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The James Aird Collection

One of the important Scottish collections, by James Aird in 1778. It is often attributed to Goulding, the publisher, with no mention of Aird. The full title is "A Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs", and if you see this, it probably refers to this collection. Most of the tunes are arranged to fit simple flutes and fifes and/or bagpipes, and it has been a major source for "vintage" fife-and-drum and other military-style bands.
Some tools to do useful things in directories full of .abc tune files:
· Tune listerSession lister (Names, Titles) — Collection lister ·

1 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -67927C| - - - -Aird_vol1_abc1.abc -
2 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -66459C| - - - -Aird_vol1_abc2.abc -
3 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -667872/4 - - - -Aird_vol2_abc1.abc -
4 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -667822/4 - - - -Aird_vol2_abc2.abc -
5 abcgifpngpdfsvgE MinorE Minor - -755122/4 - - - -Aird_vol3_abc1.abc -
6 abcgifpngpdfsvgE MinorE Minor - -759762/4 - - - -Aird_vol3_abc2.abc -
7 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -74005C| - - - -Aird_vol4_abc1.abc -
8 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -74695C| - - - -Aird_vol4_abc2.abc -
9 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -69016C| - - - -Aird_vol5_abc1.abc -
10 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -69388C| - - - -Aird_vol5_abc2.abc -
11 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -70273C| - - - -Aird_vol6_abc1.abc -
12 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -71621C| - - - -Aird_vol6_abc2.abc -
13 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -465C - - - -NL.abc -
14 datagif--- - - - -171119 - - - - -Nae_Luck_about_the_House_2V.GIF -
15 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -12022/4 - - - -Nae_Luck_about_the_House_2V.abc -
16 data---- - - - -117 - - - - -Shire -
17 dir---- - - - -256 - - - - -abc1/abc1
18 dir---- - - - -256 - - - - -abc2/abc2
19 data---- - - - -1067 - - - - -index.hmtl -