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Niel Gow's "Collection(s) of Strathspey Reels, &c."
Gow's Collection(s) of Strathspey Reels, etc.
Transcribed by John Chambers, Dec. 2021 - July 2022.

The single-tune files are listed below. If you just want a copy of the transcriptions, here are the ABC files:
If this is confusing, read the Tune Files section below to get an idea of how this is all organized. (The pile of music books the Gows left us is impressively complex with very confusing terminology.)
If you'd like to see the originals, here are the IMSLP photo-copies.
Directory listing tools: tune list - session list - collection list - tool.

Niel Gow (and family) published 6 volumes of their tune collection called "Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." in the years 1730-1811.. The books' full titles were slightly different in each of them, and contained the usual lengthy list of dance types arranged for a list of musical instruments. The tunes were originally published in small booklets every few years, and then were combined into the "A ___ Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." books, where "..." is blank in the first book's title, then "Second", etc. for the rest. There were about 36 pages and 90-100 tunes in each each book. Each tune included a bass line accompaniment with all the tunes, and variations for a few of them. A few even even had a third (harmony) line. It was an early version of the approach used in their later "Complete Repository" collection. Both collections were important in the history of Scottish (and British Isles) music.

Many of the tunes were written by the Gows, or by friends and colleagues. They include a composer's name for a few of the tunes.

I looked around for these books online for some years, and then in late 2020, I discovered that photocopies the first 3 had become available on several sites, including imslp.org and the National Library of Scotland (nls.uk). So I downloaded them and started a project of transcribing a page or two every few days when I had the time. In March of 2022, I found that they also had the 4th book in the series, so I grabbed a copy and started transcribing it. If anyone finds a photocopy of the 5th (6th?) book, could you send me the URL?

A minor problem with this collection is small spacing between notes in many tunes, to make many tunes fit on a page and minimize the thickness of the books. To simplify proofreading, I've used a rather small scale (0.50), to approximate the books' staff breaks in most tunes. Some of the tunes have wider note spacing, and I've often reformatted them to use fewer staffs in my "proofreading" copies. ABC formatters usually use a large default scale, and staff layout isn't musically meaningful, so you should use whatever layout or scale works best for your purposes, (One of the real advantages of ABC is that people with vision problems can easily reformat the music so they can read it easily.)

A major problem with this collection is that the terminology was quite inconsistent from one publication to the next. The tunes were all published earlier, in small publications of various sorts. They were then published as somewhat larger sets, and later as these 36-page publications that were variously called Parts, Volumes, or Editions, and all those terms were used with several other meanings. There were also a number of other books published with subsets of this collection, often undated, and with inconsistent book (and tune) names. People often confuse these "collections of strathspeys and reels" with the similar "complete (or compleat) repositories" that were started somewhat later. A lot of people have been trying to make sense of it all, including when each tune was published, and what that book(let) was called. See the Transcription Notes for explanations that have been added as the transcription projects went on and interesting and/or unusual notation features were discovered.

Tune Files
Below this are the ABC transcriptions of the tunes, one per file. The single-tune filenames are of the form VPPN_Tune_Title.abc, where V is the volume number [1-4], PP is the page number [1-38], N is the tune's number on the page [1-4], and Tune_Title is the title (without punctuation and with '_' for spaces).

Some of the tunes are transcribed in two ways, for ABC's version 1 and 2 "standards". ABC1 is still in use by a lot of software, and it doesn't include multiple voices on a staff, crescendo and diminuendo symbols, and a few other things. These have file names ending in .abc1.abc and .abc2.abc, and also use '-' or '=' after the VPPN prefix instead of '_', to make life easier for the software folks. These show up in the Name column with .abc1 or .abc2 at the end of the name. Also, initial articles in titles are lower case, which is also done to make some software simpler, since they can just ignore initial lower-case letters for most purposes.

Following the single-tune files, there are blocks for two kinds of collections. The first two have names starting with "CSR-", followed by "-abc1 or "-abc2". These each contain all the tunes in the entire collection, transcribed for ABC1 and ABC2. There are then blocks of tunes for each of the books/volumes in the set. Thes have names like "CSR1-abc1" and CSR1-abc2", with the first digit ranging from 1 to 4. In all of these, the names and their set of links to get the tunes in various formats, are probably positioned halfway down the block's vertical space. These blocks will get taller as the transcription project continues. At the very bottom, there may be a short section of non-tune files, which are mostly used for controlling the formatting or showing comments during transcribing and debugging the whole collection. These should disappear when the project is complete.

1 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -278 - - - - -0000_Title.abc -
2 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -509 - - - - -1000_Title.abc -
3 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -845C - -strathspey -1011_Dutches_of_Athols_Strathspey.abc -
4 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmixAmix - -2210C - -strathspey -1012_Gillie_Callum_da_Pheithein.abc -
5 abcgifpngpdfsvg - - - -61 - - - - -1020_.abc -
6 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -740C - -strathspey -1031_Mr_Graham_of_Orchills_Strathspey.abc -
7 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -719C - -strathspey -1032_Earl_of_Loudouns_Strathspey.abc -
8 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -791C| - -air, strathspey -1033_Niel_Gows_Lamentation_for_Abercarney.abc -
9 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -785C - -strathspey -1041_Mr_John_Shaw_Stewarts_Strathspey.abc -
10 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmixGmix - -803C - -strathspey -1042_the_Lees_of_Luncartie_or_Lady_Bairds_Delight.abc -
11 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1233C| - -reel -1051_the_Flaggon.abc -
12 abcgifpngpdfsvgDmixDmix - -699C - -strathspey -1052_Mrs_Murray_of_Abercarneys_Strathspey.abc -
13 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -647C| - -reel -1061_Mrs_Murray_of_Abercarneys_Reel.abc -
14 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -812C - -air, strathspey -1062-Major_Graham.abc1.abc -
15 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -814C - -air, strathspey -1062=Major_Graham.abc2.abc -
16 abcgifpngpdfsvgDmixDmix - -9696/8 - -jig -1063-Lady_Charlotte_Murrays_Jig.abc1.abc -
17 abcgifpngpdfsvgDmixDmix - -9636/8 - -jig -1063=Lady_Charlotte_Murrays_Jig.abc2.abc -
18 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -811C - -air, strathspey -1071_Mrs_Minzies_of_Culdares_Strathspey.abc -
19 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -657C| - -reel -1072_Miss_Robertson_of_Tullybeltons_Reel.abc -
20 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmixAmix - -733C - -strathspey -1073_Miss_Stewart_of_Grandtullys_Strathspey.abc -
21 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmixAmix - -699C| - -reel -1081_Miss_Stewarts_Reel.abc -
22 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -911C - -strathspey -1082_Sir_James_Bairds_Strathspey.abc -
23 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1045C - -strathspey -1091_the_Caledonian_Hunt.abc -
24 abcgifpngpdfsvgDmixDmix - -790C - -strathspey -1092_Mrs_Baird_of_New_Byths_Strathspey.abc -
25 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -628C - -air, strathspey -1093_the_Earl_of_Haddingtons_Strathspey.abc -
26 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -821C| - -reel -1101_the_Fife_Hunt.abc -
27 abcgifpngpdfsvgDmDm - -835C - -strathspey -1102_the_Drunken_Wives_of_Fochabers_A_Strathspey.abc -
28 abcgifpngpdfsvgGdorGdor - -784C - -air, strathspey -1111_the_Ewe_wi_the_Croocked_Horn.abc -
29 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1111C - -strathspey -1112_Delven_Side.abc -
30 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -820C - -air, strathspey -1121_Sir_John_Whitefoordes_Strathspey.abc -
31 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -829C - -strathspey -1122_the_Countess_of_Eglintons_Strathspey.abc -
32 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -836C - -strathspey -1123_Sir_Alexr_Dons_Strathspey.abc -
33 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -892C| - -reel -1131_Lady_Helonora_Homes_Reel.abc -
34 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -692C - -strathspey -1132_Couties_Wedding_Strathspey.abc -
35 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -708C - -strathspey -1133_Link_Him_Dodie_Strathspey.abc -
36 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -906C| - -reel -1141_Watie_Laing_or_the_Lifting_of_the_Linnen_Reel.abc -
37 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -742C - -strathspey -1142_Mrs_Wright_of_Latons_Strathspey.abc -
38 abcgifpngpdfsvgEE - -2387C| - -air, reel -1151_Duncan_Davidson_with_Variations.abc -
39 abcgifpngpdfsvgEE - -748C - -strathspey -1161_Earl_of_Eglintons_Strathspey.abc -
40 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -803C - -strathspey, air -1171_Colonel_Montgomerys_Strathspey.abc -
41 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -928C - -strathspey -1172_the_Fir_Trea.abc -
42 abcgifpngpdfsvgDmixDmix - -702C| - -reel -1173_Mr_Minzies_of_Culdares_Reel.abc -
43 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -752C - -strathspey -1181_Miss_Graham_of_Inchbrakies_Strathspey.abc -
44 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -7099/8 - -slip-jig -1182_Marquis_of_Tullibardines_Giga.abc -
45 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmixGmix - -787C - -strathspey -1183_Tulloch_Gorum.abc -
46 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -7366/8 - -jig, air -1191_He_na_Boddachin.abc -
47 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -792C - -strathspey, air -1192_the_Duke_of_Gordons_Strathspey.abc -
48 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1224C - -strathspey -1193_Rall_na_grandach_or_Miss_Lucia_Campbells_delight.abc -
49 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -952C - -strathspey -1201-Lady_Cathrine_Stewarts_Strathspey.abc1.abc -
50 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -963C - -strathspey -1201=Lady_Cathrine_Stewarts_Strathspey.abc2.abc -
51 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -9236/8 - -jig -1202_Dunkeld_House.abc -
52 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -802C| - -strathspey -1211_Honble_George_Baillies_Strathspey.abc -
53 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -728C - -strathspey -1212_the_Wallking_of_the_Plaidding.abc -
54 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1386C - -strathspey, air -1213_Nithian_a_Ghreisich_the_Suttors_Daughter.abc -
55 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1111C - -strathspey, air -1221_the_Millers_Daughters_Old_Sett.abc -
56 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmixAmix - -818C - -strathspey -1231_the_Dutchess_of_Buccleughs_Strathspey.abc -
57 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmixAmix - -612C - -strathspey, air -1232_Siomen_Broddie.abc -
58 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -787C - -air, march -1233_Andrew_and_his_Cuttie_Gun.abc -
59 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -719C - -strathspey -1241_the_Dutches_of_Gordons_Strathspey.abc -
60 abcgifpngpdfsvgEE - -823C - -strathspey -1242_the_Right_Honble_Lord_Ballendens_Strathspey.abc -
61 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -738C| - -reel -1251_Dunkeld_Harmitage_Reel.abc -
62 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1097C| - -strathspey -1252_the_Marquis_of_Lorns_Strathspey.abc -
63 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -7196/8 - -jig -1261_Mr_Charles_Sharp_of_Hoddons_Giga.abc -
64 abcgifpngpdfsvgDmixDmix - -6872/4 - -reel -1262_Kilecrankie.abc -
65 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -691C - -strathspey -1263_Mr_Murray_of_Abercarneys_Strathspey.abc -
66 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -730C - -strathspey -1271_the_Dutches_of_Hamiltons_Strathspey.abc -
67 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -791C - -strathspey -1272_Colonel_Wemyss_Strathspey.abc -
68 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -689C - -strathspey -1273_the_Bridge_of_Balater.abc -
69 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1877C - -strathspey -1274_Yell_yell.abc -
70 abcgifpngpdfsvg - - - -34 - - - - -1280_.abc -
71 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -641C - -reel -1291_Miss_Johnston_of_Hilltons_Reel.abc -
72 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -801C - -strathspey -1292_Kilracks_Strathspey-scord.abc -
73 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -779C - -strathspey -1292_Kilracks_Strathspey.abc -
74 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -682C - -strathspey -1293_the_Fyket_Strathspey.abc -
75 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -667C| - -reel -1301_the_Countess_of_Sutherlands_Reel.abc -
76 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -816C - -reel -1302_Mrs_Fleming_of_Moness_Reel.abc -
77 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -786C - -strathspey -1303_Sir_John_Stewart_of_Grandtullys_Strathspey.abc -
78 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1103C - -strathspey -1311_Mr_Robertson_of_Ludes_Strathspey.abc -
79 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -864C - -strathspey -1312_This_is_not_my_ain_House_Strathspey.abc -
80 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1060C - -strathspey -1321-Duke_of_Argyles_Strathspey-scord.abc1.abc -
81 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1038C - -strathspey -1321-Duke_of_Argyles_Strathspey.abc1.abc -
82 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -979C - -strathspey -1321=Duke_of_Argyles_Strathspey-scord.abc2.abc -
83 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -961C - -strathspey -1321=Duke_of_Argyles_Strathspey.abc2.abc -
84 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -1233C - -strathspey, march -1322_Tail_Toddle.abc -
85 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -2775C - -air, strathspey -1331_the_Duke_of_Atholes_Delight.abc -
86 abcgifpngpdfsvg - - - -52 - - - - -1340_.abc -
87 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -1226C - -strathspey -1351_Stumpie_Strathspey.abc -
88 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -7242/4 - -reel -1352_Flee_over_the_Water.abc -
89 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -1284C - -song, air -1361_Robie_donna_Gorach_Daft_Robin.abc -
90 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -6176/8 - -jig -1362_Gigg.abc -
91 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -547 - - - - -2000_Title.abc -
92 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -8426/8 - -air, jig -2011-Caledonian_Hunts_Delight.abc1.abc -
93 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -8376/8 - -air, jig -2011=Caledonian_Hunts_Delight.abc2.abc -
94 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -952C| - -reel -2012_Sandy_oer_the_Lee_or_Mr_Bairds_favourite_Reel.abc -
95 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -723C - -strathspey -2013_Garthlands_Strathspey.abc -
96 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -661C| - -reel -2021_Loch_Earn_Reel.abc -
97 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -896C - -strathspey, air -2022_Lady_Cunninghams_Strathspey.abc -
98 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -721C| - -reel -2023_Perth-Shire_Hunt_Reel.abc -
99 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -1455C - -strathspey, air -2024_Major_Robertsons_Strathspey.abc -
100 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -753C - -strathspey -2031_Lady_Loudons_Strathspey.abc -
101 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -768C - -strathspey -2032_Sir_James_Bairds_Strathspey.abc -
102 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmixGmix - -738C| - -reel -2041_Miss_Pensy_McDonalds_Reel.abc -
103 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -583C - -strathspey -2042_Lady_Bairds_Strathspey.abc -
104 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -699C| - -reel -2043_Jenny_Suttons_Reel.abc -
105 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -7546/8 - -jig, air -2051_Duplin_House.abc -
106 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -769C - -strathspey -2052_Mrs_Donaldsons_Strathspey.abc -
107 abcgifpngpdfsvgDdorDdor - -697C - -strathspey -2053_Miss_Johnston_of_Hilltons_Strathspey.abc -
108 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -8296/8 - -jig -2061_Forrest_or_the_Dutchess_of_Hamiltons_Delight.abc -
109 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -721C - -strathspey -2062_Marry_Ketty_Strathspey.abc -
110 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -12036/8 - -jig -2063_Honble_Col_Hamiltons_Delight_or_New_Bumpkin.abc -
111 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -777C - -strathspey -2071_Miss_Sarah_Drummond_of_Perths_Strathspey.abc -
112 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -664C| - -reel -2072_Clanrannalds_Reel.abc -
113 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -999C - -strathspey -2073_Loch_Erroch_Side_Strathspey.abc -
114 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -9206/8 - -jig -2081_New_Riggd_Ship_or_Miss_Findlays_Delight.abc -
115 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -733C - -strathspey, air -2082_Mr_Morthlands_favourite_Strathspey.abc -
116 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -6436/8 - -jig -2083_Drummond_Castle_Jigg.abc -
117 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -869C - -strathspey -2091_Countess_of_Hadintons_Strathspey.abc -
118 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -964C - -strathspey, air -2092-Miss_Graham_of_Inchbrakies_Strathspey_or_Mrs_Duffs_Fancy.abc1.abc -
119 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -1062C - -strathspey, air -2092=Miss_Graham_of_Inchbrakies_Strathspey_or_Mrs_Duffs_Fancy.abc2.abc -
120 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -868C - -strathspey -2093_Mrs_Baird_of_Newbyths_Strathspey.abc -
121 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1068C - -strathspey, air -2101-Watsons_Class_Strathspey.abc1.abc -
122 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1068C - -strathspey, air -2101=Watsons_Class_Strathspey.abc2.abc -
123 abcgifpngpdfsvgEdorEdor - -649C| - -reel -2102_Earl_of_Breadalbanes_Reel.abc -
124 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -708C - -strathspey -2103_Stormont_Lads_Strathspey.abc -
125 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -639C - -reel -2111_Lamberton_Races_Reel.abc -
126 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -711C - -march, reel -2112_Wat_ye_wha_I_met_the_streen_or_Lord_Haddos_Favourite.abc -
127 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -775C - -strathspey -2113_Lady_Grace_Stewarts_Strathspey.abc -
128 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -7166/8 - -jig, air -2121_Colnl_Robertson_of_Strewans_welcome_home.abc -
129 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -851C - -strathspey, air -2122_Colnl_Robertsons_Strathspey.abc -
130 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -777C - -strathspey, air -2123_Marshalls_Strathspey.abc -
131 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -975C - -reel, march, air -2131-Niel_Gows_Compliments_returnd_to_Mr_Marshall.abc1.abc -
132 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -940C - -reel, march, air -2131=Niel_Gows_Compliments_returnd_to_Mr_Marshall.abc2.abc -
133 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -888C - -strathspey, air -2132_Mr_Hamilton_of_Pencaitlands_Strathspey.abc -
134 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -823C - -strathspey -2133_Lady_Haddos_Strathspey.abc -
135 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -8013/8 - -air, waltz -2141_the_Cove_of_Cork_or_Orchills_Favourite.abc -
136 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -6279/8 - -slip-jig -2142_Follow_her_over_the_border.abc -
137 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -755C - -strathspey, air -2143_Locheals_awa_to_France.abc -
138 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -1100C - -strathspey -2144_Colonel_Thorntons_Strathspey.abc -
139 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -7546/8 - -jig -2151_Irish_Girl.abc -
140 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -8316/8 - -jig -2152_Sir_John_Hendersons_Jigg.abc -
141 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -3132C - -reel -2161-Mount_your_Baggage_With_Variations.abc1.abc -
142 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -3184C - -reel -2161=Mount_your_Baggage_With_Variations.abc2.abc -
143 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -718C - -strathspey -2171_Honble_Mrs_Drummond_of_Perths_Strathspey.abc -
144 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -7646/8 - -jig, air -2181_Lord_Elchos_Favourite.abc -
145 abcgifpngpdfsvgGdorGdor - -658C - -strathspey -2182_Lord_Dounes_Strathspey.abc -
146 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -10456/8 - -air, jig -2183_Niel_Gows_Lament_for_the_Death_of_his_Brother.abc -
147 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -632C - -strathspey -2191_Old_Simon_Brodie_Strathspey.abc -
148 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -1000C| - -strathspey -2192_Miss_Erskine_of_Torrys_Strathspey.abc -
149 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -675C - -strathspey -2193_Dutchess_Slipper_Strathspey.abc -
150 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -12826/8 - -air, jig -2201_Mr_Cha.s_Grahams_Welcome_home.abc -
151 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -987C - -strathspey -2202_Greigs_Strathspey.abc -
152 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -9656/8 - -air, jig -2203_the_Dutchess_of_Athols_Delight.abc -
153 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -1013C| - -strathspey -2211_Mrs_Stewart_of_Allanbanks_Strathspey.abc -
154 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -698C - -strathspey -2212_Macfarlanes_Strathspey.abc -
155 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -1049C| - -reel -2221_Mrs_Muir_Mackenzies_Reel.abc -
156 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -11526/8 - -air, jig -2222_the_Empty_Purse.abc -
157 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -694C| - -reel -2223_Lady_Margaret_Stewarts_Reel.abc -
158 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -10136/8 - -jig -2231_the_Cossy_Jigg.abc -
159 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -8456/8 - -jig -2232_the_Haddington_Assembly_Jigg.abc -
160 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -9446/8 - -air, jig -2241_Hermitage_Bridge.abc -
161 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -8296/8 - -jig -2242_Fairly_Shot_of_her.abc -
162 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -717C| - -reel -2243_Mrs_Macdonald_of_Clanrannalds_Reel.abc -
163 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -10096/8 - -jig -2251_Light_and_Airy_Jigg.abc -
164 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -668C - -reel -2252_Honb.le_Con.l_W.m_Wemysss_Reel.abc -
165 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -823C - -strathspey -2253_Mrs_Mosmans_Strathspey.abc -
166 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -1029C - -strathspey -2261_Miss_Ann_Stewart_East_Craigs_Strathspey.abc -
167 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -802C| - -reel -2262_Miss_Ann_Stewart_East_Craigs_Reel.abc -
168 abcgifpngpdfsvgGdorGdor - -895C - -strathspey -2263_Mrs_Ferguson_of_Reaths_Strathspey.abc -
169 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -24176/8 - -jig, reel -2271-Miss_Ketty_Hall.abc1.abc -
170 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -23396/8 - -jig, reel -2271=Miss_Ketty_Hall.abc2.abc -
171 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -2003C - -strathspey -2281-Callam_Brougach_Strathspey.abc1.abc -
172 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -2109C - -strathspey -2281=Callam_Brougach_Strathspey.abc2.abc -
173 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -815C - -strathspey -2282_Duke_of_Atholes_Strathspey.abc -
174 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -830C - -C -2291_Hornpipe.abc -
175 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -692C - -strathspey -2292_Old_Lee_Rig_or_Rose_Tree_Strathspey.abc -
176 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -8316/8 - -jig -2293_Miss_Raes_Jigg.abc -
177 abcgifpngpdfsvgCmCm - -791C - -reel -2301_Mr_Dundass_McQueens_Reel.abc -
178 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -11686/8 - -air, jig -2302_Ceann_Dubh_Dileas.abc -
179 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -6763/2 - -triple hornpipe -2303-Marchioness_of_Tweeddales_Delight.abc1.abc -
180 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -6663/2 - -triple hornpipe -2303=Marchioness_of_Tweeddales_Delight.abc2.abc -
181 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -608C| - -reel -2311_Mr_Morthlands_Reel.abc -
182 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -493C - -reel -2312_Miss_Mary_Macdonalds_Reel.abc -
183 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -8622/4 - -march, reel -2313_Miss_Louisa_Johnstons_Fancy.abc -
184 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -558C| - -reel -2314_Miss_Mary_Douglass_Reel.abc -
185 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -3794C - -reel -2321_the_Sows_tail_etc.abc -
186 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -9396/8 - -jig -2331_the_Lads_of_Dunse_or_Sir_Alexr_Dons_Delight.abc -
187 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -6952/4 - -march, polka -2341_Greenwich_Hill.abc -
188 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -6882/4 - -march, polka -2342_the_Harriot.abc -
189 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -6736/8 - -jig -2343_Royal_Circus.abc -
190 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -14626/8 - -jig -2344-les_Piadmontese.abc1.abc -
191 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -16046/8 - -jig -2344=les_Piadmontese.abc2.abc -
192 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -8832/4 - -march -2351_Capt_Macintosh.abc -
193 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -7256/8 - -jig -2352_Madam_Cassey.abc -
194 abcgifpngpdfsvgBmBm - -6792/4 - -march -2361_Good_Morrow_to_your_Night_Cap.abc -
195 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -8142/4 - -march -2362_the_Nymph.abc -
196 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -8542/4 - -march, polka -2363_la_Belle_Cathrine.abc -
197 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -587 - - - - -3000_Title.abc -
198 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1047C - -air, strathspey -3011-the_Highland_Chieftain.abc1.abc -
199 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1056C - -air, strathspey -3011=the_Highland_Chieftain.abc2.abc -
200 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -9879/8 - -air, slip-jig -3012_the_Parks_of_Yester.abc -
201 abcgifpngpdfsvg - - - -645 - - - - -3019_.abc -
202 abcgifpngpdfsvg - - - -61 - - - - -3020_.abc -
203 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -14066/8 - -air, waltz, jig -3021_Lady_Charlotte_Bruces_Favourite.abc -
204 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -9652/4 - -air, strathspey -3022_Mrs_Macdonall_Grants_Strathspey.abc -
205 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -861C - -strathspey -3031_Lady_Madelina_Sinclairs_Strathspey.abc -
206 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmixAmix - -697C| - -reel -3032_Miss_Nisbet_of_Dirletons_Reel.abc -
207 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -851C - -air, march, reel -3033_Mr_Muir_Mackenzies_Favourite.abc -
208 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -9846/8 - -air, jig -3041_Miss_Sharpes_Fancy.abc -
209 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1063C - -air, strathspey -3042-Lady_Ann_Hopes_Favourite_Strathspey.abc1.abc -
210 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1072C - -air, strathspey -3042=Lady_Ann_Hopes_Favourite_Strathspey.abc2.abc -
211 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -809C - -strathspey -3043_Lady_Ann_Hopes_Strathspey.abc -
212 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD32213142/4 - -air, strathspey -3051_Earl_of_Elgins_Favourite_Strathspey-D-32-2.abc -
213 abcgifpngpdfsvgEE32213142/4 - -air, strathspey -3051_Earl_of_Elgins_Favourite_Strathspey-E-32-2.abc -
214 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD162970C - -strathspey -3052_Earl_of_Elgins_Strathspey-D-16-2.abc -
215 abcgifpngpdfsvgEE162971C - -strathspey -3052_Earl_of_Elgins_Strathspey-E-16-2.abc -
216 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD1621016C - -air, strathspey -3053_Miss_L_Johnstons_Compliments_to_Neil_Gow-D-16-2.abc -
217 abcgifpngpdfsvgEE1621023C - -air, strathspey -3053_Miss_L_Johnstons_Compliments_to_Neil_Gow-E-16-2.abc -
218 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -683C - -strathspey -3061_Hilton_Lodge_Strathspey.abc -
219 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -8276/8 - -air, jig -3062_Hoddom_Castle.abc -
220 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -657C| - -reel -3063_Lady_Grace_Douglass_Reel.abc -
221 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -16092/4 - -air, strathspey -3064_Miss_Clementina_Loughnans_Strathspey.abc -
222 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -775C - -strathspey -3071_Earl_of_Homes_Strathspey.abc -
223 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -805C - -strathspey -3072_Mrs_Muir_of_Caldwalls_Strathspey.abc -
224 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -721C| - -reel -3081_Mr_Bushby_Maitlands_Reel.abc -
225 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -10432/4 - -air, strathspey -3082_Miss_Raes_Strathspey.abc -
226 abcgifpngpdfsvgCmCm - -1053C - -air, strathspey -3083_Colonel_Campbell_of_Monzies_Favourite.abc -
227 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1134C - -air, strathspey -3091_the_London_Highland_Society_a_Strathspey.abc -
228 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1075C| - -reel -3092_Lord_Macdonalds_Reel.abc -
229 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -9606/8 - -air, jig -3101_Honble_Mr_Ramsay_Maules_Favourite.abc -
230 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -886C - -strathspey -3102_Honble_Mr_Ramsay_Maules_Strathspey.abc -
231 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -703C| - -strathspey -3103_Mrs_Ramsay_of_Barntons_Strathspey.abc -
232 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -665C| - -reel -3111_Lady_L_Ramsays_Reel.abc -
233 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -12396/8 - -air, waltz -3112-Nathaniel_Gows_Lament_for_the_Death_of_his_Brother.abc1.abc -
234 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -12606/8 - -air, waltz -3112=Nathaniel_Gows_Lament_for_the_Death_of_his_Brother.abc2.abc -
235 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -9162/4 - -air, march -3121_Lady_Dalrymple_of_North_Berwicks_Favourite.abc -
236 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -8386/8 - -air, jig -3122_Originall_Sett_of_Oer_the_Water_to_Charlie.abc -
237 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -10486/8 - -jig -3123_Dancing_Sett_or_Wishaws_Delight.abc -
238 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -856C - -air, strathspey -3131_Roys_Wife.abc -
239 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -914C - -strathspey -3132_Mr_Lumsdeane_of_Blanernes_Strathspey.abc -
240 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -811C| - -reel -3133_Mr_Duns_Frolick_a_Reel.abc -
241 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -1994C - -strathspey -3141_Mrs_Hamilton_of_Pincaitlands_Strathspey.abc -
242 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -733C - -strathspey -3142_the_Tweedale_Club_Strathspey.abc -
243 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -679C - -strathspey -3151_Lady_Elibanks_Favourite_Strathspey.abc -
244 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -774C| - -reel -3152_Honbl_Miss_Charteris_Reel.abc -
245 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -10012/4 - -strathspey -3153-Lady_Shaftsburys_Strathspey.abc1.abc -
246 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -10692/4 - -strathspey -3153=Lady_Shaftsburys_Strathspey.abc2.abc -
247 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -737C| - -reel -3161_Miss_H_Hunters_of_Blackness_Reel.abc -
248 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -702C - -strathspey -3162_Miss_Drummond_of_Perths_Strathspey.abc -
249 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -1034C| - -reel -3163_Jenny_Nettles_a_Reel.abc -
250 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -802C - -strathspey -3171_Cameron_has_got_his_wife_again_a_Strathspey.abc -
251 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -9646/8 - -jig -3172_Miss_Chalmers_Jigg.abc -
252 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -849C - -strathspey, air -3173_Miss_L_Montgomrie_of_Skermorlie_Strathspey.abc -
253 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -727C| - -reel -3181_Mr_Hamilton_of_Wishaws_Reel.abc -
254 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -8776/8 - -jig -3182_Earl_of_Mortons_Jigg.abc -
255 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -660C| - -reel -3183_Mrs_Dundas_of_Arnistons_Reel.abc -
256 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -970C - -strathspey -3191-Lady_Charlotte_Campbells_Strathspey.abc1.abc -
257 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -965C - -strathspey -3191=Lady_Charlotte_Campbells_Strathspey.abc2.abc -
258 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -855C| - -reel -3192_Earl_of_Lauderdales_Reel.abc -
259 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -721C - -strathspey -3193_Miss_Hamilton_of_Bangowres_Strathspey.abc -
260 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -657C - -reel -3201_Earl_of_Dalkeiths_Reel.abc -
261 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -1270C - -strathspey, air -3202_Mrs_Hamilton_of_Wishaws_Strathspey.abc -
262 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -8799/8 - -slip-jig, triple hornpipe, air -3203_Sir_John_Scotts_Favourite.abc -
263 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -813C| - -reel -3211_Dunse_Dings_or_Mr_Sharps_Favourite_a_Reel.abc -
264 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -1346C - -air -3212-Carlione_a_Favourite_Irish_Tune.abc1.abc -
265 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -1356C - -air -3212=Carlione_a_Favourite_Irish_Tune.abc2.abc -
266 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -8806/8 - -jig -3221_Miss_Johnston_of_Hiltons_Fancy.abc -
267 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -9436/8Irish -jig -3222_the_Bottle_of_Punch.abc -
268 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -702C - -strathspey -3223_Athole_Brose_or_Niel_Gows_Favourite.abc -
269 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -9872/4 - -air, strathspey -3231_Mrs_Weymes_of_Cuttlehills_Strathspey.abc -
270 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -742C - -strathspey -3232_Honble_Captn_Elphinstons_Strathspey.abc -
271 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -908C - -strathspey -3233_Miss_Z_Loughnans_Strathspey.abc -
272 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -786C| - -reel -3241_Miss_Campbell_of_Monzies_Reel.abc -
273 abcgifpngpdfsvgFmFm - -23212/4 - -strathspey -3242_Mr_Ronald_Crawfords_Strathspey.abc -
274 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -1022C - -air, march -3251_Callan_Shiargblas.abc -
275 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -735C - -strathspey -3252_Miss_Macmurdos_Favourite.abc -
276 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -734C - -strathspey -3253_Mr_Baillie_of_Mellerstons_Strathspey.abc -
277 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -7056/4 - -triple hornpipe -3261_Miss_Baird_of_Saughtonhalls_Hornpipe.abc -
278 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -7692/4 - -march, reel -3262_Kempshott_Hunt.abc -
279 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -964C - -air, strathspey -3263_Mrs_Houston_of_Rosehalls_Favourite.abc -
280 abcgifpngpdfsvgDmDm - -1778C - -scotch measure, reel, march -3271_Lady_Mary_Hays_Scotch_Measure.abc -
281 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -808C - -strathspey -3272_Miss_Weymes_of_Weymes_a_Strathspey.abc -
282 abcgifpngpdfsvgEE - -9692/4 - -air, march -3281_Mr_Stabilinis_Favourite.abc -
283 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -1213C - -strathspey -3282-Mr_Robertson_of_Ladykirks_Strathspey.abc1.abc -
284 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -1215C - -strathspey -3282=Mr_Robertson_of_Ladykirks_Strathspey.abc2.abc -
285 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -714C| - -reel -3283_Mrs_Morthlands_Reel.abc -
286 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -9806/8 - -jig -3291_Miss_Margrett_Browns_Favourite.abc -
287 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -903C - -reel -3292_Miss_Cathrine_Chalmers_Reel.abc -
288 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -15116/8 - -jig -3301-Money_in_both_Pockets.abc1.abc -
289 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -15416/8 - -jig -3301=Money_in_both_Pockets.abc2.abc -
290 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -11866/8 - -jig -3302_the_Morgan_Rattler.abc -
291 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -15486/8 - -air, jig -3311_the_Lakes_of_Kellarnie.abc -
292 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -709C - -strathspey -3312_Mr_Drummond_younger_of_Perths_Strathspey.abc -
293 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -8276/8 - -jig -3313_the_Irish_Washerwoman.abc -
294 abcgifpngpdfsvgCmCm - -9476/8 - -air, waltz, jig -3321_Miss_Eleanora_Robertsons_Favourite.abc -
295 abcgifpngpdfsvgCmCm - -770C| - -reel -3322_Earl_of_Hyndfords_Reel.abc -
296 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -10312/4 - -air, strathspey -3323-Princess_Augusta.abc1.abc -
297 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -10472/4 - -air, strathspey -3323=Princess_Augusta.abc2.abc -
298 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -723C - -strathspey -3331_Mrs_Macleod_of_Elanreochs_Strathspey.abc -
299 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -8766/8 - -6/8 -3332_Miss_Sally_Hunter_of_Thurstons_Jigg.abc -
300 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -7946/8 - -jig -3333_Miss_Grace_Hays_Delight.abc -
301 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -799C - -reel -3341_the_Bob_of_Fattercairn.abc -
302 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -31433/4 - -minuet -3342_the_Celebrated_German_Minuet.abc -
303 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -12166/8 - -jig -3351-In_the_Style_of_an_Opera_Dance.abc1.abc -
304 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -12166/8 - -jig -3351=In_the_Style_of_an_Opera_Dance.abc2.abc -
305 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -6392/4 - -march -3352_the_Boolonzie.abc -
306 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -8012/4 - -air, march -3361_John_Andersons_Auldest_Daughter.abc -
307 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -9219/8 - -slip-jig -3362_Rattling_Roaring_Willie.abc -
308 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -898C| - -strathspey -3363_Mr_Alexander_Cunninghams.abc -
309 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -597 - - - - -4000_Title.abc -
310 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -1035C - -strathspey, air -4011-Eglintoun_Castle.abc1.abc -
311 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -1059C - -strathspey, air -4011=Eglintoun_Castle.abc2.abc -
312 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -11576/8 - -air, jig -4012_the_Countess_of_Eglintouns_Delight.abc -
313 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -773C| - -reel -4013_Earl_of_Eglintouns_Reel.abc -
314 abcgifpngpdfsvg - - - -281 - - - - -4019_notice.abc -
315 abcgifpngpdfsvg - - - -42 - - - - -4020_.abc -
316 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -835C - -air, strathspey -4021_the_Marquis_of_Huntlys_Snuff_Mill_or_the_Royal_Gift.abc -
317 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -679C| - -reel -4022_Miss_Davidsons_Reel.abc -
318 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -1028C - -strathspey, air -4023_Countess_of_Cassillis_Strathspey.abc -
319 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -725C| - -reel -4024_Countess_of_Cassillis_Reel.abc -
320 abcgifpngpdfsvgEE - -12422/4 - -march, air -4031_Lord_Torphichens_Favorite.abc -
321 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -686C| - -reel -4032_Mrs_Drummond_of_Logiealmonds_Reel.abc -
322 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -810C - -strathspey -4033_Lady_Mary_Murrays_Strathspey.abc -
323 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -778C| - -reel -4041_Captain_Byngs_Reel.abc -
324 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -10392/4 - -march, air -4042-Long_Life_to_Step_Mothers.abc1.abc -
325 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -10402/4 - -march, air -4042=Long_Life_to_Step_Mothers.abc2.abc -
326 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -875C - -strathspey -4043_Sir_Charles_Douglasss_Strathspey.abc -
327 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -856C| - -reel -4044_Miss_Hay_of_Yesters_Reel.abc -
328 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -1456C - -strathspey, air -4051-the_Duchess_of_Buccleughs_Favorite.abc1.abc -
329 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -1636C - -strathspey, air -4051=the_Duchess_of_Buccleughs_Favorite.abc2.abc -
330 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -929C - -strathspey -4052_the_Countess_of_Dalkeiths_Strathspey.abc -
331 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -694C - -reel -4061_Lady_Madelina_Sinclairs_Birth_Day.abc -
332 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -978C - -strathspey, air -4062-Lady_Downe.abc1.abc -
333 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -992C - -strathspey, air -4062=Lady_Downe.abc2.abc -
334 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -910C - -strathspey, air -4063_Mrs_Stewart_Nicholsons_Strathspey.abc -
335 abcgifpngpdfsvgCmCm - -10836/8 - -air, jig -4064_Arniston_House.abc -
336 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -820C - -strathspey -4071_Lady_Caroline_Montagues_Strathspey.abc -
337 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -843C - -reel -4072_Miss_Forbess_Reel.abc -
338 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -12122/4 - -air, march -4081-Miss_Oswald_of_Auchincruive.abc1.abc -
339 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -11512/4 - -air, march -4081=Miss_Oswald_of_Auchincruive.abc2.abc -
340 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -741C - -strathspey -4082_Lady_Charlotte_Durhams_Strathspey.abc -
341 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -692C - -reel -4083_Dunfermline_Races.abc -
342 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -12126/8 - -air, waltz, jig -4091_the_Honble_Mrs_Maule_of_Panmures_Favorite.abc -
343 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -843C - -strathspey -4092_the_Honble_Mrs_Maule_of_Panmures_Strathspey.abc -
344 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -681C - -reel -4093_Miss_Heron_of_Herons_Reel.abc -
345 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1107CA Favorite Irish Air -air, strathspey -4101-Savourna_Deligh.abc1.abc -
346 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1103CA Favorite Irish Air -air, strathspey -4101=Savourna_Deligh.abc2.abc -
347 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1081C - -strathspey, air -4102_Lord_John_Campbells_Strathspey.abc -
348 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -8756/8A very Old Galic Air -air, jig, march -4111_Cairngoram_Mountain.abc -
349 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -850C - -strathspy -4112_Mrs_Chisholm_of_Chisholms_Strathspey.abc -
350 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -777C| - -reel -4113_Sir_George_Mackenzies_Reel.abc -
351 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -1028C - -air -4121-Aitken_Drum.abc1.abc -
352 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -938C - -air -4121=Aitken_Drum.abc2.abc -
353 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -880C - -air -4121_Aitken_Drum.abc -
354 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -11646/8 - -jig, air -4122_the_Belfast_Allmanack.abc -
355 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -13616/8 - -jig -4123_Hoop_her_and_gird_her.abc -
356 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -1501C - -strathspey -4131-Lady_Mary_Primroses_Favorite_a_Strathspey.abc1.abc -
357 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -1501C - -strathspey -4131=Lady_Mary_Primroses_Favorite_a_Strathspey.abc2.abc -
358 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -771C - -strathspey -4132_Garscube_House_a_Strathspey.abc -
359 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -1031C - -air -4141_Black_Mary.abc -
360 abcgifpngpdfsvgCmCm - -1176C - -lament, strathspey -4142-Nathaniel_Gows_Lament_for_Mrs_Oswald_of_Auchincruive.abc1.abc -
361 abcgifpngpdfsvgCmCm - -1199C - -lament, strathspey -4142=Nathaniel_Gows_Lament_for_Mrs_Oswald_of_Auchincruive.abc2.abc -
362 abcgifpngpdfsvgCmCm - -669C| - -reel -4143_Mrs_Duncans_Reel.abc -
363 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -996COriginal Sett -air, strathspey -4151-the_Lassie_lost_her_Silken_Snood.abc1.abc -
364 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -1001COriginal Sett -air, strathspey -4151=the_Lassie_lost_her_Silken_Snood.abc2.abc -
365 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -891C - -strathspey, air -4152_Lady_Mary_Ramsays_Strathspey.abc -
366 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -928C - -reel -4153_Earl_of_Dalhousies_Reel.abc -
367 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -9476/8 - -air -4161-Norths_Milles_Macphail_Farewell_to_the_Caledonian_Hunt.abc1.abc -
368 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -10756/8 - -air -4161=Norths_Milles_Macphail_Farewell_to_the_Caledonian_Hunt.abc2.abc -
369 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -816C - -strathspey -4162_Lady_Lucy_Ramshays_Strathspey.abc -
370 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -966C - -reel -4163-Miss_Maule_of_Panmures_Reel.abc1.abc -
371 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -1120C - -reel -4163=Miss_Maule_of_Panmures_Reel.abc2.abc -
372 abcgifpngpdfsvgF#mF#m - -793C - -air, strathspey -4164_Sir_George_Stewart_of_Grantleys_Strathspey.abc -
373 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -819C - -strathspey -4171_Yester_House_a_Strathspey.abc -
374 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -680C| - -reel -4172_Ossians_Hall_a_Reel.abc -
375 abcgifpngpdfsvgFmFm - -9833/4 - -air -4173-Fingalls_Lamentations.abc1.abc -
376 abcgifpngpdfsvgFmFm - -9863/4 - -air -4173=Fingalls_Lamentations.abc2.abc -
377 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -12126/8 - -air, jig -4181_Colonel_Baird.abc -
378 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -8942/4 - -air, strathspey -4182-Mrs_Blair_of_Avontowns_Favorite.abc1.abc -
379 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -9042/4 - -air, strathspey -4182=Mrs_Blair_of_Avontowns_Favorite.abc2.abc -
380 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -877C - -strathspey -4183_Lady_Charlotte_Primrosess_Strathspey.abc -
381 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -739C - -reel -4191_Lady_Mary_Stopfords_Reel.abc -
382 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1400C - -strathspey, air -4192_Niel_Gows_Fiddle_a_Strathspey.abc -
383 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -725C - -reel -4193_Miss_Dundass_of_Arnistons_Reel.abc -
384 abcgifpngpdfsvgDDDm641023396/8 - -jig, waltz, air -4201_the_Honble_Mr_Maules_or_the_Trip_to_Dormont-DDm-64-10.abc -
385 abcgifpngpdfsvgFFFm641020886/8 - -jig, waltz, air -4201_the_Honble_Mr_Maules_or_the_Trip_to_Dormont-FFm-64-10.abc -
386 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -1570C - -strathspey -4202_the_Maid_of_Isla_a_Strathspey.abc -
387 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -978C - -strathspey -4211_Miss_Wardlaws_Strathspey.abc -
388 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -704C - -reel -4212_Miss_Maria_Dundasss_Reel.abc -
389 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -8636/8 - -jig, waltz, air -4221_the_Shepherds_Wife.abc -
390 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -10006/8 - -jig, waltz, air -4222-the_New_Opera_Dance_or_Mrs_Lochs_Favorite.abc1.abc -
391 abcgifpngpdfsvgEbEb - -10786/8 - -jig, waltz, air -4222=the_New_Opera_Dance_or_Mrs_Lochs_Favorite.abc2.abc -
392 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -781C - -strathspey, air -4223_Miss_Rosss_Strathspey.abc -
393 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -1063C - -strathspey -4224_Miss_Sitwells_Strathspey.abc -
394 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -8246/8Irish -air, jig -4231_Captain_OKain.abc -
395 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -911C - - - -4232_Lady_Hamilton_Dalrymples_Strathspey.abc -
396 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -10283/8A Welch Air -air, waltz -4241_Sir_Watkin_William_Wynn.abc -
397 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -10702/4 - -march, air -4242-Drum_House_or_Mr_Hays_Favorite.abc1.abc -
398 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -10742/4 - -march, air -4242=Drum_House_or_Mr_Hays_Favorite.abc2.abc -
399 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -10572/4 - -strathspey, air -4243_Lord_McDonalds_Strathspey.abc -
400 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -1211C - -strathspey, air -4251_Mr_Frasers_Favorite_a_Strathspey.abc -
401 abcgifpngpdfsvgEE - -8852/4 - -hornpipe, reel -4252_Jarnovichis_Hornpipe.abc -
402 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -904C - -strathspey -4261_Lady_Jemima_Johnstons_Strathspey.abc -
403 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -1128C - -air, strathspey, reel -4262_Caper_Fey.abc -
404 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -941C - -hornpipe, reel -4263_Master_Erskines_Hornpipe.abc -
405 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -1023C - -strathspey, air -4271_Lord_Spencer_Chichesters_Strathspey.abc -
406 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -750C - -strathspey -4272_Lady_Jean_Montgomries_Strathspey.abc -
407 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -648C| - -reel -4281_Lord_Airleys_Reel.abc -
408 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -1105C - -air, strathspey -4282-the_Ploughman.abc1.abc -
409 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -1166C - -air, strathspey -4282=the_Ploughman.abc2.abc -
410 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -788C - -strathspey -4283_Perh-Shire_Volunteers_Strathspey.abc -
411 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -1403C| - -reel -4284_Miss_Smyth_of_Methvens_Reel.abc -
412 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -1044C - -strathspey -4291_Miss_Forbes_of_Pitsligos_Strathspey.abc -
413 abcgifpngpdfsvgFF - -682C| - -reel -4301_Mrs_J_W_Bourkes_Reel.abc -
414 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -9486/8 - -air, jig -4302-the_Maids_of_Arrochar.abc1.abc -
415 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -9556/8 - -air, jig -4302=the_Maids_of_Arrochar.abc2.abc -
416 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1010C - -air, strathspey -4303-Mrs_Crawfords_Favorite_Strathspey.abc1.abc -
417 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1015C - -air, strathspey -4303=Mrs_Crawfords_Favorite_Strathspey.abc2.abc -
418 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -10416/8Original Sett. -air, jig -4304-the_Britches_Maker.abc1.abc -
419 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -10546/8Original Sett. -air, jig -4304=the_Britches_Maker.abc2.abc -
420 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -9426/8Original Sett.) -air, jig -4304_the_Britches_Maker.abc -
421 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -726C - -strathspey, air -4311_Cheap_Mutton_a_Strathspey.abc -
422 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -1020C - -strathspey, air -4312-Lord_Montgomeries_Strathspey.abc1.abc -
423 abcgifpngpdfsvgGmGm - -1019C - -strathspey, air -4312=Lord_Montgomeries_Strathspey.abc2.abc -
424 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -745C - -strathspey -4313_Miss_Colstons_Strathspey.abc -
425 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -1507C - -strathspey, air -4321_Major_Logans_Favorite.abc -
426 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -7539/8 - -slip-jig -4322_Colonel_Hamilton_of_Pencaitlands_welcome_home.abc -
427 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -942C - -C -4331-Master_F_Sitwells_Strathspey.abc1.abc -
428 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -986C - -C -4331=Master_F_Sitwells_Strathspey.abc2.abc -
429 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -850C - -reel -4332-the_Hon.ble_Mrs_John_Ramsays_Reel.abc1.abc -
430 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -839C - -reel -4332=the_Hon.ble_Mrs_John_Ramsays_Reel.abc2.abc -
431 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1094Ca very old Gallic Air -air, strathspey -4333-Morag.abc1.abc -
432 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1090Ca very old Gallic Air -air, strathspey -4333=Morag.abc2.abc -
433 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -919C - -strathspey, air -4341_Colonel_Byngs_Favorite_a_Strathspey.abc -
434 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -8866/8 - -air, jig -4342-Lady_Harriot_Montagues_Favorite.abc1.abc -
435 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -9536/8 - -air, jig -4342=Lady_Harriot_Montagues_Favorite.abc2.abc -
436 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -840C - -strathspey -4343_Mrs_Carmichael_of_Skirlings_Strathspey.abc -
437 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -12646/8 - -jig, air -4344-Lady_Balhavens_Delight.abc1.abc -
438 abcgifpngpdfsvgAA - -12566/8 - -jig, air -4344=Lady_Balhavens_Delight.abc2.abc -
439 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -1741CThis was a favorite Dance in my young Days. -air, march, reel; jig -4351_the_Dutch_Skipper.abc -
440 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -12136/8 - -air, waltz, jig -4352-Mrs_Kinlochs_Favorite.abc1.abc -
441 abcgifpngpdfsvgBbBb - -11216/8 - -air, waltz, jig -4352=Mrs_Kinlochs_Favorite.abc2.abc -
442 abcgifpngpdfsvgEE - -1472C - -strathspey -4361_Mr_George_Grants_Strathspey.abc -
443 abcgifpngpdfsvgAmAm - -858C - -air, strathspey -4362_Lord_Balgonies_Favorite.abc -
444 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -697C - -air, strathspey -4363_Niel_Gow.abc -
445 abcgifpngpdfsvg - - - -894 - - - - -4369_.abc -
446 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -367022 - - - - -CSR-abc1.abc -
447 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -367851 - - - - -CSR-abc2.abc -
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