T: XXIV New Cotillons or French Dances
Z: 2015 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: J. Longman "XXIV New Cotillons or French Dances", London 1770
F: http://http://www.vwml.org/browse/browse-collections-dance-tune-books/browse-longmans 2015-2-22
F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/book/DftY/1770/Longman_Cotillons/00_Title.abc 2024-12-21 105647 UT
%%sep 5 5 500
%%center XXIV
%%center As Perform'd at Court and all Polite Assemblies
%%center For the Harpsicord, Violin, German Flute, or Hautboy.
%%center with proper Directions to each
%%sep 5 5 500
%%center LONDON. Printed by J: Longman & Co. at the Harp & Crown, No. 26, CHEAPSIDE.
%%sep 3 3 400
%% Changes of the following COTILLONS.
%% 1st Turn your Partner with both hands.
%% 2d. Four Ladies hands across.
%% 3d. Four Gentlemen hands across.
%% 4th Four Ladies hands round.
%% 5th Four Gentlemen hands round.
%% 6th L' Allemande.
%% 7th La Chaine.
%% 8th La Prominade.
%% 9th All round.
%% N.B. The principle Figure of every Dance to be repeated between each Change.
%%center -------------------------------------------------------
%%begintext align
%% Transcription notes:
%% The tunes are are numbered; their count (01-24)
%% is used in the file name to preserve the publication order.
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