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Kitty Bridges' Select Collection of Country Dances 1745
KittyBridges's "Collection of Country Dances 1745"
"A Collection of Country Dances 1745"
KittyBridges, 1745

This directory contains ABC transcriptions of the tunes and dances in Kitty Bridges' "A Collection of Country Dances 1745".

The tunes are numbered sequentially, with the 2-digit tune number used at the start of a tune's file name.

Here's a table of symbols and abbreviations used in the booklet. Kitty's dance notation includes abbreviations ending with a dot below a final superscript letter. The txt column is how they've been transcribed in the ABC files; the meaning column is the modern spelling of the word or phrase.

img txt meaning
.| :| :|: .:| .| :| :|: .:| end of musical strain
& & and
1.st 1 1.st 2 1st First
2.d 2d Second
3.d 3d third
Cu. Cu. Couple
Cup.l Cup.l Couple
Coup.l Coup.l Couple
Coup.l's Coup.l's Couple's
P.r Part.r P.r Part.r Partner
w.th w.th with
Wo. Wo. Woman
Wom.n Wom.n Woman
y.e y.e the
y.r y.r your

One tune has two versions, "We are all a Coming", due to the use of two voices to represent alternate notes. ABC has a syntax this, called "voice overlays", but most ABC software doesn't handle it. So I've produced two versions of this tune, the first using chords to approximate the two voices, the other using voice overlays. There are also two "KittyBridges*.abc' files containing all the tunes, labelled with "_NO" (No Overlays) and "_VO" (Voice Overlays) to distinguish them. This is somewhat an experiment, because the gimmicky notation isn't really all that important here, but the VO version does let us transcribe exactly what's in the collection.

There are a few other concessions to the fact that ABC is a "modern" music notation, in the sense that it mimics the ways that modern publishers mostly represent music. Thus, the 18th-century use of "... :||: ... :||:" repeat notation is transcribed as "|: ... :||: ... :|", to satisfy ABC's various software. Some of the repeat notation isn't clear, and in such cases I've transcribed it as-is, which may not work with some ABC software.

Some experimental ABC tune-listing programs: Tune lister Collection lister Session lister
.. Found 26 tune files in "/music/book/KittyBridges/1745"
0 - 1 - 2 - K - p
0   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 00 Title 0:Country Dances 1745
abc gif png pdf svg 01 Cooler 1:the Cooler
abc gif png pdf svg 02 Just a going 2:Just a going
abc gif png pdf svg 03 Mosee 3:Mosee
abc gif png pdf svg 04 Neer a Bottom 4:Ne'er a Bottom
abc gif png pdf svg 05 Kentish Cricketters 5:the Kentish Cricketters
abc gif png pdf svg 06 Merry Councellor 6:the Merry Councellor
abc gif png pdf svg 07 Four Drunken Maids 7:the Four Drunken Maids
abc gif png pdf svg 08 Jaques Ramble 8:Jaque's Ramble
abc gif png pdf svg 09 Quite Prodigious 9:Quite Prodigious
1   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 10 Bed Chamber 10:the Bed Chamber
abc gif png pdf svg 11 Drops of Brandy 11:Drops of Brandy
abc gif png pdf svg 12 Frisk it 12:Frisk it
abc gif png pdf svg 13 Prince George 13:Prince George
abc gif png pdf svg 14 Bread and Cheese 14:Bread and Cheese
abc gif png pdf svg 15 So she bid me tell you 15:So she bid me tell you
abc gif png pdf svg 16 Trip to Farley 16:Trip to Farley
abc gif png pdf svg 17-We are all a Coming NO 17:We are all a Coming
abc gif png pdf svg 17=We are all a Coming VO 17:We are all a Coming
abc gif png pdf svg 18 Pau Paw 18:Pau, Paw.
abc gif png pdf svg 19 Aurottis Dutch Skipper 19:Aurotti's Dutch Skipper
2   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 20 Topsy Turvy 20:Topsy Turvy
abc gif png pdf svg 21 Alister 21:Alister
K   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg KittyBridges 1745 NO 0:Country Dances 1745
1:The Cooler
2:Just a going
4:Ne'er a Bottom
5:The Kentish Cricketters
6:The Merry Councellor
7:The Four Drunken Maids
8:Jaque's Ramble
9:Quite Prodigious
10:The Bed Chamber
11:Drops of Brandy
12:Frisk it
13:Prince George
14:Bread and Cheese
15:So she bid me tell you
16:Trip to Farley
17:We are all a Coming
18:Pau, Paw.
19:Aurotti's Dutch Skipper
20:Topsy Turvy
abc gif png pdf svg KittyBridges 1745 VO 0:Country Dances 1745
1:The Cooler
2:Just a going
4:Ne'er a Bottom
5:The Kentish Cricketters
6:The Merry Councellor
7:The Four Drunken Maids
8:Jaque's Ramble
9:Quite Prodigious
10:The Bed Chamber
11:Drops of Brandy
12:Frisk it
13:Prince George
14:Bread and Cheese
15:So she bid me tell you
16:Trip to Farley
17:We are all a Coming
18:Pau, Paw.
19:Aurotti's Dutch Skipper
20:Topsy Turvy
P   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg proto 0:_

B: Bar count for once through the tune.
Class: The tune's classification (rhythm, dance, origin, etc.).
date: The earliest reported date for a tune. This is generally not very reliable, of course.
img: Source files of the type(s) shown. Image files are often formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
src: Source files of the type(s) shown. Source files are usually formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
info: Assorted information about the file, depending on what has been implemented and supplied. Currently only shows the date of (earliest known) publication.
K: The tune's initial or main key.
st: Staff count for this version of the tune.
Name: is taken from the file name, with underscores replaced by spaces. If a link, points to a directory with several versions of the tune. Bold names or titles mean that the tune is in the session's "first binder", and has been played more often than the tunes in a normal font.
Titles: is a list of the titles found in the file. Duplicate titles are only shown once. For tunes that don't have a T: title, the first P: value is shown.
w: Words (lyrics) line count for this version of the tune.

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