Unknown option: "-8"
Unix manual page for rpcinfo. (host=minya system=Darwin)
RPCINFO(8) BSD System Manager's Manual RPCINFO(8)
rpcinfo -- report RPC information
rpcinfo [--rpcbvers version] [-m | -s] [host]
rpcinfo [--rpcbvers version] -T netid host program [version]
rpcinfo [--rpcbvers version] -a server address -T netid program [version]
rpcinfo [--rpcbvers version] -b [-T netid] program version
rpcinfo [--rpcbvers version] -d [-T netid] program version
rpcinfo -l [-T netid] [host] program version
rpcinfo [--rpcbvers version] --getaddr [-T netid] [host] program version
rpcinfo --getversaddr [-T netid] [host] program version
rpcinfo --indirect [-T netid] [host] program version
rpcinfo [--rpcbvers version] --time [-T netid] [host]
rpcinfo {--help | -h}
rpcinfo -p [host]
rpcinfo [-n portnum] -u host program [version]
rpcinfo [-n portnum] -t host program [version]
rpcinfo makes an RPC call to an RPC server and reports what it finds.
Unless otherwise specified or noted below the default rpcbind protocol
version is 3. With no or only generic options, call the rpcbind dump
procedure on the specified host or ``localhost'' if host is not specified
and display the results. For versions 3 and 4 display the program num-
ber, the version, the ``netid'', the universal address that the services
is listening on, symbolic name of the program if known, and then the
owner that registered the <program, version, netid, address> tuple. For
version 2 of the protocol list the program, version, protocol, port, and
symbolic program name. See the --summary option below for a typically
more useful output. rpcbind defaults the netid to ``tcp'' for the dump
The program argument can be either a name or a number.
If a version is specified, rpcinfo attempts to call that version of the
specified program. Otherwise, if the version is optional rpcinfo
attempts to find all the registered version numbers for the specified
program by calling version 0 (which is presumed not to exist; if it does
exist, rpcinfo attempts to obtain this information by calling an
extremely high version number instead) and attempts to call each regis-
tered version.
A required transport option is needed for the second and third lines of
the synopsis which is used to ping, i.e., call the null procedure of the
specified program and version. The results will be displayed on stdout.
If version is not specified each valid version found as described above
will be called. The third synopsis will use the supplied universal
address over the transport specified by netid to call the null procedure
of the specified program in the same manner as above. In addition the
last two lines of the synopsis can ``ping'' the server as described in
the Legacy Options section below.
--rpcbvers version
Attempt to use the supplied rpcbind version. Note some options
below are version specific and this option may be ignored. If
specifying version 2 (portmapper), netid below must be one of
``udp'' or ``tcp''.
-T netid
Specify the netid to use. Supported netids are ``udp'', ``tcp'',
``udp6'', and ``tcp6''.
--timeout seconds
Timeout used in creating client handles and the client calls to
rpcbind. Current default is 12 seconds.
Generic options may be supplied with any of the rpcinfo options below,
though some options will override their values.
The options below imply version 2 (portmapper) rpcbind calls. They are
compatible with older versions of rpcinfo.
{-p | --portmap} [-T netid] [host]
Probe the portmapper on host, and print a list of all registered
RPC programs. If host is not specified, it defaults to the value
{-u | --udpping} host program [version]
Make an RPC call to the NULL procedure of program on the speci-
fied host using UDP, and report whether a response was received.
{-t | --tcpping} host program [version]
Make an RPC call to the NULL procedure of program on the speci-
fied host using TCP, and report whether a response was received.
{-n | --portnum} portnum
Use portnum as the port number for the -t and -u options instead
of the port number given by the portmapper.
{-b | --broadcast} program version
Make an RPC multicast over INET6 to the RPCB_MULTICAST_ADDR,
``FF02::202'', and broadcast over INET using UDP to procedure 0
of the specified program and version and report all hosts that
respond. rpcifno will first use RPCBIND version 3 and then call
the broadcast procedure of the portmapper protocol to collect
older hosts. There is a reply cache kept so duplicates will not
be returned unless the cache fills.
Note that the -b option by its self is compatible with the older
portmapper. However, specifying --rpcbvers 2 will short circuit
the rpcbind version 3 calls and only call the portmapper.
{-d | --delete} [-T netid] program version
Delete registration for the RPC service of the specified program
and version. If the netid is specified, only unregister the
program and version over that transport. This option can be
exercised only by the super-user or the user who registered the
the RPC service.
--getaddr [-T netid] [host] program version
Get the universal address that the client can use to contact the
program and version from host over netid. If host is not speci-
fied localhost is assumed. If netid is not specified ``udp'' is
assumed. If the specified version is not available but some other
version is, return the universal address for one of those ver-
sions of the program.
--getversaddr [-T netid] [host] program version
Get the universal address that the client can use to contact the
program and version from host over netid. If host is not speci-
fied localhost is assumed. If netid is not specified ``udp'' is
assumed. If the version is not available then that will be indi-
cated. This requires the remote rpcbind support version 4.
-h Print out the synopsis of this program.
--help Print out the synopsis and an explanation of the options.
--indirect [-T netid] [host] program version
Send a indirect call to the null procedure of program and version
on the specified host or localhost. This requires the remote
rpcbind to support version 4.
{-l | --list} [-T netid] [host] program version
List the transports available over the transport family specified
by the netid for the given program and version on the optional
host or localhost if not specified. Requires the remote rpcbind
to support version 4. The default transport family is INET.
{-m | --metrics}
Print the metrics of rpcbind daemon for the specified host or
localhost if not specified. Requires support for rpcbind ver-
sion 4 on the remote.
{-s | --summary}
Print a summary of programs registered on host or ``localhost''
if host is not specified. For each program registered list any
versions followed by any transports supported by that program.
Try to list the symbolic name of the transport and the owner that
registered the program.
--time [host]
Return rpcbind's version of time on the specified host.
To show all of the RPC services registered on the local machine use:
example% rpcinfo
To show all of the RPC services registered on the machine named klaxon
example% rpcinfo klaxon
More usefully to show the services registered on klaxon use:
example% rpcinfo -s klaxon
To show all of the RPC services from an older host only running version 2
of rpcbind on a host named horn use:
example% rpcinfo -p horn
To show all machines on the local net that are running the NFS File ser-
vice use:
example% rpcinfo -b nfs 'version'
where 'version' is one of the current nfs versions of interest.
To delete the registration for version 1 of the rquotad service use:
example% rpcinfo -d rquotad 1
rpc(5), rpcbind(8)
RPC Programming Guide.
RFC 1833 Binding Protocols for ONC RPC Version 2.
RFC 5665 IANA Considerations for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Network
Identifiers and Universal Address Formats.
In summary mode the maximum number of versions and transports is 16. The
first 16 versions and the first 16 transports received from the server
are displayed and the rest is silently ignored.
In the second synopsis line, for a host that is specified as a link-local
INET6 address will always return ``no route to host''.
In releases prior to SunOS 3.0, the Network File System (NFS) did not
register itself with the portmapper; rpcinfo cannot be used to make RPC
calls to the NFS server on hosts running such releases.
BSD November 14, 2012 BSD