20250314 191330 PID=20808 V=1 "tunefind" V=1. RA='' Vaddr='' Vtest='1' V='1' get='get.cgi' fnd='find.cgi' frm='form.cgi' [tunefind copies=0] UA="Unknown" [in clientinfo.pm] Identified 'unknown' client, width=wide images=1 Got wdth='wide' tunefind: w=2 width='wide' wdth='wide' tunefind: B=1 w=2 width=wide checked{wide}='CHECKED' V not defined in data. From 20250314 191330 UTC V=1. Set H5 from V=1 RA='' Vaddr='' ... RA='' Vaddr='' Vtest='1' V='1' H5='' mungepat: str={Shetland Fisherman's Backstep} mungepat: val={Shetland Fisherman's Backstep} mungepat: val=/Shetland Fisherman's Backstep/ Some data: V=1 P=tunefind RA= UA="Unknown" ymd=20250314 hms=191330 ppat={Shetland Fisherman's Backstep} epat={Shetland Fisherman's Backstep} tunefind: limit=1000 scale=0.55 thresh=5. Form data: P = "Shetland Fisherman's Backstep" indexdir = "/Users/jc/w/music/ndx" Selection: TXT format 0 tunes. Match type title "Shetland Fisherman's Backstep" abclogreq: nam='tunefind' dir='/Users/jc/w/tmp' adr='' ymd='20250314' hms='191330 Can't write "/Users/jc/w/tmp/req/" (No such file or directory) Validate the data ... dataValidate: Called. dataValidate: chkMulti=1 dataValidate: We have 2 names in %data. dataValidate: 0 errors. sendFindForm: docdir="/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/doc" lang="en" Finding title "Shetland Fisherman's Backstep" tunefind: sendads=1.