2025-03-01 19:09:37 19717 sess.cgi on minya from V=1 Vtest=1 B=0
The Hibernian Muse
The Hibernian Muse
The Hibernian Muse
Samuel, Ann & Peter Thompson ca. 1770, 1780, 1787 or 1790,
depending on who you read and believe.

The tunes are numbered sequentially, with the 3-digit tune number used at the start of a tune's file name (in Roman-numeral form). A few have -V1 or -V2 at the end of their names; these indicate whether they are transcribed for versions 1.* or 2.* of ABC. The latter use features like voice overlay, crescendo/diminuendo symbols, etc., which weren't present in the earlier versions of ABC.

Some experimental ABC tune-listing programs: Tune lister, Collection lister, Session lister.
.|. Found 116 tune files in "/music/book/HibernianMuse"
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get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 000 Title 0:The Hibernian Muse
abc gif png pdf svg 001 John Hugent 1:John Nugent
abc gif png pdf svg 002 Irish Dump 2:an Irish Dump
abc gif png pdf svg 003 Carolans Receipt 3:Carolan's Receipt
abc gif png pdf svg 004 Jacky Bull 4:Jacky Bull
abc gif png pdf svg 005 Irish Hoboy 5:the Irish Hoboy
5:the Irish Oboe
abc gif png pdf svg 006-Mrs Casey-V1 6:Mrs Casey
abc gif png pdf svg 006=Mrs Casey-V2 6:Mrs Casey
abc gif png pdf svg 007-O Roukes Feast-V1 7:O Rouke's Feast
abc gif png pdf svg 007=O Roukes Feast-V2 7:O Rouke's Feast
abc gif png pdf svg 008 Lads of Dunse 8:the Lads of Dunse
abc gif png pdf svg 009 Ailleacan Dubh O 9:Ailleacan Dubh O!
abc gif png pdf svg 010 Ailen Aroun 10:Ailen around
abc gif png pdf svg 011 Fanny Dillon 11:Fanny Dillon
abc gif png pdf svg 012 Da mihi Manum 12:Da mihi Manum
12:Give me your Hand
abc gif png pdf svg 013 Gracey Nugent 13:Gracey Nugent
abc gif png pdf svg 014 Port Patrick 14:Port Patrick
abc gif png pdf svg 015 Plangsty Connor 15:Plangsty Connor
abc gif png pdf svg 016 Irish Girl 16:the Irish Girl
abc gif png pdf svg 017 Major Shanly 17:Major Shanly
abc gif png pdf svg 018 Ballinamona Oro 18:Ballinamona Oro
abc gif png pdf svg 019 Hugar Mu Fean 19:Hugar Mu Fean
abc gif png pdf svg 020 Toby Peyton 20:Toby Peyton
abc gif png pdf svg 021 Irish Trott 21:Irish Trott
abc gif png pdf svg 022 Chilling O guiry 22:Chilling O guiry
abc gif png pdf svg 023 Irish Air 23:Irish Air
abc gif png pdf svg 024 Wild Irishman 24:the Wild Irishman
abc gif png pdf svg 025 Irish Lilt 25:the Irish Lilt
abc gif png pdf svg 026 Fingalians Dance 26:the Fingalians' Dance.
abc gif png pdf svg 027 Gramachree Molly 27:Gramachree Molly
abc gif png pdf svg 028 Irish Rag 28:the Irish Rag
abc gif png pdf svg 029 Deala Mairi liomsa 29:D'eala Mairi liomsa
abc gif png pdf svg 030 Mrs Edwards 30:Mrs Edwards
abc gif png pdf svg 031 Dermot 31:Dermot
abc gif png pdf svg 032 Lasses of Dunse 32:Lasses of Dunse
abc gif png pdf svg 033-Dr Delany-V1 33:Dr Delany
abc gif png pdf svg 033=Dr Delany-V2 33:Dr Delany
abc gif png pdf svg 034 Yemon O nock 34:Yemon O nock
abc gif png pdf svg 035 Drimen Duff 35:Drimen Duff
abc gif png pdf svg 036 Mc Dermot Roe 36:Mc Dermot Roe
36:McDermot Roe
abc gif png pdf svg 037 Lary Grogan 37:Lary Grogan
abc gif png pdf svg 038 Irish Air 38:Irish Air
abc gif png pdf svg 039 O Connor 39:O Connor
abc gif png pdf svg 040 Irish Air 40:Irish Air
abc gif png pdf svg 041 Shambuy 41:Shambuy
abc gif png pdf svg 042 Lango Lee 42:Lango Lee
abc gif png pdf svg 043 Irish Air 43:Irish Air
abc gif png pdf svg 044 Maurice O Connor 44:Maurice O Connor
44:Maurice O'Connor
abc gif png pdf svg 045 Irish Mad Song 45:Irish Mad Song
45:Endearing Young Charms
abc gif png pdf svg 046 Paddy Whack 46:Paddy Whack
abc gif png pdf svg 047 Irish Blanket 47:Irish Blanket
abc gif png pdf svg 048 Patrick Kelly 48:Patrick Kelly
abc gif png pdf svg 049 Molly St George 49:Molly St George
49:Molly Saint George
abc gif png pdf svg 050 I am sleeping 50:I am sleeping
abc gif png pdf svg 051 Bumpers Squire Jones 51:Bumpers 'Squire Jones
abc gif png pdf svg 052 St Patricks Day 52:St Patrick's Day
52:Saint Patrick's Day
abc gif png pdf svg 053 Chilling a Gig 53:Chilling a Gig
abc gif png pdf svg 054 Coulin 54:Coulin
abc gif png pdf svg 055 John Kelly 55:John Kelly
abc gif png pdf svg 056 Curri Koun Kilich 56:Curri Koun Dilich
abc gif png pdf svg 057 Madm Maxwell 57:Madm Maxwell
57:Madame Maxwell
abc gif png pdf svg 058 David Poer Esqr 58:David Poer, Esqr
58:David Poer, Esquire
abc gif png pdf svg 059 Sheen sheesh igus Souse lum 59:Sheen sheesh igus Souse lum
abc gif png pdf svg 060 Irish Air 60:Irish Air
abc gif png pdf svg 061 Rakes of Westmeath 61:the Rakes of Westmeath
abc gif png pdf svg 062 Speic Seoach 62:Speic Seoach
abc gif png pdf svg 063 Slaunt Ri Plulib 63:Slaunt Ri Plulib
abc gif png pdf svg 064 Dangling of the Irish Bearns 64:Dangling of the Irish Bearns
abc gif png pdf svg 065 Lord Galloways Lamentation 65:Lord Galloway's Lamentation
abc gif png pdf svg 066 Irish Air 66:Irish Air
abc gif png pdf svg 067 Charles O Connor 67:Charles O Connor
67:Charles O'Connor
abc gif png pdf svg 068 George Reynolds Esqr 68:George Reynolds, Esqr
68:George Reynolds, Esquire
abc gif png pdf svg 069 Sarsfields Lamentation 69:Sarsfield's Lamentation
abc gif png pdf svg 070-Mrs Waller-V1 70:Mrs Waller
abc gif png pdf svg 070=Mrs Waller-V2 70:Mrs Waller
abc gif png pdf svg 071 General Toast 71:the General Toast
abc gif png pdf svg 072 Irish Air 72:Irish Air
abc gif png pdf svg 073 Mrs Trench 73:Mrs Trench
abc gif png pdf svg 074 J Daly 74:J. Daly
abc gif png pdf svg 075 Irish Air 75:Irish Air
abc gif png pdf svg 076 Miss Murphy 76:Miss Murphy
abc gif png pdf svg 077 Lillibulero 77:Lillibulero
abc gif png pdf svg 078 Dear Catholic Brother 78:Dear Catholic Brother
abc gif png pdf svg 079 Mrs Nugent 79:Mrs Nugent
abc gif png pdf svg 080 Tiagharna Mhaighe-co 80:Tiagharna Mhaighe-co
abc gif png pdf svg 081 Mrs Poer 81:Mrs Poer
81:O'Carolan's Concerto
abc gif png pdf svg 082 Carolans Maggot 82:Carolan's Maggot
abc gif png pdf svg 083 Major 83:the Major
abc gif png pdf svg 084 Irish Cry 84:Irish Cry
abc gif png pdf svg 085 Capt Higgins 85:Capt. Higgins
85:Captain Higgins
abc gif png pdf svg 086 Irish Dump 86:Irish Dump
abc gif png pdf svg 087 Lostrum Ponia 87:Lostrum Ponia
abc gif png pdf svg 088 Counsellor Dillon 88:Counsellor Dillon
abc gif png pdf svg 089 High road to Dublin 89:the High road to Dublin
abc gif png pdf svg 090 Irish Widow 90:the Irish Widow
abc gif png pdf svg 091 Plough Tune 91:the Plough Tune
abc gif png pdf svg 092 Yogh hone O hone 92:Yogh hone O hone
abc gif png pdf svg 093 Thomas Burk 93:Thomas Burk
abc gif png pdf svg 094 Dr O Connor 94:Dr O Connor
94:Doctor O'Connor
abc gif png pdf svg 095 Mr Donaughs Lamentation 95:Mr Donaugh's Lamentation
abc gif png pdf svg 096-Lady Dillon-V1 96:Lady Dillon
abc gif png pdf svg 096=Lady Dillon-V2 96:Lady Dillon
abc gif png pdf svg 097 Lord Louth 97:Lord Louth
abc gif png pdf svg 098 Mervyn Spratt Esqr 98:Mervyn Spratt, Esqr
98:Mervyn Spratt, Esquire
abc gif png pdf svg 099 Limbricks Lamentation 99:Limbrick's Lamentation
1   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 100 Plangsty Bourk 100:Plangsty Bourk
abc gif png pdf svg 101 Mrs Harwood 101:Mrs Harwood
abc gif png pdf svg 102 Black Joke 102:the Black Joke
abc gif png pdf svg 104 Ancient War Cry 104:Ancient War Cry
abc gif png pdf svg 105 Irish Air 105:Irish Air
abc gif png pdf svg 106 Ally Croaker 106:Ally Croaker
abc gif png pdf svg 107 Carolans Devotion 107:Carolan's Devotion
H   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg HibernianMuse-NO 0:The Hibernian Muse
1:John Nugent
2:An Irish Dump
3:Carolan's Receipt
4:Jacky Bull
5:The Irish Hoboy
5:The Irish Oboe
6:Mrs Casey
7:O Rouke's Feast
8:The Lads of Dunse
9:Ailleacan Dubh O!
10:Ailen around
11:Fanny Dillon
12:Da mihi Manum
12:Give me your Hand
13:Gracey Nugent
14:Port Patrick
15:Plangsty Connor
16:The Irish Girl
17:Major Shanly
18:Ballinamona Oro
19:Hugar Mu Fean
20:Toby Peyton
21:Irish Trott
22:Chilling O guiry
23:Irish Air
24:The Wild Irishman
25:The Irish Lilt
26:The Fingalians' Dance.
27:Gramachree Molly
28:The Irish Rag
29:D'eala Mairi liomsa
30:Mrs Edwards
32:Lasses of Dunse
33:Dr Delany
34:Yemon O nock
35:Drimen Duff
36:Mc Dermot Roe
36:McDermot Roe
37:Lary Grogan
39:O Connor
42:Lango Lee
44:Maurice O Connor
44:Maurice O'Connor
45:Irish Mad Song
45:Endearing Young Charms
46:Paddy Whack
47:Irish Blanket
48:Patrick Kelly
49:Molly St George
49:Molly Saint George
50:I am sleeping
51:Bumpers 'Squire Jones
52:St Patrick's Day
52:Saint Patrick's Day
53:Chilling a Gig
55:John Kelly
56:Curri Koun Dilich
57:Madm Maxwell
57:Madame Maxwell
58:David Poer, Esqr
58:David Poer, Esquire
59:Sheen sheesh igus Souse lum
61:The Rakes of Westmeath
62:Speic Seoach
63:Slaunt Ri Plulib
64:Dangling of the Irish Bearns
65:Lord Galloway's Lamentation
67:Charles O Connor
67:Charles O'Connor
68:George Reynolds, Esqr
68:George Reynolds, Esquire
69:Sarsfield's Lamentation
70:Mrs Waller
71:The General Toast
73:Mrs Trench
74:J. Daly
76:Miss Murphy
78:Dear Catholic Brother
79:Mrs Nugent
80:Tiagharna Mhaighe-co
81:Mrs Poer
81:O'Carolan's Concerto
82:Carolan's Maggot
83:The Major
84:Irish Cry
85:Capt. Higgins
85:Captain Higgins
86:Irish Dump
87:Lostrum Ponia
88:Counsellor Dillon
89:The High road to Dublin
90:The Irish Widow
91:The Plough Tune
92:Yogh hone O hone
93:Thomas Burk
94:Dr O Connor
94:Doctor O'Connor
95:Mr Donaugh's Lamentation
96:Lady Dillon
97:Lord Louth
98:Mervyn Spratt, Esqr
98:Mervyn Spratt, Esquire
99:Limbrick's Lamentation
100:Plangsty Bourk
101:Mrs Harwood
102:The Black Joke
104:Ancient War Cry
106:Ally Croaker
107:Carolan's Devotion
abc gif png pdf svg HibernianMuse-V1 0:The Hibernian Muse
1:John Nugent
2:An Irish Dump
3:Carolan's Receipt
4:Jacky Bull
5:The Irish Hoboy
5:The Irish Oboe
6:Mrs Casey
7:O Rouke's Feast
8:The Lads of Dunse
9:Ailleacan Dubh O!
10:Ailen around
11:Fanny Dillon
12:Da mihi Manum
12:Give me your Hand
13:Gracey Nugent
14:Port Patrick
15:Plangsty Connor
16:The Irish Girl
17:Major Shanly
18:Ballinamona Oro
19:Hugar Mu Fean
20:Toby Peyton
21:Irish Trott
22:Chilling O guiry
23:Irish Air
24:The Wild Irishman
25:The Irish Lilt
26:The Fingalians' Dance.
27:Gramachree Molly
28:The Irish Rag
29:D'eala Mairi liomsa
30:Mrs Edwards
32:Lasses of Dunse
33:Dr Delany
34:Yemon O nock
35:Drimen Duff
36:Mc Dermot Roe
36:McDermot Roe
37:Lary Grogan
39:O Connor
42:Lango Lee
44:Maurice O Connor
44:Maurice O'Connor
45:Irish Mad Song
45:Endearing Young Charms
46:Paddy Whack
47:Irish Blanket
48:Patrick Kelly
49:Molly St George
49:Molly Saint George
50:I am sleeping
51:Bumpers 'Squire Jones
52:St Patrick's Day
52:Saint Patrick's Day
53:Chilling a Gig
55:John Kelly
56:Curri Koun Dilich
57:Madm Maxwell
57:Madame Maxwell
58:David Poer, Esqr
58:David Poer, Esquire
59:Sheen sheesh igus Souse lum
61:The Rakes of Westmeath
62:Speic Seoach
63:Slaunt Ri Plulib
64:Dangling of the Irish Bearns
65:Lord Galloway's Lamentation
67:Charles O Connor
67:Charles O'Connor
68:George Reynolds, Esqr
68:George Reynolds, Esquire
69:Sarsfield's Lamentation
70:Mrs Waller
71:The General Toast
73:Mrs Trench
74:J. Daly
76:Miss Murphy
78:Dear Catholic Brother
79:Mrs Nugent
80:Tiagharna Mhaighe-co
81:Mrs Poer
81:O'Carolan's Concerto
82:Carolan's Maggot
83:The Major
84:Irish Cry
85:Capt. Higgins
85:Captain Higgins
86:Irish Dump
87:Lostrum Ponia
88:Counsellor Dillon
89:The High road to Dublin
90:The Irish Widow
91:The Plough Tune
92:Yogh hone O hone
93:Thomas Burk
94:Dr O Connor
94:Doctor O'Connor
95:Mr Donaugh's Lamentation
96:Lady Dillon
97:Lord Louth
98:Mervyn Spratt, Esqr
98:Mervyn Spratt, Esquire
99:Limbrick's Lamentation
100:Plangsty Bourk
101:Mrs Harwood
102:The Black Joke
104:Ancient War Cry
106:Ally Croaker
107:Carolan's Devotion
abc gif png pdf svg HibernianMuse-V2 0:The Hibernian Muse
1:John Nugent
2:An Irish Dump
3:Carolan's Receipt
4:Jacky Bull
5:The Irish Hoboy
5:The Irish Oboe
6:Mrs Casey
7:O Rouke's Feast
8:The Lads of Dunse
9:Ailleacan Dubh O!
10:Ailen around
11:Fanny Dillon
12:Da mihi Manum
12:Give me your Hand
13:Gracey Nugent
14:Port Patrick
15:Plangsty Connor
16:The Irish Girl
17:Major Shanly
18:Ballinamona Oro
19:Hugar Mu Fean
20:Toby Peyton
21:Irish Trott
22:Chilling O guiry
23:Irish Air
24:The Wild Irishman
25:The Irish Lilt
26:The Fingalians' Dance.
27:Gramachree Molly
28:The Irish Rag
29:D'eala Mairi liomsa
30:Mrs Edwards
32:Lasses of Dunse
33:Dr Delany
34:Yemon O nock
35:Drimen Duff
36:Mc Dermot Roe
36:McDermot Roe
37:Lary Grogan
39:O Connor
42:Lango Lee
44:Maurice O Connor
44:Maurice O'Connor
45:Irish Mad Song
45:Endearing Young Charms
46:Paddy Whack
47:Irish Blanket
48:Patrick Kelly
49:Molly St George
49:Molly Saint George
50:I am sleeping
51:Bumpers 'Squire Jones
52:St Patrick's Day
52:Saint Patrick's Day
53:Chilling a Gig
55:John Kelly
56:Curri Koun Dilich
57:Madm Maxwell
57:Madame Maxwell
58:David Poer, Esqr
58:David Poer, Esquire
59:Sheen sheesh igus Souse lum
61:The Rakes of Westmeath
62:Speic Seoach
63:Slaunt Ri Plulib
64:Dangling of the Irish Bearns
65:Lord Galloway's Lamentation
67:Charles O Connor
67:Charles O'Connor
68:George Reynolds, Esqr
68:George Reynolds, Esquire
69:Sarsfield's Lamentation
70:Mrs Waller
71:The General Toast
73:Mrs Trench
74:J. Daly
76:Miss Murphy
78:Dear Catholic Brother
79:Mrs Nugent
80:Tiagharna Mhaighe-co
81:Mrs Poer
81:O'Carolan's Concerto
82:Carolan's Maggot
83:The Major
84:Irish Cry
85:Capt. Higgins
85:Captain Higgins
86:Irish Dump
87:Lostrum Ponia
88:Counsellor Dillon
89:The High road to Dublin
90:The Irish Widow
91:The Plough Tune
92:Yogh hone O hone
93:Thomas Burk
94:Dr O Connor
94:Doctor O'Connor
95:Mr Donaugh's Lamentation
96:Lady Dillon
97:Lord Louth
98:Mervyn Spratt, Esqr
98:Mervyn Spratt, Esquire
99:Limbrick's Lamentation
100:Plangsty Bourk
101:Mrs Harwood
102:The Black Joke
104:Ancient War Cry
106:Ally Croaker
107:Carolan's Devotion
P   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg proto 0:_

B: Bar count for once through the tune.
Class: The tune's classification (rhythm, dance, origin, etc.).
date: The earliest reported date for a tune. This is generally not very reliable, of course.
img: Source files of the type(s) shown. Image files are often formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
src: Source files of the type(s) shown. Source files are usually formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
info: Assorted information about the file, depending on what has been implemented and supplied. Currently only shows the date of (earliest known) publication.
K: The tune's initial or main key.
st: Staff count for this version of the tune.
Name: is taken from the file name, with underscores replaced by spaces. If a link, points to a directory with several versions of the tune. Bold names or titles mean that the tune is in the session's "first binder", and has been played more often than the tunes in a normal font.
Titles: is a list of the titles found in the file. Duplicate titles are only shown once. For tunes that don't have a T: title, the first P: value is shown.
w: Words (lyrics) line count for this version of the tune.

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