Unknown option: "-7" Unix manual page for UserSelector. (host=minya system=Darwin)
UserSelector(7)      BSD Miscellaneous Information Manual      UserSelector(7)

     UserSelector -- overview and documentation

     UserSelector is an executable tool for querying and modifying user-to-
     SmartCard bindings. This tool is invoked by the CryptoTokenKit framework.
     It is not intended to be used directly by an end user. Unless the string
     property UserSelectorPath is set with full executable path value in the
     configuration file ( /etc/SmartcardLogin.plist ), the system UserSelector
     is used.

     UserSelector is invoked by:

           UserSelector -o operation -u username -i pubkeyhash1[,pubkeyhash2,...]

Path and format
     UserSelector runs in a sandbox which limits its path and file format. A
     custom UserSelector must be stored in the /Library/CryptoTokenKit direc-
     tory. The file format of the UserSelector must be binary. Shell scripts
     are not supported.

Supported Operations
   Map Operation
     This operation returns a list of users bound with pubkeyhashes from the
     SmartCard certificates. The username parameter is optional. If set, bind-
     ings are returned only for the specified user. The list of one or more
     comma separated pubkeyhashes is mandatory.

     Result format:

     Recognized bindings are returned through stdout. Each binding is placed
     on a separate line. Each line begins with the pubkeyhash string, followed
     by the TAB character (\t) and by the username.


           $ UserSelector -o map -i 01234567890123456789,ABCDEF01230123456789,98765432109876543210
           ABCDEF01230123456789    user1
           98765432109876543210    user2

   Bind Operation
     This operation creates binding between the provided pubkeyhash and
     username .

     Result format:

     Exit code is set to 0 when succeeded, error code otherwise


           $ UserSelector -o bind -i ABCDEF01230123456789 -u username1

   Unbind Operation
     This operation removes SmartCard bindings for the provided username If no
     pubkeyhash is provided, all bindings for that user are removed. If one or
     more pubkeyhashes are provided, only bindings for these are removed.

     Result format:

     Exit code is set to 0 when succeeded, error code otherwise


     $ UserSelector -o unbind -u username1 -i ABCDEF01230123456789

   Check Operation
     This operation checks SmartCard bindings for a specific user. It returns
     0 on stdout when the user has no SmartCard bindings, or 1 when already
     does. The username parameter is mandatory.


           $ UserSelector -o check -u username1

     SmartCardServices(7), sc_auth(8)

macOS                            Oct 12, 2017                            macOS