Unknown option: "-8"
Unix manual page for diagnostics_agent. (host=minya system=Darwin)
mdoc warning: Empty input line #21
diagnostics_agent(8) BSD System Manager's Manual diagnostics_agent(8)
diagnostics_agent -- Triggers log submission
diagnostics_agent is a system process with runs periodically. It collects
diagnostics and usage data and logs it for later submission to Apple.
Additionally, diagnostics_agent periodically initiates the log submission
Sending diagnostic and usage reports to Apple helps us improve the qual-
ity and performance of our products and services. It helps Apple iden-
tify common usage trends and issues that enable us to allocate our
resources efficiently, and it helps us provide better support services to
you and other customers. All of the diagnostic and usage information is
collected anonymously from your computer in a way that does not person-
ally identify you.
Automatic reporting of diagnostic information is off by default and no
information is sent to Apple unless a user has opted-in to automatic col-
lection of diagnostic information. A user is offered the opportunity to
opt-in for automatic collection of additional diagnostic and usage infor-
mation after the user has manually sent a crash, hang or panic report to
Apple. Users may at any time opt in or out of automatic reporting in the
Security & Privacy pane of the System Preferences application under the
"Privacy" tab.
macOS October 25, 2016 macOS