2025-03-01 19:28:25 session on minya from V=1 Vtest=1 B=0.
N. Stewart - A Select Collection of Airs, Jigs, Marches and Reels

A Select Collection of Airs, Jigs, Marches and Reels

Published by N. Stewart
Edinburgh, ca. 1784

This is a set of ABC transcriptions of the tunes found at the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library in 2017. N. Stewart (first name unknown) ran a shop in Edinburgh that loaned and sold music books, and also loaned, repaired, tuned and sold musical instruments. He also produced a number of music collections similar to this one, which includes song tunes, dance tunes, and tunes for marching bands.

The individual tunes are in files with names of the form NNN_Title.abc, where NNN is the 3-digit tune number, and Title is the tune's title. Initial articles in the titles are all lower-case, to make it easier for software to skip over them by using the simple rule "Start with the first upper-case letter. In a few cases, the first significant word of a title has been capitalized to fit this pattern. Also, accents aren't used in the file names (though they are in a few titles inside the files).

There are a few tunes that use some of ABC features that have recently been introduced, such as grace notes with lengths. A lot of "version 1" ABC software may not understand these features, so at attempt has been made to transcribe such tunes in a way compatible with the older software. These files have names ending in "-V1.abc" and "-V2.abc", and the '_' after the tune number has been changed to '-' or '=' to make it easy to distinguish them in the Makefile. This applies to the "all tunes" files, too, of course.

The tunes are gathered into two "all tunes" files, named SCAJMR1.abc and SCAJMR2.abc; the initial articles in these files have been capitalized to better match the capitalization used in the book (which is somewhat inconsistent).

The book uses staff layouts that include some odd staff breaks and many short final staffs. Many tunes have the staff breaks reorganized to fit a somewhat small print scale for proofreading. The staff breaks aren't musically significant, and you should rearrange the layout to work best with your musicians. This is especially true if you have people with vision problems.

Most of the tunes in the book use the common repeat scheme of the time with :||: at the very end, and no initial repeat symbols. Many of them have been transcribed to match the current common |: ... :| repeat notation, when the initial repeat symbol only omitted for tunes with a very short initial pickup (1 or 2 notes).

List files with: Session lister Collection lister Tune lister

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get gif png ps pdf svg img Class K B st w Name Titles
abc gif png ps pdf svg 000 Title 0:A Select Collection of Airs, Jigs, Marches and Reels
abc gif png ps pdf svg 001 King of Prussias Hornpipe 1:King of Prussia's Hornpipe
abc gif png ps pdf svg 002 le Fontainbleau 2:le Fontainbleau
abc gif png ps pdf svg 003 Love in a Village 3:Love in a Village
abc gif png ps pdf svg 004 Lillie Bulairie 4:Lillie Bulairie
abc gif png ps pdf svg 005 Polystons Hornpipe 5:Polystons Hornpipe
abc gif png ps pdf svg 006 Harlequin Tune 6:Harlequin Tune
abc gif png ps pdf svg 007 Air Harlequin Ranger 7:Air Harlequin Ranger
abc gif png ps pdf svg 008 la Rosetta 8:la Rosetta
abc gif png ps pdf svg 009 Earl Cornwallises March 9:Earl Cornwallise's March
abc gif png ps pdf svg 010 Scots Measure 10:Scots Measure
abc gif png ps pdf svg 011 Colonel Tarletons Quick March 11:Colonel Tarleton's Quick March
abc gif png ps pdf svg 012 Air in Queen Mab 12:Air in Queen Mab
abc gif png ps pdf svg 013 Colonel Websters March 13:Colonel Webster's March
abc gif png ps pdf svg 014 the Tempest 14:the Tempest
abc gif png ps pdf svg 015 the Edinr Defensive Bands March 15:the Edin.r Defensive Band's March
abc gif png ps pdf svg 016 Quick Step 16:Quick Step
abc gif png ps pdf svg 017 Miss Chalmers Gigg 17:Miss Chalmer's Gigg
abc gif png ps pdf svg 018 Miss Dundass Gigg 18:Miss Dundas's Gigg
abc gif png ps pdf svg 019 Paddies Resource 19:Paddie's Resource
abc gif png ps pdf svg 020 Gavot by Mr Maclean 20:Gavot by Mr Maclean
abc gif png ps pdf svg 021 Italian Peasants 21:Italian Peasants
abc gif png ps pdf svg 022 Hornpipe by Mr Festing 22:Hornpipe by Mr Festing
abc gif png ps pdf svg 023 Trip to Gunning Hill Wells 23:Trip to Gunning Hill Wells
abc gif png ps pdf svg 024 March of the 17 Regt 24:March of the 17 Reg.t
abc gif png ps pdf svg 025 Rigadoon 25:Rigadoon
abc gif png ps pdf svg 026 Hornpipe 26:Hornpipe
abc gif png ps pdf svg 027 Lady Townsends Fette De Camp 27:Lady Townsend's Fette de Camp
abc gif png ps pdf svg 028 la Scimballe 28:la Scimballe
abc gif png ps pdf svg 029 las Chasse de la Garde 29:las Chasse de la Garde
abc gif png ps pdf svg 030 the Tast 30:the Tast
abc gif png ps pdf svg 031 la Rose 31:la Rose
abc gif png ps pdf svg 032 the Flying Fish 32:the Flying Fish
abc gif png ps pdf svg 033 Wests Hornpipe 33:West's Hornpipe
abc gif png ps pdf svg 034 la Foes Allemande 34:la' Foes Allemande
abc gif png ps pdf svg 035 Rigadoon by Philpot 34:Rigadoon by Philpot
abc gif png ps pdf svg 036 Gigg by Mr Arne 36:Gigg by Mr Arne
abc gif png ps pdf svg 037 Callam Phiter 37:Callam Phiter
abc gif png ps pdf svg 038 les Bois 38:les Bois
abc gif png ps pdf svg 039 Mr Aldriges Highland Laddie 39:Mr Aldrige's Highland Laddie
abc gif png ps pdf svg 040 la Ruggieni 40:la Ruggieni
abc gif png ps pdf svg 041 Air by Mr Handel 41:Air by Mr Handel
abc gif png ps pdf svg 042 Goud a Goupens 42:Goud a Goupens
abc gif png ps pdf svg 043-the Kings March-V1 43:the King's March
abc gif png ps pdf svg 043=the Kings March-V2 43:the King's March
abc gif png ps pdf svg 044 la Provencale 44:la Provencale
abc gif png ps pdf svg 045 Kelso Lasses 45:Kelso Lasses
abc gif png ps pdf svg 046 Air in Harlequin Ranger 46:Air in Harlequin Ranger
abc gif png ps pdf svg 047 Gigg 47:Gigg
abc gif png ps pdf svg 048 la Mignonette Francoise 48:la Mignonette Francoise
abc gif png ps pdf svg 049 Air in Fortunatus 49:Air in Fortunatus
abc gif png ps pdf svg 050 Vauntine 50:Vauntine
abc gif png ps pdf svg 051 the London Camp 51:the London Camp
abc gif png ps pdf svg 052 le Doux Portraite 52:le Doux Portraite
abc gif png ps pdf svg 053 Whip her and Gird her 53:Whip her and Gird her
abc gif png ps pdf svg 054 le Moulin de Sanois 54:le Moulin de Sanois
abc gif png ps pdf svg 055 the Raged Sailor 55:the Raged Sailor
abc gif png ps pdf svg 056 la Reni 56:la Reni
abc gif png ps pdf svg 057 Were a forsaken for want o Siller 57:We're a forsaken for want o' Siller
abc gif png ps pdf svg 058 Oer the Muir to Kettie 58:O'er the Muir to Kettie
abc gif png ps pdf svg 059 Kick the Rogues out 59:Kick the Rogue's out
abc gif png ps pdf svg 060 Love and Honour 60:Love and Honour
abc gif png ps pdf svg 061 the Pantheon 61:the Pantheon
abc gif png ps pdf svg 062 a Trip up Stairs 62:a Trip up Stairs
abc gif png ps pdf svg 063 the Souters of Selkirk 63:the Souters of Selkirk
abc gif png ps pdf svg 064 Cotillon 64:Cotillon
abc gif png ps pdf svg 065 la Hier Au Soir 65:la Hier Au Soir
abc gif png ps pdf svg 066 Cotillon 66:Cotillon
abc gif png ps pdf svg 067 Cotillon 67:Cotillon
abc gif png ps pdf svg 068 Cotillon 68:Cotillon
abc gif png ps pdf svg 069-la Pendress-V1 69:la Pendress
abc gif png ps pdf svg 069=la Pendress-V2 69:la Pendress
abc gif png ps pdf svg 070 Allemande 70:Allemande
abc gif png ps pdf svg 071 the Humours of Dublin 71:the Humours of Dublin
abc gif png ps pdf svg 072 les Capacins Maidons 72:les Capacins Maidons
abc gif png ps pdf svg 073 les Drapeaux 73:les Drapeaux
abc gif png ps pdf svg 074 Miss Garricks Allemande 74:Miss Garricks Allemande
abc gif png ps pdf svg 075 la Soirre du Vauxhall 75:la Soirre du Vauxhall
abc gif png ps pdf svg 076 la Point de Jour 76:la point de Jour
abc gif png ps pdf svg 077 Cotillon 77:Cotillon
abc gif png ps pdf svg 078 la Piere Fritoisse 78:la Piere Fritoisse
abc gif png ps pdf svg 079 la Dragonne 79:la Dragonne
abc gif png ps pdf svg 080 la Nonime 80:la Nonime
abc gif png ps pdf svg 081 la Neuvenne 81:la Neuvenne
abc gif png ps pdf svg 082 the Head Dress 82:the Head Dress
abc gif png ps pdf svg 083 la Bavaroize 83:la Bavaroize
abc gif png ps pdf svg 084 les Pitites Faveur 85:les Pitites Faveur
abc gif png ps pdf svg 085 Lencienne Dauphine 85:Lencienne Dauphine
abc gif png ps pdf svg 086 le Tambourin de Chartre 86:le Tambourin de Chartre
abc gif png ps pdf svg 087 la Racrocheuse 87:la Racrocheuse
abc gif png ps pdf svg 088 les Bergirs 88:les Bergirs
abc gif png ps pdf svg 089 les Plaisirs de le Societe 89:les Plaisirs de le Societe
abc gif png ps pdf svg 090 la Gigue Anglaise 90:la Gigue Anglaise
abc gif png ps pdf svg 091 la Toute Travers 91:la Toute Travers
abc gif png ps pdf svg 092 la Camergo 92:la Camergo
abc gif png ps pdf svg 093 la Nonime 93:la Nonime
abc gif png ps pdf svg 094 Madelon Friquet 94:Madelon Friquet
abc gif png ps pdf svg 095 la Foire de brie 95:la Foire de brie
abc gif png ps pdf svg 096 les Soairs 96:les Soairs
abc gif png ps pdf svg 097 le Diable an lair 97:le Diable an lair
abc gif png ps pdf svg 098 les Corceaux 98:les Corceaux
abc gif png ps pdf svg 099 la Pelite Paysanne 99:la Pelite Paysanne
1   top
get gif png ps pdf svg img Class K B st w Name Titles
abc gif png ps pdf svg 100 La Brancas 100:la Brancas
abc gif png ps pdf svg 101 the Nosegay 101:the Nosegay
abc gif png ps pdf svg 102 Miss G Wheem 102:Miss G___ Wheem
abc gif png ps pdf svg 103 Cotillon Francoise 103:Cotillon Francoise
abc gif png ps pdf svg 104 la Genoisse 104:la Genoisse
abc gif png ps pdf svg 105 Cotillon 105:Cotillon
abc gif png ps pdf svg 106 la Villette 106:la Villette
abc gif png ps pdf svg 107 la Blanchiffeu 107:la Blanchiffeu
abc gif png ps pdf svg 108 Quick March of the South Fencibles 108:Quick March of the South Fencibles
abc gif png ps pdf svg 109 la Suze 109:la Suze
abc gif png ps pdf svg 110 les Delices du Vauxhall 110:les Delices du Vauxhall
abc gif png ps pdf svg 111 la Chantilly 111:la Chantilly
abc gif png ps pdf svg 112 les Fetes de Tempe 112:les Fe'tes de' Tempe
abc gif png ps pdf svg 113 le Rencontre 113:le Rencontre
abc gif png ps pdf svg 114 March 114:March
abc gif png ps pdf svg 115 Dutchess of Gordons Reel Strathspey 115:Dutchess of Gordon's Reel. Strathspey.
abc gif png ps pdf svg 116 Lord Loudons March 116:Lord Loudon's March
abc gif png ps pdf svg 117-Count Saxs March-V1 117:Count Sax's March
abc gif png ps pdf svg 117=Count Saxs March-V2 117:Count Sax's March
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get gif png ps pdf svg img Class K B st w Name Titles
abc gif png ps pdf svg 2Vproto 0:__
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get gif png ps pdf svg img Class K B st w Name Titles
abc gif png ps pdf svg proto 0:_
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get gif png ps pdf svg img Class K B st w Name Titles
abc gif png ps pdf svg SCAJMR1 0:A Select Collection of Airs, Jigs, Marches and Reels
1:King of Prussia's Hornpipe
2:Le Fontainbleau
3:Love in a Village
4:Lillie Bulairie
5:Polystons Hornpipe
6:Harlequin Tune
7:Air Harlequin Ranger
8:La Rosetta
9:Earl Cornwallise's March
10:Scots Measure
11:Colonel Tarleton's Quick March
12:Air in Queen Mab
13:Colonel Webster's March
14:The Tempest
15:The Edin.r Defensive Band's March
16:Quick Step
17:Miss Chalmer's Gigg
18:Miss Dundas's Gigg
19:Paddie's Resource
20:Gavot by Mr Maclean
21:Italian Peasants
22:Hornpipe by Mr Festing
23:Trip to Gunning Hill Wells
24:March of the 17 Reg.t
27:Lady Townsend's Fette de Camp
28:La Scimballe
29:Las Chasse de la Garde
30:The Tast
31:La Rose
32:The Flying Fish
33:West's Hornpipe
34:La' Foes Allemande
34:Rigadoon by Philpot
36:Gigg by Mr Arne
37:Callam Phiter
38:Les Bois
39:Mr Aldrige's Highland Laddie
40:La Ruggieni
41:Air by Mr Handel
42:Goud a Goupens
43:The King's March
44:La Provencale
45:Kelso Lasses
46:Air in Harlequin Ranger
48:La Mignonette Francoise
49:Air in Fortunatus
51:The London Camp
52:Le Doux Portraite
53:Whip her and Gird her
54:Le Moulin de Sanois
55:The Raged Sailor
56:La Reni
57:We're a forsaken for want o' Siller
58:O'er the Muir to Kettie
59:Kick the Rogue's out
60:Love and Honour
61:The Pantheon
62:A Trip up Stairs
63:The Souters of Selkirk
65:La Hier Au Soir
69:La Pendress
71:The Humours of Dublin
72:Les Capacins Maidons
73:Les Drapeaux
74:Miss Garricks Allemande
75:La Soirre du Vauxhall
76:La point de Jour
78:La Piere Fritoisse
79:La Dragonne
80:La Nonime
81:La Neuvenne
82:The Head Dress
83:La Bavaroize
85:Les Pitites Faveur
85:Lencienne Dauphine
86:Le Tambourin de Chartre
87:La Racrocheuse
88:Les Bergirs
89:Les Plaisirs de le Societe
90:La Gigue Anglaise
91:La Toute Travers
92:La Camergo
94:Madelon Friquet
95:La Foire de brie
96:Les Soairs
97:Le Diable an lair
98:Les Corceaux
99:La Pelite Paysanne
100:La Brancas
101:The Nosegay
102:Miss G___ Wheem
103:Cotillon Francoise
104:La Genoisse
106:La Villette
107:La Blanchiffeu
108:Quick March of the South Fencibles
109:La Suze
110:Les Delices du Vauxhall
111:La Chantilly
112:Les Fe'tes de' Tempe
113:Le Rencontre
115:Dutchess of Gordon's Reel. Strathspey.
116:Lord Loudon's March
117:Count Sax's March
abc gif png ps pdf svg SCAJMR2 0:A Select Collection of Airs, Jigs, Marches and Reels
1:King of Prussia's Hornpipe
2:Le Fontainbleau
3:Love in a Village
4:Lillie Bulairie
5:Polystons Hornpipe
6:Harlequin Tune
7:Air Harlequin Ranger
8:La Rosetta
9:Earl Cornwallise's March
10:Scots Measure
11:Colonel Tarleton's Quick March
12:Air in Queen Mab
13:Colonel Webster's March
14:The Tempest
15:The Edin.r Defensive Band's March
16:Quick Step
17:Miss Chalmer's Gigg
18:Miss Dundas's Gigg
19:Paddie's Resource
20:Gavot by Mr Maclean
21:Italian Peasants
22:Hornpipe by Mr Festing
23:Trip to Gunning Hill Wells
24:March of the 17 Reg.t
27:Lady Townsend's Fette de Camp
28:La Scimballe
29:Las Chasse de la Garde
30:The Tast
31:La Rose
32:The Flying Fish
33:West's Hornpipe
34:La' Foes Allemande
34:Rigadoon by Philpot
36:Gigg by Mr Arne
37:Callam Phiter
38:Les Bois
39:Mr Aldrige's Highland Laddie
40:La Ruggieni
41:Air by Mr Handel
42:Goud a Goupens
43:The King's March
44:La Provencale
45:Kelso Lasses
46:Air in Harlequin Ranger
48:La Mignonette Francoise
49:Air in Fortunatus
51:The London Camp
52:Le Doux Portraite
53:Whip her and Gird her
54:Le Moulin de Sanois
55:The Raged Sailor
56:La Reni
57:We're a forsaken for want o' Siller
58:O'er the Muir to Kettie
59:Kick the Rogue's out
60:Love and Honour
61:The Pantheon
62:A Trip up Stairs
63:The Souters of Selkirk
65:La Hier Au Soir
69:La Pendress
71:The Humours of Dublin
72:Les Capacins Maidons
73:Les Drapeaux
74:Miss Garricks Allemande
75:La Soirre du Vauxhall
76:La point de Jour
78:La Piere Fritoisse
79:La Dragonne
80:La Nonime
81:La Neuvenne
82:The Head Dress
83:La Bavaroize
85:Les Pitites Faveur
85:Lencienne Dauphine
86:Le Tambourin de Chartre
87:La Racrocheuse
88:Les Bergirs
89:Les Plaisirs de le Societe
90:La Gigue Anglaise
91:La Toute Travers
92:La Camergo
94:Madelon Friquet
95:La Foire de brie
96:Les Soairs
97:Le Diable an lair
98:Les Corceaux
99:La Pelite Paysanne
100:La Brancas
101:The Nosegay
102:Miss G___ Wheem
103:Cotillon Francoise
104:La Genoisse
106:La Villette
107:La Blanchiffeu
108:Quick March of the South Fencibles
109:La Suze
110:Les Delices du Vauxhall
111:La Chantilly
112:Les Fe'tes de' Tempe
113:Le Rencontre
115:Dutchess of Gordon's Reel. Strathspey.
116:Lord Loudon's March
117:Count Sax's March
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get gif png ps pdf svg img Class K B st w Name Titles
abc gif png ps pdf svg slurs [No title for "slurs.abc"]
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get gif png ps pdf svg img Class K B st w Name Titles
abc gif png ps pdf svg v12 [No title for "v12.abc"]

B: Bar count for once through the tune.
Class: The tune's classification (rhythm, dance, origin, etc.).
img: Image files of the type(s) shown. Image files are usually formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
K: The tune's initial or main key.
st: Staff count for this version of the tune.
Titles: is taken from the file name, with underscores replaced by spaces. If a link, points to a directory with several versions of the tune.
Titles: is a list of the titles found in the file. Duplicate titles are only shown once. For tunes that don't have a T: title, the first P: value is shown.
w: Words (lyrics) line count for this version of the tune.