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Tunes from SCD publications
Tunes from SCD publications

This directory contains ABC transcriptions of tunes in various SCD (Scottish Country Dance) publications. A number of SCD musicians have sent me tunes that they've transcribed, and I've done a lot of them myself. Note that the tunes here are not just the published RSCDS versions; they also come from various other groups' dance publications. I've also collected alternate versions of many tunes. This makes it easier to compare the different versions, and find one that I like. Some of the versions here are amalgams of others, typically worked out during practices for dances.

This collection is currently "under development", and probably will be for some years. It hasn't actually been officially "made public". You are welcome to look at stuff here, and copy files (tunes) that you need. But the files here have come from many people, each of which has his/her own ideas about formatting, annotation, etc. I'm working on organizing it and making it a lot more consistent. Meanwhile, this should be considered a mixture of inconsistent transcriptions of tunes from many sources.

My approach has been to link any available versions of these tunes into the appropriate book's directory, but tunes that match the published version closely have a name that starts with a 2-digit number that's the tune number in the book. This puts those versions first in the alphabetical list used to produce the large .abc files for a book. Thus, in RSCDS Book46, 10_CraigellachieLasses.abc is very close to the RSCDS version, while CraigellachieLasses.abc is a version that I've worked out from playing it over the years, hearing others play it, and reading William Marshall's original version. They're very similar, but not the same. In particular, Marshall didn't include chords, and my chords are different from those in Book 46. Similarly for most of the rest of the tunes, many of which are versions that are unrelated to the RSCDS's or other publishers' efforts.

Note that this "collection" is very incomplete. It should slowly grow with time, but will probably never really be finished, as long as people are making up new dances and recommending specific tunes for them.

A word about copyright is in order. Since these tunes have been published in books whose primary function is for use at Scottish Country Dance events, I've assumed that the composers of new tunes want people playing their tunes, and won't object to them being online in the stripped-down ABC format. If you don't agree, and don't want your tune here, let me know and I'll replace it with a copyright notice and explanation. We'll just have to find other similar tunes for the dance in that case. Alternatively, send me contact info, and I'll add it to your tune(s) so people can contact you. SCD musicians often like having the "official" versions of tunes, preferably in printed form sitting on their bookshelves.

So far, I've actually gotten no requests to remove tunes here, only occasional thanks from a few composers who like knowing that their tunes have been made available online and are being played. And note that the tunes here are mostly being played. They were usually transcribed by a musician preparing a set of tunes for a particular dance, then sent to me for inclusion here. Other musicians who have ABC versions of tunes published in SCD books are invited to send me copies to add to this collection. I like to include full attribution and contact information, if that the transcriber wants that information shown.

1 dir---- - - - -160 - - - - -101SCD/101SCD
2 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -13606/8 - -Jig -101SCD.abc -
3 dir---- - - - -192 - - - - -23SCD/23SCD
4 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -1540 -Nan Main, ed. - - -23SCD.abc -
5 dir---- - - - -128 - - - - -3D2006/3D2006
6 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -788 -RSCDS - - -3D2006.abc -
7 dir---- - - - -352 - - - - -5Trad/5Trad
8 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -3715 - - - - -5Trad1965.abc -
9 data---- - - - -28 - - - - -= -
10 data---- - - - -87 - - - - -A -
11 data---- - - - -36 - - - - -B -
12 dir---- - - - -800 - - - - -BB50/BB50
13 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -13332 -2000 - - -BB50.abc -
14 dir---- - - - -704 - - - - -Birm2004/Birm2004
15 abcgifpngpdfsvgGG - -103086/8attr. Bert Murray -jig -Birm2004.abc -
16 dir---- - - - -2112 - - - - -Book01/Book01
17 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -26189 - - - - -Book01.abc -
18 dir---- - - - -3648 - - - - -Book02/Book02
19 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -65716 - - - - -Book02.abc -
20 dir---- - - - -4224 - - - - -Book03/Book03
21 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -64845 - - - - -Book03.abc -
22 dir---- - - - -2688 - - - - -Book04/Book04
23 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -33297 - - - - -Book04.abc -
24 dir---- - - - -3008 - - - - -Book05/Book05
25 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -48184 - - - - -Book05.abc -
26 dir---- - - - -544 - - - - -Book06/Book06
27 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -15564 - - - - -Book06.abc -
28 dir---- - - - -1056 - - - - -Book07/Book07
29 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -17391 - - - - -Book07.abc -
30 dir---- - - - -3648 - - - - -Book08/Book08
31 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -50726 - - - - -Book08.abc -
32 dir---- - - - -2048 - - - - -Book09/Book09
33 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -25013 - - - - -Book09.abc -
34 dir---- - - - -2720 - - - - -Book10/Book10
35 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -37093 - - - - -Book10.abc -
36 dir---- - - - -1664 - - - - -Book11/Book11
37 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -26728 - - - - -Book11.abc -
38 dir---- - - - -2368 - - - - -Book12/Book12
39 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -26862 - - - - -Book12.abc -
40 dir---- - - - -1440 - - - - -Book13/Book13
41 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -9949 - - - - -Book13.abc -
42 dir---- - - - -2272 - - - - -Book14/Book14
43 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -26455 - - - - -Book14.abc -
44 dir---- - - - -2272 - - - - -Book15/Book15
45 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -22423 - - - - -Book15.abc -
46 dir---- - - - -4000 - - - - -Book16/Book16
47 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -54736 - - - - -Book16.abc -
48 dir---- - - - -4608 - - - - -Book17/Book17
49 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -78610 - - - - -Book17.abc -
50 dir---- - - - -2944 - - - - -Book18/Book18
51 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -32953 - - - - -Book18.abc -
52 dir---- - - - -3584 - - - - -Book19/Book19
53 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -53906 - - - - -Book19.abc -
54 dir---- - - - -1920 - - - - -Book20/Book20
55 abcgifpngpdfsvgCC - -18349C| - -Reel (8x32) -Book20.abc -
56 dir---- - - - -2912 - - - - -Book21/Book21
57 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -41563 - - - - -Book21.abc -
58 dir---- - - - -2944 - - - - -Book22/Book22
59 abcgifpngpdfsvgEmEm - -322936/8 - -Jig (8x48) -Book22.abc -
60 dir---- - - - -928 - - - - -Book23/Book23
61 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -14104 - - - - -Book23.abc -
62 dir---- - - - -1312 - - - - -Book24/Book24
63 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -18019 - - - - -Book24.abc -
64 dir---- - - - -1600 - - - - -Book25/Book25
65 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -19182 - - - - -Book25.abc -
66 dir---- - - - -3648 - - - - -Book26/Book26
67 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -50432 - - - - -Book26.abc -
68 dir---- - - - -3008 - - - - -Book27/Book27
69 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -45231 - - - - -Book27.abc -
70 dir---- - - - -1440 - - - - -Book28/Book28
71 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -17108 - - - - -Book28.abc -
72 dir---- - - - -1664 - - - - -Book29/Book29
73 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -23623 - - - - -Book29.abc -
74 dir---- - - - -1216 - - - - -Book30/Book30
75 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -18021 - - - - -Book30.abc -
76 dir---- - - - -1024 - - - - -Book31/Book31
77 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -9351 - - - - -Book31.abc -
78 dir---- - - - -832 - - - - -Book32/Book32
79 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -5751 - - - - -Book32.abc -
80 dir---- - - - -1952 - - - - -Book33/Book33
81 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -28570 - - - - -Book33.abc -
82 dir---- - - - -1312 - - - - -Book34/Book34
83 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -14019 - - - - -Book34.abc -
84 dir---- - - - -2176 - - - - -Book35/Book35
85 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -35423 - - - - -Book35.abc -
86 dir---- - - - -2464 - - - - -Book36/Book36
87 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -29975 - - - - -Book36.abc -
88 dir---- - - - -1312 - - - - -Book37/Book37
89 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -14196 - - - - -Book37.abc -
90 dir---- - - - -2304 - - - - -Book38/Book38
91 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -32706 - - - - -Book38.abc -
92 dir---- - - - -3104 - - - - -Book39/Book39
93 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -47645 - - - - -Book39.abc -
94 dir---- - - - -1056 - - - - -Book40/Book40
95 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -10375 - - - - -Book40.abc -
96 dir---- - - - -768 - - - - -Book41/Book41
97 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -11377 - - - - -Book41.abc -
98 dir---- - - - -1664 - - - - -Book42/Book42
99 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -26657 - - - - -Book42.abc -
100 dir---- - - - -416 - - - - -Book43/Book43
101 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -3771 - - - - -Book43.abc -
102 dir---- - - - -320 - - - - -Book44/Book44
103 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -1826 - - - - -Book44.abc -
104 dir---- - - - -1952 - - - - -Book45/Book45
105 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -37280 - - - - -Book45.abc -
106 dir---- - - - -2752 - - - - -Book46/Book46
107 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -22418 - - - - -Book46.abc -
108 dir---- - - - -672 - - - - -Book47/Book47
109 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -13887 - - - - -Book47.abc -
110 dir---- - - - -928 - - - - -Book48/Book48
111 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -15788 - - - - -Book48.abc -
112 dir---- - - - -1056 - - - - -Book49/Book49
113 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -9671 - - - - -Book49-V1.abc -
114 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -10154 - - - - -Book49-V2.abc -
115 dir---- - - - -448 - - - - -Book49-old/Book49-old
116 dir---- - - - -992 - - - - -Book52/Book52
117 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -83506/8 - -jig -Book52.abc -
118 dir---- - - - -192 - - - - -Border/Border
119 dir---- - - - -128 - - - - -Brodie/Brodie
120 data---- - - - -0 - - - - -C -
121 dir---- - - - -160 - - - - -CentColl/CentColl
122 dir---- - - - -288 - - - - -Children/Children
123 dir---- - - - -192 - - - - -Crystal/Crystal
124 data---- - - - -0 - - - - -D -
125 dir---- - - - -224 - - - - -D73/D73
126 dir---- - - - -352 - - - - -D78/D78
127 dir---- - - - -416 - - - - -D82/D82
128 data---- - - - -0 - - - - -E -
129 data---- - - - -89 - - - - -F -
130 data---- - - - -0 - - - - -G -
131 dir---- - - - -5152 - - - - -Glen2/Glen2
132 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -124035 - - - - -Glen2.abc -
133 dir---- - - - -192 - - - - -GlendarrochSDS/GlendarrochSDS
134 dir---- - - - -5056 - - - - -Graded1/Graded1
135 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -512426/8 - -Jig (8x24) ABB -Graded1.abc -
136 dir---- - - - -4000 - - - - -Graded2/Graded2
137 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -58632 - - - - -Graded2.abc -
138 data---- - - - -84 - - - - -H -
139 dir---- - - - -128 - - - - -HC2009/HC2009
140 data---- - - - -463 - - - - -HEADER.proto -
141 data---- - - - -0 - - - - -I -
142 data---- - - - -98 - - - - -J -
143 dir---- - - - -160 - - - - -JJC/JJC
144 data---- - - - -0 - - - - -K -
145 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -84512 - - - - -Kohlers.abc -
146 data---- - - - -0 - - - - -L -
147 dir---- - - - -2048 - - - - -Leaflet/Leaflet
148 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -25896 - - - - -Leaflets.abc -
149 data---- - - - -93 - - - - -M -
150 dir---- - - - -2912 - - - - -MMM1/MMM1
151 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -28465 -RSCDS - - -MMM1.abc -
152 dir---- - - - -2144 - - - - -MMM2/MMM2
153 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -33999 -RSCDS - - -MMM2.abc -
154 dir---- - - - -96 - - - - -MacNab01/MacNab01
155 dir---- - - - -192 - - - - -MacNab02/MacNab02
156 data---- - - - -30494 - - - - -Makefile -
157 data---- - - - -0 - - - - -N -
158 dir---- - - - -352 - - - - -NS_Anniv50/NS_Anniv50
159 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -3486 - - -strathspey -NS_Anniv50.abc -
160 dir---- - - - -192 - - - - -NS_Anniv60/NS_Anniv60
161 dir---- - - - -288 - - - - -Newc121/Newc121
162 data---- - - - -0 - - - - -O -
163 data---- - - - -83 - - - - -P -
164 dir---- - - - -96 - - - - -Paris_Book/Paris_Book
165 data---- - - - -0 - - - - -Q -
166 data---- - - - -86 - - - - -R -
167 data---- - - - -228 - - - - -RSCDS_Const_Rules_Nov_2010.info -
168 data---- - - - -228 - - - - -RSCDS_constitutionrulesnov2010.info -
169 dir---- - - - -192 - - - - -RoyGoldring/RoyGoldring
170 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -8792 - - - - -RoyGoldring_14SocialDancesFor2000.abc -
171 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -17486 - - - - -RoyGoldring_15SocialDances.abc -
172 dir---- - - - -160 - - - - -Ruby/Ruby
173 data---- - - - -91 - - - - -S -
174 dir---- - - - -288 - - - - -SDA/SDA
175 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -36532/4 - -reel, march -SDA.abc -
176 dir---- - - - -128 - - - - -SSS2/SSS2
177 dir---- - - - -256 - - - - -Scotia/Scotia
178 dir---- - - - -288 - - - - -Skye_HB/Skye_HB
179 abcgifpngpdfsvgDD - -56892C - -Strathspey -Skye_HB.abc -
180 dir---- - - - -1248 - - - - -SocialDances2002/SocialDances2002
181 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -11004 - - - - -SocialDances2002.abc -
182 data---- - - - -96 - - - - -T -
183 dir---- - - - -128 - - - - -Tweed1/Tweed1
184 dir---- - - - -224 - - - - -Tweed2/Tweed2
185 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -2665 - - - - -Tweed2.abc -
186 data---- - - - -34 - - - - -U -
187 data---- - - - -230 - - - - -V -
188 data---- - - - -98 - - - - -W -
189 dir---- - - - -288 - - - - -WAtC/WAtC
190 dir---- - - - -256 - - - - -Whetherly06/Whetherly06
191 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -2988 -John W Mitchell, ed. - - -Whetherly06.abc -
192 dir---- - - - -160 - - - - -Whetherly09/Whetherly09
193 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -597 -John W Mitchell, ed. - - -Whetherly09.abc -
194 dir---- - - - -192 - - - - -Whetherly16/Whetherly16
195 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -1741 -John W Mitchell, ed. - - -Whetherly16.abc -
196 dir---- - - - -224 - - - - -Whetherly21/Whetherly21
197 abcgifpngpdfsvg - -1848 -John W Mitchell, ed. - - -Whetherly21.abc -
198 data---- - - - -78 - - - - -X -
199 data---- - - - -0 - - - - -Y -
200 data---- - - - -44 - - - - -Z -
201 data---- - - - -14 - - - - -_ -
202 data---- - - - -30 - - - - -_sep5x2 -
203 dir---- - - - -192 - - - - -fmt/fmt
204 data---- - - - -473 - - - - -fonts.fmt -
205 dir---- - - - -96 - - - - -gavving-bin/gavving-bin
206 dir---- - - - -16224 - - - - -misc/misc
207 ----- - - - -1429 - - - - -mktitlefiles* -
208 data---- - - - -96 - - - - -others -
209 abcgifpngpdfsvg - - - -96 - - - - -others.abc -
210 data---- - - - -30 - - - - -sep5x2 -
211 dir---- - - - -192 - - - - -sh/sh