Contribute an ABC tune to JC's archive

This is a web form that lets you enter ABC and add it to John Chambers' tune archive. There are buttons here that will retrieve a Postscript, PDF, GIF, PNG or MIDI file so you can check the tune before you submit it.

This is a highly experimental web facility. If there are problems with abuse, it may be shut down. If this ends up using too much disk space, files may be deleted. Please send comments and suggestions to John Chambers at MIT.

If you would like to learn more about the ABC format, I have a number of documents:
Your name:
Email addr:
Standard ABC header lines
Other headers may be entered in the box below, before the tune.
Enter ABC tune(s)
to archive.


After filling in the above information, the PS, PDF, GIF, PNG and MIDI buttons will convert the tune to that format and return it to your browser, which should be configured to accept the format. (The PS and PDF formats will first give you a form page to set lots of formatting options.) The Submit button will add the tune to the contrib directory. After you submit a tune, there is currently no way to make further modifications.

Send comments and suggestions to John Chambers at MIT.
Descriptions of fields

Your name should be whatever you like people to call you.

Your email address should be an address reachable from the Internet as a whole. An address that is likely to last for a few years is preferred.

X: is the tune's index, and should be an integer.

T: is the tune's title. If more than one title is wanted, the rest should be entered in the data area.

C: is the name of the composer.

O: is the tune's origin. This is usually a geographic area.

S: is the tune's source. This is usually the name of someone you learned it from, or an event where you learned it.

Z: holds transcription notes. If you transcribed the tune, put your name and email address here.

R: rhythm, such as reel or jig or tango.

M: meter, such as 3/4 or 6/8. You may use C for 4/4 and C| for 2/2 time, or none for free meter.

L: is the default note length. 1/4 means that an unmarked note is a quarter note. 1/8 means an eighths note.

Q: is the tempo. For example, Q:3/8=130 would mean that a dotted quarter note is one beat at metronome setting 130.

K: is the key. D means D major (two sharps), Dm or Dmin means D minor (one flat). The classical modes are all legal, so EDorian and AMixolydian mean two sharps. The mode name may be abbreviated to three letters. A mode of m alone means minor. Case isn't significant.

Send comments and suggestions to John Chambers at MIT.