Unknown option: "-2"
Unix manual page for quotacheck. (host=minya system=Darwin)
QUOTACHECK(8) BSD System Manager's Manual QUOTACHECK(8)
quotacheck -- filesystem quota consistency checker
quotacheck [-g] [-u] [-v] filesystem ...
quotacheck [-g] [-u] [-v] -a
Quotacheck examines each filesystem, builds a table of current disk
usage, and compares this table against that recorded in the disk quota
file for the filesystem. If any inconsistencies are detected, both the
quota file and the current system copy of the incorrect quotas are
updated (the latter only occurs if an active filesystem is checked). By
default both user and group quotas are checked.
Available options:
-a If the -a flag is supplied in place of any filesystem names,
quotacheck will check all the read-write filesystems with an
existing mount option file at its root. The mount option file
specifies the types of quotas that are to be checked.
-g Only group quotas are checked. The mount option file,
.quota.ops.group, must exist at the root of the filesystem.
-u Only user quotas are checked. The mount option file,
.quota.ops.user, must exist at the root of the filesystem.
-v quotacheck reports discrepancies between the calculated and
recorded disk quotas.
Specifying both -g and -u is equivalent to the default. Parallel passes
are run on the filesystems required, in an identical fashion to fsck(8).
Normally quotacheck operates silently.
Quotacheck expects each filesystem being checked to have quota data files
named .quota.user and/or .quota.group located at the filesystem root. If
a binary data file is not present, quotacheck will create it. The
default filename and root location cannot be overridden.
Quotacheck is normally run at fsck time.
Quotacheck accesses the raw device in calculating the actual disk usage
for each user. Thus, the filesystems checked should be quiescent while
quotacheck is running.
Each of the following quota files is located at the root of the mounted
filesystem. The mount option files are empty files whose existence indi-
cates that quotas are to be enabled for that filesystem. The binary data
files will be created by quotacheck, if they don't already exist.
.quota.user data file containing user quotas
.quota.group data file containing group quotas
.quota.ops.user mount option file used to enable user quotas
.quota.ops.group mount option file used to enable group quotas
quota(1), quotactl(2), edquota(8), fsck(8), quotaon(8), repquota(8)
The quotacheck command appeared in 4.2BSD.
4.2 Berkeley Distribution October 17, 2002 4.2 Berkeley Distribution