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The Caledonian Musical Repository
a Selection of esteemed SCOTTISH SONGS,
adapted for the Voice, Violin, & German Flute
published by Oliver & Co., Edinburgh, in 1806 and 1811
transcribed to ABC in 2013 by John Chambers

There are 114 distinct song tunes in this collection, of which 71 are duplicated in both editions. Some of the duplicates have significant differences; others are only trivially different. Many also have more than one set of lyrics, and are thus several "songs", but I haven't counted these separately. A few songs in the 1811 edition contain a second, harmony line, which may be sung or played on an instrument. These harmonies don't have their own lyrics, which sometimes causes minor problems with aligning syllables to notes.

The 1811 edition is labelled "Crosby's Caledonian Musical Repository" in the fronispiece page. Crosby isn't otherwise identified, but was presumably the editor. No attributions as all were found in the 1806 edition. Both editions are available online at National Library of Scotland. All the tunes have a URL for the online photocopy (in 2013) in the ABC header.

This directory contains all the songs, in the 1806 and 1811 subdirectories. Each song is in a single file, with the title as the file name. They have all been linked into this directory, with the year added to the file names to make it clear which edition they're from. A few songs have slightly different titles in the two editions.

I've tried to be as faithful to the book's notation as ABC and modern music software allow. In some cases, repeat signs don't match modern practice, and have been "modernized". In a few cases, it's not clear what was intended, and no modernizing was done. This may puzzle some software (and musicians), as it puzzled me. Sometimes dots and/or flags are wrong; they have usually been fixed to agree with similar bars in the song, and to make the measures the correct length. A few illegible patches were filled in by comparing with the other edition. Numbers have been added to verses, since some ABC software formats such lyrics in a way that may not make the order of the verses obvious.

If you don't have ABC software, you might like to try a tool of mine that returns the tunes in various formats. If you click here, you'll get the page you're looking at now, but the ABC files will be expanded to show all the tunes. Each file and tune will have a line of links to return it in a number of different formats. Note that the first three files, 1806.abc and 1811.abc, contain all the tunes from the two editions, formatted for a relatively small font size. There is also an alltunes.abc file at the end that is the two editions combined.
1 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -1813 - - - - -0000_Title.abc -
2 dir---- - - - -2944 - - - - -1806/1806
3 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -235234 - - - - -1806.abc -
4 dir---- - - - -3360 - - - - -1811/1811
5 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -219279 - - - - -1811.abc -
6 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2023C1811 - - -Absent_Lover_1811.abc -
7 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -2015C1811 - - -Ah_Chloris_Could_I_Now_But_Sit_1811.abc -
8 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -13486/81806 - - -Ane_and_Twenty_Tam_1806.abc -
9 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -14036/81811 - - -Ane_and_Twenty_Tam_1811.abc -
10 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1519C1811 - - -Auld_Langsyne_1811.abc -
11 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -17623/41811 - - -Auld_Rob_Morris_1811.abc -
12 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -19676/81806 - - -Banks_and_Braes_o_Bonny_Doon_1806.abc -
13 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -21796/81811 - - -Banks_and_Braes_o_Bonny_Doon_1811.abc -
14 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -30952/41806 - - -Battle_of_Sherra-Moor_1806.abc -
15 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -33172/41811 - - -Battle_of_Sherra-Muir_1811.abc -
16 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2876C1806 - - -Bess_the_Gawkie_1806.abc -
17 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2818C1811 - - -Bess_the_Gawkie_1811.abc -
18 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2106C1806 - - -Birks_of_Invermay_1806.abc -
19 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2383C1811 - - -Birks_of_Invermay_1811.abc -
20 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1368C1806 - - -Blathrie_Ot_1806.abc -
21 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1250C1811 - - -Blathrie_Ot_1811.abc -
22 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -35149/41806 - - -Blythesome_Bridal_1806.abc -
23 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -35299/41811 - - -Blythsome_Bridal_1811.abc -
24 abcgifpngpdfsvgEE - -26022/41811 - - -Boatie_Rows_1811.abc -
25 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -33056/41806 - - -Bonny_Dundee_1806.abc -
26 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -14526/41811 - - -Bonny_Dundee_1811.abc -
27 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -7180C1806 - - -Braes_of_Yarrow_1806.abc -
28 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1839C1811 - - -Braes_of_Yarrow_1811.abc -
29 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2790C1806 - - -Braw_Lads_on_Yarrow_Braes_1806.abc -
30 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1155C1811 - - -Braw_Lads_on_Yarrow_Braes_1811.abc -
31 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -4410C1806 - - -Broom_of_Cowdenknows_1806.abc -
32 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2210C1811 - - -Broom_of_Cowdenknows_1811.abc -
33 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -15912/41806 - - -Burns_Farewel_to_Ayrshire_1806.abc -
34 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -15822/41811 - - -Burns_Farewell_to_Ayrshire_1811.abc -
35 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2061C1806 - - -Bush_Aboon_Traquair_1806.abc -
36 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2314C1811 - - -Bush_Aboon_Traquair_1811.abc -
37 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -16256/81806 - - -Caledonia_1806.abc -
38 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -16696/81811 - - -Caledonia_1811.abc -
39 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -25976/81806 - - -Captain_OKaine_1806.abc -
40 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -39672/41806 - - -Cauld_Kail_in_Aberdeen_1806.abc -
41 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -42752/41811 - - -Cauld_Kail_in_Aberdeen_1811.abc -
42 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -27382/41806 - - -Colliers_Bonny_Lassie_1806.abc -
43 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -26712/41811 - - -Colliers_Bonny_Lassie_1811.abc -
44 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -37966/81806 - - -Come_Under_My_Plaidy_1806.abc -
45 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -32896/81811 - - -Come_Under_My_Plaidy_1811.abc -
46 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -6162C1806 - - -Dainty_Davy_1806.abc -
47 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1325C1811 - - -Day_Returns_My_Bosom_Burns_1811.abc -
48 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -19976/81806 - - -Days_o_Langsyne_1806.abc -
49 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -19446/81811 - - -Days_o_Langsyne_1811.abc -
50 abcgifpngpdfsvgDmixDmix - -26513/41806 - - -Donald_and_Flora_1806.abc -
51 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1967C1811 - - -Duncan_Gray_1811.abc -
52 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -2046C1806 - - -Ettrick_Banks_1806.abc -
53 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -2037C1811 - - -Ettrick_Banks_1811.abc -
54 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -24802/41806 - - -Ewe-Bughts_Marion_1806.abc -
55 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -25842/41811 - - -Ewe-Bughts_Marion_1811.abc -
56 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -3195C1811 - - -Ewie_Wi_the_Crooked_Horn_1811.abc -
57 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -20973/41806 - - -Farewel_to_Lochaber_1806.abc -
58 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -22193/41811 - - -Farewell_to_Lochaber_1811.abc -
59 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1313C1806 - - -For_Lack_of_Gold_1806.abc -
60 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1463C1811 - - -For_Lack_of_Gold_1811.abc -
61 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -82673/41806 - - -Gil_Morrice_1806.abc -
62 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -16242/41806 - - -Green_Grow_the_Rashes_1806.abc -
63 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -16102/41811 - - -Green_Grow_the_Rashes_1811.abc -
64 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -21336/81806 - - -Gude_Forgie_Me_For_Lyin_1806.abc -
65 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -22156/81811 - - -Gude_Forgie_Me_For_Lyin_1811.abc -
66 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -10073/41811 - - -Had_I_a_Cave_1811.abc -
67 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -17836/81806 - - -Heather_Braes_1806.abc -
68 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -22863/41806 - - -Here_Awa_There_Awa_1806.abc -
69 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -24023/41811 - - -Here_Awa_There_Awa_1811.abc -
70 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1232C1806 - - -Highland_Harry_1806.abc -
71 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1322C1811 - - -Highland_Harry_1811.abc -
72 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -37126/81806 - - -Highland_Laddie_1806.abc -
73 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -36686/81811 - - -Highland_Laddie_1811.abc -
74 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -4803C1806 - - -Honest_Man_1806.abc -
75 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -3303C1811 - - -Honest_Man_1811.abc -
76 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -11996/81806 - - -How_Sweet_This_Lone_Vale_1806.abc -
77 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -11446/81811 - - -How_Sweet_This_Lone_Vale_1811.abc -
78 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -32783/41806 - - -I_Had_a_Horse_1806.abc -
79 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -33583/41811 - - -I_Had_a_Horse_1811.abc -
80 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -9106/81811 - - -I_Loe_Nae_a_Laddie_But_Ane_1811.abc -
81 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -16433/41806 - - -Ill_Never_Leave_Thee_1806.abc -
82 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -17553/41811 - - -Ill_Never_Leave_Thee_1811.abc -
83 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -2706C1806 - - -Jennys_Bawbee_1806.abc -
84 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -13643/21811 - - -Jockey_Said_to_Jenny_1811.abc -
85 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -2448C|1806 - - -John_Anderson_My_Jo_1806.abc -
86 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -1870C|1811 - - -John_Anderson_My_Jo_1811.abc -
87 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -3054C1811 - - -Jolly_Beggar_1811.abc -
88 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -17996/81806 - - -Kail_Brose_o_Auld_Scotland_1806.abc -
89 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -17366/81811 - - -Kail_Brose_o_Auld_Scotland_1811.abc -
90 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -3840C1806 - - -Kathrine_Ogie_1806.abc -
91 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -3915C1811 - - -Kathrine_Ogie_1811.abc -
92 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -2453C1811 - - -Kind_Robin_Loes_Me_1811.abc -
93 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -3242C1811 - - -King_Robert_Bruces_Address_1811.abc -
94 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmixGmix - -3436C1806 - - -King_Roberts_Address_1806.abc -
95 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -2378C1806 - - -Lammy_1806.abc -
96 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -2526C1811 - - -Lammy_1811.abc -
97 abcgifpngpdfsvg^f^f - -2929C1806 - - -Lass_That_Made_the_Bed_to_Me_1806.abc -
98 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1967C1806 - - -Lass_in_Yon_Town_1806.abc -
99 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2052C1811 - - -Lass_in_Yon_Town_1811.abc -
100 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -2453C1806 - - -Lass_of_Ballochmyle_1806.abc -
101 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -2488C1811 - - -Lass_of_Ballochmyle_1811.abc -
102 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1772C1811 - - -Lass_of_Paties_Mill_1811.abc -
103 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -3561C1806 - - -Last_Time_I_Came_Oer_the_Muir_1806.abc -
104 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2239C1811 - - -Last_Time_I_Came_Oer_the_Muir_1811.abc -
105 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -2231C1806 - - -Let_Me_In_This_Ae_Night_1806.abc -
106 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -2265C1811 - - -Let_Me_In_This_Ae_Night_1811.abc -
107 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1365C1806 - - -Lewis_Gordon_1806.abc -
108 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1342C1811 - - -Lewis_Gordon_1811.abc -
109 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -3286C1806 - - -Loch-Erroch_Side_1806.abc -
110 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -3325C1811 - - -Loch-Erroch_Side_1811.abc -
111 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -2864C1811 - - -Logan_Water_1811.abc -
112 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -20343/41806 - - -Logie_o_Buchan_1806.abc -
113 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -20453/41811 - - -Logie_o_Buchan_1811.abc -
114 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -5223C1806 - - -Lord_Thomas_and_Fair_Annet_1806.abc -
115 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -2453C1806 - - -Lovely_Jean_1806.abc -
116 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -2454C1811 - - -Lovely_Jean_1811.abc -
117 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1479C1806 - - -Lovely_Lass_o_Inverness_1806.abc -
118 data---- - - - -2674 - - - - -Makefile -
119 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -2867C1806 - - -Mary_of_Castle_Cary_1806.abc -
120 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -2779C1811 - - -Mary_of_Castle_Cary_1811.abc -
121 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -32733/41806 - - -Mucking_o_Geordies_Byre_1806.abc -
122 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -32603/41811 - - -Mucking_o_Geordies_Byre_1811.abc -
123 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2290C1806 - - -My_Ain_Kind_Dearie_O_1806.abc -
124 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2309C1811 - - -My_Ain_Kind_Dearie_O_1811.abc -
125 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -12972/41806 - - -My_Love_Shes_But_a_Lassie_1806.abc -
126 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -2176C1806 - - -My_Mary_Dear_Departed_Shade_1806.abc -
127 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -2915C1806 - - -My_Nannie_O_1806.abc -
128 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1965C1811 - - -My_Nannie_O_1811.abc -
129 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1926C1806 - - -My_Only_Jo_and_Dearie_O_1806.abc -
130 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1869C1811 - - -My_Only_Jo_and_Dearie_O_1811.abc -
131 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -29982/41811 - - -Nae_Luck_About_the_House_1811.abc -
132 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -2778C1806 - - -Nancys_To_the_Green-Wood_Gane_1806.abc -
133 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -2327C1811 - - -Oer_the_Muir_Amang_the_Heather_1811.abc -
134 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -10163/41806 - - -Oscars_Ghost_1806.abc -
135 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -10233/41811 - - -Oscars_Ghost_1811.abc -
136 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -42129/81806 - - -Paties_Wedding_1806.abc -
137 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1943C|1806 - - -Posie_1806.abc -
138 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1898C|1811 - - -Posie_1811.abc -
139 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -92473/41806 - - -Rock_and_Wee_Pickle_Tow_1806.abc -
140 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -3186C1806 - - -Roslin_Castle_1806.abc -
141 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -2354C1811 - - -Roslin_Castle_1811.abc -
142 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1353C1811 - - -Roys_Wife_of_Aldivalloch_1811.abc -
143 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -20376/81811 - - -Sae_Flaxen_Were_Her_Ringlets_1811.abc -
144 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -18022/41806 - - -Saw_Ye_My_Father_1806.abc -
145 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -27942/41811 - - -Saw_Ye_My_Father_1811.abc -
146 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1930C1811 - - -She_Rose_and_Let_Me_In_1811.abc -
147 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -4729C1806 - - -Soldiers_Return_1806.abc -
148 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -3586C1811 - - -Soldiers_Return_1811.abc -
149 abcgifpngpdfsvgBdorBdor - -14986/81806 - - -Song_of_Death_1806.abc -
150 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -15946/81811 - - -Song_of_Death_1811.abc -
151 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1139C1811 - - -Stay_My_Charmer_1811.abc -
152 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -3258C1806 - - -Sweet_Anny_1806.abc -
153 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -3213C1811 - - -Sweet_Anny_1811.abc -
154 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -8656/81806 - - -Sweetest_May_1806.abc -
155 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -8456/81811 - - -Sweetest_May_1811.abc -
156 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -28623/41806 - - -Tak_Your_Auld_Cloak_About_Ye_1806.abc -
157 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -28763/41811 - - -Tak_Your_Auld_Cloak_About_Ye_1811.abc -
158 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -2164C1806 - - -Tarry_Woo_1806.abc -
159 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -2150C1811 - - -Tarry_Woo_1811.abc -
160 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -20953/41811 - - -Therell_Never_Be_Peace_1811.abc -
161 abcgifpngpdfsvgAdorAdor - -24932/41811 - - -This_Is_No_Mine_Ain_House_1811.abc -
162 abcgifpngpdfsvg^f^f - -3243C|1806 - - -Tibbie_I_Hae_Seen_the_Day_1806.abc -
163 abcgifpngpdfsvgAdorAdor - -2312C|1811 - - -Tibbie_I_Hae_Seen_the_Day_1811.abc -
164 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmixGmix - -15776/81811 - - -Todlen_Butt_and_Todlen_Ben_1811.abc -
165 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmixGmix - -3814C|1811 - - -Tullochgorum_1811.abc -
166 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -27763/41806 - - -Tweedside_1806.abc -
167 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -20953/41811 - - -Tweedside_1811.abc -
168 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1333C1806 - - -Twine_Weel_the_Plaiden_1806.abc -
169 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1392C1811 - - -Twine_Weel_the_Plaiden_1811.abc -
170 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1538C1806 - - -Waefu_Heart_1806.abc -
171 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -21983/41806 - - -Waly_Waly_1806.abc -
172 abcgifpngpdfsvgAdorAdor - -3020C1811 - - -Wawking_o_the_Fauld_1811.abc -
173 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -15326/81811 - - -What_Can_a_Young_Lassie_1811.abc -
174 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -19246/81806 - - -Whistle_and_Ill_Come_to_You_1806.abc -
175 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -19256/81811 - - -Whistle_and_Ill_Come_to_You_1811.abc -
176 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1727C1811 - - -Willie_Brewd_a_Peck_o_Maut_1811.abc -
177 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -2659C1811 - - -Willie_was_a_Wanton_Wag_1811.abc -
178 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -11873/41806 - - -Willys_Rare_1806.abc -
179 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -11323/41811 - - -Willys_Rare_1811.abc -
180 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1359C1806 - - -Wilt_Thou_Be_My_Dearie_1806.abc -
181 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1405C1811 - - -Wilt_Thou_Be_My_Dearie_1811.abc -
182 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1941C1811 - - -Within_a_Mile_of_Edinburgh_1811.abc -
183 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -87219/81806 - - -Wood_and_Married_and_A_1806.abc -
184 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -26679/81811 - - -Wood_and_Married_and_A_1811.abc -
185 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -26533/41806 - - -Yellow_Haird_Laddie_1806.abc -
186 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -32653/41811 - - -Yellow_Haird_Laddie_1811.abc -
187 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -454203 - - - - -alltunes.abc -
188 dir---- - - - -160 - - - - -fmt/fmt
189 ----- - - - -3147 - - - - -linkfrom* -
190 data---- - - - -2642 - - - - -titles.txt -