Kinloch's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4352=Mrs Kinlochs Favorite.abc2 4352:Mrs Kinloch's Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg 4361 Mr George Grants Strathspey 4361:Mr George Grant's Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg 4362 Lord Balgonies Favorite 4362:Lord Balgonie's Favorite A very old Highland Tune.
abc gif png pdf svg 4363 Niel Gow 4363:Niel Gow
abc gif png pdf svg 4369 [No title for "4369_.abc"]
C   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg cresc [No title for "cresc.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg CSR-abc1 0:Niel Gow's "A Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." (books 1 - 4)
1000:A Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 1)
1011:Dutches of Athole's Strathspey
1012:Gillie Callum da pheithein
1031:Mr Graham of Orchill's Strathspey
1032:Earl of Loudoun's Strathspey
1033:Niel Gows Lamentation for Abercarney
1041:Mr John Shaw Stewart's Strathspey
1042:The Lees of Luncartie or Lady Baird's delight
1051:The Flaggon
1052:Mrs Murray of Abercarney's Strathspey
1061:Mrs Murray of Abercarney's Reel
1062:Major Graham
1063:Lady Charlotte Murray's Jig
1071:Mrs Minzies of Culdare's Strathspey
1072:Miss Robertson of Tullybelton's Reel
1073:Miss Stewart of Grandtully's Strathspey
1081:Miss Stewart's Reel
1082:Sir James Baird's Strathspey
1091:The Caledonian Hunt. Strathspey.
1092:Mrs Baird of New Byths Strathspey
1093:The Earl of Haddington's Strathspey
1101:The Fife Hunt
1102:The Drunken Wives of Fochabers A Strathspey
1111:The Ewe wi' the Croocke'd Horn
1112:Elven Side
1121:Sir John Whitefoorde's Strathspey
1122:The Countess of Eglinton's Strathspey
1123:Sir Alex.r Don's Strathspey
1123:Sir Alexander Don's Strathspey
1131:Lady Helonora Home's Reel
1132:Couties Wedding Strathspey
1133:Link Him Dodie Strathspey
1141:Watie Laing or the Lifting of the Linnen Reel
1142:Mrs Wright of Laton's Strathspey
1151:Duncan Davidson with Variations
1161:Earl of Eglinton's Strathspey
1171:Colonel Montgomery's Strathspey
1172:The Fir Trea
1173:Mr Minzies of Culdare's Reel
1181:Miss Graham of Inchbrakie's Strathspey
1182:Marquis of Tullibardine's Giga
1183:Tulloch Gorum
1191:He na Boddachin
1192:The Duke of Gordon's Strathspey
1182:Rall na grandach or Miss Lucia Campbell's delight
1201:Lady Cathrine Stewart's Strathspey
1202:Dunkeld House
1211:Hon.ble George Baillie's Strathspey
1212:The Wallking of the Plaidding
1213:Nithian a Ghreisich ___ the Suttor's Daughter
1221:The Millers Daughter's Old Sett.
1231:The Dutchess of Buccleugh's Strathspey
1232:Siomen Broddie
1233:Andrew and his Cuttie Gun
1241:The Dutches of Gordon's Strathspey
1242:The Right Hon.ble Lord Ballenden's Strathspey
1251:Dunkeld Harmitage Reel
1252:The Marquis of Lorn's Strathspey
1261:Mr Charles Sharp of Hoddon's Giga
1263:Mr Murray of Abercarney' Strathspey
1271:The Dutches of Hamilton's Strathspey
1272:Colonel Wemyss Strathspey
1273:The Bridge of Balater
1274:Yell yell
1291:Miss Johnston of Hillton's Reel
1292:Kilrack's Strathspey
1293:The Fyket Strathspey
1302:Mrs Fleming of Moness Reel
1303:Sir John Stewart of Grandtully's Strathspey
1311:Mr Robertson of Ludes Strathspey
1312:This is not my ain House Strathspey
1321:Duke of Argyle's Strathspey
1322:Tail Toddle
1331:The Duke of Atholes Delight
1351:Stumpie Strathspey
1352:Flee over the Water
1361:Robie donna gorach. Daft Robin. An Old Highland Song.
2000:A Second Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 2)
2011:The Caledonian Hunts Delight. A favorite Air
2012:Sandy o'er the Lee. or Mr Bairds favourite Reel.
2013:Garthland's Strathspey
2021:Loch Earn Reel
2022:Lady Cunningham's Strathspey
2023:Perth-Shire Hunt Reel
2024:Major Robertson's Strathspey
2031:Lady Loudon's Strathspey
2032:Sir James Baird's Strathspey
2041:Miss Pensy McDonald's Reel
2042:Lady Baird's Strathspey
2043:Jenny Sutton's Reel
2051:Duplin House
2052:Mrs Donaldson's Strathspey
2053:Miss Johnston of Hillton's Strathspey
2061:Forrest or the Dutchess of Hamilton's Delight
2062:Marry Ketty Strathspey
2063:Hon.ble Col Hamilton's Delight. or New Bumpkin.
2071:Miss Sarah Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
2072:Clanrannald's Reel
2073:Loch Erroch Side Strathspey
2081:New Rigg'd Ship. or Miss Findlay's Delight
2082:Mr Morthland's favourite Strathspey
2083:Drummond Castle Jigg
2091:Countess of Hadinton's Strathspey
2092:Miss Graham of Inchbrakie's Strathspey or Mrs Duffs Fancy
2093:Mrs Baird of Newbyth's Strathspey
2101:Watson's Class Strathspey
2102:Earl of Breadalbane's Reel
2103:Stormont Lads Strathspey
2111:Lamberton Races Reel
2112:Wat ye wha I met the streen or Lord Haddo's Favourite
2113:Lady Grace Stewart's Strathspey
2121:Coln.l Robertson of Strewan's welcome home
2122:Coln.l Robertson's Strathspey
2123:Marshall's Strathspey
2131:Niel Gows Compliments return'd to Mr Marshall
2132:Mr Hamilton of Pencaitland's Strathspey
2133:Lady Haddo's Strathspey
2141:The Cove of Cork. or Orchills Favourite
2142:Follow her over the border
2143:Locheal's awa to France
2144:Coln.l Thornton's Strathspey
2144:Colonel Thornton's Strathspey
2151:Irish Girl
2152:Sir John Henderson's Jigg
2161:Mount your Baggage, With Variations
2171:Honble Mrs Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
2181:Lord Elcho's Favourite
2182:Lord Doune's Strathspey
2183:Niel Gow's Lament for the Death of his Brother
2191:Old Simon Brodie Strathspey
2192:Miss Erskine of Torry's Strathspey
2193:Dutchess Slipper Strathspey
2201:Mr Cha.s Graham's Welcome home
2202:Greig's Strathspey
2203:The Dutchess of Athol's Delight
2211:Mrs Stewart of Allanbank's Strathspey
2212:Macfarlane's Strathspey
2221:Mrs Muir Mackenzie's Reel
2222:The Empty Purse
2223:Lady Margaret Stewart's Reel
2231:The Cossy Jigg
2232:The Haddington Assembly Jigg
2241:Hermitage Bridge
2242:Fairly Shot of her. Jigg.
2243:Mrs Macdonald of Clanrannald's Reel
2251:Light and Airy Jigg
2252:Honb.le Con.l W.m Wemyss's Reel
2253:Mrs Mosman's Strathspey
2261:Miss Ann Stewart East Craigs Strathspey
2262:Miss Ann Stewart East Craigs Reel
2263:Mrs Ferguson of Reaths Strath'spey
2271:Miss Ketty Hall
2281:Callam Brougach Strathspey
2232:Duke of Athole's Strathspey
2292:Old Lee Rig or Rose Tree Strathspey
2293:Miss Rae's Jigg
2301:Mr Dundass McQueen's Reel
2302:Ceann Dubh Dileas
2303:Marchioness of Tweeddale's Delight
2311:Mr Morthland's Reel
2312:Miss Mary Macdonald's Reel
2313:Miss Louisa Johnston's Fancy
2314:Miss Mary Douglass's Reel
2321:The Sow's tail &c.
2331:The Lads of Dunse or Sir Alex.r Don's Delight
2341:Greenwich Hill
2342:The Harriot
2343:Royal Circus
2344:Les Piadmontese
3351:Capt Macintosh
2352:Madam Cassey
2361:Good Morrow to your Night Cap
2362:The Nymph
2363:La Belle Cathrine
3000:A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 3)
3012:The Parks of Yester
3021:Lady Charlotte Bruce's Favourite
3022:Mrs Macdonall Grant's Strathspey
3031:Lady Madelina Sinclairs Strathspey
3032:Miss Nisbet of Dirleton's Reel
3033:Mr Muir Mackenzie's Favourite
3041:Miss Sharpes Fancy
3042:Lady Ann Hope's Favourite Strathspey
3043:Lady Ann Hope's Strathspey
3051:Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey [D]
3051:Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey [E]
3052:Earl of Elgin's Strathspey (D)
3052:Earl of Elgin's Strathspey [E]
3053:Miss L Johnston's Compliments to Neil Gow (D)
3053:Miss L Johnston's Compliments to Neil Gow [E]
3061:Hilton Lodge. Strathspey
3062:Hoddom Castle
3063:Lady Grace Douglas's Reel
3064:Miss Clementina Loughnan's Strathspey
3071:Earl of Home's Strathspey
3072:Mrs Muir of Caldwall's Strathspey
3081:Mr Bushby Maitland's Reel
3082:Miss Rae's Strathspey
3083:Colonel Campbell of Monzie's Favourite
3091:The London Highland Society a Strathspey
3092:Lord Macdonalds Reel
3101:Hon.ble Mr Ramsay Maule's Favourite
3102:Hon.ble Mr Ramsay Maule's Strathspey
3103:Mrs Ramsay of Barnton's Strathspey
3111:Lady L Ramsay's Reel
3112:Nathaniel Gows Lament for the Death of his Brother
3121:Lady Dalrymple of North Berwick's Favourite
3122:Originall Sett of O'er the Water to Charlie
3123:Dancing Sett. or Wishaw's Delight.
3131:Roy's Wife
3132:Mr Lumsdeane of Blanerne's Strathspey
3133:Mr Dun's Frolick. a Reel.
3141:Mrs Hamilton of Pincaitlands Strathspey
3143:The Tweedale Club Strathspey
3151:Lady Elibanks Favourite Strathspey
3152:Hon.bl Miss Charteri's Reel
3153:Lady Shaftsbury's Strathspey
3161:Miss H Hunter's of Blackness Reel
3162:Miss Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
3163:Jenny Nettles a Reel
3171:Cameron has got his wife again. a Strathspey
3172:Miss Chalmers Jigg
3173:Miss L Montgomrie of Skermorlie Strathspey
3181:Mr Hamilton of Wishaw's Reel
3182:Earl of Morton's Jigg
3183:Mrs Dundas of Arniston's Reel
3191:Lady Charlotte Campbell's Strathspey
3192:Earl of Lauderdales Reel
3193:Miss Hamilton of Bangowre's Strathspey
3201:Earl of Dalkeiths Reel
3202:Mrs Hamilton of Wishaw's Strathspey
3203:Sir John Scott's Favourite. Irish
3203:Sir John Scott's Favorite
3211:Dunse Ding's. or Mr Sharps Favourite. a Reel.
3212:Carlione a Favourite Irish Tune
3221:Miss Johnston of Hilton's Fancy
3222:The Bottle of Punch.
3223:Athole Brose or Niel Gow's Favourite Strathspey
3231:Mrs Weymes of Cuttlehill's Strathspey
3232:Honb.le Capt.n Elphinston's Strathspey
3233:Miss Z Loughnan's Strathspey
3241:Miss Campbell of Monzie's Reel
3242:Mr Ronald Crawford's Strathspey
3251:Callan Shiargblas an old Highland Tune
3252:Miss Macmurdos Favourite a Strathspey
3253:Mr Baillie of Mellerston's Strathspey
3261:Miss Baird of Saughtonhall's Hornpipe
3262:Kempshott Hunt
3263:Mrs Houston of Rosehall's Favourite
3271:Lady Mary Hay's Scotch Measure
3272:Miss Weymes of Weymes a Strathspey
3281:Mr Stabilini's Favourite
3282:Mr Robertson of Ladykirk's Strathspey
3283:Mrs Morthlands Reel
3291:Miss Margrett Brown's Favourite
3292:Miss Cathrine Chalmer's. Reel
3301:Money in both Pockets
3302:The Morgan Rattler
3311:The Lakes of Kellarnie. Irish.
3312:Mr Drummond younger of Perth's Strathspey
3313:The Irish Washerwoman
3321:Miss Eleanora Robertson's Favourite
3322:Earl of Hyndfords Reel
3323:Princess Augusta
3331:Mrs Macleod of Elanreoch's Strathspey
3332:Miss Sally Hunter of Thurston's Jigg
3333:Miss Grace Hay's Delight
3341:The Bob of Fattercairn. a Reel.
3342:The Celebrated German Minuet
3351:In the Style of an Opera Dance
3352:The Boolonzie
3361:John Anderson's Auldest Daughter
3362:Rattling Roaring Willie. or Mr Robertson of Ladykirks' Delight.
3363:Mr Alexander Cunninghams. Strathspey
4000:A Fourth Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 4)
4011:Eglintoun Castle
4012:The Countess of Eglintoun's Delight
4013:Earl of Eglintouns Reel
4021:The Marquis of Huntlys Snuff Mill or the Royal Gift
4022:Miss Davidson's Reel
4023:Countess of Cassilli's Strathspey
4024:Countess of Cassilli's Reel
4031:Lord Torphichen's Favorite
4032:Mrs Drummond of Logiealmonds Reel
4033:Lady Mary Murray's Strathspey
4041:Captain Byng's Reel
4042:Long Life to Step Mothers
4043:Sir Charles Douglass's Strathspey
4044:Miss Hay of Yester's Reel
4051:The Duchess of Buccleughs Favorite
4052:The Countess of Dalkeith's Strathspey
4061:Lady Madelina Sinclair's Birth Day a Reel
4062:Lady Downe
4063:Mrs Stewart Nicholson's Strathspey
4064:Arniston House
4071:Lady Caroline Montague's Strathspey
4072:Miss Forbes's Reel
4081:Miss Oswald of Auchincruive
4082:Lady Charlotte Durham's Strathspey
4083:Dunfermline Races. a Reel.
4091:The Honble Mrs Maule of Panmure's Favorite
4092:The Honble Mrs Maule of Panmure's Strathspey
4093:Miss Heron of Heron's Reel
4101:Savourna Deligh
4102:Lord John Campbell's Strathspey
4111:Cairngoram Mountain
4122:Mrs Chisholm of Chisholm's Strathspey
4113:Sir George Mackenzie's Reel
4121:Aitken Drum
4122:The Belfast Allmanack a Favorite Irish Air
4123:Hoop her and gird her
4131:Lady Mary Primrose's Favorite a Strathspey
4132:Garscube House a Strathspey
4141:Black Mary
4142:Nathaniel Gow's Lament for Mrs Oswald of Auchincruive
4143:Mrs Duncan's Reel
4151:The Lassie lost her Silken Snood
41152:Lady Mary Ramsays Strathspey
4153:Earl of Dalhousies Reel
4161:North's (Milles Macphail) Farewell to the Caledonian Hunt
4162:Lady Lucy Ramshay's Strathspey
4163:Miss Maule of Panmure's Reel
4164:Sir George Stewart of Grantley's Strathspey
4171:Yester House a Strathspey
4172:Ossian's Hall a Reel
4173:Fingalls Lamentations a very Old Galic Air
4181:Colonel Baird
4182:Mrs Blair of Avontown's Favorite
4183:Lady Charlotte Primroses's Strathspey
4191:Lady Mary Stopford's Reel
4192:Niel Gow's Fiddle a Strathspey
4193:Miss Dundass of Arniston's Reel
4201:The Hon.ble Mr Maule's Frolick or the Trip to Dormont [D/Dm]
4201:The Hon.ble Mr Maule's Frolick or the Trip to Dormont [F/Fm]
4202:The Maid of Isla a Strathspey
4211:Miss Wardlaw's Strathspey
4212:Miss Maria Dundass's Reel
4221:The Shepherds Wife
4222:The New Opera Dance or Mrs Loch's Favorite
4223:Miss Ross's Strathspey
4224:Miss Sitwell's Strathspey
4231:Captain O'Kain
4232:Lady Hamilton Dalrymple's Strathspey
4241:Sir Watkin William Wynn.
4242:Drum House or Mr Hay's Favorite
4243:Lord McDonald's Strathspey
4243:A Strathspey. Composed by the late Lord McDonald a few days before his Death
4251:Mr Frasers' Favorite a Strathspey
4252:Jarnovichi's Hornpipe
4261:Lady Jemima Johnston's Strathspey
4262:Caper Fey. Original Set
4263:Master Erskine's Hornpipe
4271:Lord Spencer Chichester's Strathspey
4272:Lady Jean Montgomrie's Strathspey
4281:Lord Airley's Reel
4282:The Ploughman
4283:Perth-Shire Volunteer's Strathspey
4284:Miss Smyth of Methven's Reel
4291:Miss Forbes of Pitsligo's Strathspey
4301:Mrs J. W. Bourke's Reel
4302:The Maids of Arrochar
4303:Mrs Crawford's Favorite Strathspey
4304:The Britches Maker
4311:Cheap Mutton a Strathspey
4312:Lord Montgomerie's Strathspey
4313:Miss Colston's Strathspey
4321:Major Logans Favorite
4322:Colonel Hamilton of Pencaitlands welcome home
4331:Master F. Sitwell's Strathspey
4332:The Hon.ble Mrs John Ramsay's Reel
4341:Colonel Byngs Favorite a Strathspey
4342:Lady Harriot Montague's Favorite
4343:Mrs Carmichael of Skirling's Strathspey
4344:Lady Balhaven's Delight
4351:The Dutch Skipper
4352:Mrs Kinloch's Favorite
4361:Mr George Grant's Strathspey
4362:Lord Balgonie's Favorite A very old Highland Tune.
4363:Niel Gow
abc gif png pdf svg CSR-abc2 0:Niel Gow's "A Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." (books 1 - 4)
1000:A Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 1)
1011:Dutches of Athole's Strathspey
1012:Gillie Callum da pheithein
1031:Mr Graham of Orchill's Strathspey
1032:Earl of Loudoun's Strathspey
1033:Niel Gows Lamentation for Abercarney
1041:Mr John Shaw Stewart's Strathspey
1042:The Lees of Luncartie or Lady Baird's delight
1051:The Flaggon
1052:Mrs Murray of Abercarney's Strathspey
1061:Mrs Murray of Abercarney's Reel
1062:Major Graham
1063:Lady Charlotte Murray's Jig
1071:Mrs Minzies of Culdare's Strathspey
1072:Miss Robertson of Tullybelton's Reel
1073:Miss Stewart of Grandtully's Strathspey
1081:Miss Stewart's Reel
1082:Sir James Baird's Strathspey
1091:The Caledonian Hunt. Strathspey.
1092:Mrs Baird of New Byths Strathspey
1093:The Earl of Haddington's Strathspey
1101:The Fife Hunt
1102:The Drunken Wives of Fochabers A Strathspey
1111:The Ewe wi' the Croocke'd Horn
1112:Elven Side
1121:Sir John Whitefoorde's Strathspey
1122:The Countess of Eglinton's Strathspey
1123:Sir Alex.r Don's Strathspey
1123:Sir Alexander Don's Strathspey
1131:Lady Helonora Home's Reel
1132:Couties Wedding Strathspey
1133:Link Him Dodie Strathspey
1141:Watie Laing or the Lifting of the Linnen Reel
1142:Mrs Wright of Laton's Strathspey
1151:Duncan Davidson with Variations
1161:Earl of Eglinton's Strathspey
1171:Colonel Montgomery's Strathspey
1172:The Fir Trea
1173:Mr Minzies of Culdare's Reel
1181:Miss Graham of Inchbrakie's Strathspey
1182:Marquis of Tullibardine's Giga
1183:Tulloch Gorum
1191:He na Boddachin
1192:The Duke of Gordon's Strathspey
1182:Rall na grandach or Miss Lucia Campbell's delight
1201:Lady Cathrine Stewart's Strathspey
1202:Dunkeld House
1211:Hon.ble George Baillie's Strathspey
1212:The Wallking of the Plaidding
1213:Nithian a Ghreisich ___ the Suttor's Daughter
1221:The Millers Daughter's Old Sett.
1231:The Dutchess of Buccleugh's Strathspey
1232:Siomen Broddie
1233:Andrew and his Cuttie Gun
1241:The Dutches of Gordon's Strathspey
1242:The Right Hon.ble Lord Ballenden's Strathspey
1251:Dunkeld Harmitage Reel
1252:The Marquis of Lorn's Strathspey
1261:Mr Charles Sharp of Hoddon's Giga
1263:Mr Murray of Abercarney' Strathspey
1271:The Dutches of Hamilton's Strathspey
1272:Colonel Wemyss Strathspey
1273:The Bridge of Balater
1274:Yell yell
1291:Miss Johnston of Hillton's Reel
1292:Kilrack's Strathspey
1293:The Fyket Strathspey
1302:Mrs Fleming of Moness Reel
1303:Sir John Stewart of Grandtully's Strathspey
1311:Mr Robertson of Ludes Strathspey
1312:This is not my ain House Strathspey
1321:Duke of Argyle's Strathspey
1322:Tail Toddle
1331:The Duke of Atholes Delight
1351:Stumpie Strathspey
1352:Flee over the Water
1361:Robie donna gorach. Daft Robin. An Old Highland Song.
2000:A Second Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 2)
2011:The Caledonian Hunts Delight. A favorite Air
2012:Sandy o'er the Lee. or Mr Bairds favourite Reel.
2013:Garthland's Strathspey
2021:Loch Earn Reel
2022:Lady Cunningham's Strathspey
2023:Perth-Shire Hunt Reel
2024:Major Robertson's Strathspey
2031:Lady Loudon's Strathspey
2032:Sir James Baird's Strathspey
2041:Miss Pensy McDonald's Reel
2042:Lady Baird's Strathspey
2043:Jenny Sutton's Reel
2051:Duplin House
2052:Mrs Donaldson's Strathspey
2053:Miss Johnston of Hillton's Strathspey
2061:Forrest or the Dutchess of Hamilton's Delight
2062:Marry Ketty Strathspey
2063:Hon.ble Col Hamilton's Delight. or New Bumpkin.
2071:Miss Sarah Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
2072:Clanrannald's Reel
2073:Loch Erroch Side Strathspey
2081:New Rigg'd Ship. or Miss Findlay's Delight
2082:Mr Morthland's favourite Strathspey
2083:Drummond Castle Jigg
2091:Countess of Hadinton's Strathspey
2092:Miss Graham of Inchbrakie's Strathspey or Mrs Duffs Fancy
2093:Mrs Baird of Newbyth's Strathspey
2101:Watson's Class Strathspey
2102:Earl of Breadalbane's Reel
2103:Stormont Lads Strathspey
2111:Lamberton Races Reel
2112:Wat ye wha I met the streen or Lord Haddo's Favourite
2113:Lady Grace Stewart's Strathspey
2121:Coln.l Robertson of Strewan's welcome home
2122:Coln.l Robertson's Strathspey
2123:Marshall's Strathspey
2131:Niel Gows Compliments return'd to Mr Marshall
2132:Mr Hamilton of Pencaitland's Strathspey
2133:Lady Haddo's Strathspey
2141:The Cove of Cork. or Orchills Favourite
2142:Follow her over the border
2143:Locheal's awa to France
2144:Coln.l Thornton's Strathspey
2144:Colonel Thornton's Strathspey
2151:Irish Girl
2152:Sir John Henderson's Jigg
2161:Mount your Baggage, With Variations
2171:Honble Mrs Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
2181:Lord Elcho's Favourite
2182:Lord Doune's Strathspey
2183:Niel Gow's Lament for the Death of his Brother
2191:Old Simon Brodie Strathspey
2192:Miss Erskine of Torry's Strathspey
2193:Dutchess Slipper Strathspey
2201:Mr Cha.s Graham's Welcome home
2202:Greig's Strathspey
2203:The Dutchess of Athol's Delight
2211:Mrs Stewart of Allanbank's Strathspey
2212:Macfarlane's Strathspey
2221:Mrs Muir Mackenzie's Reel
2222:The Empty Purse
2223:Lady Margaret Stewart's Reel
2231:The Cossy Jigg
2232:The Haddington Assembly Jigg
2241:Hermitage Bridge
2242:Fairly Shot of her. Jigg.
2243:Mrs Macdonald of Clanrannald's Reel
2251:Light and Airy Jigg
2252:Honb.le Con.l W.m Wemyss's Reel
2253:Mrs Mosman's Strathspey
2261:Miss Ann Stewart East Craigs Strathspey
2262:Miss Ann Stewart East Craigs Reel
2263:Mrs Ferguson of Reaths Strath'spey
2271:Miss Ketty Hall
2281:Callam Brougach Strathspey
2232:Duke of Athole's Strathspey
2292:Old Lee Rig or Rose Tree Strathspey
2293:Miss Rae's Jigg
2301:Mr Dundass McQueen's Reel
2302:Ceann Dubh Dileas
2303:Marchioness of Tweeddale's Delight
2311:Mr Morthland's Reel
2312:Miss Mary Macdonald's Reel
2313:Miss Louisa Johnston's Fancy
2314:Miss Mary Douglass's Reel
2321:The Sow's tail &c.
2331:The Lads of Dunse or Sir Alex.r Don's Delight
2341:Greenwich Hill
2342:The Harriot
2343:Royal Circus
2344:Les Piadmontese
3351:Capt Macintosh
2352:Madam Cassey
2361:Good Morrow to your Night Cap
2362:The Nymph
2363:La Belle Cathrine
3000:A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 3)
3012:The Parks of Yester
3021:Lady Charlotte Bruce's Favourite
3022:Mrs Macdonall Grant's Strathspey
3031:Lady Madelina Sinclairs Strathspey
3032:Miss Nisbet of Dirleton's Reel
3033:Mr Muir Mackenzie's Favourite
3041:Miss Sharpes Fancy
3042:Lady Ann Hope's Favourite Strathspey
3043:Lady Ann Hope's Strathspey
3051:Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey [D]
3051:Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey [E]
3052:Earl of Elgin's Strathspey (D)
3052:Earl of Elgin's Strathspey [E]
3053:Miss L Johnston's Compliments to Neil Gow (D)
3053:Miss L Johnston's Compliments to Neil Gow [E]
3061:Hilton Lodge. Strathspey
3062:Hoddom Castle
3063:Lady Grace Douglas's Reel
3064:Miss Clementina Loughnan's Strathspey
3071:Earl of Home's Strathspey
3072:Mrs Muir of Caldwall's Strathspey
3081:Mr Bushby Maitland's Reel
3082:Miss Rae's Strathspey
3083:Colonel Campbell of Monzie's Favourite
3091:The London Highland Society a Strathspey
3092:Lord Macdonalds Reel
3101:Hon.ble Mr Ramsay Maule's Favourite
3102:Hon.ble Mr Ramsay Maule's Strathspey
3103:Mrs Ramsay of Barnton's Strathspey
3111:Lady L Ramsay's Reel
3112:Nathaniel Gows Lament for the Death of his Brother
3121:Lady Dalrymple of North Berwick's Favourite
3122:Originall Sett of O'er the Water to Charlie
3123:Dancing Sett. or Wishaw's Delight.
3131:Roy's Wife
3132:Mr Lumsdeane of Blanerne's Strathspey
3133:Mr Dun's Frolick. a Reel.
3141:Mrs Hamilton of Pincaitlands Strathspey
3143:The Tweedale Club Strathspey
3151:Lady Elibanks Favourite Strathspey
3152:Hon.bl Miss Charteri's Reel
3153:Lady Shaftsbury's Strathspey
3161:Miss H Hunter's of Blackness Reel
3162:Miss Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
3163:Jenny Nettles a Reel
3171:Cameron has got his wife again. a Strathspey
3172:Miss Chalmers Jigg
3173:Miss L Montgomrie of Skermorlie Strathspey
3181:Mr Hamilton of Wishaw's Reel
3182:Earl of Morton's Jigg
3183:Mrs Dundas of Arniston's Reel
3191:Lady Charlotte Campbell's Strathspey
3192:Earl of Lauderdales Reel
3193:Miss Hamilton of Bangowre's Strathspey
3201:Earl of Dalkeiths Reel
3202:Mrs Hamilton of Wishaw's Strathspey
3203:Sir John Scott's Favourite. Irish
3203:Sir John Scott's Favorite
3211:Dunse Ding's. or Mr Sharps Favourite. a Reel.
3212:Carlione a Favourite Irish Tune
3221:Miss Johnston of Hilton's Fancy
3222:The Bottle of Punch.
3223:Athole Brose or Niel Gow's Favourite Strathspey
3231:Mrs Weymes of Cuttlehill's Strathspey
3232:Honb.le Capt.n Elphinston's Strathspey
3233:Miss Z Loughnan's Strathspey
3241:Miss Campbell of Monzie's Reel
3242:Mr Ronald Crawford's Strathspey
3251:Callan Shiargblas an old Highland Tune
3252:Miss Macmurdos Favourite a Strathspey
3253:Mr Baillie of Mellerston's Strathspey
3261:Miss Baird of Saughtonhall's Hornpipe
3262:Kempshott Hunt
3263:Mrs Houston of Rosehall's Favourite
3271:Lady Mary Hay's Scotch Measure
3272:Miss Weymes of Weymes a Strathspey
3281:Mr Stabilini's Favourite
3282:Mr Robertson of Ladykirk's Strathspey
3283:Mrs Morthlands Reel
3291:Miss Margrett Brown's Favourite
3292:Miss Cathrine Chalmer's. Reel
3301:Money in both Pockets
3302:The Morgan Rattler
3311:The Lakes of Kellarnie. Irish.
3312:Mr Drummond younger of Perth's Strathspey
3313:The Irish Washerwoman
3321:Miss Eleanora Robertson's Favourite
3322:Earl of Hyndfords Reel
3323:Princess Augusta
3331:Mrs Macleod of Elanreoch's Strathspey
3332:Miss Sally Hunter of Thurston's Jigg
3333:Miss Grace Hay's Delight
3341:The Bob of Fattercairn. a Reel.
3342:The Celebrated German Minuet
3351:In the Style of an Opera Dance
3352:The Boolonzie
3361:John Anderson's Auldest Daughter
3362:Rattling Roaring Willie. or Mr Robertson of Ladykirks' Delight.
3363:Mr Alexander Cunninghams. Strathspey
4000:A Fourth Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 4)
4011:Eglintoun Castle
4012:The Countess of Eglintoun's Delight
4013:Earl of Eglintouns Reel
4021:The Marquis of Huntlys Snuff Mill or the Royal Gift
4022:Miss Davidson's Reel
4023:Countess of Cassilli's Strathspey
4024:Countess of Cassilli's Reel
4031:Lord Torphichen's Favorite
4032:Mrs Drummond of Logiealmonds Reel
4033:Lady Mary Murray's Strathspey
4041:Captain Byng's Reel
4042:Long Life to Step Mothers
4043:Sir Charles Douglass's Strathspey
4044:Miss Hay of Yester's Reel
4051:The Duchess of Buccleughs Favorite
4052:The Countess of Dalkeith's Strathspey
4061:Lady Madelina Sinclair's Birth Day a Reel
4062:Lady Downe
4063:Mrs Stewart Nicholson's Strathspey
4064:Arniston House
4071:Lady Caroline Montague's Strathspey
4072:Miss Forbes's Reel
4081:Miss Oswald of Auchincruive
4082:Lady Charlotte Durham's Strathspey
4083:Dunfermline Races. a Reel.
4091:The Honble Mrs Maule of Panmure's Favorite
4092:The Honble Mrs Maule of Panmure's Strathspey
4093:Miss Heron of Heron's Reel
4101:Savourna Deligh
4102:Lord John Campbell's Strathspey
4111:Cairngoram Mountain
4122:Mrs Chisholm of Chisholm's Strathspey
4113:Sir George Mackenzie's Reel
4121:Aitken Drum
4122:The Belfast Allmanack a Favorite Irish Air
4123:Hoop her and gird her
4131:Lady Mary Primrose's Favorite a Strathspey
4132:Garscube House a Strathspey
4141:Black Mary
4142:Nathaniel Gow's Lament for Mrs Oswald of Auchincruive
4143:Mrs Duncan's Reel
4151:The Lassie lost her Silken Snood
41152:Lady Mary Ramsays Strathspey
4153:Earl of Dalhousies Reel
4161:North's (Milles Macphail) Farewell to the Caledonian Hunt
4162:Lady Lucy Ramshay's Strathspey
4163:Miss Maule of Panmure's Reel
4164:Sir George Stewart of Grantley's Strathspey
4171:Yester House a Strathspey
4172:Ossian's Hall a Reel
4173:Fingalls Lamentations a very Old Galic Air
4181:Colonel Baird
4182:Mrs Blair of Avontown's Favorite
4183:Lady Charlotte Primroses's Strathspey
4191:Lady Mary Stopford's Reel
4192:Niel Gow's Fiddle a Strathspey
4193:Miss Dundass of Arniston's Reel
4201:The Hon.ble Mr Maule's Frolick or the Trip to Dormont [D/Dm]
4201:The Hon.ble Mr Maule's Frolick or the Trip to Dormont [F/Fm]
4202:The Maid of Isla a Strathspey
4211:Miss Wardlaw's Strathspey
4212:Miss Maria Dundass's Reel
4221:The Shepherds Wife
4222:The New Opera Dance or Mrs Loch's Favorite
4223:Miss Ross's Strathspey
4224:Miss Sitwell's Strathspey
4231:Captain O'Kain
4232:Lady Hamilton Dalrymple's Strathspey
4241:Sir Watkin William Wynn.
4242:Drum House or Mr Hay's Favorite
4243:Lord McDonald's Strathspey
4243:A Strathspey. Composed by the late Lord McDonald a few days before his Death
4251:Mr Frasers' Favorite a Strathspey
4252:Jarnovichi's Hornpipe
4261:Lady Jemima Johnston's Strathspey
4262:Caper Fey. Original Set
4263:Master Erskine's Hornpipe
4271:Lord Spencer Chichester's Strathspey
4272:Lady Jean Montgomrie's Strathspey
4281:Lord Airley's Reel
4282:The Ploughman
4283:Perth-Shire Volunteer's Strathspey
4284:Miss Smyth of Methven's Reel
4291:Miss Forbes of Pitsligo's Strathspey
4301:Mrs J. W. Bourke's Reel
4302:The Maids of Arrochar
4303:Mrs Crawford's Favorite Strathspey
4304:The Britches Maker
4311:Cheap Mutton a Strathspey
4312:Lord Montgomerie's Strathspey
4313:Miss Colston's Strathspey
4321:Major Logans Favorite
4322:Colonel Hamilton of Pencaitlands welcome home
4331:Master F. Sitwell's Strathspey
4332:The Hon.ble Mrs John Ramsay's Reel
4341:Colonel Byngs Favorite a Strathspey
4342:Lady Harriot Montague's Favorite
4343:Mrs Carmichael of Skirling's Strathspey
4344:Lady Balhaven's Delight
4351:The Dutch Skipper
4352:Mrs Kinloch's Favorite
4361:Mr George Grant's Strathspey
4362:Lord Balgonie's Favorite A very old Highland Tune.
4363:Niel Gow
abc gif png pdf svg CSR1-abc1 1000:A Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 1)
1011:Dutches of Athole's Strathspey
1012:Gillie Callum da pheithein
1031:Mr Graham of Orchill's Strathspey
1032:Earl of Loudoun's Strathspey
1033:Niel Gows Lamentation for Abercarney
1041:Mr John Shaw Stewart's Strathspey
1042:the Lees of Luncartie or Lady Baird's delight
1051:the Flaggon
1052:Mrs Murray of Abercarney's Strathspey
1061:Mrs Murray of Abercarney's Reel
1062:Major Graham
1063:Lady Charlotte Murray's Jig
1071:Mrs Minzies of Culdare's Strathspey
1072:Miss Robertson of Tullybelton's Reel
1073:Miss Stewart of Grandtully's Strathspey
1081:Miss Stewart's Reel
1082:Sir James Baird's Strathspey
1091:the Caledonian Hunt. Strathspey.
1092:Mrs Baird of New Byths Strathspey
1093:the Earl of Haddington's Strathspey
1101:the Fife Hunt
1102:the Drunken Wives of Fochabers A Strathspey
1111:the Ewe wi' the Croocke'd Horn
1112:Elven Side
1121:Sir John Whitefoorde's Strathspey
1122:the Countess of Eglinton's Strathspey
1123:Sir Alex.r Don's Strathspey
1123:Sir Alexander Don's Strathspey
1131:Lady Helonora Home's Reel
1132:Couties Wedding Strathspey
1133:Link Him Dodie Strathspey
1141:Watie Laing or the Lifting of the Linnen Reel
1142:Mrs Wright of Laton's Strathspey
1151:Duncan Davidson with Variations
1161:Earl of Eglinton's Strathspey
1171:Colonel Montgomery's Strathspey
1172:the Fir Trea
1173:Mr Minzies of Culdare's Reel
1181:Miss Graham of Inchbrakie's Strathspey
1182:Marquis of Tullibardine's Giga
1183:Tulloch Gorum
1191:He na Boddachin
1192:the Duke of Gordon's Strathspey
1182:Rall na grandach or Miss Lucia Campbell's delight
1201:Lady Cathrine Stewart's Strathspey
1202:Dunkeld House
1211:Hon.ble George Baillie's Strathspey
1212:the Wallking of the Plaidding
1213:Nithian a Ghreisich ___ the Suttor's Daughter
1221:the Millers Daughter's Old Sett.
1231:the Dutchess of Buccleugh's Strathspey
1232:Siomen Broddie
1233:Andrew and his Cuttie Gun
1241:the Dutches of Gordon's Strathspey
1242:the Right Hon.ble Lord Ballenden's Strathspey
1251:Dunkeld Harmitage Reel
1252:the Marquis of Lorn's Strathspey
1261:Mr Charles Sharp of Hoddon's Giga
1263:Mr Murray of Abercarney' Strathspey
1271:the Dutches of Hamilton's Strathspey
1272:Colonel Wemyss Strathspey
1273:the Bridge of Balater
1274:Yell yell
1291:Miss Johnston of Hillton's Reel
1292:Kilrack's Strathspey
1293:the Fyket Strathspey
1302:Mrs Fleming of Moness Reel
1303:Sir John Stewart of Grandtully's Strathspey
1311:Mr Robertson of Ludes Strathspey
1312:This is not my ain House Strathspey
1321:Duke of Argyle's Strathspey
1322:Tail Toddle
1331:the Duke of Atholes Delight
1351:Stumpie Strathspey
1352:Flee over the Water
1361:Robie donna gorach. Daft Robin. An Old Highland Song.
abc gif png pdf svg CSR1-abc2 1000:A Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 1)
1011:Dutches of Athole's Strathspey
1012:Gillie Callum da pheithein
1031:Mr Graham of Orchill's Strathspey
1032:Earl of Loudoun's Strathspey
1033:Niel Gows Lamentation for Abercarney
1041:Mr John Shaw Stewart's Strathspey
1042:the Lees of Luncartie or Lady Baird's delight
1051:the Flaggon
1052:Mrs Murray of Abercarney's Strathspey
1061:Mrs Murray of Abercarney's Reel
1062:Major Graham
1063:Lady Charlotte Murray's Jig
1071:Mrs Minzies of Culdare's Strathspey
1072:Miss Robertson of Tullybelton's Reel
1073:Miss Stewart of Grandtully's Strathspey
1081:Miss Stewart's Reel
1082:Sir James Baird's Strathspey
1091:the Caledonian Hunt. Strathspey.
1092:Mrs Baird of New Byths Strathspey
1093:the Earl of Haddington's Strathspey
1101:the Fife Hunt
1102:the Drunken Wives of Fochabers A Strathspey
1111:the Ewe wi' the Croocke'd Horn
1112:Elven Side
1121:Sir John Whitefoorde's Strathspey
1122:the Countess of Eglinton's Strathspey
1123:Sir Alex.r Don's Strathspey
1123:Sir Alexander Don's Strathspey
1131:Lady Helonora Home's Reel
1132:Couties Wedding Strathspey
1133:Link Him Dodie Strathspey
1141:Watie Laing or the Lifting of the Linnen Reel
1142:Mrs Wright of Laton's Strathspey
1151:Duncan Davidson with Variations
1161:Earl of Eglinton's Strathspey
1171:Colonel Montgomery's Strathspey
1172:the Fir Trea
1173:Mr Minzies of Culdare's Reel
1181:Miss Graham of Inchbrakie's Strathspey
1182:Marquis of Tullibardine's Giga
1183:Tulloch Gorum
1191:He na Boddachin
1192:the Duke of Gordon's Strathspey
1182:Rall na grandach or Miss Lucia Campbell's delight
1201:Lady Cathrine Stewart's Strathspey
1202:Dunkeld House
1211:Hon.ble George Baillie's Strathspey
1212:the Wallking of the Plaidding
1213:Nithian a Ghreisich ___ the Suttor's Daughter
1221:the Millers Daughter's Old Sett.
1231:the Dutchess of Buccleugh's Strathspey
1232:Siomen Broddie
1233:Andrew and his Cuttie Gun
1241:the Dutches of Gordon's Strathspey
1242:the Right Hon.ble Lord Ballenden's Strathspey
1251:Dunkeld Harmitage Reel
1252:the Marquis of Lorn's Strathspey
1261:Mr Charles Sharp of Hoddon's Giga
1263:Mr Murray of Abercarney' Strathspey
1271:the Dutches of Hamilton's Strathspey
1272:Colonel Wemyss Strathspey
1273:the Bridge of Balater
1274:Yell yell
1291:Miss Johnston of Hillton's Reel
1292:Kilrack's Strathspey
1293:the Fyket Strathspey
1302:Mrs Fleming of Moness Reel
1303:Sir John Stewart of Grandtully's Strathspey
1311:Mr Robertson of Ludes Strathspey
1312:This is not my ain House Strathspey
1321:Duke of Argyle's Strathspey
1322:Tail Toddle
1331:the Duke of Atholes Delight
1351:Stumpie Strathspey
1352:Flee over the Water
1361:Robie donna gorach. Daft Robin. An Old Highland Song.
abc gif png pdf svg CSR2-abc1 2000:A Second Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 2)
2011:the Caledonian Hunts Delight. A favorite Air
2012:Sandy o'er the Lee. or Mr Bairds favourite Reel.
2013:Garthland's Strathspey
2021:Loch Earn Reel
2022:Lady Cunningham's Strathspey
2023:Perth-Shire Hunt Reel
2024:Major Robertson's Strathspey
2031:Lady Loudon's Strathspey
2032:Sir James Baird's Strathspey
2041:Miss Pensy McDonald's Reel
2042:Lady Baird's Strathspey
2043:Jenny Sutton's Reel
2051:Duplin House
2052:Mrs Donaldson's Strathspey
2053:Miss Johnston of Hillton's Strathspey
2061:Forrest or the Dutchess of Hamilton's Delight
2062:Marry Ketty Strathspey
2063:Hon.ble Col Hamilton's Delight. or New Bumpkin.
2071:Miss Sarah Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
2072:Clanrannald's Reel
2073:Loch Erroch Side Strathspey
2081:New Rigg'd Ship. or Miss Findlay's Delight
2082:Mr Morthland's favourite Strathspey
2083:Drummond Castle Jigg
2091:Countess of Hadinton's Strathspey
2092:Miss Graham of Inchbrakie's Strathspey or Mrs Duffs Fancy
2093:Mrs Baird of Newbyth's Strathspey
2101:Watson's Class Strathspey
2102:Earl of Breadalbane's Reel
2103:Stormont Lads Strathspey
2111:Lamberton Races Reel
2112:Wat ye wha I met the streen or Lord Haddo's Favourite
2113:Lady Grace Stewart's Strathspey
2121:Coln.l Robertson of Strewan's welcome home
2122:Coln.l Robertson's Strathspey
2123:Marshall's Strathspey
2131:Niel Gows Compliments return'd to Mr Marshall
2132:Mr Hamilton of Pencaitland's Strathspey
2133:Lady Haddo's Strathspey
2141:the Cove of Cork. or Orchills Favourite
2142:Follow her over the border
2143:Locheal's awa to France
2144:Coln.l Thornton's Strathspey
2144:Colonel Thornton's Strathspey
2151:Irish Girl
2152:Sir John Henderson's Jigg
2161:Mount your Baggage, With Variations
2171:Honble Mrs Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
2181:Lord Elcho's Favourite
2182:Lord Doune's Strathspey
2183:Niel Gow's Lament for the Death of his Brother
2191:Old Simon Brodie Strathspey
2192:Miss Erskine of Torry's Strathspey
2193:Dutchess Slipper Strathspey
2201:Mr Cha.s Graham's Welcome home
2202:Greig's Strathspey
2203:the Dutchess of Athol's Delight
2211:Mrs Stewart of Allanbank's Strathspey
2212:Macfarlane's Strathspey
2221:Mrs Muir Mackenzie's Reel
2222:the Empty Purse
2223:Lady Margaret Stewart's Reel
2231:the Cossy Jigg
2232:the Haddington Assembly Jigg
2241:Hermitage Bridge
2242:Fairly Shot of her. Jigg.
2243:Mrs Macdonald of Clanrannald's Reel
2251:Light and Airy Jigg
2252:Honb.le Con.l W.m Wemyss's Reel
2253:Mrs Mosman's Strathspey
2261:Miss Ann Stewart East Craigs Strathspey
2262:Miss Ann Stewart East Craigs Reel
2263:Mrs Ferguson of Reaths Strath'spey
2271:Miss Ketty Hall
2281:Callam Brougach Strathspey
2232:Duke of Athole's Strathspey
2292:Old Lee Rig or Rose Tree Strathspey
2293:Miss Rae's Jigg
2301:Mr Dundass McQueen's Reel
2302:Ceann Dubh Dileas
2303:Marchioness of Tweeddale's Delight
2311:Mr Morthland's Reel
2312:Miss Mary Macdonald's Reel
2313:Miss Louisa Johnston's Fancy
2314:Miss Mary Douglass's Reel
2321:the Sow's tail &c.
2331:the Lads of Dunse or Sir Alex.r Don's Delight
2341:Greenwich Hill
2342:the Harriot
2343:Royal Circus
2344:les Piadmontese
3351:Capt Macintosh
2352:Madam Cassey
2361:Good Morrow to your Night Cap
2362:the Nymph
2363:la Belle Cathrine
abc gif png pdf svg CSR2-abc2 2000:A Second Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 2)
2011:the Caledonian Hunts Delight. A favorite Air
2012:Sandy o'er the Lee. or Mr Bairds favourite Reel.
2013:Garthland's Strathspey
2021:Loch Earn Reel
2022:Lady Cunningham's Strathspey
2023:Perth-Shire Hunt Reel
2024:Major Robertson's Strathspey
2031:Lady Loudon's Strathspey
2032:Sir James Baird's Strathspey
2041:Miss Pensy McDonald's Reel
2042:Lady Baird's Strathspey
2043:Jenny Sutton's Reel
2051:Duplin House
2052:Mrs Donaldson's Strathspey
2053:Miss Johnston of Hillton's Strathspey
2061:Forrest or the Dutchess of Hamilton's Delight
2062:Marry Ketty Strathspey
2063:Hon.ble Col Hamilton's Delight. or New Bumpkin.
2071:Miss Sarah Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
2072:Clanrannald's Reel
2073:Loch Erroch Side Strathspey
2081:New Rigg'd Ship. or Miss Findlay's Delight
2082:Mr Morthland's favourite Strathspey
2083:Drummond Castle Jigg
2091:Countess of Hadinton's Strathspey
2092:Miss Graham of Inchbrakie's Strathspey or Mrs Duffs Fancy
2093:Mrs Baird of Newbyth's Strathspey
2101:Watson's Class Strathspey
2102:Earl of Breadalbane's Reel
2103:Stormont Lads Strathspey
2111:Lamberton Races Reel
2112:Wat ye wha I met the streen or Lord Haddo's Favourite
2113:Lady Grace Stewart's Strathspey
2121:Coln.l Robertson of Strewan's welcome home
2122:Coln.l Robertson's Strathspey
2123:Marshall's Strathspey
2131:Niel Gows Compliments return'd to Mr Marshall
2132:Mr Hamilton of Pencaitland's Strathspey
2133:Lady Haddo's Strathspey
2141:the Cove of Cork. or Orchills Favourite
2142:Follow her over the border
2143:Locheal's awa to France
2144:Coln.l Thornton's Strathspey
2144:Colonel Thornton's Strathspey
2151:Irish Girl
2152:Sir John Henderson's Jigg
2161:Mount your Baggage, With Variations
2171:Honble Mrs Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
2181:Lord Elcho's Favourite
2182:Lord Doune's Strathspey
2183:Niel Gow's Lament for the Death of his Brother
2191:Old Simon Brodie Strathspey
2192:Miss Erskine of Torry's Strathspey
2193:Dutchess Slipper Strathspey
2201:Mr Cha.s Graham's Welcome home
2202:Greig's Strathspey
2203:the Dutchess of Athol's Delight
2211:Mrs Stewart of Allanbank's Strathspey
2212:Macfarlane's Strathspey
2221:Mrs Muir Mackenzie's Reel
2222:the Empty Purse
2223:Lady Margaret Stewart's Reel
2231:the Cossy Jigg
2232:the Haddington Assembly Jigg
2241:Hermitage Bridge
2242:Fairly Shot of her. Jigg.
2243:Mrs Macdonald of Clanrannald's Reel
2251:Light and Airy Jigg
2252:Honb.le Con.l W.m Wemyss's Reel
2253:Mrs Mosman's Strathspey
2261:Miss Ann Stewart East Craigs Strathspey
2262:Miss Ann Stewart East Craigs Reel
2263:Mrs Ferguson of Reaths Strath'spey
2271:Miss Ketty Hall
2281:Callam Brougach Strathspey
2232:Duke of Athole's Strathspey
2292:Old Lee Rig or Rose Tree Strathspey
2293:Miss Rae's Jigg
2301:Mr Dundass McQueen's Reel
2302:Ceann Dubh Dileas
2303:Marchioness of Tweeddale's Delight
2311:Mr Morthland's Reel
2312:Miss Mary Macdonald's Reel
2313:Miss Louisa Johnston's Fancy
2314:Miss Mary Douglass's Reel
2321:the Sow's tail &c.
2331:the Lads of Dunse or Sir Alex.r Don's Delight
2341:Greenwich Hill
2342:the Harriot
2343:Royal Circus
2344:les Piadmontese
3351:Capt Macintosh
2352:Madam Cassey
2361:Good Morrow to your Night Cap
2362:the Nymph
2363:la Belle Cathrine
abc gif png pdf svg CSR3-abc1 3000:A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 3)
3012:the Parks of Yester
3021:Lady Charlotte Bruce's Favourite
3022:Mrs Macdonall Grant's Strathspey
3031:Lady Madelina Sinclairs Strathspey
3032:Miss Nisbet of Dirleton's Reel
3033:Mr Muir Mackenzie's Favourite
3041:Miss Sharpes Fancy
3042:Lady Ann Hope's Favourite Strathspey
3043:Lady Ann Hope's Strathspey
3051:Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey [D]
3051:Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey [E]
3052:Earl of Elgin's Strathspey (D)
3052:Earl of Elgin's Strathspey [E]
3053:Miss L Johnston's Compliments to Neil Gow (D)
3053:Miss L Johnston's Compliments to Neil Gow [E]
3061:Hilton Lodge. Strathspey
3062:Hoddom Castle
3063:Lady Grace Douglas's Reel
3064:Miss Clementina Loughnan's Strathspey
3071:Earl of Home's Strathspey
3072:Mrs Muir of Caldwall's Strathspey
3081:Mr Bushby Maitland's Reel
3082:Miss Rae's Strathspey
3083:Colonel Campbell of Monzie's Favourite
3091:the London Highland Society a Strathspey
3092:Lord Macdonalds Reel
3101:Hon.ble Mr Ramsay Maule's Favourite
3102:Hon.ble Mr Ramsay Maule's Strathspey
3103:Mrs Ramsay of Barnton's Strathspey
3111:Lady L Ramsay's Reel
3112:Nathaniel Gows Lament for the Death of his Brother
3121:Lady Dalrymple of North Berwick's Favourite
3122:Originall Sett of O'er the Water to Charlie
3123:Dancing Sett. or Wishaw's Delight.
3131:Roy's Wife
3132:Mr Lumsdeane of Blanerne's Strathspey
3133:Mr Dun's Frolick. a Reel.
3141:Mrs Hamilton of Pincaitlands Strathspey
3143:the Tweedale Club Strathspey
3151:Lady Elibanks Favourite Strathspey
3152:Hon.bl Miss Charteri's Reel
3153:Lady Shaftsbury's Strathspey
3161:Miss H Hunter's of Blackness Reel
3162:Miss Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
3163:Jenny Nettles a Reel
3171:Cameron has got his wife again. a Strathspey
3172:Miss Chalmers Jigg
3173:Miss L Montgomrie of Skermorlie Strathspey
3181:Mr Hamilton of Wishaw's Reel
3182:Earl of Morton's Jigg
3183:Mrs Dundas of Arniston's Reel
3191:Lady Charlotte Campbell's Strathspey
3192:Earl of Lauderdales Reel
3193:Miss Hamilton of Bangowre's Strathspey
3201:Earl of Dalkeiths Reel
3202:Mrs Hamilton of Wishaw's Strathspey
3203:Sir John Scott's Favourite. Irish
3203:Sir John Scott's Favorite
3211:Dunse Ding's. or Mr Sharps Favourite. a Reel.
3212:Carlione a Favourite Irish Tune
3221:Miss Johnston of Hilton's Fancy
3222:the Bottle of Punch.
3223:Athole Brose or Niel Gow's Favourite Strathspey
3231:Mrs Weymes of Cuttlehill's Strathspey
3232:Honb.le Capt.n Elphinston's Strathspey
3233:Miss Z Loughnan's Strathspey
3241:Miss Campbell of Monzie's Reel
3242:Mr Ronald Crawford's Strathspey
3251:Callan Shiargblas an old Highland Tune
3252:Miss Macmurdos Favourite a Strathspey
3253:Mr Baillie of Mellerston's Strathspey
3261:Miss Baird of Saughtonhall's Hornpipe
3262:Kempshott Hunt
3263:Mrs Houston of Rosehall's Favourite
3271:Lady Mary Hay's Scotch Measure
3272:Miss Weymes of Weymes a Strathspey
3281:Mr Stabilini's Favourite
3282:Mr Robertson of Ladykirk's Strathspey
3283:Mrs Morthlands Reel
3291:Miss Margrett Brown's Favourite
3292:Miss Cathrine Chalmer's. Reel
3301:Money in both Pockets
3302:the Morgan Rattler
3311:the Lakes of Kellarnie. Irish.
3312:Mr Drummond younger of Perth's Strathspey
3313:the Irish Washerwoman
3321:Miss Eleanora Robertson's Favourite
3322:Earl of Hyndfords Reel
3323:Princess Augusta
3331:Mrs Macleod of Elanreoch's Strathspey
3332:Miss Sally Hunter of Thurston's Jigg
3333:Miss Grace Hay's Delight
3341:the Bob of Fattercairn. a Reel.
3342:the Celebrated German Minuet
3351:In the Style of an Opera Dance
3352:the Boolonzie
3361:John Anderson's Auldest Daughter
3362:Rattling Roaring Willie. or Mr Robertson of Ladykirks' Delight.
3363:Mr Alexander Cunninghams. Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg CSR3-abc2 3000:A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 3)
3012:the Parks of Yester
3021:Lady Charlotte Bruce's Favourite
3022:Mrs Macdonall Grant's Strathspey
3031:Lady Madelina Sinclairs Strathspey
3032:Miss Nisbet of Dirleton's Reel
3033:Mr Muir Mackenzie's Favourite
3041:Miss Sharpes Fancy
3042:Lady Ann Hope's Favourite Strathspey
3043:Lady Ann Hope's Strathspey
3051:Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey [D]
3051:Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey [E]
3052:Earl of Elgin's Strathspey (D)
3052:Earl of Elgin's Strathspey [E]
3053:Miss L Johnston's Compliments to Neil Gow (D)
3053:Miss L Johnston's Compliments to Neil Gow [E]
3061:Hilton Lodge. Strathspey
3062:Hoddom Castle
3063:Lady Grace Douglas's Reel
3064:Miss Clementina Loughnan's Strathspey
3071:Earl of Home's Strathspey
3072:Mrs Muir of Caldwall's Strathspey
3081:Mr Bushby Maitland's Reel
3082:Miss Rae's Strathspey
3083:Colonel Campbell of Monzie's Favourite
3091:the London Highland Society a Strathspey
3092:Lord Macdonalds Reel
3101:Hon.ble Mr Ramsay Maule's Favourite
3102:Hon.ble Mr Ramsay Maule's Strathspey
3103:Mrs Ramsay of Barnton's Strathspey
3111:Lady L Ramsay's Reel
3112:Nathaniel Gows Lament for the Death of his Brother
3121:Lady Dalrymple of North Berwick's Favourite
3122:Originall Sett of O'er the Water to Charlie
3123:Dancing Sett. or Wishaw's Delight.
3131:Roy's Wife
3132:Mr Lumsdeane of Blanerne's Strathspey
3133:Mr Dun's Frolick. a Reel.
3141:Mrs Hamilton of Pincaitlands Strathspey
3143:the Tweedale Club Strathspey
3151:Lady Elibanks Favourite Strathspey
3152:Hon.bl Miss Charteri's Reel
3153:Lady Shaftsbury's Strathspey
3161:Miss H Hunter's of Blackness Reel
3162:Miss Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
3163:Jenny Nettles a Reel
3171:Cameron has got his wife again. a Strathspey
3172:Miss Chalmers Jigg
3173:Miss L Montgomrie of Skermorlie Strathspey
3181:Mr Hamilton of Wishaw's Reel
3182:Earl of Morton's Jigg
3183:Mrs Dundas of Arniston's Reel
3191:Lady Charlotte Campbell's Strathspey
3192:Earl of Lauderdales Reel
3193:Miss Hamilton of Bangowre's Strathspey
3201:Earl of Dalkeiths Reel
3202:Mrs Hamilton of Wishaw's Strathspey
3203:Sir John Scott's Favourite. Irish
3203:Sir John Scott's Favorite
3211:Dunse Ding's. or Mr Sharps Favourite. a Reel.
3212:Carlione a Favourite Irish Tune
3221:Miss Johnston of Hilton's Fancy
3222:the Bottle of Punch.
3223:Athole Brose or Niel Gow's Favourite Strathspey
3231:Mrs Weymes of Cuttlehill's Strathspey
3232:Honb.le Capt.n Elphinston's Strathspey
3233:Miss Z Loughnan's Strathspey
3241:Miss Campbell of Monzie's Reel
3242:Mr Ronald Crawford's Strathspey
3251:Callan Shiargblas an old Highland Tune
3252:Miss Macmurdos Favourite a Strathspey
3253:Mr Baillie of Mellerston's Strathspey
3261:Miss Baird of Saughtonhall's Hornpipe
3262:Kempshott Hunt
3263:Mrs Houston of Rosehall's Favourite
3271:Lady Mary Hay's Scotch Measure
3272:Miss Weymes of Weymes a Strathspey
3281:Mr Stabilini's Favourite
3282:Mr Robertson of Ladykirk's Strathspey
3283:Mrs Morthlands Reel
3291:Miss Margrett Brown's Favourite
3292:Miss Cathrine Chalmer's. Reel
3301:Money in both Pockets
3302:the Morgan Rattler
3311:the Lakes of Kellarnie. Irish.
3312:Mr Drummond younger of Perth's Strathspey
3313:the Irish Washerwoman
3321:Miss Eleanora Robertson's Favourite
3322:Earl of Hyndfords Reel
3323:Princess Augusta
3331:Mrs Macleod of Elanreoch's Strathspey
3332:Miss Sally Hunter of Thurston's Jigg
3333:Miss Grace Hay's Delight
3341:the Bob of Fattercairn. a Reel.
3342:the Celebrated German Minuet
3351:In the Style of an Opera Dance
3352:the Boolonzie
3361:John Anderson's Auldest Daughter
3362:Rattling Roaring Willie. or Mr Robertson of Ladykirks' Delight.
3363:Mr Alexander Cunninghams. Strathspey
abc gif png pdf svg CSR4-abc1 4000:A Fourth Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 4)
4011:Eglintoun Castle
4012:the Countess of Eglintoun's Delight
4013:Earl of Eglintouns Reel
4021:the Marquis of Huntlys Snuff Mill or the Royal Gift
4022:Miss Davidson's Reel
4023:Countess of Cassilli's Strathspey
4024:Countess of Cassilli's Reel
4031:Lord Torphichen's Favorite
4032:Mrs Drummond of Logiealmonds Reel
4033:Lady Mary Murray's Strathspey
4041:Captain Byng's Reel
4042:Long Life to Step Mothers
4043:Sir Charles Douglass's Strathspey
4044:Miss Hay of Yester's Reel
4051:the Duchess of Buccleughs Favorite
4052:the Countess of Dalkeith's Strathspey
4061:Lady Madelina Sinclair's Birth Day a Reel
4062:Lady Downe
4063:Mrs Stewart Nicholson's Strathspey
4064:Arniston House
4071:Lady Caroline Montague's Strathspey
4072:Miss Forbes's Reel
4081:Miss Oswald of Auchincruive
4082:Lady Charlotte Durham's Strathspey
4083:Dunfermline Races. a Reel.
4091:the Honble Mrs Maule of Panmure's Favorite
4092:the Honble Mrs Maule of Panmure's Strathspey
4093:Miss Heron of Heron's Reel
4101:Savourna Deligh
4102:Lord John Campbell's Strathspey
4111:Cairngoram Mountain
4122:Mrs Chisholm of Chisholm's Strathspey
4113:Sir George Mackenzie's Reel
4121:Aitken Drum
4122:the Belfast Allmanack a Favorite Irish Air
4123:Hoop her and gird her
4131:Lady Mary Primrose's Favorite a Strathspey
4132:Garscube House a Strathspey
4141:Black Mary
4142:Nathaniel Gow's Lament for Mrs Oswald of Auchincruive
4143:Mrs Duncan's Reel
4151:the Lassie lost her Silken Snood
41152:Lady Mary Ramsays Strathspey
4153:Earl of Dalhousies Reel
4161:North's (Milles Macphail) Farewell to the Caledonian Hunt
4162:Lady Lucy Ramshay's Strathspey
4163:Miss Maule of Panmure's Reel
4164:Sir George Stewart of Grantley's Strathspey
4171:Yester House a Strathspey
4172:Ossian's Hall a Reel
4173:Fingalls Lamentations a very Old Galic Air
4181:Colonel Baird
4182:Mrs Blair of Avontown's Favorite
4183:Lady Charlotte Primroses's Strathspey
4191:Lady Mary Stopford's Reel
4192:Niel Gow's Fiddle a Strathspey
4193:Miss Dundass of Arniston's Reel
4201:the Hon.ble Mr Maule's Frolick or the Trip to Dormont [D/Dm]
4201:the Hon.ble Mr Maule's Frolick or the Trip to Dormont [F/Fm]
4202:the Maid of Isla a Strathspey
4211:Miss Wardlaw's Strathspey
4212:Miss Maria Dundass's Reel
4221:the Shepherds Wife
4222:the New Opera Dance or Mrs Loch's Favorite
4223:Miss Ross's Strathspey
4224:Miss Sitwell's Strathspey
4231:Captain O'Kain
4232:Lady Hamilton Dalrymple's Strathspey
4241:Sir Watkin William Wynn.
4242:Drum House or Mr Hay's Favorite
4243:Lord McDonald's Strathspey
4243:a Strathspey. Composed by the late Lord McDonald a few days before his Death
4251:Mr Frasers' Favorite a Strathspey
4252:Jarnovichi's Hornpipe
4261:Lady Jemima Johnston's Strathspey
4262:Caper Fey. Original Set
4263:Master Erskine's Hornpipe
4271:Lord Spencer Chichester's Strathspey
4272:Lady Jean Montgomrie's Strathspey
4281:Lord Airley's Reel
4282:the Ploughman
4283:Perth-Shire Volunteer's Strathspey
4284:Miss Smyth of Methven's Reel
4291:Miss Forbes of Pitsligo's Strathspey
4301:Mrs J. W. Bourke's Reel
4302:the Maids of Arrochar
4303:Mrs Crawford's Favorite Strathspey
4304:the Britches Maker
4311:Cheap Mutton a Strathspey
4312:Lord Montgomerie's Strathspey
4313:Miss Colston's Strathspey
4321:Major Logans Favorite
4322:Colonel Hamilton of Pencaitlands welcome home
4331:Master F. Sitwell's Strathspey
4332:the Hon.ble Mrs John Ramsay's Reel
4341:Colonel Byngs Favorite a Strathspey
4342:Lady Harriot Montague's Favorite
4343:Mrs Carmichael of Skirling's Strathspey
4344:Lady Balhaven's Delight
4351:the Dutch Skipper
4352:Mrs Kinloch's Favorite
4361:Mr George Grant's Strathspey
4362:Lord Balgonie's Favorite A very old Highland Tune.
4363:Niel Gow
abc gif png pdf svg CSR4-abc2 4000:A Fourth Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 4)
4011:Eglintoun Castle
4012:the Countess of Eglintoun's Delight
4013:Earl of Eglintouns Reel
4021:the Marquis of Huntlys Snuff Mill or the Royal Gift
4022:Miss Davidson's Reel
4023:Countess of Cassilli's Strathspey
4024:Countess of Cassilli's Reel
4031:Lord Torphichen's Favorite
4032:Mrs Drummond of Logiealmonds Reel
4033:Lady Mary Murray's Strathspey
4041:Captain Byng's Reel
4042:Long Life to Step Mothers
4043:Sir Charles Douglass's Strathspey
4044:Miss Hay of Yester's Reel
4051:the Duchess of Buccleughs Favorite
4052:the Countess of Dalkeith's Strathspey
4061:Lady Madelina Sinclair's Birth Day a Reel
4062:Lady Downe
4063:Mrs Stewart Nicholson's Strathspey
4064:Arniston House
4071:Lady Caroline Montague's Strathspey
4072:Miss Forbes's Reel
4081:Miss Oswald of Auchincruive
4082:Lady Charlotte Durham's Strathspey
4083:Dunfermline Races. a Reel.
4091:the Honble Mrs Maule of Panmure's Favorite
4092:the Honble Mrs Maule of Panmure's Strathspey
4093:Miss Heron of Heron's Reel
4101:Savourna Deligh
4102:Lord John Campbell's Strathspey
4111:Cairngoram Mountain
4122:Mrs Chisholm of Chisholm's Strathspey
4113:Sir George Mackenzie's Reel
4121:Aitken Drum
4122:the Belfast Allmanack a Favorite Irish Air
4123:Hoop her and gird her
4131:Lady Mary Primrose's Favorite a Strathspey
4132:Garscube House a Strathspey
4141:Black Mary
4142:Nathaniel Gow's Lament for Mrs Oswald of Auchincruive
4143:Mrs Duncan's Reel
4151:the Lassie lost her Silken Snood
41152:Lady Mary Ramsays Strathspey
4153:Earl of Dalhousies Reel
4161:North's (Milles Macphail) Farewell to the Caledonian Hunt
4162:Lady Lucy Ramshay's Strathspey
4163:Miss Maule of Panmure's Reel
4164:Sir George Stewart of Grantley's Strathspey
4171:Yester House a Strathspey
4172:Ossian's Hall a Reel
4173:Fingalls Lamentations a very Old Galic Air
4181:Colonel Baird
4182:Mrs Blair of Avontown's Favorite
4183:Lady Charlotte Primroses's Strathspey
4191:Lady Mary Stopford's Reel
4192:Niel Gow's Fiddle a Strathspey
4193:Miss Dundass of Arniston's Reel
4201:the Hon.ble Mr Maule's Frolick or the Trip to Dormont [D/Dm]
4201:the Hon.ble Mr Maule's Frolick or the Trip to Dormont [F/Fm]
4202:the Maid of Isla a Strathspey
4211:Miss Wardlaw's Strathspey
4212:Miss Maria Dundass's Reel
4221:the Shepherds Wife
4222:the New Opera Dance or Mrs Loch's Favorite
4223:Miss Ross's Strathspey
4224:Miss Sitwell's Strathspey
4231:Captain O'Kain
4232:Lady Hamilton Dalrymple's Strathspey
4241:Sir Watkin William Wynn.
4242:Drum House or Mr Hay's Favorite
4243:Lord McDonald's Strathspey
4243:a Strathspey. Composed by the late Lord McDonald a few days before his Death
4251:Mr Frasers' Favorite a Strathspey
4252:Jarnovichi's Hornpipe
4261:Lady Jemima Johnston's Strathspey
4262:Caper Fey. Original Set
4263:Master Erskine's Hornpipe
4271:Lord Spencer Chichester's Strathspey
4272:Lady Jean Montgomrie's Strathspey
4281:Lord Airley's Reel
4282:the Ploughman
4283:Perth-Shire Volunteer's Strathspey
4284:Miss Smyth of Methven's Reel
4291:Miss Forbes of Pitsligo's Strathspey
4301:Mrs J. W. Bourke's Reel
4302:the Maids of Arrochar
4303:Mrs Crawford's Favorite Strathspey
4304:the Britches Maker
4311:Cheap Mutton a Strathspey
4312:Lord Montgomerie's Strathspey
4313:Miss Colston's Strathspey
4321:Major Logans Favorite
4322:Colonel Hamilton of Pencaitlands welcome home
4331:Master F. Sitwell's Strathspey
4332:the Hon.ble Mrs John Ramsay's Reel
4341:Colonel Byngs Favorite a Strathspey
4342:Lady Harriot Montague's Favorite
4343:Mrs Carmichael of Skirling's Strathspey
4344:Lady Balhaven's Delight
4351:the Dutch Skipper
4352:Mrs Kinloch's Favorite
4361:Mr George Grant's Strathspey
4362:Lord Balgonie's Favorite A very old Highland Tune.
4363:Niel Gow
D   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg dim [No title for "dim.abc"]
E   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg endo [No title for "endo.abc"]
N   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg newpage [No title for "newpage.abc"]
P   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg proto 0:__
S   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg sg [No title for "sg.abc"]
abc gif png pdf svg slurs [No title for "slurs.abc"]
T   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg trans [No title for "trans.abc"]
V   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg v12 [No title for "v12.abc"]

B: Bar count for once through the tune.
Class: The tune's classification (rhythm, dance, origin, etc.).
date: The earliest reported date for a tune. This is generally not very reliable, of course.
img: Source files of the type(s) shown. Image files are often formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
src: Source files of the type(s) shown. Source files are usually formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
info: Assorted information about the file, depending on what has been implemented and supplied. Currently only shows the date of (earliest known) publication.
K: The tune's initial or main key.
st: Staff count for this version of the tune.
Name: is taken from the file name, with underscores replaced by spaces. If a link, points to a directory with several versions of the tune. Bold names or titles mean that the tune is in the session's "first binder", and has been played more often than the tunes in a normal font.
Titles: is a list of the titles found in the file. Duplicate titles are only shown once. For tunes that don't have a T: title, the first P: value is shown.
w: Words (lyrics) line count for this version of the tune.

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Exit with status 0 at 1740949319.