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Playford's English Dancing Master Henry Playford

This directory contains ABC transcriptions of Henry Playford's "English Dancing Master" collection. This is a mirror of the collection at www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~flip/contrib/dance/playford.abc, with the tunes separated into single-tune files. This mirror was created during a period when that site was down, and there were questions on several forums about whether the files were available elsewhere. I happened to have a "temporary" copy in my Tune Finder's cache, from a recent scan of the site, so I made a quick copy here. A few tunes have more than one version, apparently from different editions. Note that the parent directory to this one contains a lot more versions of Playford's published tunes, but most of them aren't his original versions. The files here should be very accurate, while lacking modern conveniences like chords.

Experimental file-listing programs: Tune lister - Collection lister - Session lister

.|. Found 118 tune files in "/music/book/Playford/EDM"
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get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 001 Night Peece 1:The Night Peece
abc gif png pdf svg 001 Night Peece 1 1:The Night Peece
abc gif png pdf svg 001 Upon a Summers Day 1:Upon a Summers Day
1:The Garland
abc gif png pdf svg 002 Blew Cap 2:Blew Cap
abc gif png pdf svg 003 Night Peece 3:The Night Peece
abc gif png pdf svg 004 Boateman 4:Boateman
abc gif png pdf svg 005 Begger Boy 5:The Begger Boy
abc gif png pdf svg 006 Parsons farewell 6:Parsons farewell
abc gif png pdf svg 007 Bobbing Joe 7:Bobbing Joe
abc gif png pdf svg 008 New Exchange 8:The New Exchange
abc gif png pdf svg 009 Whish 9:The Whish
abc gif png pdf svg 009 Whish 1 9:The Whish
abc gif png pdf svg 010 Stingo 10:Stingo
10:The Oyle of Barly
10:Cold and Raw
abc gif png pdf svg 011 Wherligig 11:The Wherligig
abc gif png pdf svg 011 Wherligig 1 11:The Wherligig
abc gif png pdf svg 012 Picking of Sticks 12:Picking of Sticks
abc gif png pdf svg 013 Old Mole 13:The Old Mole
abc gif png pdf svg 014 Grimstock 14:Grimstock
abc gif png pdf svg 015 Wooddicock 15:Wooddicock
abc gif png pdf svg 015 Wooddicock 1 15:Wooddicock
abc gif png pdf svg 016 Greenwood 16:Greenwood
abc gif png pdf svg 016 Greenwood 1 16:Greenwood
abc gif png pdf svg 017 Saraband 17:The Saraband
abc gif png pdf svg 017 Saraband 1 17:The Saraband
abc gif png pdf svg 018 Hit and misse 18:Hit and misse
abc gif png pdf svg 019 Confesse his tune 19:Confesse, his tune
19:The Court Lady
abc gif png pdf svg 020 Mage on a Cree 20:Mage on a Cree
abc gif png pdf svg 021 Health to Betty 21:A Health to Betty
abc gif png pdf svg 022 Millisons Jegge 22:Millisons Jegge
abc gif png pdf svg 023 Spanish Jeepsie 23:The Spanish Jeepsie
abc gif png pdf svg 024 Lady Spellor 24:Lady Spellor
abc gif png pdf svg 025 Kemps Jegg 25:Kemps Jegg
abc gif png pdf svg 026 Cherping of the Larke 26:The Cherping of the Larke
abc gif png pdf svg 027 If all the World were Paper 27:If all the World were Paper
abc gif png pdf svg 028 Adsons Saraband 28:Adsons Saraband
abc gif png pdf svg 029 Nonesuch 29:Nonesuch
abc gif png pdf svg 030 Daphne 30:Daphne
abc gif png pdf svg 031 merry merry Milke Maids 31:The merry merry Milke Maids
abc gif png pdf svg 031 merry merry Milke Maids 1 31:The merry merry Milke Maids
abc gif png pdf svg 032 Millfield 32:Mill-field
abc gif png pdf svg 033 fine Companion 33:The fine Companion
abc gif png pdf svg 033 fine Companion 1 33:The fine Companion
abc gif png pdf svg 034 Skellemesago 34:Skellemesago
abc gif png pdf svg 034 Skellemesago 1 34:Skellemesago
abc gif png pdf svg 035 Cast a Bell 35:Cast a Bell
abc gif png pdf svg 036 Spanyard 36:The Spanyard
abc gif png pdf svg 037 Rose is white and Rose is red 37:Rose is white and Rose is red
abc gif png pdf svg 038 Have at thy Coat old woman 38:Have at thy Coat old woman
abc gif png pdf svg 039 Drive the cold winter away 39:Drive the cold winter away
abc gif png pdf svg 040 Gun 40:The Gun
abc gif png pdf svg 040 Gun 1 40:The Gun
abc gif png pdf svg 041 Peppers Black 41:Peppers Black
abc gif png pdf svg 042 Maid peept out at the window 42:The Maid peept out at the window
42:The Frier in the Well
abc gif png pdf svg 043 Halfe Hannikin 43:Halfe Hannikin
abc gif png pdf svg 044 Lord of Carnarvans Jegg 44:Lord of Carnarvans Jegg
abc gif png pdf svg 045 Irish Trot 45:Irish Trot
abc gif png pdf svg 046 Faine I would 46:Faine I would
46:The King's Complaint
abc gif png pdf svg 047 Once I loved a Maiden faire 47:Once I loved a Maiden faire
abc gif png pdf svg 048 Irish Lady 48:The Irish Lady
48:Anniseed-water Robin
abc gif png pdf svg 049 All a Mode de France 49:All a Mode de France
abc gif png pdf svg 050 My Lady Cullen 50:My Lady Cullen
abc gif png pdf svg 051 Bath 51:The Bath
abc gif png pdf svg 052 Goddesses 52:Goddesses
abc gif png pdf svg 053 Jog on 53:Jog on
abc gif png pdf svg 054 Hearts Ease 54:Hearts Ease
abc gif png pdf svg 055 Health 55:The Health
55:The Merry Wasel
abc gif png pdf svg 056 Jack Pudding 56:Jack Pudding
abc gif png pdf svg 057 Prince Ruperts March 57:Prince Ruperts March
abc gif png pdf svg 058 Argeers 58:Argeers
58:The Wedding Night
abc gif png pdf svg 059 Dissembling Love 59:Dissembling Love
abc gif png pdf svg 060 London Gentlewoman 60:The London Gentlewoman
60:The Hemp-Dresser
abc gif png pdf svg 061 Lavena 61:Lavena
abc gif png pdf svg 061 Lavena 1 61:Lavena
abc gif png pdf svg 062 Mayden Lane 62:Mayden Lane
abc gif png pdf svg 063 Jack a Lent 63:Jack a Lent
abc gif png pdf svg 064 Chirping of the Nightingale 64:Chirping of the Nightingale
abc gif png pdf svg 065 Souldiers life 65:A Souldiers life
abc gif png pdf svg 066 Saint Martins 66:Saint Martins
abc gif png pdf svg 067 Cuckolds all a row 67:Cuckolds all a row
abc gif png pdf svg 068 Petticoat wag 68:Petticoat wag
abc gif png pdf svg 069 Pauls Steeple 69:Pauls Steeple
abc gif png pdf svg 070 Rufty tufty 70:Rufty tufty
abc gif png pdf svg 071 All in a Garden green 71:All in a Garden green
abc gif png pdf svg 072 Sedauny 72:Sedauny
abc gif png pdf svg 073 Punks Delight 73:The Punks Delight
abc gif png pdf svg 074 Aye me 74:Aye me
74:The Simphony
abc gif png pdf svg 075 Broome 75:Broome
75:The bonny bonny Broome
abc gif png pdf svg 076 MilkeMayds Bobb 76:The Milke-Mayds Bobb
abc gif png pdf svg 077 Old man is a Bed full of bones 77:An Old man is a Bed full of bones
abc gif png pdf svg 078 Newcastle 78:Newcastle
abc gif png pdf svg 079 Cherily and merrily 79:Cherily and merrily
abc gif png pdf svg 080 Countrey Coll 80:The Countrey Coll
abc gif png pdf svg 081 Saturday night and Sunday morn 81:Saturday night and Sunday morn
abc gif png pdf svg 082 Dull Sir John 82:Dull Sir John
abc gif png pdf svg 083 Hockley in the hole 83:Hockley in the hole
abc gif png pdf svg 084 New Boe peep 84:New Boe peep
abc gif png pdf svg 085 Fryar and the Nun 85:The Fryar and the Nun
abc gif png pdf svg 086 Chestnut 86:Chestnut
86:Doves Figary
abc gif png pdf svg 087 Pauls Wharfe 87:Pauls Wharfe
abc gif png pdf svg 088 Stanes Morris 88:Stanes Morris
abc gif png pdf svg 089 Tom Tinker 89:Tom Tinker
abc gif png pdf svg 090 Kettle Drum 90:Kettle Drum
abc gif png pdf svg 091 Mundesse 91:Mundesse
abc gif png pdf svg 092 Hide Parke 92:Hide Parke
abc gif png pdf svg 093 Lady lye neare me 93:Lady lye neare me
abc gif png pdf svg 094 Lulle me beyond thee 94:Lulle me beyond thee
abc gif png pdf svg 095 Glory of the West 95:The Glory of the West
abc gif png pdf svg 096 Jenny pluck Pears 96:Jenny pluck Pears
abc gif png pdf svg 097 Gathering Peascods 97:Gathering Peascods
abc gif png pdf svg 098 Up Tailes all 98:Up Tailes all
abc gif png pdf svg 099 New New Nothing 99:New New Nothing
1   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 100 Scotch Cap 100:Scotch Cap
100:Edinburgh Castle
abc gif png pdf svg 101 Step Stately 101:Step Stately
abc gif png pdf svg 102 Shepheards Holyday 102:Shepheards Holyday
102:Labour in Vaine
abc gif png pdf svg 103 Row well ye Marriners 103:Row well ye Marriners
abc gif png pdf svg 104 Graies Inne Maske 104:Graies Inne Maske
abc gif png pdf svg 105 Graies Inne Maske 105:Graies Inne Maske
abc gif png pdf svg 106 Slip 106:The Slip

B: Bar count for once through the tune.
Class: The tune's classification (rhythm, dance, origin, etc.).
date: The earliest reported date for a tune. This is generally not very reliable, of course.
img: Source files of the type(s) shown. Image files are often formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
src: Source files of the type(s) shown. Source files are usually formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
info: Assorted information about the file, depending on what has been implemented and supplied. Currently only shows the date of (earliest known) publication.
K: The tune's initial or main key.
st: Staff count for this version of the tune.
Name: is taken from the file name, with underscores replaced by spaces. If a link, points to a directory with several versions of the tune. Bold names or titles mean that the tune is in the session's "first binder", and has been played more often than the tunes in a normal font.
Titles: is a list of the titles found in the file. Duplicate titles are only shown once. For tunes that don't have a T: title, the first P: value is shown.
w: Words (lyrics) line count for this version of the tune.

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